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Everything posted by laurakaye

  1. So is the middle number the price that the Browns bought the house for, and the top number is the new asking price? Are they going to have to find land and build four brand-new houses (customized to each wifey's personal standards) or are they going to live in one house? Or do we think Meri is going to bail and move to Parowan? AND WHO GETS CUSTODY OF THE WET BAR??
  2. Is Kody moving them back to Utah under the cover of night while dubbed-in police sirens wail in the background? Or are they all moving into the Parowan house together? Oh, PLEASE can it be the latter??! Please, I won't even ask for any more catfish crap, I promise!
  3. I find the discussion of the Duggar girls' attractiveness interesting, probably because I have a teenage daughter and have watched her try the violin, soccer, volleyball, and photography (among other things). Because that's what young girls (and boys) are supposed to do...try out lots of different things and see what they love. So then I imagine - what if the Duggar girls all attended the same high school but were allowed to develop their own personalities? I can't help thinking that each girl would be considered very pretty if they also had something to call their own, and a reason to get up in the morning - whether it be to make swim practice or finish their creative writing assignment, whatever. Instead, the heaviness of their lives weighs them down and renders them bland and dull, when they should be having the times of their lives. The fact that they are married off so young to whomever Boob deems "right" for his girls, they court with a chaperone, cannot even kiss, have a fast-forward marriage, intimacy, and babies in quick succession just makes me stabby with rage. That's a lot of potential gone before it could even get started. It completely nullifies their individuality.
  4. Translation: "A follow up from yesterday's post which made no sense...here is another post that will make no sense. Enjoy! (insert random quote pulled off the interwebz) I am unique because I have a million things going on and am always stressed out. You people have no idea what it's like to be this stressed out every single day. Because I am a special snowflake and get stressed out very easily, that makes me very different from all of you. But after three days of self-medicating with naps and 9x13 pans of peanut-butter Fritos, I realized that since I am, after all, a "health coach," I should probably make a short appearance at my local gym, even though I hate all those people looking at me and I hate the equipment and I also hate activity of any kind. But don't worry! I'll be fine once I get there. I will gripe and complain the entire way there, and I might stop for a Big Mac and a large chocolate milkshake to reward myself for going to the gym, but once I get there I will walk a quarter mile on the treadmill and call it a day because when 3pm rolls around, that's it. DONE. Self-imposed stop time on everything! I don't know why, that's just one of my many quirks. So it's now or never and I choose NOW (only because I have to at least make a small effort to appear as if I know what I'm talking about and that I do, indeed, exercise occasionally. Make checks out to Janelle Brown, c/o Strive."
  5. LOLZ, thank you for getting that reference!
  6. I think Bin is going to hit the looks jackpot as he gets older. Jeremy has a certain "oily bohunk" quality that bugs me. Austin and Dreck just flat-out creep me the heck out...I just can't see them getting any better-looking as they get older, like at all. Jinger was never allowed to wear pants or shorts until she met Jeremy, so I wonder if it was less Jinger asking permission from Jeremy, and more her just seriously questioning if it was really okay for her to wear shorts and pants. I can see where she would be confused between how her nutjob parents made her dress and what society actually accepts, and the worldly Babe would know the answer to that question.
  7. And disturbing. To this day, I still cannot distinguish between the younger Duggar boys, and the older ones I only know now because they're getting married off. I usually have to picture their wimminfolk and then I can match their Wonder-bread husband. And the fact that I used to think Josiah was adorable makes me kind of want to heave, since he is now basically an exact replica, if thinner, version of Josh.
  8. This is brilliant. This is absolutely what he should be doing and on top of that, who knows how much free Chick-Fil-A he could bring home to the family? Plus no one would know that it's actually Dreck under there so he wouldn't scare away the clientele. And like CDP73 said, it's a LEGIT PAYING JOB.
  9. I suppose the difference is that Michelle has Jana, so no need to ship them off. The thing I find interesting about the Duggar girls is that while they resemble one another, they all have markedly different looks (unlike the Duggar boys, who - once they hit 18 or so - all start to look alike). Jill may not be considered the prettiest Duggar girl, but I think that's largely due to her bland personality. If she were, say, the captain of the varsity basketball team, or was a member of the college debate club, she would have had some sparkle to her and I think she'd be very cute. Jessa somehow managed to not have her personality beaten out of her, so she's a looker by most standards - she kind of maintained that devilish sparkle. Joy, on the other hand, comes across as sloppy and dull-witted. If she'd been allowed to be her own person - maybe she'd have played lacrosse or violin - I think she too would be really pretty. Jana is beautiful but also comes across as either dull or painfully shy. Jinger would've been a cheerleader, in my scenario, and would've been on the homecoming court. Personality plays a huge part in whether or not someone is attractive, and sadly, all of these very pretty girls have had most of their personalities removed by their horrible, disgusting parents. Oh, and Emily Marie for the JinJer baby.
  10. This just infuriates me. The "magic" number is 18 - ready or not, off you go, girl! Time to get super-intimate with a person that up until now, you weren't even allowed to kiss! And now you're almost 19 - baby time! 20 - baby time! 21 - no, silly, you don't get to get a drink at the bar with your girlfriends, it's BABY TIME! While part of me understands that this is the only life they know, the other 99% of me feels that this is so incredibly abusive and neglectful - to ship your newly-adult daughter, who doesn't even know herself, off to schlepp the offspring of whomever came a' courtin'. It's just so incredibly sad. And even though I can't hear the video at work, I agree that Lauren has the look of someone who is trying very hard not to cry.
