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Everything posted by Fable

  1. Unless none of these people have seen any of the Bachelor Nation shows recently, it seems unlikely they wouldn’t have known who she was. She has been the darling of this franchise for quite a while now.
  2. I am honestly hoping stories like this one become the headline news instead of side thoughts.
  3. Really, another episode around Shaun’s sex life? Are these writers 12?
  4. I think Lim is a good and fair mentor. When Shaun pointed out that instead of guiding him she took over his case, she rectified it instead of reprimanding him, and then in her next move, she pointed out to Shaun when he was making the same mistake.
  5. I never cared much for Evan, but I still thought he deserved better than Carly. She was so disdainful of him until she realized that he was her last chance.
  6. I'm pretty sure it's a new low for the franchise 🤢
  7. So creepy ass Ben is back and sweet Brendan is gone. How disappointing! I really liked the three guys Tayshia had left, and Ben is like a fly in the ointment.
  8. If I remember right, Frank from Ali's season left at F3 before the FS.
  9. They really need to start writing Theo as older instead of some precious little tyke. I realize the actor doesn’t appear to be aging, but he is, and there are plenty of people who look young for their age. Of course, then again, since Charlie doesn’t age either, maybe Eddie has some rare genetic code that keeps his offspring from aging.
  10. I have another theory. RS says he was wrong in his spoilers, but maybe not. He said Brendan would self eliminate as F4 and Ben and Zac would be the final two. It may look like it didn't pan out that way, but for the sake of argument, what if Ben comes back and Tayshia decides to let him stay, and Brendan leaves. If she lets Ivan go after that, RS could still be right. Pure speculation on my part and just thought I'd throw that out there.
  11. I can’t really muster up any sympathy for Clare. She never gave the men a chance since she was dead set on Dale already, which is fine, but she was disrespectful to the guys as well. I wasn’t surprised by that edit at all. ‘Clare who?’ indeed.
  12. Oh boy, if being hooked on true crime and serial killers was an indicator of criminal behavior, I'd be in a lot of trouble, wouldn't I? 😉
  13. Oh, I should clarify. It’s not his backstory that creeps me out. It is the fact that I am not sure how much of his story I believe. He comes off as shady and manipulative, almost a stalker type.
  14. I think I’ve already said it, but Ben just creeps me out. I have a hard time believing his weight loss story too. I’m not an expert but I did work in a weight loss clinic for about a year, and I know a lot of people have trouble with excess/loose skin for a while after extreme weight loss. I don’t know how long it has been since he dropped all his weight, so I may be way off base, but he looked a little too fit and trim. The suicide story was sad, but I also have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that he would share this with Tayshia and not tell his sister before sharing on national TV.
  15. This was another interesting one that I really wondered about. On the one hand, the husband’s story didn’t make sense, and I kept asking myself how was it not him, but on the other hand, it didn’t seem to me his story changed that much to fit the narrative (in spite of what the investigator said), and I can see how, in a traumatic situation, things blur together and you don’t remember everything the way it happened. However, there was the lack of blood on him and the fact that he wasn’t hit by a bullet. In any case, I kept yelling at him through my screen to lawyer up. The daughter and her boyfriend were troubling though. They couldn’t keep their stories straight from one minute to the next. And do not even get me started on the obvious lie that they were completely platonic. No red-blooded 19-year-old is keeping his hands off a girl who was 15 because his pastor said so, just no. The texts were even more condemning, and of course the love letters.
  16. This one was a mixed bag for me. So far, I’m liking Asher. There was not really enough shown about the other newbies to say. Shaun and Lea were cute together this time around, and I didn’t mind them. Not a fan of Park and Reznick getting in each other’s business. I also didn’t care for the brain cyst story. I think it would have worked better if that couple had agreed that their relationship wasn’t working even before her diagnosis and cure and agreed to split.
  17. Yeah, there was a lot to unpack in this one, and I didn’t want to write a novel, so I posted an abbreviated version. I did vacillate quite a bit, but overall, I went with suicide. The note on the nightstand and the note in the wastebasket were both proven to be written by her, and I just don't understand why she would write those if there was no intent. Also, I thought the jury couldn’t really decide from photos about the magazine. I also thought the mistress had an axe to grind even though she claimed otherwise. As for leaving her kids, I hate to touch on this because it’s such a heavy subject, but if she was deep in despair, she may have felt useless and thought they’d be better off. I don’t know what to think really. It was an interesting case, and I enjoyed reading your input.
  18. Did anyone see the one about the Officer’s Wife with Levi Chavez? At first I thought this was a rerun because I swear I remembered the name Levi Chavez, and many of the faces of people looked familiar. It may have been a repeat, but honestly none of the details popped out to me, and it seemed like something I hadn’t seen before. Anyway, I thought this was a compelling case. I think the jury got it right with the Not Guilty verdict. The only real facts in this case were that the guy was a scumbag, which the jury all agreed with right away. Then there was the mistress who didn’t seem credible at all. She said she got nothing for testifying and wanted to do so because it was the right thing to do. Oh sure, but sleeping with your hair stylist’s husband was all fine and dandy. Alrighty then! I think she did kill herself. Most people who lose loved one through suicide say, not possible, she would never or things like that, but there seemed to be quite a few things pointing to that, for instance the suicide notes, the journals, the 300 plus phone calls. She came across as unstable. It’s not that I think Levi couldn’t or even wouldn’t have done it, I just don’t think he did.
  19. This seemed like a solid episode. I do like the new residents, but it’s too bad they sacrificed Melendez to make room for more characters, and it does bug a little that Olivia is Andrews’ niece, but I suppose that is so they can set up conflict for future episodes. I also like Morgan. I didn’t initially but she has grown on me, and even when I didn’t care for her, I always found her interesting as a character. She does have a hard exterior and is definitely ultra competitive, but I think deep down she is somewhat of softie. She did, after all, try to be there for Claire when her mother passed, and I’m sure there are other examples, but Claire is the one that initially comes to mind. Her and Park as roomies might be fun, but I’m not sure I’d want to see them get romantic.
  20. Angela is too much! She really goes out of her way to be ignorant and gross. No way do I believe she doesn't know what Judaism is. For crying out loud, Ari is Jewish, and the show never fails to mention it.
  21. I wonder why they are bringing in a bunch of new residents. This reminds me of House. Hopefully they don’t have Shaun run a car through Lea’s house and end up in prison too (House reference in case anyone doesn’t know). Based on his behavior last season, I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m only half kidding.
  22. I can't really understand why Clare keeps saying that her love for Dale is because he "showed up" for her. She had him in her cross hairs before he even "showed up" on set.
  23. I didn’t care for this one as much as last week’s. Sadly, I was more annoyed to see Melendez than not. It just served to aggravate me that they killed him off. At least Claire got a small win here with the dog tags, so good for her I guess. Shaun and Lea still aren’t working for me, but at least, so far, they are less dramatic than Shaun and Carly. I usually like Glassman and don’t really care for Debbie, but I felt that he was being a bit of dick. Someone mentioned, and I agree, he doesn’t really seem to like her.
  24. Well, this was a little close to home and made me a bit sad, but I thought it was realistic and poignant. Maybe I should have waited a day or two to watch this because I was really trying to wrap myself in a bubble today and pretend everything was Zen for a while. And of course Claire lost her patient, because you know, why not? I also never need to see Shaun and Lea navigating phone sex, ever again.
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