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Everything posted by Fable

  1. Some of the problem with Theo, I think, is because this show is in its third season, and Danny and Sophie seem to have grown into their characters, but Theo is still acting like the same little kid.
  2. I know it’s an exercise in futility, but I’m really trying to figure out what was going on with the first jury who had decided to convict for Kathleen’s murder but acquit for the husband’s. Did they think that she or someone else happened to kill Carl, and then he just happened to come in right afterwards and kill her? Was it supposed to be some type of compromise to win over a holdout juror? Not to mention all the other obvious inconsistencies. This case was a mess.
  3. Yeah, they lost me. I didn’t really watch this franchise until I started binge watching during the pandemic anyhow. I actually thought the first couple of seasons were interesting, but it didn’t take long before things became more and more unbelievable and often disgusting. What did it for me was when Angela started picking worms from her dog’s butt. I just couldn’t anymore!
  4. One thing that wasn’t covered here is that, at least according to Joe, there two other plans discussed for killing Jane, one with an insulin overdose and another with a forced fatal car accident This leads me to believe that while Joe may have had a lower than average IQ, he was completely complicit in the planning. And Rachel, Rachel, Rachel…don’t even get me started!
  5. I was checking my local news this morning, and I saw an article about this case this morning, and I was wondering why they were revisiting this after all these years, and then I saw that this had been on Dateline. As I said, I didn’t know him personally, but there is a mile long strip just outside of Grosse Pointe called the Nautical Mile with a lot of bars and restaurants that I used to frequent, and supposedly Bob also would sometimes go to. In any case, some of the people I associated with claimed to have known him, and the way I understood it was that he was very pretentious and fancied himself a man about town. Most of what I knew was covered either here or in local media, and I have no inside information. However, an interesting tidbit is that the church my father attended held an annual festival, which Bob attended after the murder and was asked to leave.
  6. They weren’t. This happened in my community, and while I didn’t know Bob personally, I knew several people who did, and not one of them had anything good to say about him. I followed this case closely, and to say the least, it was beyond crazy.
  7. I loved that too, but since I haven’t been out of the house much to meet anyone, I was thinking it would be fun to walk up to random strangers and say that.
  8. I didn’t really care for the Shaun/Lea thing. I know being pregnant heightens emotions, so in a way I understood, but Shaun has always been logical/practical as opposed to emotional, and Lea knows that. She asked him to talk to “Berry”, and he did, so he is trying, but he is just not predisposed to that type of thinking. I’m sure if the pregnancy goes to term, he will make every effort to be a good and loving father, and Glassman is a good mentor for him, so he has that going for him.
  9. Did anyone watch last night’s episode about Jonelle Matthews? I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this story. My feeling is that Steven Pankey was an obsessed and delusional nutjob with an antisocial or narcissistic personality who enjoyed attention a little too much. I also think the rake thing could have been and likely was leaked somehow. His lawyer also seemed a little too eager to get on camera and spill things about this case, so another attention seeker. I certainly wouldn’t want him for my attorney.
  10. We all saw it coming, but I’m not a fan of Park and Reznik as a couple. I like them both, but I thought they would make interesting roomies. Now we just have to wait for the inevitable breakup and drama that comes with that. I’m glad another resident is leaving. I never got attached to the character, but I didn’t dislike him either. I just feel like the cast was rather bloated. Andrews, Lim and Glassman never seem to get much screen time anymore. So Shaun and Lea are going to be parents. Alrighty then! I figured whatever they initially were planning to do, they would end up doing the opposite, so no surprise there. I did appreciate that they were mindful and receptive of each other’s feelings. That’s how to be supportive of a partner…not sneaking a car out of impound.
  11. Does Darcy not have custody of her son? Hasn’t she been staying for weeks with Gary at Delilah’s, and Gary is supposedly just now meeting him? Also, let’s not forget that when the two of them first met, it was at an arcade or something where Theo and her son were playing together. Now there is COVID, so how is she picking her son up from school? I’m confused.
  12. I know, but as more and more streaming becomes available, it’s 5 dollars here, 5 dollars there, as they nickel and dime you out of your money. It’s like death by a thousand paper cuts.
  13. I don’t follow Tucker Carlson, and what I’ve seen of him of late seems pretty vile. However, didn’t he used to have a show on MSNBC where he railed heavily against the Bush administration? It just made me wonder whether he just dances to the tune the network is playing, or if he really believes most of what he is pushing. I am seriously asking because I might be remembering wrong since I was not a big purveyor of news during the Bush days.
