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Everything posted by laurakaye

  1. I didn't mind it being a surprise twist last season, but I also don't want this to be the way the Final 3 is determined for the rest of the show's days. I have no idea how this is an improvement. Getting to the final 3 is a huge deal and should be decided by how you played the entire game, not on how quickly you can build a fire under extreme pressure.
  2. #WhatIsWithAllTheStupidHashtags #LivingMyWhyBecauseICanBecauseWhyNot #LookIHaveAHatOn #WeAreInACar #LuLaRoeFreedomToBeLivingMyWhy #ICan'tSeeOutMyRearWindowBecauseIt'sFilledWithGarbageBagsOfLuLaRoe #LivingMyFreedomToBeMeBecauseLuLaRoeBecauseFreedom
  3. Whoa, what morons certified Janelle to be any kind of health "coach?" Completely agree with the posters above...she has shown zero progress and in fact seems to have taken several giant strides backwards. And cutting all of the "bad stuff" cold turkey in one day is kind of ridiculous and a sure-fire way to be pounding a 9x13 pan of peanut-butter Fritos at midnight. Very basic, simple research has about 100 ideas on how to help with food cravings. Napping, I suppose, would be one way but eventually you wake up.
  4. This is a bit of a nagging point for me - that we have not seen them fishing, gathering fruit, etc. Not that we have to be regaled with food minutiae, but this episode suggested that many of them were breaking down due to lack of food. But having never seen what or how often they are eating, this is just one of many things that has me confused this season. I didn't get that either. It was just the three of them there at the time, so obviously if D & W start to whisper and act suspicious, then of course Donathan is going to notice. I thought they had to have been wanting him to snoop, otherwise why not just wait until they're alone? That entire scene made no sense to me, unless the goal was to alienate Donathan, but why would they want to do that when they had a solid four? Okay, that would salvage the whole season for me, right there. I was so excited about Ghost Island. I foolishly talked it up to my friends who are burned out on Survivor. I was all, "it's gonna be GREAT because you see there are all these idols and votes and f'in sticks and they're all going to show up again and it will be awesome trust me!" But it couldn't have been more of a bust. I can't fathom why they would need to recycle the extra vote used just a couple of weeks earlier? I feel like the producers meant for GI to be one thing, but for various reasons things didn't work out the way they wanted so they're just - I don't even know, throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks? It's both boring and confusing. And don't get me started on the players having to break the "yurns" in numerical order. She scared me. Like, her intensity was unnerving. So yes, please add her to the sitcom. :) Other random thoughts on a very weird episode in what has been a really odd season: Why did Wendell give Sebastian help on the slide puzzle by telling him to start at the top? Was Wendell trying to throw the IC? But to Sebastian? Huh? Kellyn's reaction to the second vote was strange to me...she started crying immediately - when earlier, she had a moderately triumphant expression as she listened to Donathan implode. So it's like she knew she was gone on the second vote but not the first? Why is no one scooping up Purple Angela and using her for a vote? She was clearly dumbstruck at the second vote. She doesn't know what is going on, has no real alliance that I can tell...she's just such an afterthought and I don't know why that is. She's a number for someone! This episode gave me strong flashbacks of sitting in my middle school algebra class, listening to the teacher explain formulas, while I only heard "wah-wah-wah."
  5. I have a question...where do you suppose is he when he's responding to all these tweets from complete strangers? He has two small boys. He doesn't have a job. I picture him settin' on the couch with his feet up, snerking to himself with a self-congratulatory smirk as he composes his oh-so-deep responses, and then calling out to Jill: "Hey, wifey! Listen to THIS one! And here's what I'm going to tweet back! Harharhar...oh, hey - here's another! Hahaha listen to this, I crack myself up...hey, bring me another iced tea --" while Jill changes a diaper or throws together some tater tot casserole or admonishes Iz not to bother Daddy while he's working. /end rant Actually, no...WTF does "you just sang the song of our story" even mean? What a moron.
  6. Oh, dear Hannie. I see her growing up and all I can think is that she's going to be married and pregnant in 5 years. It makes me sad. As for their outfits...they're not awful, and I doubt Michelle cares what her lost girls wear. But they all just look sloppy and unkempt, and not just Josie. I picture them going into the big, stinky Family Closet every morning and grabbing whatever they think might fit from piles of clothes purchased at thrift shops and garage sales, or handed down from years of older sisters. Basically I don't think any thought goes into whether or not they are dressed appproprately, in clothes that fit, and no one has the time to care. The Lost Girls are on their own. I hate Michelle.