  11. Well, that white homemade cow t-shirt does have quite the dip in the neckline, now.
  12. MOAR CATFISH PLEASE!! Isn't Cheryl supposed to show up this season so that Meri and Cheryl can giggle and pretend-pout about the big meanie "Sam?"
  13. Regarding the owl theory, my first thought was that if an owl attacked Kathleen, wouldn't there have been a lot more feathers around the crime scene? I'm picturing an owl on the attack, wings beating like mad - and if I recall, there were two feathers found on her, but it seems like whether the owl attack was inside the house or outside, more feathers would've been found in or around the house. As for Todd - having read the book "The Perfect Husband," I see Todd in a very different light than how he was portrayed in the documentary. Todd was at the house the night of the murder for about two hours (although he was there with a girlfriend). I get a gut feeling that Todd and Michael were covering for each other, so what Orza said above rings true for me.
  14. Read the book over the weekend (thanks, @AZChristian)! There's a wealth of information in the book that wasn't shown in the documentary. For example, I didn't know that both of Michael's sons were jerks just like their dad. Patricia Peterson seems about as brainwashed as the Ratliff girls. Caitlin basically lost her entire family, except for her biological dad and her aunts. Michael was a lying pontificater from way back. What a family. I also listened to the entire podcast over the course of a couple of weeks and several very long walks. :) Highly recommended. And with that, I think I have been saturated with Michael Peterson's smug, condescending voice in my head for a while.
  15. I'm thinking the photo was heavily filtered because Kody's cro-magnon forehead also appears remarkably smooth.
  16. THANK YOU. Wonder if the folks who were also at the gym that day rolled their eyes as hard as I did while she was posing as I did while looking at that photo.
  17. Huh - I never thought of wearing my couch's slipcover as a dress. LOLZ and I would totally buy this when I stop in to get my dollar box of Reece's Pieces to sneak into the movie theater. Or those tears might be 100% real as he realizes what his life has become, and how far removed it is from who he really is. Now I would actually buy this and not even at the Dollar Store!
  18. Ewww...she lays her head on that filthy mat during savasana? That mat has to stink, too. Gee, sign me up for Strive right now.
  19. Just saw the TLC photo gallery linked above...and WOW does that first picture tell a story! Mykelti does not look happy. Furthermore, the gorgeous shot of Aspyn's outdoor mountain-view wedding with the guests happily smiling and not huddled under blankets and parkas? THAT'S how you do an outdoor wedding, Mykelti. Kody's hair looks ridiculous. Don't hold a lighter next to that straw-dry mane of frizz! On second thought........... Meri is holding Princess Arelollalala in the fam'ly photo. Interesting. I do like how Hunter has his hand on Audrey's shoulder. That's cute. To echo @TurtlePower, Meri's dress looks like Sol got hold of a metallic gold Sharpie and scribbled all over her. I suppose there was a theme here and Meri, being Meri, chose to ignore the "solid color dress and hat" instructions. Didn't she tweet that her original dress fell through and one of her LulaNo friends sent her that dress instead? So in other words, Meri ignored the theme and instead chose to advertise her brand at Aspyn's wedding. Gosh, why do the other wives hate Meri so much?
  20. Ysabel is gorgeous, and I cannot believe how much she now looks like Christine.
  21. Ironically, those of us that want this clown train derailed are the very same people that are keeping it on the air. The snark factor is simply off the charts at this point, and the chance to commune with fellow snarkers in these threads is just too good to pass up, even if it meant forking over $19.99 of my hard-earned money to watch last season on Vudu. Sheesh, is this a thing? An actual "thing?" Because I hate it. Now get off my lawn before I get the hose. This is a succinct, A++++ version of Meri's life so far. Well done.
  22. THIS. MAKE IT STOP. And Saggy C? You are not MY BOY, and Bayeleaighe is not MY GIRL. Who are they talking to? Do they think they've already captured America's hearts? Can't any of these people come up with something that hasn't already been done 4872985790792857 times before?
  23. JD and Abbie look more natural together than any of the other Duggar couples, including Jinger and Babe. But here's hoping they take after JinJer and spend some time getting to know each other and having some fun before they start mass-producing. I have minimal hope, but still.
  24. Gee, who does this remind me of? Someone very close to Mariah...recently went to the zoo #becauseofLuluRoe....hmmm, hang on, it'll come to me......
  25. Ooh ooh haiku pick me pick me! "hard, hard, it's so hard complaining is easier make checks out to Strive." "Out to get the mail Yikes! Quick! Run, here comes Meri! Exercise complete." "It's too hot to move. Kody heads down the cuddle-sac Quick! Hide! It's nap time!" "Peace! Care! Motivate! Stretch! Move! To the gym, you! make checks out to Strive." I realize that Janelle is no English major, but "Kids old enough to make a sandwich but some did pick at least" is not a sentence. If you fancy yourself any kind of "coach," maybe proofread your nonsense before posting. Also, my kids were making themselves a sandwich around age 7. Janelle's kids are way past the age where they are "old enough" to make a sandwich. Give me a break, that's just more of her negative whiny babble-speak. Like if they weren't old enough to make a sandwich, she'd be forced to cook them all a plate of fat-laden crap and that's why she can't lose any weight, but since they are, she has no excuse but to make something decent for herself. Crap, all of it.
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