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Ms Lark

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Everything posted by Ms Lark

  1. Seriously. This has been driving me bonkers. So near and yet so far! BUT, no food allowed on the Metro, so good luck with that! This is my greatest fear, that TIIC are so enamored of Negan that they would go there with Maggie. 🤮
  2. I thought this was one of the better ones. Might be because we have a tiled tunnel in DC (runs through Rock Creek Park under Calvert St NW) where it is "traditional" to honk one's horn while going through. I wouldn't try that during rush hour though! I felt a bit ashamed when they were putting up the sign, but I haven't done it in years. I wonder how many ghosts we've kept under wraps over the decades! 👻😀
  3. I'm watching. I like her better than him. She seems to know her stuff and gets pretty excited about things. I like looking at the old houses and seeing the potential, but I'd also like to see a nice restoration of at least some of them. I'm not sure about their mission, though. Are we supposed to run over and buy one of the houses? Are they still for sale? I've lived and loved old apartments and houses in my past. They are a lot of work that I can no longer handle. I'm old and am now enjoying the modern appliances in my current space. It's nice to see young people still loving the old places, though.
  4. Hah. Good article about what TWD got wrong and right about DC's Metro system. Yes, it's "Metro" not "subway." Sheesh. https://dcist.com/story/21/08/23/walking-dead-season-11-premiere-metro-wmata-negan/
  5. So, why are these folks playing today's ZA by yesterday's rules? That is so weird. I can understand wanting to know what people's strengths and abilities are, but this is just bonkers.
  6. I figure she'll probably die of cholera or dysentery or something next week. Speaking of weird stuff Daniel Radcliff has done to erode his Harry Potter image, his episode on Extras was priceless. Also shows what a great sense of humor Dame Diana Rigg (RIP 😢) had.
  7. Renewed for a fourth season (2022): https://www.tvinsider.com/1009269/what-we-do-in-the-shadows-season-4-renewed-fx-trailer/ Whoo hoo!
  8. Interesting take from Variety: https://variety.com/2021/tv/columns/kevin-can-f-himself-annie-murphy-missed-opportunity-1235027655/
  9. Closed Captioning is your friend! I rely on it and I'm not hearing impaired. Your TV or Cable manual will tell you how to turn it on. Pretty easy.
  10. Hmm. Interesting. I think the contestants are catching on to how it's played, but how to play the others. Leland did say he was trying to get them to think he was The Hustler. No one ever said they all had to tell the truth. While I find the game fun, I don't think I'd like it as much with a different Host. Craig Ferguson is great in the role, plus he fits with the setting, too.
  11. I thought it was Leland. He had a great smile and the two women didn't have "pretty enough for commercials" smiles. Jen was really rough looking, but I think she's just another victim of too much Hollywood plastic surgery. Totally legit, though, Dr. Jen Welter. Respect! The blond was truly distraught with the final choice, so I knew it definitely wasn't her. I have friends who don't cook, but they have ovens and micros, even if they don't use them. One of them wanted to renovate her kitchen and get rid of the stove, but was advised that you can't sell a home without a stove. People just won't buy. Uses it to store her sweaters.
  12. Good. Everyone else is confused, too. None of this really made much sense, but at least it's over even if it ended on a WTF?!?! note. I knew the Nevada scenes were a total dream. None of that was even remotely realistic. Although the bit with Ben not being able to use the boys' locker room really hit a home run. I'm thinking Annie got arrested for the Canadian thing like she sorta agreed to? So, Canadian prison? Maybe? Rio working for Beth and dressing like a regular guy? Not very likely. Sheesh. They both should be dead,
  13. This show has been such a waste of brilliant Broadway actresses' talent. Sutton and Laura Benanti for two, among others. Just makes you want to cry, it's gotten so bad.
  14. I find it exceedingly crass and I bet that poor kid delivering the line gets teased immeasurably by his peers. Traumatized for life!
  15. Frances de la Tour was also Madame Olympe Maxime, head of the Beauxbaton Academy of Magic in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Pt 1. She's not that tall, though! I like her here as Professor T's mother, but she's a little too mean. Loved her best in Vicious.
  16. I've been wondering this myself. That scene sort of cinched it. We only have 2 more episodes to go, so I'm hoping we get the answer to that. It will be interesting to see how they wrap this up, hopefully not on a cliffhanger. I'm not sure it could really run for a second season. What? Allison and Patty continue to try and kill off Kevin for another 8 episodes?
  17. I picked April first off. She just seemed to continue to fit every clue given. Her clothing. Her vibe. The chain mail and her super long chain earrings. I also have a hunch (it's just an observation, it really doesn't matter to me) that she is trans and could be more open in her relationships. What I don't get is the "Baby Shark." Unless others in her Poly group have kids, in which case, of course.
  18. Sorry to hear that. Still, playing the victim card is never a good look.
  19. Annie is so damn needy. Maybe this one will work out, but I doubt it. I feel sorry for Ben, but I think he'll be fine in the end once he gets away from family. Two eps next week and we're finally done. Mostly hate-watching for completion. Here's my ending for this fiasco: Ruby and Stan figure things out, leave the area and start over. SS Phoebe manages to get back in the agency. Don't give a shit about the guy. Beth shoots Rio in the head and he is "really most sincerely dead." No one misses him and he winds up sleeping with the fishes or in a wood chipper. I don't care. Dean breaks house arrest and hits the slammer along with pyramid scheme bros. Beth gets elected and actually does clean up the city.
  20. I think Emma will need to go away for "a little rest" after the show is over. Actually, probably already there. When was this taped? Thomas is just mean. I like his mom, but she raised him, so... Homesteaders can go jump. Are they living in their car or what? Looks like I'm rooting for Vegas, too, since they're pretty consistent.
  21. So far, so good. I'm liking it. Just watching made me a little nostalgic for the old game Oregon Trail, which I'm sure this is loosely based on. There are sites out there where you can find old DOS and early Windows games adapted for the web. Anyone want to die of dysentery? Cholera? Right this way and have fun: https://www.retrogames.cz/play_687-DOS.php?language=EN
  22. That's good to know, regarding s2 since I'm wondering why I'm watching! Taika Waititi is usually excellent. Ratings for both episodes was 0.0, which is probably the lowest rating of any show ever! Yikes. Does not bode well. Only one per week going forward, don't know how many seasons we'll see, but if the ratings don't increase, probably not even the full s1! Here's an interesting article that explains some things. https://screenrant.com/wellington-paranormal-taika-waititi-2018-us-debut/ WP actually predates the WWDITS tv show, so it's a spinoff of the movie.
  23. I liked Ben Miller in Death in Paradise and I like him here. I think he's a little more likable than Koen De Bouw's Professor T. Hard to tell from just one episode, but I may enjoy this version more than the original.
  24. Unfortunately, this was nowhere near the comedic brilliance that is WWDITS. It seemed to be one of those "celebration of idiots" comedies, where everyone is obliviously stupid. I'll give it another chance, but 3 may be my limit.
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