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Everything posted by anna0852

  1. Is this a good slot? I don't know enough to judge.
  2. Well that ended up being just about what I thought it would. I was very much hoping that Ziva would survive though. Bishop really should burn that desk, as someone up thread suggested. I am starting to get a little concerned about their habit of killing off female characters. I know that story line is fanfic-y but I'm still a sucker for it. Mostly because I'm going to blushingly admit I started one years ago, after the Paris episode, whereby there was an 'oops' named Tali. I had them as co-parents though and I never got past a couple pages. Is it bad that I've already got bits of fanfic rolling around in my head?
  3. This was a great movie but a hard watch. I just kept cringing as all these well intentioned people who respect each other and want to do good in the world are being torn apart. I hope that these wounds can heal but I fear they won't. I wonder what Thor is going to say. Or Banner or Fury.
  4. In show time she's only 3 months or so. Those dresses she wears would easily hide it.
  5. I think Beverly's disdain for her husband didn't really kick in until he had an affair. And while I'm not a fan of infidelity, having met Beverly I think Albert was justified in that one.
  6. I get it, about the TV house interior thing. They need a certain amount of space to film and more entrances/exits (like stairs in the kitchen) allow for more movement. I just wish more care was take to match the exterior establishing shot to the practical interior needed.
  7. That is something that has occurred to me before. What happens when someone with high security clearance and knowledge of Very Secret Things develops dementia? How is that handled to maintain national security/secrecy?
  8. How did she not notice it was the maintenance worker when she crawled into the casket? That's a heck of a spot check to fail.
  9. Well maybe. But she should have had more sense than to make that her first question. I have a hard time believing that in all her years in the East End that this is SJ's first time dealing with women who are victims of violence, sexual and otherwise. While the subject of being alone on the streets might need to be raised, it could have waited at least a bit. I'm not convinced that the young mother (can't remember her name) wasn't raped. It's not that I don't think a brutal beating wouldn't result in trauma but the way she was acting made me think there was something more. Even if she'd walked a few steps from the pram just to clear her head, I can't see how a non-sexual assault would make her so reluctant to go to the police.
  10. Ah but we did get some victim blaming, from Sister Julienne no less! The first thing she said to MC was not 'are you okay' or 'what can I do' but rather 'why were you cycling alone'. Rather stood out, since clearly the nuns and nurses hasn't been told to stay in pairs or anything. Trixie had no issues cycling off with the ambulance or with MC coming home on her own.
  11. Oh I know! I really meant that sometimes it really hits me that I've been watching this through a 2016 lense. And watching far too many CBS crime dramas.
  12. Was anyone else thinking that Barbara and Cynthia were destroying evidence as they cleaned those wounds?
  13. I would absolutely love to see Penny's family giving a big old 'we love Leonard, you have no idea what you missed out on' f-you to Beverly.
  14. While I'm not fond of Beverly and was hoping Penny would be telling her off more, I have to say loved the game Penny and Sheldon were playing at the beginning. Both teaching the other what they know!
  15. I have to say, I loved seeing Delia sending Sister MJ to get someone at the Maternity Home for help. Turns out MJ can listen and follow directions if you're firm enough.
  16. If they aren't connected, then Director Vance should be removed. There are some serious security issues under his watch.
  17. I thought for sure the show would end with Kensi being revealed as pregnant. But I do think it could still happen. They usually shoot a couple of shows for the new season while wrapping the old one and an announcement could easily be worked into next season premiere. The second episode of the season usually involves at least a slight time skip. This could account for her suddenly showing a lot more and have the baby show up in time for November sweeps. As well as accounting for real life leave needed by the actress.
  18. Wow I got mentioned by name! Strong episode. Was nice to not end the season on a cliffhanger. Kind of weak explanation for Michelle's absence but since her actress is a regular on Quantico, I doubt we'll see her again anytime soon unless they re-cast. As far as Aiden's age goes, it feels about right. We didn't see him in the flesh until Humbug in Season 6 and he was a teenager at that point, already attending the military school. However this was the first concrete confirmation we've had that he is Michelle's child. Up until now they've been a little vague about that, especially given the age different between him and Kam (the younger daughter). I had assumed that Aiden was Sam's child from a previous relationship. It's only been in the last couple of season that the show has solidified how many children Sam has, along with their ages and names.
  19. I plan to order the blue ray off PBS soon to see the cut scenes.
  20. That's about it. Can the antibiotics that are used to treat an acute infection also be used to clear the bacteria from the carrier's system as well?
  21. Howard, the term you were looking for with Raj is humblebrag. And it's super annoying.
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