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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. Aww.... Boo. Sorry to hear about the Brits leaving - I enjoyed them, as they were low-key and pleasant, and any shenanigans on film were usually gently amusing rather than about drama or back-stabbing.
  2. Yeah I was wondering the same thing. It's possible she's shaved several years off of her age, but the teen years are prime-time for modeling, so it's also not out of the realm of possibility that she got the gig as a teen.
  3. Ugh. These women. What a bunch of harpies (Shannon excepted). I used to really like Gina, but she's become such an ass. As neurotic and annoying and self-absorbed as Shannon can be, unlike the rest of these ladies she's not mean-spirited. I don't know what was said at the very end of the episode, because my sound cut out for the final 5 minutes or so, but it looked like everyone was piling on Shannon for simply trying to be decent to Noella. It's not like she was starting any shit with the others in Noella's defense she was simply quietly trying to calm her down. Noella is batshit, (and thirsty, and probably a liar) but it costs nothing to be polite and civil. Gina was just drunk and embarrassing. Emily & Shannon are actually funnier together than Emily and Gina. Handsome miner guy was handsome!
  4. Seconded (or thirded?). I wasn't really familiar with her prior to watching this and was a bit surprised by all the breathless fandom. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie "Gone Girl" and I know she played Ben Affleck's sister, but I actually have absolutely NO memory of her from that film. Nada. I never saw The Leftovers, so maybe I missed a bravura performance from that one? I was puzzled as to why everyone was fanning themselves over her work in this - she seemed pretty one-note to me, although things picked up slightly toward the finale. I readily admit I could be missing something though. Louisa Jacobson on the other hand, was just painful for me to watch in a lot of episodes - like watching a bad high-school play. I was honestly pretty bored throughout and mainly watched for the gorgeous sets and costumes, (along with nice work from actors in the more secondary roles). Awesome title sequence that I never skipped, so well done to whoever came up with that!
  5. Yep, Same! I've never been a fan of Amy's stand-up, but she made me laugh the most throughout the ceremony. I think she could definitely host it on her own in the future if she wanted to. I enjoyed Wanda's segment in the museum. Regina, unfortunately, was stuck with some REALLY bad cringey material.
  6. May I join you and share a bottle of wine? I'm so dismayed at the way they have taken over the entire industry in the last decade or so. Escapist popcorn movies are totally fine, but to have them completely dominate the industry to the exclusion of all else is depressing. To quote Ridley Scott, they are "boring as shit".
  7. Yeah, it really bugged me that his much-deserved win (and genuine, touching speech) was totally overshadowed by what went on immediately beforehand. So unnecessary and ruined what should have been a celebratory moment for so many people.
  8. I'm still processing what I saw earlier this evening. I was so shocked when it initially happened that I wondered if it was a bit they had cooked up. But as soon as I saw Rock's rattled reaction, and saw Smith yelling expletives from his seat, I knew it was real. Thing is, a lot of my American friends didn't see it at all on their broadcasts, and had no idea that anything had gone down. It was bizarre. The joke was lame and tasteless, but in no way was a physical attack justified. Smith's self-serving speech disgusted me - apologizing to everyone except the person he assaulted. And trying to spin his actions as being a "protector and defender". How awkward and embarrassing for the Williams family. Especially considering that Richard Williams, the man Smith portrayed, was someone who had survived numerous unprovoked attacks himself. I'm also pissed that Questlove's much deserved win and touching speech for Best Documentary was overshadowed by this nonsense. Also one of the absolute worst In Memoriam segments I've ever seen. Dear Academy: NO ONE WANTS TO WATCH LIVE PERFORMERS. WE WANT TO SEE FULL SCREEN IMAGES AND BE ABLE TO READ THE NAMES!!! Jeepers!
  9. I was thinking the same thing. I can barely pull myself together for an impromptu evening out, and I don't need the help of a ladies maid to get dressed!
