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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. USA TODAY Op-Ed by Hillary, making the case for why you should vote for her. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2016/11/06/hillary-clinton-vote--for-me-election-day-column/93400038/ There's also 1 by Trump (at least written in his name), which I'm sure is in the interest of fairness, & which I'm linking to in his thread (but I'm still solidly with her).
  2. The lineup--besides the Clinton family--for her final rally in Philadelphia on Monday is POTUS, FLOTUS, Springsteen & Jon Bon Jovi. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/11/06/hillary-clinton-bon-jovi-bruce-springsteen-final-rally?xid=entertainment-weekly_socialflow_twitter
  3. I understood that. I just can't believe he said it--well, I guess I can since it was him, or that she repeated it. Guess she was just trying to be a good Campaign Manager. But everybody should know that as long as you're in line & waiting to vote when your polling place closes, you're still allowed to vote. I've heard that stressed both on TV & in my Twitter feed (haven't been on my FB much recently) this week.
  4. T-shirts: http://www.google.com/search?site=&source=hp&ei=070fWOzYIczGjwTYp7LABw&q=when+they+go+low+we+go+high+t+shirt&oq=when+they+go+low+we+go+high+&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.3.0l5.4645.21820.0.25536. Bumper Stickers: http://www.google.com/search?ei=O74fWIGGLYrEjwSRza2gAg&q=when+they+go+low+we+go+high+bumper+sticker&oq=when+they+go+low+we+go+high+bumper+sticker&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3..0.3082.11163.0.11941. Pretty much, try Cafe Press or Etsy.com if you don't find anything you like at the above search links.
  5. USA TODAY has a (serious) 12-step plan for people whose presidential candidate loses on Tuesday. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/11/06/12-tips-if-your-presidential-candidate-loses-trump-clinton-healing-america/93170124/
  6. The 2 article links above are to recaps/"post-mortems" about the 150th episode, which aired Friday night. Here's a 3rd, from Entertainment Weekly. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/11/04/hawaii-five-0-mcgarrett-catherine
  7. She actually said he actually said you couldn't vote if you were still in line at the time the election site closed?! (Directed at both Kellyanne & DJT Sr.: BITCH, PLEASE!!). Hopefully most people are smarter than that. I've heard reminders on TV, & read them on Social Media, more than once this week that if you're in line & haven't voted at the time your polls close, you're still entitled/allowed to vote. Who's trying to influence the election now/again??
  8. They could've forgotten him. Or had no room left. There's an "Other/None of the Above" choice you can use for him though.
  9. This Tweet (responding to Scandal & The West Wing actor Joshua Malina) says Uber & Lyft in Philadelphia aren't accessible to the disabled & gives a link with info on accessible van transportation to the polls in Philadelphia if anyone needs it. https://mobile.twitter.com/PhillyPartTwo/status/795317980586512384?p=v
  10. The song you called Eye of the Tiger is actually called Roar.
  11. It turned out nobody had a gun. But afterwards, Donald Jr. & somebody else with the campaign, along with a Pastor at the next stop in Denver, were spinning/talking about it like it was an assassination attempt. Junior even Tweeted about it--& either he was in a hurry or he doesn't know how to spell "secret"; he said "secrete service". Read at this link: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/donald-trump-rushed-stage-by-secret-service-nevada-rally-944481?utm_source=twitter
  12. When did Chin get kidnapped? I don't remember that. Do you mean Kono? I remembered Doris hiding (in S3) microfiche about her career, that saved her ass, under Steve's floorboard, but I don't remember her hiding a whole box of stuff, like her diary. I guess she did that offscreen.
  13. If Steve shot anybody even remotely connected with Doris, it was probably the guy he confronted after he & Danny (ever the supportive wingman & BFF) flew to Cambodia on a lead--either about Doris or Wo Fat's Dad--& found an empty grave. I think that's what you're talking about anyway.
  14. If you're in Philadelphia, Uber & Lyft will be giving free rides to the polls on Election Day. https://mobile.twitter.com/deray/status/795031785922957312?p=v
  15. I got this Tweet from Pat Sajak (Wheel of Fortune) as a Retweet on my Twitter feed. I thought it was funny. https://mobile.twitter.com/patsajak/status/794867021666283520?p=v
  16. You're welcome. And I find I think I need to amend it again, to include a community of which I'm a part: the disabled community (after he mocked that reporter with, I think it was, Cerebral Palsy). I certainly didn't vote for him. But I wouldn't have even if he hadn't mocked that reporter. I'm firmly with her.
  17. Like I said above, Steve & Catherine as a couple ("McRoll") may be/probably is over, but they'll still be friends--& we'll probably see her back when she needs an extra, experienced, hand with 1 of her missions like we did tonight; although those missions probably won't involve rescuing Doris again anytime soon (hopefully).
