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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Accidentally called 911. Set my house on fire to not look stupid. We live in an age where mentioning you read a book seems a little bit like you're showing off. I'm reading a horror story in Braille. Something bad is about to happen...I can feel it. That awkward moment when you're in a meeting and your stomach decides to sound like a dying whale.
  2. Wow...reading about how people got into soap operas way too much was sad. I remember many years ago, when my sister had her first baby, she started watching soaps (this is way back): Secret Storm, Love Is A Many Splendored Thing, The Guiding Light, and Edge of Night. I was not yet out of college, not working so I'd babysit or visit and we'd watch together. All these characters did was sit around a living room or kitchen, drink coffee, and talk about members of their families whose lives weren't quite perfect. And then...I got hooked! I scheduled everything around "my soaps". Finally I started working and that was the end of my soap opera addiction. But I can't imagine getting so into it that I'd klonk "Roger" on the head if I saw him on the streets of Manhattan!
  3. I didn't click on an ad but I wrote down the name of the company (anniecloth) and went to their website via Google. I ordered a pair of casual khaki pants w/ banded ankle--very cute. I thought the company was in England. The pants were too voluminous & I wanted to return them. I was instructed to ship them to an address in China. Sheesh. I still have them. Learned my lesson.
  4. Now this sounds delicious! Thanks for the tip.
  5. Yup...I too think the Hamptons kitchen was remodeled. I was leery of the croutons until her husband said the same thing (he said they *didn't* taste of bacon grease but were buttery). That intrigued me. I wonder if I could get the same results placing a roasting chicken on the croutons? I only got to see Katie & Sunny as our daughter called. Think I can catch a repeat tomorrow at 1:00. I'm really enjoying this "new" show!
  6. Shrimp & Pasta salad. It's my version of Ina's Lobster and Pasta (small shells). I put it on Boston lettuce and placed papaya slices along the side. Very good and a nice change. Next time I'll cut back a teence on the fresh lemon juice.
  7. So who is the mystery person doing her camera work? I never heard her mention this person. As a matter of fact, I don't know who's taping Alex either. All of the camera people do a great job, though...wives, fiances, husbands, etc.
  8. I can't stand abbreviations as well as shortened words. When my sister lived in NC, she'd refer to her county as JoCo (Johnston County). Here in the metro DC area, people call the Kennedy Center the KenCen. Makes me wanna grind my teeth! Awww gee...after thinking about the chickens, I'm so sad. Better go hunt for some new jokes.
  9. I saw a video several years ago that showed chickens with huge breasts teetering on their spindly legs. What kept them from toppling over was the overcrowded cages. I really don't like buying these oversized chicken breasts. Years ago, maybe around 2005-ish, I bought a 3.5 lb chicken, roasted it, and when I began to carve the chicken, there was no breast meat. That poor animal wasn't able to get enough food while alive. I still kick myself for not taking it back to the supermarket and showing it to the manager (it was a store I rarely shopped at so maybe I didn't feel comfortable doing that??) I wonder why PETA isn't going after these poultry farms.
  10. Viewers who have only recently started watching the BC (in the last two years) have no idea what they're missing...and why the show was so loved. I'm glad to still have Ina cooking on TV, but so much is now missing. Being out in the garden picking herbs, setting the table, arranging flowers after stopping off at Michael's shop, cooking dinner & delivering to a friend, etc. The pandemic can't be blamed cause the new style of BC came to be a few years ago. Guess I got spoiled back in the glorious day.
  11. Two episodes ago, KL very briefly mentioned they had redone their kitchen...I almost didn't catch it. But watching someone cook with her hair & clothes blowing in the wind is not appealing to me. Other than that, The Kitchen is now my favorite cooking show (sorry, Ina).
  12. Hmmm...I had one of those teachers in 5th grade. Today, she would be fired. If someone didn't answer fast enough, she'd say, "You're slower than molasses going uphill in the middle of January". She'd call some kids, "Poo poo steamboat". Nasty subhuman.
  13. Wasn't that pathetic, obnoxious, ridiculous, whatever?!? I felt like shouting, "Alright already'". And, if her kitchen is being renovated, why not mention that? With the weather getting colder (not this week, but when they were taping), and she did mention the wind, how much longer can she be outside? Strange. Wow. Guest editor. Who knew? ~snort~
  14. Until the chicken sandwich came along, I'd order wings cause, bad girl that I am, I wanted more crunch than meat. I think I'll try tenders next...Cajun mustard sounds good. Hey...that spicy mayo is hot! Last time I got the sandwich I know I said "classic" and isn't that the non-hot version? I came home and scraped as much of it off as I could. Was still delicious.
  15. I've been sick of frickin' football owning TV for decades. And when they mic'd the damn whistles...I went nuts. All weekend long this crap exists--college on Saturday, pro on Sunday.
  16. I'm going to make KL's chicken bolognese..it looked good, evaporated milk and all. When Alex made her popovers, it reminded me of making them one Xmas season and filling them with peppermint ice cream, drizzling fudge sauce all over them. Yum!!
  17. A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.
  18. Why is Keegan skating for Canada? He really did look good in his LP!! I liked how he'd turn around in the K&C to show support for his teammates.
  19. Aww... that's so nice, CALLIE LEE 29. Thank you. A neighbor just gave me a few packets + I'm going to order from Amazon. So now I'm ok & can bake some bread.
  20. The devil whispered to me, “I’m coming for you.” I whispered back, “Bring pizza.” Chocolate is God’s way of telling us he likes us a little bit chubby.
  21. Me: (sobbing my heart out, eyes were swollen, nose red)…I can’t see you anymore. I am not going to let you hurt me like this again. Trainer: It was a sit up. You did one sit up. ***************************************************************************************************************************************** Having plans sounds like a good idea until you have to put on clothes and leave the house.
  22. I just got home from Safeway where I bought a Bertolli dinner that I'll gussy up, some flowers, and a bottle of Prosecco. The griller was too tired after raking all day so I cut him some slack. Will start watching the news at 4--maybe that's when I should open the Prosecco :^)
  23. What's also amazing is how strong they both are & *have* to be considering their similar heights. I wonder if the visual of that, though, will prevent them from attaining the top of the podium.
  24. I know...that's what I did when I read it. I figured we all need a good laugh tonight.
  25. “Just before I die, I am going to swallow a bag of popcorn kernels. My cremation is going to be epic!” “When life shuts a door … open it again. It’s a door. That’s how they work.”
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