  10. Me too! Wanting to enjoy being attractive or wear pretty things isn't always for other people! I'm from Vancouver, so the tragic story of Dorothy Stratten is well known here, but the first-hand account from the valet who witnessed her being assaulted by Hef was horrifying. I had always assumed that she may have skipped the mansion gauntlet because of the media attention she garnered, or perhaps may have been cajoled into sleeping with him as a one-off for the Playmate of the Year, which would have been bad enough. But considering how her young life ended, this was just an added layer of awfulness. So tragic for someone so sweet and innocent. Agree with the poster above who theorized that Sondra Theodore's life must have taken a terrible detour into addiction of some kind, though it wasn't spelled out in the documentary. Glad some of the survivors have gotten to know one another and have a mutual support network now. I feel awful for the women who got roped into acting as procurers. If you has any sort of conscience whatsoever, that would haunt you for a lifetime. It's little wonder some of them became addicts. I know we'd all like to think we'd do the right thing and protest and speak out, but people underestimate the level of manipulation (and frankly shock) involved. It's an insidious and clever tool used by predators - what better way to get victims to keep their mouths shut than by making them complicit? Worked really well for Jeffrey Epstein too. I noticed a photo of the fashion designer Peter Nygard at one of the Playboy parties. At the moment there is a horrifying 2-part documentary about him airing in Canada on the CBC network. He employed many of the same techniques, except he was even more vicious and sadistic (if you can even imagine). Clearly these men were all cut from the same cloth. Birds of a feather and all that.
  11. Oooh, you've just inspired me to go back and look up his work. I've never been big on portrait art, but Sargent was in a magical league all his own, and it's a way to continue the ball-gown eye-candy I was enjoying this episode!
  12. Aha! But there ARE. Remember Mrs. Chamberlain's unseen son? If he's unmarried, I foresee a visit from him, and possibly a love triangle for Marian next season. I've been lukewarm on this show, but the last two episodes have been visual delights. I really REALLY didn't want the ball to end, it was so gorgeous. I hope Oscar's plan to get his hooks into Gladys is thwarted, but I fear that even if Oscar fails, her mother will pawn her off to a titled Brit, and she will wind up in a miserable union like Consuelo Vanderbilt. Taissa Farmiga even looks a bit like Consuelo Vanderbilt! Poor Peggy. I hope she locates her little boy.
  13. I think the time-change screwed up the start time of my streaming provider, so I actually missed the beginning of this. Was it a one-hour or two-hour episode? I was panicking because I assumed I had missed the discussion of Meredith's breast-plate. I'm peeved! There are literally ENTIRE Reddit threads puzzling over this very topic! t seems this didn't happen and we were all conned into sitting through all three parts of this screech-fest? I wish Jen Shah's trial had not been postponed. I feel bad for her family, but I cannot wait to see this grifting harpy booted into the big-house. I will be sorely disappointed if she worms out of this. I was glad they replayed the footage of her chatting with her second-in command Stuart, who has now pled. At the time I first saw it, it definitely felt like more of a veiled threat than a heart-to-heart chat. Heather made me want to barf with her lips surgically attached to Shah's posterior. "I don't care if she's guilty". What an idiot. I wanted to like you Heather, but you are a moronic doormat to someone who is not only implicated in some awful crimes, but has treated you horribly. I got nothing else. I wonder if they will recruit replacements for Jenny & Mary for next season.
  14. It really is the biggest cliffhanger isn't it? I'm going to be PO'd if it doesn't show up in episode 3.
  15. Emily's arms must be tired from all that pot stirring! Man, the bar at Syracuse U. must be pretty low for guest alumni speakers. Heather's Mom - she seem fun. Yikes. And yes, I agree, Heather's kids looked pretty embarrassed. Gina's parents actually seem like nice folks. I have no idea why Dr. Jen wants to work on her marriage. She's never going to get what she's looking for from her shirtless weirdo husband. Best part of the episode was multiple Archie sightings.
  16. It's rumored that one of Hef's grown sons (with Kimberly Conrad) may have disposed of them, but not confirmed - it's info that was floating around on some gossip sites, so who knows?
  17. I think that's definitely a big part of it - playing into Heather's insecurities. But I also think there's festering annoyance as well, since on the one hand, Lisa pretends not to remember Heather in college, yet, had no problem spreading stories about Heather's supposed "good time girl" status. So, which is it? Sounds like Lisa talks a lot of smack, and even when caught red-handed, never owns up to it, which can be infuriating. I wish Heather & Whitney would just sit back and shut up about Lisa, since it does them no favours, and there's plenty of rope for Lisa to hang herself with on her own.
