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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. What kind of mother tells her 9 year old that they're 1/2 way done raising her? Sounds like Jill can't wait for the day she boots her out of the barndo! Does that mean Phillip is no longer being "raised" by BME & DBD and can now make his own decisions? Ha! Not likely!
  2. I'm impressed by all of your pretty trees. We usually put ours up on the Friday after Thanksgiving, but I threw my back out on Friday and it's still killing me. I didn't go put the guest rooms back to normal until yesterday and it made my improving back flare up again. I'm so frustrated by the pain. It hurts to get in and out of chairs, but walking is ok. Speaking of cats, mine puked near his bowl last night (apparently) and I slipped on it first thing this morning. I really can't wait to feel better! Thank goodness for my sleep number bed. I can get comfy there, so I sleep ok. I just found out one of my cousins is on a ventilator. He and his medically fragile wife have had a bad bout of Covid. Yet she's being discharged and he's still on the vent. 😔 I sure hope he recovers.
  3. I would probably look at her hands, if only to see how many layers of nail polish she's wearing!
  4. We had a lovely Thanksgiving with our houseful of guests! Unfortunately, I threw out my back on Friday afternoon (not sure what did it!). I was still able to make it to the lighting of our town square with all of our kids & grandkids. It was beautiful and walking doesn't hurt my back except if I walk on uneven ground. Anyway, it's improving and didn't completely put me out of the fun. We usually put the tree up the Friday after Tday, but that didn't happen this year. I've got a ton of bedding to wash and cots to put away before we drag out more stuff. I'm thankful to be retired! As for the looking at men discussion, I agree about firemen. I also always enjoyed seeing cute guys doing roadwork on hot, summer days. I agree that bed head and forearms are attractive. Fundie philosphy seems to be that only men are attracted to the opposite sex. Women look and assess as well! We even look at asses and assess! 😉
  5. I watched the video and I didn't think Austin was that big of a dick about it. It was late and he was tired, plus his idiot father had already ruined the surprise, which probably affected his reaction. I do think his Dad was a huge dick to do that when Joy really wanted to surprise her husband. My old boss, who was definitely not fundie, bleached the heck out of her hair (and likely still does) in order to please her husband's love of blonde hair. So it's not just fundie women who do their hair the way the husband likes. I do think Joy's hair is healthy and the cut was very nice. I predict she'll grow it back though.
  6. I remember seeing the previous owner's (or tenant's) glasses on the bathroom counter.
  7. Clearly Jill has keys to J&K's place. My worst nightmare would be to come back from my honeymoon to Jill's disastrous decorating of MY home. She's a nightmare that never ends.
  8. I woke up at 5am. Came out to find my kitty in my chair. He didn't seem to want to move, so here I sit in a secondary chair, with my coffee on the wrong side of me. Happy Thanksgiving to my geezer kitty, lol. The tables are all set. My daughter made a beautiful Happy Thanksgiving sign with her Cricut. It's all peaceful and quiet and too early to start cooking. I love this time of day! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Small Talkers. Our hearts are full with love and gratitude, tinged with sadness for those who are no longer with us. Love and peace to all. ❤️
  9. Thinking of you and your family, @lookeyloo. Hugs! We're gradually getting ready to host Thanksgiving. It helps to be retired, because all the bedmaking and vacuuming and dusting and food shopping etc. wears us out! Today we washed all the china and silver and brought in the two extra tables we'll need. I looked at paper cloths for the extra tables and decided not to spend the money when an inevitable spill could ruin it, so I got out 2 very 40-50s tablecloths. I can't remember where I got them, but they are very vintage looking. I washed and ironed them for the big day. Tomorrow we cook some of the sides. We'll have all of our kids and grandkids here and I can't wait! I picked up a new CandyLand and a puzzle, so the 3 yo twins will have something to do. Due to Covid, they haven't been here since they were babies, so I'm guessing they'll also get into the GI Joes and American Girl dolls and some other toys left over from my kids. It's all new to them! I hope every small talker has a beautiful Thanksgiving Day. It's my favorite holiday. No gifts to buy, just lots of good food and conversation! 🦃
  10. Everything Jill does, from the way they dress, make-up, decorating, singing & musical performances is suitable for Pinterest "Nailed It" posts. Always good for a laugh!
  11. Is that the only place there is for those kids to play? I remember one of them playing with a ladder in there. Their home is so weird. Jill made sure to make her room and the lr (with the tv hidden behind the map for hypocrisy's sake) and the guest room fairly comfortable. The kids' rooms are too crowded for play and the kids don't seem to have any toys anyway, so the firetrap room with the printing stuff is their playroom, I guess.
  12. Newman as a name for a Rodrigues/Keller offspring - someone posted on Reddit that their dog is named "Newman" and that they say Seinfeld-like, "Hello Newman" about 400X a day. Alas, poor Newman Christian will never be the recipient of that hilarity, since his parents are clueless about the name they just gave N2. #stillbeatsSpurgeon
  13. Re Spurge - shouldn't we have seen a video of a week of Jessa walking by & tossing him an Amazon box? You know, making his birthday week special with the least possible effort?!
  14. Ben is all in on this infomercial - no anger or disdain evident. I think Jessa being early pregnant is a definite possibility.
  15. I bet Jill really does miss Kaylee, but not half as much as Renee, who is running Jill's house on her own now. I hope Renee can escape soon and that she doesn't become the Rod version of Jana Duggar.
  16. Thanks for the info on the post credit scene. I went back and watched it and I thought it kind of cheapened the series. It makes absolutely no sense that that conversation would take place in a room where conversations are recorded. A lot of the actions in this series made no sense. For example, what happened to the wife was not a surprise at all. Excited people who back into the street on tv, always meet that end! I enjoyed the conversations b/w Stanley Tucci and the inmate with the photographic memory. David Tennant was perfectly cast as the vicar. In summary, I found some of it compelling and some of it annoying. I probably wouldn't have stuck it out if it wasn't for the fact that there were only 4 episodes.
  17. It looks that way. Poor Israel. I thought he really liked school. Since they're in a new place, that would have been a great way for him to make friends. I'm disappointed.
  18. I saw the pic Jill posted of Ma's black eye. Jill is a horrid person, with such weird ideas about child rearing and "honoring" her father and mother. She's really an awful person. ETA: Also? The only thing that probably bothers Jill about Ma's black eye pic is that her hair is a mess and she's not wearing a gallon of face paint. The black eye means nothing to Jill.
  19. So she films it and posts it, but won't answer questions about what happened? Sounds about right! At least Ben was comforting the poor kid.
  20. I have the impression that Erin is trying to convince herself that she is excited about this move. It's a huge change for her. She's never been far from her family and she has always been one that seems to be favored by her parents. I also think that Chad is pushing for this and since it's still country-ish, with land for the animals and kids, plus a bigger house, that she's trying to be happy about it. I think she'd be happier with a bigger place close to family. I'll be surprised if they stay in FL for long. I don't know about disagreements with her sisters and obviously, I don't really know what is in her heart. I just didn't pick up on true excitement from her re this move.
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