  7. She actually may have even surpassed Blac Chyna. I wonder if when she sits down, does she, like - bounce around a little bit until everything settles? When I see her giant butt and those talons...I swear, all I can think of is that there must be some seriously nasty crud festering underneath her fingernails, 'cause...well, never mind. BRB, I really need to locate some brain bleach. Edit: I agree that no post-partum, nursing mom is going to shove her delicate parts and leaking boobage into sausage-casing clothes like that. Of course I doubt she's nursing...and I doubt she even gave birth. So again, never mind.
  8. I am 99% sure that Dill was in the photo. I recall looking closely at Jill because she looked so different, but I think he was standing over her and gazing at Sam.
  9. I know I speak for many when I say that I am sick and tired of Dill posting derogatory things about other people's children and then using his own to make himself look like Father of the Year.
  10. Who are the 190+ people "hearting" this picture? Pretty soon she's going to post a picture of a pan of water boiling on the stove with the hashtag #hotwater.....heck, maybe she already has.
  11. I don't know how you all could forget Jenna! She was the one who asked Sebastian to smell her hair. He, visibly recoiling, replied that it smelled like dead weasel and then he licked his own shoulder. That was hands-down the most awkward exchange I have ever seen between two people playing this game, in the history of ever.
  12. You're right, that's Jenna. The only person not tired of seeing Chris in his undies was Chris.
  13. What I wanted more than anything on this episode was Kellyn's reaction to Bradley's exit. If she showed any reaction or said something about it, I completely missed it. I wasn't paying attention when I heard the phrase, "Miss Kellyn has won immunity." I assumed someone else other than Kellyn was speaking. When I looked up and saw that she was referring to herself in the third person with the added fluff of "Miss," I rolled my eyes so hard I think I broke them. What a princess. Please follow Chris to Ponderosa soon where you can both fight for mirror time. That ticked me off but good. Two self-important, pseudo-alpha-male newbies calling him anything other than "Jeff" is a big NOPE. Courtney Yates gets away with it because Jeff had been giving her crap for weighing 50 pounds and mocking her lack of ability to do anything in challenges. She gave it right back to him and it was magical. Dom repeatedly calling him "Jeffrey" in the middle of his ridiculous, multi-chapter storytime at Tribal was over the top, and I honestly thought that the longer he babbled the more votes were going to come his way. And Chris calling him Probst? Go away, you non-talented, blowhard loser. Please don't come back, but please do sit by the phone composing love-raps while waiting for Probst to call you. I loved this episode so much.
  14. LOLZ, I love that we're being told that these inanimate objects have been given a top-secret burial on Ghost Island, where they, over the past two decades, have slowly come to life with magical powers until just the right person uses them under the perfect circumstances to reverse the curse. It's so hokey, it's hilarious.
  15. I believe his final words were that he was stunned to have been blindsided, but he was okay with it because he's such a superfan, and also if they hadn't done that to him he would've won the game. So...par for the course.
  16. Wow, didn't see that coming. Actually...it kind of makes perfect sense. They're both in love with themselves.
  17. Probst: "And Michael does a FABULOUS dive, like a beautiful and delicate swan, leaping with effortless grace and gorgeousness! And THAT'S how you do it on Survivor!" Probst: "Dom looks like a walrus falling off a pier. What was that, even? It certainly wasn't a dive, it wasn't even a leap. It was pathetic. What a loser. Where's Michael?" Oh, Jeff. Never change.
  18. Are we supposed to think that Joy wrote the above post, since she "signed off" on it with her name after the Bible verse? Or does Joy just babble what she thinks she wants to say and then Austin types it up his way and signs for her?
  19. I agree - to me it seems like the actors are still in the getting-to-know-you phase...like they are working on remembering how to play off each other effortlessly like they used to. Even John Goodman seemed to be "performing" his lines. This episode was really a clunker for me. I liken it to an author who writes a fantastic first book but the second book is just "meh." That said, I will definitely keep watching until it goes off the air because I fully expect each successive episode to become smoother and better. I have way too much invested in this family. I need to know what happened to every character during the past 20 years, and I like that it's not being all laid out for us in one fell swoop. I really do hope the writers and Roseanne herself understand what a touchstone this show was for so many people, and hopefully none of the characters vanish because they're not major players (Andy, Fred, David - where are you???)
  20. Does it count that I tried? Because I really did. And I loves me some extra credit, always have. But I couldn't do it. I still haven't watched the episode, but I did start to watch the Very Special Season Two Post-Wedding Aftershow of Magical Feels and Mutual Admiration. I clicked on the link (the one I found was a 30-minute lovefest, with the cast appearing onstage in front of an audience), grabbed my pen and paper, and settled in to take notes. I kid you not, I wanted that damned extra credit. The host slowly and dramatically announced the cast one by one. Each actor slowly and dramatically walked across the stage to applause and hoots and cheers. Then the host announced the head writer girl and guy (or producers or whatever) and informed the audience that those two had been selected to be next season's show-runners - the implication being, more astounding and subtle character development and Pearsoning yet to come! This produced a huge round of applause from all. That's when I realized that my sock drawer needed reorganizing and I turned it off. I made it through four minutes. For that, I'll take a D+. That's a passing grade, right?