  18. I found Louisa Jacobson's acting especially painful this episode - she's just so bland and one-note. I did get a kick out of Aunt Ada and how much more worldly she is than people realize - Agnes's reactions were funny. This is such a nice-change-up for Cynthia Nixon. She annoyed me to no end in the SATC re-boot, but I just love her in this! Dammit, I wish I had an Aunt Ada! I also really loved the ending - it was beautifully done, and captured how thrilling technology that we take for granted today must have been back then. The picnics looked really fun. Dammit, I wish I could go on a carriage picnic!
  19. I did NOT see this as a pile on for Lisa at all. None of them are angelic, but it sounds like people finally had an opportunity to compare notes and actually call her out. Honestly, Lisa's muffed attempt at apologizing to Meredith at the very end "you called my renovations tacky, so I forgot about our 10 years of friendship, went into a blind rage and hurled every imaginable insult" had me rolling on the floor, and truly showed her for who she is. She's a phony self-absorbed asshole full stop. No, she's certainly not worse than Mary Cosby or Jenn Shah, but she sucks and usually manages to slither away unscathed. The reason there wasn't a lot of focus on Mary is because she wasn't there, but everyone finally acknowledged her church is hinky. Looks like Part 3 is (hopefully) Jenn Shah's turn in the hot seat. Super-disappointed that the burning breast-plate question didn't happen this episode! It's really the only thing keeping me watching!
  20. I was genuinely saddened when I saw Josh's Instagram post last night. I really like Bobby and felt the complemented one another well. I also really enjoyed the chemistry Bobby had with Altman's wife Heather. Who knows what issues were really happening behind the scenes, but it sounds like the prospect of children and where they would ultimately live proved to be insurmountable obstacles. I wasn't watching the show when Josh was in his prior relationship with Colton, so I have no idea what their dynamic was, but I agree with the poster above that Josh is probably accustomed to getting his way in a lot of things. He might do better as a single guy about town for some time after this, rather than throwing himself into any committed relationships. I honestly don't recall ever feeling this bummed about a celeb break-up before! I wish the both of them all the best as they go forward.
  21. Man, that was awkward, awkward, cringe cringe. I was dying. RYne is one hell of a weirdo, but Dr. Jen was awful. They need to divorce stat. I'm guessing she doesn't want to, not because she has feelings for RYne, (the contempt is beaming off of her) but because she won't have 24/7 childcare, and will have to pay out a big chunk of change in a settlement. Add me to the people baffled that Jen seemingly acquired the amount of education she did, yet is such an ignoramus. Heather's dinner party looked like a nightmare. In other news, Gina needs to understand that she's a make-work pity project for Heather, and not one of the cool crowd.
  22. Yes, he married Dorothy's younger sister Louise when she was very young. Bogdanovich clearly had a lot of screws loose. It sounded as if he was completely obsessed with Dorothy and then subsequently transferred this to Louise. He also got into some media battles with Hefner. Bogdonavich accused Hef of exploiting Dorothy, but it was definitely a pot meet kettle situation. Bogdanovich and Louise eventually divorced, but were married for much longer than anyone would have predicted. Just an absolutely bizarre story.
  23. I heard that too, and am surprised that more wasn't made of it. I wondered if it happened a while ago (pre-show), and she's just dredging it up now. I don't like any of these women, but God, I hate Lisa.
  24. So sad this show has come to an end for now. I loved the gentle poignancy of it. This is generally not the type of show that pulls a big audience, so I'm relieved that it's been renewed for another season. I liked the open-endedness of Tricia visiting Charity's husband, and of the Mom heading into the barn. My assumption is that the Mom was white-knuckling it and went in looking for her stash. Hopefully it doesn't go darker than that. Sam's song to Joel was beautiful. Was glad to see her move off the couch and venture into Holly's room to sleep. I absolutely love Fred - who knew he had a party bus? For much of the show's run, I assumed it was actually filmed in Kansas, and didn't realize it was shot just outside of Chicago. Regardless, it is beautifully shot, and the summertime pastoral scenery is gorgeous.
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