  14. Why? I don’t give a dump about my ex or what he thinks of me.
  15. Hey, I have an idea. Let’s make Darcy pregnant too. The only thing better than one baby story is two.
  16. I’m on the fence with the upcoming pregnancy storyline. I agree that it could be interesting to see how Shaun navigates parenthood. However, I think Shaun and Lea still have a lot to learn about each other, which doesn’t mean they can’t be good parents, but I personally never find that babies add anything interesting to most shows. I guess we will see. I don’t like the idea that one partner should get behind another when they don’t fundamentally agree. I think Shaun handled that fairly well though. I’m glad he didn’t forfeit his values entirely for her.
  17. I liked this episode well enough. I’m glad Olivia left, not because I disliked her, but because they added too many new characters and needed to thin the herd. I’m still opposed to Claire and Lim seeming to now be best friends since Claire is her subordinate, and that’s the reason Lim and Melendez broke up. I am glad Shaun and Leah seem to be getting along, but remembering Shaun’s chaotic behavior last season, it still leaves a bit of a bad taste.
  18. Along with having a strange and creepy personality, he also looks like Mr. Toad (I suppose I’m on a straight train to hell for thinking that), so I have no idea what his attraction exactly was. What I do wonder about is how he continued to get away with his shit. Six wives, four dead? Okay, so one died of cancer after the marriage ended, but it sounds like he tried to, or did, put hits out on five of his wives. I’ve seen this before but not sure where, and I really don’t remember how it plays out, so I have been watching this. When he was going on about his mistreatment by the police when he was arrested, I was convinced he was setting about another lawsuit.
  19. I still like this show, but this episode was not my favorite, and overall, I realize I’ve been annoyed with the casting change. I’m not feeling it with the new residents, I still miss Melendez, and removing Morgan from the surgical team seems like a misstep since they now need to shoehorn her into the show. In other news, Shaun and Leah are starting to bug me less. It still feels like they are two teens playing grownup, but at least she gets him. I think she is good for him.
  20. Yes, unfortunate. If he had been imprisoned for the crime, I would consider that tragic, but he continued to live his life without consequence, so unfortunate is the best I can muster. Could the police have done a better job...maybe, but the police had plenty of reasons to look at him, and without the benefit of recent technology, they had little else to go on, so I can’t really fault them for failing to solve the case right away. They did say they had put him on a backburner after a while too, so it's not like they spent all that time pursuing and harassing him.
  21. Last night’s episode Murderer at Large was interesting and one I hadn’t seen before. At least it wasn’t the usual spousal murder. I thought the killer was smarmy, and I didn’t believe a word coming out of his mouth during the interview with him at the end. While I find it unfortunate for her ex that so much of his life was tainted by all the suspicions surrounding him, I really didn’t like him much. He obviously was verbally abusive, and why in the hell take and sell her car and other trinkets, seemingly without her permission. Oh, and when he was lamenting that he couldn’t get or hold a job due to his long hair, I said well you know there is a simple solution to that, slacker.
  22. I thought the bit about Bruce Castor in to Kill a Mockingbird was inspired I laughed out loud at the absurdity of it.
  23. I was on the fence with the sleep walking guy for the most part. I’ve had episodes of sleep walking myself, of course never involving murder or even violence, but doing strange things like unloading dirty dishes from the dishwasher and putting them away. He seemed pretty mild mannered, and I had a hard time believing he would have done that, with no history of violence or marital problems. However, what I found odd was that he just happened to have a knife handy and was able to stab her 44 times. My conclusion (pure speculation on my part, not victim blaming) is that maybe he was henpecked to death, and being a generally passive person, finally just snapped.
  24. I’m not keen on where the Lim/Claire thing is going. I really think Claire should stay out of it. The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all. Perhaps Claire should have mentioned to her that she was concerned enough to see Glassman about it because I really don’t see Lim taking being blindsided too well. I also don’t like seeing Lim coming unraveled because she is always so practical and in control. Shaun seemed to handle meeting Leah’s parents well enough, but I still think Shaun and Leah come across as a couple of teens playing house rather than an adult couple. I did get a chuckle when Glassman saw Leah in the cafeteria, and he seemed like he needed a moment to decide whether to talk to her or make a run for it.
  25. @Annber03, I'll see your library potato story and raise with a dinosaur butthole. 😁
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