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Everything posted by anna0852

  1. David certainly has his moments but then I have to remember he was a teenager coming from a really shitty home. You don't learn what you don't see. That doesn't mean I think his behavior is okay but I understand where it is coming from.
  2. He took their possesions without their permission. If I do that with someones car or computer or jewelry, it doesn't matter if I tell them later where it is. It's still theft.
  3. I think Bernadette will take care of that for them once she's off bedrest. She volatile at the best of times and doesn't like Sheldon that much to begin with.
  4. Sheldon owes Howard, Raj and Leonard the amount of money that bitcoin would have been worth. There's no way Mr. Eidetic Memory doesn't know the amount. This is one of the most dickish things Sheldon has ever done and that is saying something. This wasn't him being quirky or weird. It was outright theft.
  5. I would love to have the show back on my screens. I thought it was one of the best I've ever seen and I just adored seeing Peggy on my screen every week. Between her and Dottie, I thought they had the beginnings of something really special. And I would have just loved watching her setup shield and her rise to power within it.
  6. If YouTube wasn't prepared for this drop, for a movie 10 years in the making with a *rabid* fanbase, then YouTube is incredibly short-sighted.
  7. Trailer views are now at 24 million.
  8. There are three hot Chris's in this movie. I may choke on my own drool.
  9. Not just Thor! I can't wait to see the Guardians with the rest of the crew. Turn Rocket and Tony loose in a lab! Send Gamora through one of Dr. Stranges portal-thingies (I didn't see that movie, I only know him from Ragnarok)! Try to explain Groot! Let Valkaryie loose with Nat, Maria, Gamora and Nebula!
  10. If anybody wants answers to whether or not Hulk ever goes back to Banner and if Loki took the Tesseract, then go check out the Infinity Wars trailer. It will answer both questions.
  11. Hoooooooooly shhhhhhiiiiiiiitttttttt!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I think 'riot' is far too mild. Actual world-ending revolution might be a better choice.
  13. As much as I want to criticize for showing Diane dealing with PMS, I also know that at 11 those hormones are seriously out of whack. To me it's actually pretty true to life that she's mood swinging hard at that age. I know mine has gotten much better with age but I was a demon during puberty.
  14. If we're going to include Natalie, then we need Gwyneth, Emily, Cate, Kat and Marissa.
  15. That is an awesome picture. I want to see all of them plus Cobie, Elizabeth, Hayley, Jaime, Chloe and Ming-Na. Am I missing anyone?
  16. I don't think so. There are multiple promo pics from the upcoming Christmas episode that have her in full profile and she looks like she always does.
  17. Holy mother freaking crap! I need to see this movie now. And if they don't attach a trailer to Last Jedi, I might scream. May cannot get here soon enough!
  18. Legally they have to protect Bernadette's job. However that doesn't mean that her projects can't be farmed out to keep their momentum going and depending on the prestige of the projects and where they are in their development when she comes back, she may be starting from scratch in new areas. I get how that would be irritating to her but at the same time she sounds like a nightmare of a co-worker and if I was one of the people covering for her I would absolutely be scrambling on those projects to get them as far ahead as possible so that she would be reassigned.
  19. I can actually see that. That mindset of driving it home to Jo in every way that he thinks he is better than her, smarter, and superior to her in every way. That's one of the reasons I'd love to see him tangling with Meredith or Bailey. That abuser personality won't be able to take having women tell him what to do or where to go.
  20. I would really like to think that if Bailey hired him, she'd be backtracking real quick when she finds out the backstory. I can actually give her a pass on hiring him as Jo has not exactly made her background known anyone beyond Alex and Meredith. Nor has she shared the name of that husband either. Bailey legitimately wouldn't have a way of knowing but I would hope that she would terminate the contract as soon as she found out.
  21. What I really want to see when we pick up again in January is Jo getting support from her coworkers about Paul. Not just Alex but other people. Like Bailey bluntly telling him to get away from her residents, they have work to do or Meredith informing him that she owns the hospital and he can leave now. Not the Jo can't stand up for herself but it would be really nice to see some support from her colleagues as well.
  22. I would imagine it probably takes place after infinity War. It'd be very hard to release Infinity war and then bring out another movie that supposedly happened beforehand without it being very clearly a different era. I would imagine also that Paul Rudd was under a massive embargo not to breathe a word of Infinity Wars while doing this press.
  23. Very strong episode! I don't know that this is the storyline I would have picked for the 200 but not the worst either. Many many different threads being drawn together. Story-wise I'm glad to see that Kensi is still struggling with what happened in Syria. Just because she's made a physical recovery doesn't mean that it's gone away mentally and emotionally. And it's very clear to the people around her, given the warnings that she could speak to the guy but could not touch him. Man Sam is in a place we've never seen him before. They're handling that fairly deftly I thought. An element of humor for sure but definitely letting us see how deeply Sam is hurt. And a role reversal for him and Callen as well. I do like Callens method of dealing with the hangover though.
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