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Everything posted by leighdear

  1. I know. I've never watched it either, but now I'm really curious......*LOL*
  2. Can you IMAGINE how her looks are going to deteriorate without all her magic fillers & fixers, correctors, injections and coverups? THIS is a cautionary tale for all the "celebs" who trowel on the makeup and Photoshop their glamour: When you eventually end up behind bars, your bare-faced prison photos are going to KILL YOUR REPUTATION. *LOL*
  3. The kid didn't know what he was doing, Missy couldn't really tell it was weird until the cookie baking, and Memaw wasn't really paying attention. Expecting a couple of tweens 30 years ago to recognize an unresolved emotional loss of a grandparent is ridiculous. The writers got most of it right. Kids back then didn't really "date" before they even hit high school, especially not in conservative Christian Texas. Missy's experience with boys was her family, her baseball team & a few random neighbors. No way she could foresee what that kid's deal was. And Memaw should have just driven him home. I thought she was going to say "Let me get my keys", not "Let me get the cards". That was the wrong move. He shouldn't have stayed.
  4. I would have expected a pile of cats picking rooster feathers out of their teeth the next morning.... I approve of the way they ended it. They knew what Leslie would have wanted, and that's the most important thing. Didn't care for Vicki, as long as she's one-and-done. They can find somebody else to bake. Dare I say a young Asian lady, to round out the cast & do astonishing things with matcha? Seriously, and she'd wear head-to-toe "Hello Kitty" gear. Ok, maybe a stretch. I still enjoy the show and hope they get more airtime.
  5. Too many people using heavy equipment like that often think just because they have a driver's license, they can drive anything. But the thousands of idiots that end up in the ER's every year disprove that. And a machine that has "extensive safety features" does NOT mean everybody is trained to operate it. And if it ran over his legs, WTF was he doing? Now, he may have been thoroughly trained on how to use it, but it sure doesn't sound that way.
  6. And the slices are perfect for a gooey grilled cheese sandwich. Everything has it's place, even Velveeta. People who pretend they never, ever use a single processed or convenience food are lying. Straight up.
  7. Putting 2 toddlers squarely on the path to a lifetime of poor nutrition, sky-high sodium, high fat & preservatives and processed faux-food reliance is not ideal. Though these are Duggars, so there's no real expectation of anything else. And the adults don't seem to care about their health either. And I do count Austin as a Duggar. He's fully assimilated.
  8. I'm thinking that cake with the red sprinkles on the side is a red velvet cake. Obviously symbolizing the blood of Jesus, because why wouldn't you have a blood cake for Jesus's birthday? Interesting Christmas Eve spread. Mountains of salt, except for the fruit. I can't imagine the blood pressure of those people. No worries about Austin ever getting angry & physical with the kids, he's more likely to stroke out first.
  9. I'm obsessed with his sweater in this. I'd love to know where he got it. Celebrity sweaters are my "thing". *LOL*
  10. If this series goes to a second season (don't know if it's been decided or not), I REALLY hope they'll develop a thread for the people that HAVE NOT read the books. Probably 75% of this single thread is just wading through the whole "books vs. show" posts. Sorry, boring as crap for me. I haven't read them. I don't plan to read them. I just wanted to talk about the show. I get people that HAVE read the books wanting to discuss the show from their perspective, but that's so off-putting to those of us who have just seen the series. I think you folks deserve your own thread for comparisons. But WTAF with a "cliffhanger" when there are 15 more books about this dude, Gamache? I wasn't too crazy about any of the main characters & Jean-Guy is a tool. I liked most of the village characters, though. Overall show rating = C+
  11. Is it just me, or does his voice sound really weird and totally NOT like Jon Krazinski? He didn't change his speech for the last 2 seasons. I don't like it. And he doesn't look right, almost like he's had plastic surgery, but he doesn't look younger. This season had almost no fanfare. I just read about it this morning on the Net.
  12. Good for Jill, getting such a practical and individual look...... https://www.instagram.com/michellegamboahair/ Her same look from last year is 10 rows down.
  13. Every time I saw Enid was on the screen, I saw Willow, and looked for Buffy. Loved both actresses & characters. And G. Christie as Weems was terrific. Fun little show, definitely entertaining as long as you aren't looking for too much to make sense or become invested in. It's Tim Burton, so of course it's going to be campy and OTT. My problem with Christina Ricci is that I think her plastic surgery has changed her face so much, she doesn't look like the Wednesday SHE played and has grown up. The shininess of her skin and altered cheekbones make it impossible to see the child she once was. Anybody could have played that teacher. However, I'm definitely in for season 2. And I think the new head mistress should be Sarah Michelle Geller. *LOL*
  14. Wow, so nice of Jill to post pics & brag about all the free stuff she gets for doing almost absolutely nothing. I'm sure the borderline poverty fans she has loves seeing the swag. But she certainly can't be shamed about accepting free stuff the way Jinger & Jeremy are, Because.....um.....uh......oh right, it's JILL. For some reason, she gets a free pass. Grift is grift. And those "hippie" items look ridiculous.
  15. Caught this on Reddit & immediately thought of Jessa, and the "aesthetic" of her children's wardrobe. If they had any money, that is.... https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ckvj09wPcFO/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D (Actually, the whole account is pretty damn hilarious)
  16. There is NOTHING "crunchy mama" about Jill. https://crunchymoms.com/what-is-a-crunchy-mom/ She's a lazy mama. She's an ignorant mama. She's a fundamental, judgmental and needy mama. She's still a Gothard mama, through and through.
  17. Wow, that's one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read. How stupid is she, really? He can't believe she's wasted all that time on him? So she would have to be supremely ignorant and REALLY, REALLY stupid. He's calling her stupid. Right there, more than once. Or is that supposed to be some kind of grateful, humble & loving "tribute" post? I'm flummoxed....
  18. Madonna is starting to look like Jocelyn Wildenstein. And Rocco is starting to look just like his daddy.
  19. Not so. The last one he posted on his Instagram clearly showed women in the group study. https://www.instagram.com/p/CkBkXlePal9/
  20. Noel mentioned in an interview on the Graham Norton show that for tops & sweaters he tends to shop in the teen girl section of discount department stores. *LOL* ETA: And as a comedian, he was clearly joking when he said that.
  21. It was a subtle "screw you for not listening to us". Very petty. And as many people as are involved in this show, I can guarantee that not a single scrap of edible food is wasted. They never are on any cooking shows. Of course Syabira won. From episode 3, it was a foregone conclusion. Nobody else ever stood a chance. I'm done with this shitshow. It's devolved down into something unrecognizable and has lost everything that made it special. They killed it.
  22. How can a TV show that is NOT "RuPaul's Drag Race" manage to have all of the absolute bitchiest women ever assembled onscreen? I just don't get it.
  23. Johanna just turned 17. Shouldn't she join this club? Usually when they're old enough to drive, they're going to start courting soon, then married even more quickly. Except for Jana. Jennifer's 15, she should be on deck.
  24. According to her interview in VOGUE, she worked with a voice coach and tapes for several months.
  25. I'm glad I stuck with it. Several places I had to go back to catch things, it was definitely NOT a series to watch when you're distracted. And MAN, I'm glad Lucy didn't really marry Mike, what an obnoxious dickhead. And a murderer to boot. I may have to watch it again. And I'm down for another season with Lucy & Dhillon together.
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