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Everything posted by ghertigirl

  1. Oh my goodness, that is a pittance. I think that is the child support and she probably waived her right to spousal support in a prenup. I'm a family law attorney in CA but just for fun, I played around with my child support calculator (which calculates child support based on CA guideline so this is a bit off), but if I put in a 15% timeshare for Lenny, $80,000/mo. income for him, $10,000 for her (Bravo money), guideline child support comes to $8,883/mo. I had spousal support turned off, but that would add another $11,000 or so in support. So, the $8,000/mo. for child support might be accurate.
  2. But then how does she justify them buying Mark Wahlberg's $55 million estate? Assuming that it's true
  3. I will say that my mother was super offended that my SIL did not invite her to her wedding, which I kind of understood because my mom is one person and has always been very generous with buying her presents for Christmas, her pregnancy announcement etc. and when my mom passed, my SIL sure acted like it affected her very much. But, seeing it from my SIL's perspective, I'm sure that if she invited my mom, she would have felt pressured to invite her ILs from her brother in law's side of the family, whom none of us really care for and there are about 5 of them. Was it a jumpsuit? I'm remembering it as a dress and I remember trying to find it online to no avail. I found a lot of ugly denim outfits but none that was cute like Jackie's. I would still buy that if I could find it.
  4. This kills me. It's like my friend's husband who will call me out of the blue and suggest we sign up for a race and I like to support others in their fitness journeys, so I say yes. And then I train and he doesn't. And he finishes with a 14.5 min mile average and is happy because that's pretty good for not training. That' s not the point. It irritates me to no end when people commit to something, such as a race, or a Challenge and put no effort into it. It's just so lazy and apathetic.
  5. Yes. Once it was done, I turned to my husband and said the same thing. Honestly, what was the point of this show? I really enjoyed the pilot so I stuck with it but in the end, I walked away not understanding anything, and not caring to understand either.
  6. I'm not. Amber is a beast and she was worried Nany would have to go up against her.
  7. I kind of liked it. Well, let me say that I like the "drama" more than, let's say, Southern Hospitality. I like Kathy and think she's incredibly glamourous but hard working and talented. Her dad is hilarious. He is a natural gem. And the food looks bomb. So, I will continue to keep watching for now.
  8. I'm finishing up episode 8 and while Farrah is objectively beautiful and seems very competent at her work, she has not shown a single ounce of personality. I'm wondering if there is more to her that we are not seeing. She clearly has friends and a fiance but I just don't get her appeal. Alexia, on the other hand, is a breath of fresh air and oozes charisma. I think she'll be fine working at The Agency once she gets her confidence down.
  9. Ugh, as an attorney, it bugged me so much that they made it seem like you can become a lawyer after only 4 years of college, no law school and no bar exam! And they said that multiple times! Other than that, I loved it. Its a rom com. We need more of these low stake movies. And honestly, both Clooney and Roberts should stick to playing themselves, essentially. They should continue to take roles that let them shine as movie stars, rather than as actors ;)
  10. Wow wow wow. I had to check out his Insta for myself. Honestly, he looks great both ways, but what a difference. I would have never figured him for a college football player before. He slimmed down so much! Thanks for sharing!
  11. I was dumbfounded. I was asking my husband, wait, he thinks that is going to make Gene forget that he killed his girlfriend?!? Honestly, they need to submit this episode for consideration for an Emmy for both Bill Hader and Henry Winkler. I was blown away by how amazingly fantastic they both were. I belong to a movie group and someone posited that Bill Hader is the rare actor that you could imagine both playing Batman and The Joker. So true!
  12. I will say this, she's definitely better than Teresa. That's the best I got. She is definitely one of the ones I would gravitate to most and want to hang out with in real life because she seems nice and fun (total opposite of Teresa). For TV entertainment purposes though, she sometimes tries too hard. Thank goodness she has Joe Gorga as he is just made for TV.
