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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Lucky!!! How does one get to do that?
  2. Maybe I'm weird, but I liked having the cardboard cutouts (and the recorded applause). It would've been awful without them. I really didn't notice them much. I thought I saw that the Russian event was still on. I wonder if any Americans will go.
  3. Don't you hate it when someone answers their own question? I do.
  4. I previously posted this joke on my facebook page and "friends" thought I really had a death in the family! I believe it originally was "my dad" and I changed that (thank goodness!).
  5. My uncle died when we couldn't remember his blood type. As he died, he kept insisting for us to "be positive," but it's hard without him.
  6. What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus? "Can I hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand?"
  7. We did too. A few weeks ago I had an 8:00 AM dental appt and was driving over there around 7:30 AM. All of a sudden, WHOOSH! A small red car came out of nowhere and flew past me (I was on a state highway but in the city outskirts). He had to have been going 100 mph. I wish the police would concentrate more on catching these jerks. Where do these people get the idea that the roads are theirs to do as they please?
  8. My pet peeve (and this may be the second time I've mentioned it) is the obnoxious car commercials aimed at the young and thoughtless, like Toyota's commercials shown over and over ad nausem Friday and Saturday during Skate America. It shows 20 somethings, male and female, racing each other in SUV's in a downtown area and on a highway while Hey Ya is playing (and now the song is stuck in my brain). There have been other car commercials recently (I'm thinking BMW but not positive) that also show speeding, not watching the road, having a great ol' time. All I can think is pretty soon we'll be dealing with these airheads having fun with their new cars as we try to avoid them hitting us. Why are these car ads, showing irresponsible drivers, allowed on TV?
  9. Remember, if you lose a sock in the dryer, it comes back as a Tupperware lid that doesn't fit any of your containers. If you're sitting in public and a stranger takes the seat next to you, just stare straight ahead and say, "Did you bring the money?"
  10. I finally saw the weeknight warrior episode today. Everyone's food looked good. Of course I enjoyed watching a chef make veggie/cheese quesadillas the way I do--including a dollop of sour cream on top. I should let Alex know that homemade salsa is good on top of that sour cream.
  11. A maybe replacement for Tab *might* be Zero Coke. I dislike Diet Coke as it always tastes watery to me. But I was never a Tab fan--so who knows if Zero will be an ok replacement.
  12. For some reason, I like it more now than I did years ago. Plus, after listening for several hours to some of the dreck skaters use, it's a welcome relief. I was even glad to hear the old war horses, Carmen & Rachmaninov, tonight.
  13. Just some thoughts: it's strange, but I found myself watching pairs last night after a long gap. I used to love pairs (back in the Natalia/Artur, Sale/Pelletier days) but it got boring to me later on. Last night's programs were fine, despite bobbles, cause this has not been a typical training year for any of the skaters (all disciplines). Interesting to see Max Naumov, son of Shishkova and Naumov (remember those day?). The music at this competition has mostly irritated me, esp the men's SP (excluding Vincent's & Nathan's--they were the highlights). Just now though I have to admit it was wonderful to hear Carmen during K/O's LP and Rachmaninov during Cain/Leduc's LP. Yes!!! Knierem/Frazier win gold and after only training together since last spring? They looked so solid and steady.
  14. I like the syrup with Texas Pete and chopped bacon--yum!! Good luck with getting through the wedding. They're fun but a lot of work.
  15. I had a Monte Cristo sandwich many years ago at the Readers Digest company cafeteria (summer job). I loved it but don't recall the toast being sweet (like French toast). I'm going to make a similar sandwich, but closer to a grilled cheese with turkey & ham. All I need is some turkey.
  16. Well, I must not have been paying close attention this morning. I didn't realize those were Hawaiian rolls--too sweet for me. They're almost a dessert! But I like the idea of Buffalo chicken in a roll. Think I'll look around for a similar recipe that calls for homemade rolls. I *was* paying attention during Alex's segment & was stunned that she was using French toast to make her sandwich. My arteries started clogging just from watching those sammies being made.
  17. Jeff & Lorenzo need their own "cooking & whatnot" show. That kid is a-dorable. I missed GZ's demo (having laptop worked on) in preparing his focaccia but it looked good. Need to try that. I might try Sunny's Buffalo chicken rolls just because I'm intrigued by Buffalo chicken.
  18. Thanks. I just checked the onscreen schedule and our local NBC affiliate now shows skating. Yay!!
  19. Thanks for this link. I really like Mariah and her skating. Her style reminds me of the good ol' days when we just naturally expected top athletic skills along with stunning artistry & got them both. The sport has moved on, though. So I think I'll be looking at ice dance after MB retires to get my artistic skating fix--unless some quad queen/king emerges whose *artistry* will take my breath away.
  20. It looks like I'll only get to see skating tonight, from 8 PM--midnight. And tomorrow from 9PM--midnight. Does that sound right to everyone who gets NBCSN (but not Peacock)? Isn't there anything on regular NBC? I keep thinking I'm missing out on something.,
  21. Was the dated looking kitchen sort of beige/dark cream colors? I was surprised to see a top chef's home kitchen looking so dowdy.
  22. Adios, azztros and yeah...hope the door hits ya really hard on your way out.
  23. I've noticed this & wonder if Anderson is trying to talk too fast. Back in the late 90's, I noticed a change in the way the 20 & 30 somethings talked...waaayyy too fast. And the females were chirping (only way to describe it). The speedy talkers were talking so fast they were verbally stumbling over their words. He just needs to slow down. The host who annoys me is Erin Burnett. She's smart and knows what she's doing. But her way too long hair is hanging all over the place plus, Erin seems to be huddling and sometimes almost mumbling (that might be due to the long hair & hunching over). It's always made me uncomfortable so I rarely watch her show.
  24. Mounds, Almond Joy, and Chocolate Kisses are the only candies I'll eat. Sometimes I like to eat them with a chilled Granny Smith apples.
  25. Wow...I *loved* those beans & spaetzle. The sauce made the difference. I'm sad to say that no supermarket in my area is selling B&M baked beans in the little brown glass jars. They were the real deal, IMO, of Boston baked beans. I emailed the company & was told some stores outside my area are still carrying them. Guess I'll have to go on a road trip one of these days to stock up. Even the B&M beans sold in cans just aren't quite right.
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