  18. Yes, that was Sarah Carter, the same actress who's played Lynn Downey in at least 2 other eps (I'm on to your "thing" of either misspelling or forgetting the names of actors/characters you don't like/care about, or giving them weird nicknames, BTW). I hope that was a wig they had her in, or it was something for another, more longterm role she was filming at the same time & so she couldn't "ditch" it easily, because I actually agree with you--for once--that the hairstyle, at least, does nothing for her. I liked Catherine too--at least until they started writing her as lying to Steve about things. But after this ep, maybe I understand it... a little. It wasn't that the character of Catherine was poorly received. At least not by most, & not until she started lying to Steve about what we now know was her having become a CIA operative. And, as far as I know, she wasn't fired; her storyline just ended, for awhile, at that particular time. At least as far as Catherine's usefulness as a regular character was concerned (there was a thing between her & some viewers--I won't call them "fans", because I don't consider them that--on Social Media awhile back, which caused Michelle Borth, who plays Catherine, to keep her Social Media accounts but to stop posting on them, & some of those non-fans supposedly tried to use it to get her fired, but I don't believe they were successful). The character & actress just went back to their original "recurring" status. I don't necessarily think Steve screwed it up at all. Nor do I think Catherine would've necessarily given up her life as a CIA operative even if she said yes. I mean, Doris obviously didn't when/just because John McGarrett asked & she said yes to him. And I think that may have actually been the point: Catherine is "Doris 2.0" for Steve (some articles about this ep, both from pre- & [I think] post-airing have also said this). After the talk with Doris while they were waiting to get Wo Fat's Dad, or escape, or whatever, I think he understood that better & that's why he & Catherine ended the way they did this ep. Whatever it was that she said that was like, "You can still care about someone without being in their life."--that was the essence of it, I think; it wasn't Catherine's specific line. Even I wouldn't necessarily say the show's ratings are "way" better this season than last season. But they are better than last, for the most part (except for last week's new ep, when The World Series killed the night for everything it was up against & the show apparently matched the series' lowest rating...which was still respectable for a Friday night). Only CBS knows if we get an S8, but of course I'm hoping. I don't think Catherine is "done" completely. I think she's "done" in the sense of she & Steve are no longer "McRoll", as the show's shippers call them, & they won't be again. But I don't think Catherine's "done" in the sense that we'll see her again, as a friend of Steve's, or as someone with "Secret Ops" experience she could call on again for help with a CIA op, if needed. Kind of like she did in the ep, even though it also had to do with rescuing Doris. I'm pretty sure Lenkov even said in 1 of the many 150th ep articles I linked to in the Media thread that the Catherine character wasn't done. I hope we see Doris too, even though she exasperates the hell out of Steve--though I hope he's also come to understand her better, as well, after she told him where to find all that stuff she hid under the floor at the house which I think she meant to fill in the blanks for him about her/her life. No, Wo Fat is not Doris' son with Yao Fat. Even though Wo Fat kept insisting on calling Steve "brother" in the 100th ep where Steve ended up killing Wo Fat. In a very early season, I wanna say S2 or S3, Steve managed to get a blood sample, or something else that could be tested for DNA, from Wo Fat & he gave it to Max for testing (presumably with a DNA sample from him, for comparison). Max told Steve he & Wo Fat weren't related--& I doubt Max would lie, under any circumstances, about that. Wo Fat considered himself Steve's brother because, as Steve said in the ep this week, Doris felt enough guilt about killing Wo Fat's Mom (when she was supposed to kill his Dad) that she took Wo Fat in & raised him as her own until her CIA bosses got wind of it & she had to abandon him (this being show canon from earlier seasons/eps). As for Grover & Will, obviously either Will & Grace (I know...) are being very careful or it's a case of parents being blind to what their kids are doing. You actually care where Grover's wife & daughter, Samantha, were? You never care where any of the other MIA characters are, & seem to prefer they don't mention it. I know, though, that the actress who's been playing Mrs. Grover also has a role in something that airs on Starz, which I forget the title of, & a role on Blindspot this season. But I don't know what, if anything, the actress who plays their daughter, Samantha, is up to. Lenkov also said, I think in a different interview, that there were problems getting the whole cast in this ep due to scheduling. Maybe they were out shopping. Since the writers wrote in an excuse for Danny's absence, I guess they couldn't be bothered to make another for Renee & Samantha Grover. And that's understandable (to me, at least). Danny's a "core"character; Grover's family members aren't.
  19. POTUS' most recent appearance on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live! is being repeated tonight--starting in about 10 minutes in the Eastern/Central time zones & 3 hours 10 minutes from now in the Mountain/Pacific time zones. Check local listings for the times in Alaska & Hawaii.
  20. From NBC News: A Federal Judge says North Carolina illegally purged voter lists. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-election-day/judge-says-north-carolina-illegally-purged-voter-lists-n677431?cid=sm_tw Ohio Judge blocks Trump supporters from "exit polling" on Friday. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-judge-blocks-trump-supporters-exit-polling-n678236?cid=sm_tw
  21. Broadway shows are canceling performances scheduled for Election Night. https://mobile.twitter.com/nancook/status/794582429843554304?p=v
  22. Here are the other 2 pics of Jimmy Buffett on the H50 set today.
  23. Jimmy Buffett's recurring character, Frank Bama (seen at least twice before, when Steve needed rescuing from North Korea [Ep 210] & when Steve & Cath needed to go into North Korea to get his SEAL teammate, Freddie Hart,'s repatriated remains [Ep 420--& I just realized the irony of Jimmy Buffett being in Ep 420...LOL]),will be returning this season. He should be in Ep 713 (or whatever's #156 overall for the show). Lenkov said, in 1 of the "Ep 150" interviews I linked to in the Media thread they're shooting overall series Ep 156 right now, & this is 1 of 3 pics I've seen of Jimmy Buffett at the studio or on set today, when they're filming that ep. When I find the other 2 pics (Jimmy's in costume, in a US Army camo shirt, in them), I'll post those links.
  24. A recent Tweet from the NAACP, with information people might need to know if they feel they've been targeted for/victims of voter suppression (click link for the pertinent info): https://mobile.twitter.com/NAACP/status/794285580444192777?p=v
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