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Everything posted by Bean421

  1. This. This. This. Bryan and Rachel always had a connection so I think she does love him. However she was very clear about what she wanted and what "engagement" meant to her. She and Peter wanted the same thing but he couldn't get over the Bachelorette version of being engaged.
  2. Me too! I was like get your revenge girl. It helps that China was great vocally. I also just couldn't get behind all the pressure for a teenage relationship.
  3. This! I know we commented in the previous episode thread about wanting more guy time. The manufactured drama is for the birds. Every time we see the guys just hanging around it's comedy gold! Are you listening TPTB!?
  4. Poor Carly, at least it's not a backside shot. I saw an article that stated DeMario was invited back but no decision had been made.
  5. Dean telling the producer that she knew "exactly what he meant" about Lee was when I decided to love him. The tenor of his voice was dead serious like he wasn't here for producer bullshit. I can forgive the "once you go black" comment.
  6. I take this latest report as a huge grain of salt. It doesn't match ANY of the previous accounts given, including Corrine's version. This is a terrible situation. Yes, they were adults who should know their limits with alcohol but at a certain point production needed to intervene. Corrine will recover from this (and probably show up on my TV screen in the future). Demario could be facing some serious real world repercussions for this and I feel really badly for him.
  7. I was just coming to say this very thing! DeMario and Corrine are not the brightest, but we know Corrine has her dad (and his legal team) in her corner. I assume that's not true for DeMario, especially since his dumb ass had to talk to the press. This is going to be incredibly messy. Last season Chad and Lace made me very uncomfortable. Both parties were incredibly intoxicated but only one part seemed to bear the brunt of what happened. In my mind, they both should have been made to leave.
  8. Randall putting on the hat and walking away from what looks like work might be signal he's done with wall street.
  9. I'm out. They clearly killed Wes for the shock value and no clear end game. You can't measure how much I don't care about Laurel's family.
  10. I don't think he will. In The Trip, Randall tells Rebecca one of the reasons he's mad is because William could have been there for his valedictorian speech in high school. If Jack were there I don't know why that would be such a big issue. He also mentioned wedding, kids, etc. So it seems like Jack is missing some major adolescent milestones.
  11. The party seemed normal sized to me for three kids. My little beans have very close birthdays. One year I did a combined party with 25 boys. Choas. The next year we did seperate parties in the same weekend. Choas. I've now got them on rotating years if the older bean doesn't take the bribe offer of money no party.
  12. Jesus, I just don't have the words to express how disheartening this transition is. The fact is that, the next big tragedy is probably going to be prompted by this man's hateful rhetoric. He has already celebrated the violence of his supporters. We should never expect him to show compassion for their victims.
  13. I just called McCain and Flake regarding this very thing. Little Bean has some delays and as I've "shopped" around for kindergartens I've been told by four that they can't accommodate him and he'd be better off in a public school. That's not an issue for us, but the fact that for all the screaming about parents deciding where children are educated that is simply not the case. If you take public funds you should be held to the same standards and provide the proper services for all students. Another piece is that is often touted is this will help children in low-income families. How? Many of these "excelling schools" aren't located in poorer neighborhoods and don't have before and after school care on site. Just another way to continue segregating schools and leaving our most vulnerable children in a decaying system.
  14. Yes, this is something that is so true. Children who are adopted don't have to be grateful or indebted to their parents anymore than biological children. They will have the same range of emotions. Clearly Kate and Kevin have issues with Rebecca, why can't Randall?
  15. We've adopted domestically and I am well aware of the complications. Before my son was placed with us we had several "failed matches" where the mother decided to parent. I was so happy they made those choices, coercion should not be a part of this. If a woman is able and wants to parent there should be a way for that to happen. There is already so much loss involved for all members of the triad. Our adoption is semi-open, only because our sons birthmother disappears for long stretches at a time. I would love to keep in contact more for his sake, but I respect her boundaries. My problem with the anti-adoption community is painting all adoptive parents as baby snatchers who are so ego driven that they are preying on vulnerable women. That is not the case in the vast majority of situations.
  16. I so understand Rebecca. I don't agree with her choices, but I understand them. We have a complicated adoption with my youngest Bean, that involves addiction. It's tricky to know how to navigate those circumstances, I can't imagine how it would have been in the 80's. This is one of the more realistic portrayals of adoption that I've ever seen on television. Right now the main arc of the show is the secrets of Randall's adoption. As the show progresses we'll probably have more Kate or Kevin focused episodes too.
  17. Rebecca's parents were icing Randall out of pictures?! Grandma needs to not show up in my screen, but I'm sure she will one day. So clearly little Randall was getting all kinds of messages that he didn't belong (not from Jack or Rebecca) which makes this secret so devastating. Olivia can also exit stage right and take Miguel with her. Adult Big Three next week!
  18. I wasn't sure if I should post this in the episode thread or not. EW has a clip of the episode tonight. Rebecca's parents don't want Randall in family photos?! I'm an adoptive parent and have one biological child. That shit would not stand, especially if my child was verbalizing what was happening. This probably contributes to the family dynamic with Rebecca, Kevin, and Randall. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/11/21/this-is-us-thanksgiving-kitchen-preview
  19. Sweet Jesus. That video. There are no words. I feel like I'm in Panem.
  20. I'd have good money in him challenging Hatch for his senate set in 2018.
  21. THIS. This so much. I want to shake people who are trying to tell me, "We have checks and balances." No. We had that but decided to piss it away for two crucial years.
  22. I watched Hamilton's America and the room got so dusty when Chris Jackson was singing One Last Time to the Obama's. I'm going to miss them so much.
  23. I follow her in Snapchat. She and DUI Dill were just leaving the strip 39 min ago.
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