  21. IMO, Michael came into his own as he got older. There are a couple of episodes where I thought he really stood out - the "That's Our Rosie" episode as "The Deej," and the episode where he's caught spying on Molly are two that come to mind. As a really young child, you'd catch him smiling when the audience laughed - even peeking towards the audience. As he got older, I think he learned to hold his own against Roseanne...no small feat.
  22. Becky's storyline is one that I am really interested in. She was such a good student as a teen, worked hard, etc. Maybe this side of her is her way of rebelling against always being the good girl? Or possibly Mark's death drove her into a dark place. Whatever the reason, I'm in. I want to know. I love TBBT. I love every episode that Sara Gilbert is in, as Leslie Winkle. And when Laurie Metcalf showed up as Mrs. Cooper, I loved that too. How cool is it for three actors to reconnect and star in not one but two huge comedy hits. There needs to be an agreement between the producers of both shows because if we can have Leslie and Mrs. Cooper, I think we need David back for more than just one episode (although I am also super curious to know what happened to their marriage).
  23. Regarding the "Don't Make Me Over" episode - because this show has been on for so long in real time and in re-runs, this episode stands out to me. When I first watched it, I was just out of college and the brattiness of the girls didn't really have much of an effect on me. But now that I have my own teenage daughter, whenever I catch this episode in reruns it totally speaks to me because as a mother, I know the special kind of hurt that can come from a teenager to her mom. It also makes me think about what I brat I was to my own mom, too. That's why I am so happy this show is back for awhile - over the years, you can have different reactions to certain themes as you age along with the characters.
  24. I will be happy to let the show unfold on its own time, as long as the more pressing questions get answered. Reboots like this are tricky because they have such a deeply loyal fanbase, but at the same time, info-dumping in the first episode is sort of cringe-worthy to sit through. I liked when DJ came in with his daughter and there was no explanation, because I know we'll get that later. I do need to know what happened with Jackie, Fred and Andy, though. As others mentioned, a throwaway line would be just fine. Fred and Andy were too big a part of the show to be ignored - and has anyone heard if Michael O'Keefe is returning at all? Referring to Lecy, she was always so on-point as teen-age Becky Conner back in the day. Her and Sara Gilbert were fantastic and so believable as sisters. Hopefully she's just getting back into the Connor groove. :) To me it seemed that she had to collect herself in real time as she was delivering her lines, and I found that to be very moving. I adore Sara Gilbert.
  25. Bravo, @potatoradio! I still haven't watched this episode and now I don't need to ! Hurray! But I have questions, because sometimes this show is so overwrought, I honestly can't tell whether or not your recaps are true to the show or full of delightfully Pearsonesque snark. So: 1. Was Kate really going to wear Jack's t-shirt under her dress? I mean, like, really? Aside from the "ick" factor...exactly how would this work? And I don't mean only her size relative to Jack's, but was she going to cut out the neck or something? Or just fold it and tuck it into her bra? How does a men's size smedium t-shirt fit under a larger-sized wedding dress? This is just so bizarre I can't formulate how this would work. It's like saying that Kate was going to wear a teapot under her veil. Real or snark? 2. No way was the urn going to be sitting by the guest book. I mean, again - bizarre in the extreme, but to set a bowl of ashes next to an area where people are gathering and writing and stuff...this seems like a recipe for said urn to take a tumble to the floor. Did the other Pearsons look at Kate like she had three eyes or were they all, "but of course the urn will be prominently displayed in a location that is both a safety hazard and suited to maximize the uncomfortableness of each and every guest." COME ON. This has gotta be snark. 3. What is with these writers and their weird flavor/food fixations? If it's not Rebecca throwing a massive hissy over one particular brand of onion, or Jack not liking grape-flavored chocolate...now we need to know that banana-pudding ice cream is a thing? I mean, why not "banana-split" ice cream? Or just "banana" ice cream? Those are unique enough to be believeable, but no...the specialest, meaningfulest ice cream has to be something that I highly doubt is carried by most ice cream parlors. Was this the same ice cream parlor that Jack and Kate frequented on their secret daddy-daughter dates? If so, I can understand why Kate thinks that "their" flavor should be carried for all eternity in memory of St. Jack. But come on. And did Jack's face really appear in the reflection of the ice cream counter? Real or snark? Actually, playing "Real or Snark" is way more fun than having to watch this show. This might become a thing.
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