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Everything posted by Fable

  1. I haven't watched these shows for a while now, although I do watch some reaction videos on YouTube. I don't know what this says about me, but the Tell All looks brutal, so I'm all in.
  2. I've been watching this season but not really commenting due to boredom, but this episode ending hurt! Ouch!
  3. I haven't quite checked out because I do keep up with the reaction videos on YT, although I can't really be bothered to spend the time to watch. Sometimes doing dishes seems more fun and all... I did see on MovingMad Ed and Liz, and damn if Liz isn't morphing into Ed. Nicole is insane. I don't care for her husband (don't recall his name), but she sure likes to poke the bear.
  4. Yeah, me too. I think 90 Day is trying to break up with me. I skipped Last Resort and Single Life, I bailed early last season of the original 90 days and now again on HEA because the cast has been so unappealing. Oh well, maybe a different season.
  5. I gave up on this show around the 2nd or 3rd episode. I'm not sure if it was because it was more ridiculous or if I was just tired of the ridiculousness of it. For some reason, however, I decided to watch this tell-all. For the most part, all I saw was a stage full of high schoolers giggling about sex.
  6. I haven't been watching this franchise lately, but I did catch wind of this story on YouTube. I can't believe Angela keeps being featured on this show. She is such a horrible, vile and abusive cow. Baby Girl Lisa and Alina get booted for using racial slurs, yet this woman is physically, verbally and emotionally abusive and continues to be invited back. Is she really that big of a draw?
  7. Yikes!!!! Do her kids not love her? Why doesn't somebody tell her to stop?!
  8. I guess there really is no such thing as bad publicity.
  9. So Sarper lost count with Shekina after 12 or so, but has counted his other 2,500 bedroom conquests? Alrighty then! Brandan's mother and Mary both have a thing or two to learn about good manners and being gracious.
  10. So, I'm not a member over at Reddit, but out of rainy-day boredom, I was checking out some of the posts over there, and there are some people who think that Tyray was actually the voice behind the catfish, and you know what? After relistening, I'm not sure they are wrong.
  11. I must disabuse you of this. Even if this once was held true, it is now illegal for a husband to rape his wife in all 50 states.
  12. @Scarlett45 Thank you for giving us an episode thread. I wanted to say something interesting or smart, but I was pretty bored. But, for the sake of making conversation...Holly seems like she is about 5 years old, Kimberly is batshit, Brandan and Mary are doomed and I have no words for Danielle.
  13. i thought Sophie looked a bit looked like Emilia Clark (Dani from Game of Thrones) with greasy skin and dirty hair.
  14. I have the sense that most of their story is made out of whole cloth. I believe they are a real couple and probably have procreated, but it ends there. It seems they didn't think things through when they pitched themselves to TLC, because there are big enough holes to drive a truck through. Brandan claims to have spent all his money to pay for Mary's home, but when would he have had time to work, what with being on the phone 24/7? Or did have money on hand from some other source, but if so, why had been previously living in his car? Or maybe he was a drug runner and was able to keep on the phone while working at that and making good money to boot? If he was running drugs, wouldn't he need to have a phone available to him to do business? So many questions! I could go on.
  15. It is so comforting to be able to spend my mornings drinking coffee and hanging out with the late night guys. All is right with the world again.
  16. Kimberly telling TJ "I can do this", but her face and her attitude betray her! She is so, so sour.
  17. Holly's fairytale wedding is not picture perfect. Kim and TJ's families call for peace. Sarper and Shekinah clash at the gym. Brandan doesn't get the response he expected to his marriage proposal. Airs 10/02/2023
  18. I no longer have HBO, but as luck would have it, YouTube had this one up. Great show. JO reminds us of so many things we forget to think about.
  19. I imagine Fallon might go that route, but I agree with @ShadowKnight2 that Stephen and Seth will go more with the politicians and media people, and Kimmel maybe a mix of both.
  20. What in the world was TJ thinking if he thought tricking her into a life of servitude was going to work, especially after he saw the way she reacted to everything since moving there. He has to know there is going to be hell to pay!
  21. For the life of me, I can't understand why Kimberly so desparately wants to hold onto TJ. She is already out of her mind with misery, and she doesn't even know what's coming. She is going to go ballistic!
  22. I was watching some clips from season 1 of this franchise. Everyone seemed so low-key and normal, not like the freak show it has become. Remember when it all seemed so quaint?
  23. I'm not sure how this Riley/Violet pregnancy thing adds up. When was the season filmed, and when was Tell All? Surely there would be something more definitive by this time.
  24. Well, look at Shekina coming in and putting the hammer down! Here, I thought Sarper was going to be the bully. So much for Brandan wanting to show honesty and respect towards Lolo.
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