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Everything posted by leighdear

  1. While I think Chris Nunez does have a little personal animosity towards Kyle, I don't think Dave & Oliver would let him totally obliterate everything positive Kyle does. I think Nunez feels "America" chose the wrong person was voted back into this cycle. I think he wanted Craig (My fave) or Jason back in. Kyle won NO challenges & rode the centerline most of the season. (Just my view). Halo did really well. I liked his determination to shut up Scott & Maddi. Poor Ruck got a crappy canvas 2 weeks in a row. I wasn't a huge fan of his, but his earlier work was better. Sausage was his usual Zen & chilled self. Love that guy.
  2. I kept waiting for Chris Martin to show up....but he didn't....*sigh*....I miss the cute. I think Sisaundra has a great voice, but is simply too mature for this competion. I'm not ageist, but I just can't see her on a stadium tour and cranking out singles for radio play. The type of performer that's wonderful to hear live at an intimate musical venue after a nice dinner.
  3. I hate quitters. That being said, I'm sure most people that go on these shows really don't understand the toll it takes on them physically and emotionally. Some people just aren't cut out for high-pressure and huge expectations being put on them. But that's why it's called a competition, not a slumber party....*LOL* I like Gigi ok. I have VERY low expectations for hosts on reality shows, since I don't dial in to watch them and generally tune out most of what they say & do. Mackenzie Westmore on Face Off is an exception, since I think she's fabulous, and I love her working with her dad! Fun challege with all the gizmos & junky stuff. I really like all the contestants, though Russ seems to be ramping up to a major meltdown. I would say I'm rooting most for Lex, since she seems to be really calm & focused.
  4. Jeez, I am totally fan-girling on Chris Martin....he is SO.DAMN.CUTE and has the prettiest blue eyes....*sigh* Oh yeah, and a bunch of people sung songs, right? *LOL* I liked Music Box, but I really hope she ditches that silly "alter-ego" name if she keeps performing. She just doesn't need it,
  5. But even if the producers try to manipulate a dress-testant into those dramatic moments, they do NOT have to take them to max like Sam did. Phrases like "It was difficult at the time, but I'm working through things" and "My family always supports me", and a whole laundry list of other platitudes that can be spun out in a rotating basis. But again, Sam's youth works against him. He just doesn't get how he's being used. The only thing this show is missing is a tagline at the end stating "This show has been brought to you by the number "2",(as in suicide attempts), and the letter "D" (for Depression)".
  6. Wait! One more rule for the SA: NO canteens allowed for any reason I was kind happy to see Julia gettin' some of cute Evan. But as dustoffmom pointed out, it's got shades of Crosby and the young teacher. So of course, when Kristina & Adam find out who Julia banged (and of course they will), it's going to be all about them and her damaging their dream. Also, why is she wearing all those buttoned up, neck choking blouses? Is she missing a clavicle?
  7. Hey, if Mondo can "spontaneously" come out on TV to his own family, then Sam should "spontaneously" confess to 2 suicide attempts. Obviously Mondo is mentoring him effectively. No doubt Sam was traumatized by the bullying, but I hate those kind of instances being dragged out into a TV show that does NOT star Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz or whomever is relevant at the moment. Cheapens it all. I don't watch this show to see somebody's therapy session. Asha was guaranteed, but Shan didn't sound happy that nobody got booted.
  8. So according to Jason, now that dead-weight Mike is gone, the men have NO reason not to totally DOMINATE from here on out....uh, yeah....good luck with that... The ladies did well, but as there is a Bev and a Beth, I kept getting confused on who was screwing up, though I think it was both. And no way Gordo is gonna put a guy in with the ladies because he asks for it. That kind of change is usually punishment, not a reward.
  9. The ultimate Karma of all would be for K-Ass to be booted next and have to spend 3 days alone with Sarah....*LOL*
  10. K-Ass was definitely playing the short game of immediate gratification versus the long game of possible wins. I agree with others, it's strange to see that coming from a lawyer. Her trial record notwithstanding, she's already damaged her career. The excuse "I was editied to make me look bad" won't fly. Those words came out of her mouth. She obviously doesn't need the money or a good reputation in the future.
  11. I'm just glad they decided to speed up the house-cleaning process and ditch 2 of the craptooer's. Keith was just out of control. I felt SO bad for poor Halo when Keith was practically chasing him around the kitchen while bitching. Poor Halo just wanted to make his salad in peace! *LOL* I knew they'd keep King Ruck when he did the rose on himself. That proves that he HAS watched previous seasons, because clients have tapped out and the only thing the judges accepted in response was a selfie. I love Sausage. Yes, I typed that in a Non-Cooking show thread! He's just so calm, controlled and confident. No excess testosterone or aggression spilling out. Just a cool guy with excellent skills. I'd like to see him win. I'm just not that impressed with anybody else, though Halo is growing on me.
  12. There's a "Tina" in every reality show, no matter the theme. We just get really lucky when they are eliminated quickly! I love how Tina added that she had put SO many projects on hold to do the show and now she could get back to them. Right..... That popsicle-stick model of the Liberty Bell won't build itself, Tina! *LOL* I love when they mentioned that the bugs in the movie were just wind-up toys they added feathers to. That kind of inside info is fun to hear about.
  13. Sadly dialyn, client happiness is NEVER the primary goal of any of these shows. It's all about what the judges want to see and how they react to the design. They can always find a reason for the client to be "wrong". But the same thing happens in the tattoo competitions, cooking competitions, home design competitions, etc....
  14. Oh good lord, those were THE most boring and banal performances. Seriously, I cannot believe some of the song choices by the judges. Of course, they SUPPOSEDLY chose songs that would showcase certain aspects of each singer's voice. I just didn't see any originality or creativity on those lists.
  15. I was glad to see the back of Sam. Just way too many tricks that she couldn't sustain. Like a handful of Skittles, her confused mess of vocals were all jumbled up, and the "flavors" didn't go together with any cohesion. Also surprised at the likability of Chris Martin. He's always seemed so private and unaccessable, based on his marriage I presume. Plus he's adorable! *LOL* I really like the mentors they've been bringing in this cycle.
  16. Gordon has maxed out his grand prize, so with a diminished reward comes even more bargain-basement "cooks". He doesn't have a new restaurant for the winner to work in, so there's just some unspecified chef job. Gordon Ramsay owns or operates THIRTY ONE restaurants around the world, but only 9 are in the US, so there's no telling where the winner ends up. Most of the previous winners don't even work for him anymore. No self-respecting chef with even a TINY bit of talent would be caught dead on this show anymore, so now it's just posers, wannabes, plants and fame whores. I'll admit, I'm only watching because I LOVE the comic book intro!! *LOL*
  17. Another TWOP refugee, so HUGE thanks to all the regular peeps for letting us invade! Totally agree that the finale is going to be a 1 each for the mentors. Oscar is so far above the other designers in his attitude, skill set and vision, there is simply no way the others can legitimately compete. I see him as Austin Scarlet 2.0 in his designing and taste level, but with a little less of the "look at me, look at me, look at meeeeee!" persona. I think he'll do great work post-show. Sadly, Tim Gunn has burned so many emotional bridges with show viewers that it's going to be hard to go back to PR with any of the love he originally inspired in many of us. The end of an era.
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