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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. God forbid he gets 8 years! Let's see if he gets through the first 4 years before he even tries for a second term. Hopefully he'll hate the job so much he'll be a "1 and done" POTUS, if he even makes it through 1 term.
  2. The Communications Office selects the names? Since it involves the Secret Service, I thought they were responsible for choosing the names.
  3. Regarding the VP's resignation on The West Wing: As I remember, Hoynes' resignation wasn't just because he had that affair. It was also because he apparently blabbed some government-related stuff to her, in the course of "pillow talk", that he shouldn't have.
  4. According to Peter Alexander from NBC News, reported/Tweeted yesterday & linked to upthread (I'm pretty sure, because I posted it), Barron, Tiffany & Eric were all placed under Secret Service protection as of yesterday (or it might've been Monday). So, Tiffany is under protection, even if she is coming off like Trump's least favorite child. Ivanka was already under protection, according to the report. Nothing was said about Don Jr.'s protection status.
  5. As of about the last day, Trump's also apparently looking at South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as Sectetary of State, or possibly other Cabinet positions. He's supposedly also looking at Haley's Lieutenant Governor for unspecified positions on his Cabinet. http://www.politico.com/blogs/donald-trump-administration/2016/11/haley-being-considered-for-secretary-of-state-her-lieutenant-governor-says-231509 I also read Pence has supposedly removed the lobbyists from the Transition team.
  6. Melvin Laird, Nixon Defense Secretary who ended the draft, dead at age 94. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/melvin-laird-defense-secretary-under-nixon-who-ended-draft-dies-n685041?cid=sm_tw
  7. California Senator Barbara Boxer files long shot bill to get Electoral College scrapped. http://touch.latimes.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-91904499/
  8. The brand name was probably covered up because the company didn't pay for product placement.
  9. Number 2 sounds like Geoffrey Zakarian. He's an Iron Chef. He also judges on Chopped & Chopped Junior, hosts Cooks vs. Cons & co-hosts The Kitchen (with other Food Network personalities). Though Alfonso's show has been on Food Network, I think it mainly airs on Cooking Channel.
  10. Mine (don't laugh) is Barry Manilow's Let Freedom Ring. Anyone unfamiliar with it, who cares, should be able to find a video on YouTube. I can also provide the names of CDs on which it can be found, if anyone's interested. It should also be on iTunes &/or Amazon Music Downloads.
  11. I'm, like, 99.999% positive, even if Trump got cold feet & bailed before January 20th, or anytime before taking the Oath, the job would pass to Pence. Pence was on the same ticket that Trump already won on, for 1 thing--Trump won, so Pence won. Also, at the inauguration, the VPOTUS always takes the Oath before the POTUS does, just to make sure that the line of succession is fulfilled if something happens before POTUS can take or complete reciting the Oath.
  12. The Dallas Mavericks, Milwaukee Bucks & Memphis Grizzlies will no longer stay at Trump hotels during NBA road trips. https://mobile.twitter.com/NBCSports/status/798724788659306496?p=v
  13. As of today, Tiffany, Barron & