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Everything posted by alexa

  1. Not to tell you what to do, but though it is true about the backs of the seats, that is where the seats with the back attached come in (this is if you are actually talking about booster seats and not talking about actual carseats for the younger ones--because those definitely have backs and should be used).... so if you have a booster with a back, not just the part they sit on, the seat is safe as long as the child's head is not above the back of the booster seat. My son's seat can have the back, or not, and we found for his age and size it is best to keep the back on as the seatbelt feeds and stays better where it is supposed to, versus taking the back off, and it seems to not stay in the right place quite as easily. Taking this back to Ryan and his use of carseats so as to remain on topic...I do think that there is something about kids getting older and people think they don't need them, or try to rush them out of the seats...which I don't get. Booster seats are so simple, whether they have the back or not, and it is just a good safety measure for those under 4' 9".
  2. Hated this episode. I feel like it has taken a step backwards from a few episodes that we had late fall where we finally got away from Rob's character just being annoying. He was actually a little funny, and not constantly in his brother's way. I am so tired of him thinking his brother should house him, employ him, kiss his ass, etc, and acting like a child that doesn't get his way. It is so old for me. I thought they were moving on from that, but according to the recent episode, not so...
  3. In many states, state law doesn't actually cover safety issues with their lax laws. The idea of the booster is to get the seatbelt to rest on the child in the correct place for safety purposes. Most children Bentley's age, even if tall like my own son, requires a booster to truly be safe with the use of the seatbelts in the car. Some states do it right by requiring a fairly tall height before boosters are not required any longer. A state law that goes by pounds is kind of missing the point. And 30 pounds is very low.... I find that to be a very lax law, and doesn't have anything to do with height. Very odd that they came up with that, imo.
  4. I felt like 2 of the beds--I don't know the contestant names yet--just looked like plain ole' beds. I think they should have been on the bottom simply for not really trying to do anything. I get why the bottom 2 were in the bottom 2, but at the same time, at least they tried. And there is probably someone out there that would really like them. I agree about that awful black with the gold leaf bed looking like a thing of the past. It reminded me of the 80s waterbeds. Awful, and should have been near the bottom. Sad really that it wasn't.
  5. They definitely need to not have people that overtake the show like those 2 comedians. I just found it too much and it diverted away from actual Bachelor topics that could have been interesting.
  6. I think on the aftershow Maci explained the situation with Ryan well. She wants Ryan to want to spend time with Bentley, not because everyone else wants him to be a part of his life, but because he truly shows he wants to. And based on the footage we see, he doesn't show any enthusiasm with his son, which is just odd. Bentley is a super cute and fun little boy, and also appears very smart. Who wouldn't want to spend time with him... Ryan is a young dad who is the perfect age for enjoying time with him, and Bentley is at the perfect age as well. It is really sad actually. I just can't buy his random proclamations of wanting time with his son anymore...he just has proven over and over he doesn't care enough, unfortunately. As for everyone's discussions on Amber and Matt...I totally agree. The laziness, lack of employment for either one of them, etc, is just simply crazy. Matt could at least have a job...I get that Amber might be home for the cameras, but Matt doesn't need to be sitting on the couch with her. They are so lazy.
  7. I felt that way too. I felt for him. Kids like their dependable routine, and if you are going to change it up... do it right and make it fun. Don't come late, cause him to be uncomfortable, which also leads to him knowing his mom will understandably be upset. He trusts his mom, and feels comfortable with her... he doesn't want to be put in the position of being left at school and also be a part of something that would upset her. If asked he would probably say he doesn't want his dad picking him up or dropping him off at school at this point.
  8. I forgot to comment on Amber.... it really is too much that on the rare times that she has Leah that she can't set an alarm and get up to spend time with her. Most parents are either woken up, wake up, or set an alarm to rise with their children at some point. I have been doing this for years on the weekends...I sleep a little past my normal weekday time but get up at a reasonable time (way before 10) on the weekends. If she can't prove she would be willing to take care of her child in the mornings than she can't prove to me that she wants her child living there at all. It is not like her life is so taxing that she needs the extra rest.
  9. Wow, that really was somewhat of an interesting episode. I find it odd that Amber is overly quiet for several days, gets a rose, and then suddenly decides to insert herself where she doesn't belong? She really made herself look bad in front of Ben, and I am sure she is feeling stupid about now. It is one thing if she wanted to go talk to Jubilee on her own, but the way she was going to force her on everyone (when even they were like, what are you doing??) was just too much. It was clear she was upset (Jubilee), and wasn't really in any mood to be harrassed by a ton of tacky women. I really liked how Ben took to her on the date (even though she won't be the one at the end). That was more real than most dates that have taken place on the Bachelor. And how he really stood up to her, and could see that she hadn't really done anything to cause the girls to be so hard on her. There is a huge difference between her and Olivia and they really should see that. I am sure Ben does now after her cankles talk...what an idiot.
  10. I also think it would be even more scary if he isn't normally the one to pick him up. You would know that your mom isn't coming, and then wondering if your dad forgot (esp since Ryan is late and forgetful a lot).
  11. I have a different take on this, I guess. Chris was very much not in agreement with Olivia's behavior and stated that he thinks Ben would also want someone with integrity and it would matter to him if someone wasn't treating others appropriately. I thought that in general he expressed that it does matter how they act with other people. When asked about himself he just reiterated something that Ben already said (when deciding on giving another rose to Olivia he had said he tries to go with his heart at the moment versus thinking of other factors), and said that in his season he felt he had to go with what was happening in the moment, and it would be hard to factor in a lot of other things. Plus in his season, part of the reason he did dump Britt was because of how she acted around the others, especially at one of those later group dates. I think Ben is better as well, but I disagree that they are much different in this aspect.... I think they both want women that are kind to other people, and it does matter to them.
  12. I admit I multitasked while watching this, but nothing about it grabbed me at all. I think it is mainly that very few of the characters interest me, or when they have the potential to do so they act like idiots. I really have to give this one up. I don't know why I keep watching.
  13. I feel like Maci should be smart enough to know why it isn't a good idea to allow this "marriage" storyline on TV. So, now if he actually proposes after all of this embarrassing discussion she has participated in (that awkward dinner conversation where she could have blown off the topic versus making herself look bad by making her boyfriend uncomfortable).... if he proposes at some point everyone will think he felt forced into it. Not that he actually wanted to. That is the key...the best proposals are those where the guy thinks of it on his own, and can feel like he chose to. There is nothing romantic about a proposal after what has happened so far this season. Sure I can understand why she wonders why he hasn't.... but don't put that out there in public! I don't know too many men that would know what to do with the pressure she has created for him.
  14. I thought it was nice how Ben took the time to do extra things for the girls that had no dates and to basically also tell them he felt comfortable with them (had fewer questions about them). I thought he handled the one with children so well. He went out of his way to make her comfortable, and seemed very accepting of it. She also seems like a joyful mother...not just one that was using that in a way to get the bachelor. I thought the one that wore the rose on her head the first night just keeps looking so much older than she probably is. She seems like she is 20 years older than the other women. Very odd.
  15. I actually didn't care for this episode nearly as much as some of the others. I expected them to do a lot more with the Beastie Boys storyline since he worked so hard on getting the licensing approved, etc. Plus the kitchen part of the storyline lost me. I actually think Bev's kitchen was better than the other one she liked so much. I just didn't get the usual vibe from this episode.
  16. Yes, I heard her say "not every weekend" about Bentley at the grandparents house. I never got the impression she was taking away all time with them. I totally agree it makes sense in the context you describe--I was thinking the same thing. The weekends are when you have time to do things together, etc, so you would want some of them for yourself if the other parent isn't going to spend time with their child anyway.
  17. Yes, this hit social media a while back. I don't remember where the discussion is, but mostly everyone was appalled by it.... I think many wonder if she just took the money right back from her after giving it to her. LOL. I remember thinking, it is not like Farrah is that rich... even rich people that are actually wealthier than her would not dream of rewarding teeth like that.
  18. I can't believe I missed a full episode (the 2nd one)...I didn't look past the 10:00 hour. I will have to catch it on a rerun this weekend or online. It sounds interesting to say the least. Anyway, I just wanted to chime in on Sophia. I try to stand up for all of these kids at one point or another for what they have been through and how most of them have done a pretty good job of handling it. Sophia is really just another story...she is a product of her environment and also didn't have much help in the genetics department. She is one of the kids that make people think kids are awful--she is very awkward to be around and doesn't remotely have a cute personality. I think her looks are what they are, and I get that, but it is the behavior and how ugly her behavior comes across. Most of it can't be helped much once you see who is raising her. It is really sad. You wonder what her personality might be like if raised by someone kinder and more normal. The rest of the kids are great... Leah and Bentley are really good kids... they have fun personalities and have done well despite what they have had to deal with. As for the rest of the show, after seeing the first episode, all I can think is that none of these storylines ever really change. Each season it is basically the same issues over and over again. Just a different day.
  19. I can completely understand! I think many of us can relate to him because we do know many men from that generation that were very similar to Richard Gilmore (not in the wealth, but in the personality aspects you describe). I guess I shouldn't speak for others, so I will say I am well aware of several people like him. I think the reason why he is still liked is because underneath some of that you get those nice moments that are meaningful. Doesn't excuse his behavior, but there is something about getting through that shell once in a while. Plus I think people like the character because they respect the actor--there is some of that as well. But I totally agree that he is not the nicest of people all of the time!
  20. Speaking of Sookie, I think she had some great moments in Season 7... to me she was back to being a good friend to Lorelai, had good dialogue with her husband, and seemed involved in the town again. There were a couple of seasons before that in which I didn't like her as much as I usually do.
  21. I finally finished my most recent run through of the full 7 season of Gilmore Girls, and now am curious to see where the revival takes it. I will have to hear it from all of you as I don't use Netflix, but I am sure over time it will come available at some point. Season 7 brings me mixed feelings.... there are some great episodes in there that really bring the characters together in a nice way-- Lane's baby shower, the party for Rory at the end, etc. But as I always say here, Christopher is a negative for me, so him taking up half of the season was annoying as usual. Once I got past that and got to see some of the rapport between Luke and Lorelai, things are much better. I also think that Lorelai has some good moments with Sookie and her parents in this season. Rory had some life changing moments, and I liked the back and forth with her and Logan. I love the last episode. It was very sweet--how the town/Luke planned that party, and I loved Lorelai's parents being there and her dad insisting on complimenting her. Very sweet.
  22. I totally agree...poor Sophia. She has some major challenges to grow up with when you consider Farrah and Farrah's mom. It will take a miracle for her to overcome all of that! As for the shoes and bathroom thing, I can kind of understand. On the one hand, these people are in the home a lot, and you get to know them so they aren't like strangers. On the other hand, having so many people in your house using your bathroom and other things would get a bit tiresome. And some people like things to be a certain level of clean in their home. Not everyone likes people wearing shoes in the home because they don't wear shoes, etc. That said, I am not excusing Farrah in particular because she is downright mean about it. But if she had set up the rules and expectations in a nicer and more understandable way, I could understand it.
  23. I thought Amber looked so pretty in this episode. Amazing difference from in the past. I thought most of them came off well in this episode, with the exception of Farrah, of course. She is just so rude to everyone. She acts like the MTV producers are bothering her, while forgetting this is her actual job. If she doesn't need it, she could quit, after all. I know there are a lot of people here that don't like Macy, and I can understand why, but I do really think she gets along well with her producers and they really like her. Granted she hasn't had a ton of drama in the same way as Amber and Farrah so it makes sense.
  24. I agree--you are right, they could have done far more interesting things! For me, I find listening to their incessant boring chatter is enough to put me to sleep. It makes me laugh they broke up a couple (Luke and Lorelai) to bring me this??? Really? :-)
  25. Revisiting season 7 and along with dreading the Lorelai and Chris relationship I am quickly reminded how boring they are as a dating couple. ugh. It is like the writers are trying to tell me how perfect they are and I just don't care.
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