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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Shortcut supper tonight: rotisserie chicken, MrP914's mashed potatoes, my customized Stovetop herbal stuffing, my customized McCormack gravy, and no-sugar-added NY cheesecake with fresh strawberries on top.
  2. Wait a minute...we looked at our notes from a previous repair visit for the washing machine. It said to reset the machine by unplugging, then replugging. Eureka! Better a broken down microwave than a nonworking washing machine. Phew!
  3. As we sit here waiting & waiting & waiting for the microwave repairmen...the washing machine stopped working. I hope this isn't an omen re: how the rest of my week will go.
  4. I read a few, got really emotional & then decided that I needed to avoid this site. Who needs to get all worked up over & over again, esp in 2020 (a year that will go down in infamy)!?!
  5. When I kept seeing the promos for Candyland starting Kristen Chenoweth, I thought, "How fitting!" KC and her treacly, high pitched voice will fit right in with all that sweet stuff. (Actually, I'm just criticizing that awful voice--she's really a nice person).
  6. I remember all the dept stores had special clothing sections: Husky for boys and Chubbette for girls. I never thought anything of it until I mentioned it to my stepdaughter (an eating disorder psychologist). She was horrified...and rightly so. It was truly thoughtless and cruel.
  7. I didn't realize they weren't supposed to give amounts. Alex is probably just used to doing that. Zakarian, I think, is of Armenian heritage. My sister's husband is as well and they just need to walk outside in the sun and are blessed with instant tans. As a matter of fact, GZ looks like he could be my BIL's brother.
  8. People say money is not the key to happiness, but I always figured if you had enough money, you can have a key made. And one more thought...money cannot buy you happiness, but I'd still feel a lot more comfortable crying in a new BMW than on a bike.
  9. Yum--everyone's food sounds so good. I'm making corn chowder for tonight's easy supper. Hey--good luck with the wedding, LucindaWalsh.
  10. Why is there still no Fleischmann's yeast packages in the baking section of supermarkets? Well, there's none here, I don't know about other towns. I'm sick of people buying up these groceries like there's no tomorrow (yeast, paper towels, TP, etc) and the warnings are out again about shortages. Really ticks me off.
  11. Good show today. They really need to keep this format. You truly get to see what/how they're cooking foods (which, IMO, wasn't *always* obvious when they were in the studio). Plus, as we've mentioned before, you get to see their real personalities (especially GZ--who knew he was such a nice guy? I sure didn't). The weird candy tryouts at the end were fun. I think I'll try Katie's kale salad & Jeff's apple sausage dish.
  12. We do feed the two squirrels living in a huge pine tree alongside the deck. Twice a day I toss out a few dry roasted, salt-free peanuts.
  13. I'm just hoping that everything's ok with C/B (I'm a worrier!) Watching the twins crash around the rink at breakneck speed was not inspiring, IMO, but yes, it was great to see Carreira and Ponomarenko. Their style reminds me of his parents' skating (+ he looks so much like his mother).
  14. Don Lemon. I avoid him (& Cuomo) like the plague. They're too much about themselves & not the topics they're covering. Watch ABC, CBS or NBC nightly broadcast for basic (nonlocal) news.
  15. Well, that's a shocker. I hope this marriage works out for Katia. In other news, a cookbook featuring recipes donated by a wide variety of skaters is going on sale (no idea $) as a fundraiser for the 1961 team memorial. They provide a list of the skaters who donated: Chock & Bates, Natalia Mishkutenok, Caryn Kadavy, Elvis S. & wife, Nathan Barthalamay, Scott Hamilton, Kitty Caruthers, Carla Urbanski, and others. Reading the list was like old home week. Most I never heard of. Sorry I don't have all the info here.
  16. I bought a squirrel proof bird feeder about 8 years ago and it works. They're too heavy for the little levers that birds perch on (that open the doors for birds to access seeds). Our residents squirrels tried to access the feeder for several years (& several generations!) before they *finally* got the message. Then...the raccoons discovered the feeder. We now have some humongo raccoons in our little cul de sac. They must be getting stuff at other houses as well as ours. We see them late at night, perched on the deck rail, munching away. When we rap on the sliding glass door, the muncher swivels around and glares at us with that special look that says, "*what* do you want!?!" Raccoons are so fortunate to have those little hand-like paws. The raccoon pulls the feeder towards him/her, cleverly presses down the perch, and hoover's away for a long time (while the other raccoons patiently wait their turn). But this feeder truly is squirrel proof 😁🦝💪
  17. I agree. Cannot have pink inside a burger and yet I like my steak medium.
  18. I've been cooking with Mural of Flavor on everything for years. It's from Penzeys. Stews, soups, casseroles, chops, burgers, etc. Even those frozen meals in a bag (Bertolli). I talked about it so much that my friends started using it.
  19. So which network news do you think highly of?
  20. Skate America weekend reminded me of the old days. Put everything on hold! I gotta watch my favorite sport. Back in the Dick Button days, this much skating time was normal. Speaking of DB, I can still "hear" him making comments when skaters did things that drove him nuts. "Hanging laundry" when a skater's arms kept flying up throughout the program. "Looks like a broken leg" when a layback spin was done improperly. I'd love to hear his comments re: current skaters' skills. A lot of skate fans thought he was too harsh. But at the next event, those skaters who were singled out returned with improved skating skills.
  21. Starr Andrews??? I wonder why they didn't get Amber Glenn. Oh well...it's good to have this competition since we're not getting Skate Canada this year (or the event in France). Nice to see Ilia Malinin and Audrey Shin competing.
  22. Well, if something momentous happens, CNN is the network I put on immediately. I think they do a good job of covering the news, especially Jim Acosta, Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer.
  23. Whitney Houston's voice has always been fingernails on a blackboard - so high pitched and sharp. Queen (and I certainly didn't see the movie as I knew I'd have a hard time listening to them). Just too irritating. Jennifer Lopez. Nasally voice. One time I saw her and her ex-husband singing together at an awards show. She began singing first, a few bars. Then her ex started singing and it was such a shock, the difference...hearing a real, gifted singing voice. She should've been ashamed to be on the same stage with him. Johnny Cash. That voice, IMO, is like mud. It was tough watching the Ken Burns country music special as Cash dominated almost the whole damn series. ABBA. I never really appreciated their music until I saw Mamma Mia. The cast singing ABBA songs made those songs come alive. I think it was the two female singers' operatic voices that turned me off...way too OTT soprano. Wish I'd purchased the musical's soundtrack.
  24. Curried shrimp on basmati rice.
  25. Lucky!!! How does one get to do that?
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