  13. Viola doesn't bother me nearly as much as the guy who plays Barrack. So annoying and such a doofus. I thought he looked familiar and then realized he's from Handmaiden's Tale and I find him equally annoying there. Gillian is doing fine, but there was one scene where she had to wrinkle her forehead, only it was clearly botoxed and so that took me out of it for a bit. C'mon Gillian, when you know you are going to be playing a character from the 1930s (who wasn't particularly attractive), maybe skip that month's botox session. Overall though I'm enjoying it, but I'm enjoying the Betty Ford storyline the most. I would love it if they continued with this idea and next season, feature three different first lades. I love their stories because they are so rarely told.
  14. Just coming in to post that out of all these Housewives shows, Gina and Emily are the only ones I would actually want to hang out with in real life. They are hilarious and they are all of us.
  15. What has she done? She looks exactly the same. I even scrolled through her Instagram to see if I could tell a difference and I couldn't.
  16. Did anyone else watch Elizabeth Berkeley with Stephen Dorff? Possibly one of the cringiest, most awkward episodes ever?
  17. Well congratulations Rachel! You and your crew did the impossible and made Jenelle and her crew appear high class. I mean, looking back, Jenelle was kind of aspirational: Kesha concert tickets, boob job, Pink sweats. I mean, I used to think she was such a basic bitch, but wow, she sparkled compared to Rachel. Seriously though, Rachel makes me sad because it appears that she thinks her idea of partying and being in a relationship with a meth head loser like Jacob is the best it will ever get for her and yet, there’s this whole other world out there she knows nothing about.
  18. How does Ashley’s hair manage to look worse with each passing season. So sad. All the money in the world is not going to help her thin, lank hair. I’m worried Gus is in over his head with this group. Didn’t see much of him in the previews. It looked like there was some heavy flirting going on between Bananas and Nany. Hannah has good reason to be jealous. Speaking of Bananas, I think he might have been a little impressed with Morgan. It will be interesting to see where that goes, if anywhere. This season looks soooo good.
  19. Ok, who watched tonight’s episode about being obsessed with being a Kardashian? I just can’t with any of these people but in particular the trans guy. Honey, Kim Kardashian ain’t wearing no low rent, cold shoulder denim button down. Ever.
  20. Yes! This. I was the last kid in my class to be able to shave my legs and I always tell my mom that her absolute refusal to allow me to do so was traumatizing and one of the only things I resent her for as an adult still because I was made fun of so much for my hairy persian legs. Having said that, even I was like, “Wait, isn’t she only about 9? Isn’t that kind of too young?”
  21. Actually, under California law, he is entitled to it because it IS so valuable and because the marriage was of short duration. The law is pretty clear on this. She’s being so shady saying that he won’t sign the papers when it’s really her petty refusal to give the damn ring back that is holding up the divorce. And don’t even get me started on her idiotic plan to smoke marijuana while pregnant. I used to like her but now I just wish she would take her loser self off the show. Nema dodged a bullet with that one.
  22. I think this opens up the door for NEW Steven! They're totally going to recast and, hopefully, go with someone hotter, just like the first time around. Oh, the possibilities . . .
  23. Yo! It delivered. I too found the Drago’s story to be very compelling. My only criticism had to do with the music. I felt that they didn’t use the Creed theme enough and while it was cool that they used the Rocky theme at a pinnacle of the fight in the last movie, I think it’s time to move on and retire it from any further Creed movies and let the Creed series have its own identity.
  24. I I went to a great public school, then to a four year university, then law school. At law school, I met a classmate who said he had just come from teaching a couple of years of private school . . . even though he didn't have any teaching credentials. That, plus the fact that almost of all of the kids who transferred into my public high school from their K-8 private school ended up being druggies pretty much turned me off of private school forever as an option so long as I lived in an area with good public schools. Obviously, there are very reputable private schools out there, but like the poster above, I think we need to know more about why the Edwards are so gung-ho on private school. On another note, the more I watch this show, the more I feel for Tyler. Damn, he needs to just pack up Nova and get the hell out of Dodge. Do I even want to know why they burned a vacuum? Is that something drug-related?
  25. I think I missed the explanation but why isn’t Snooki in Atlantic City with them?
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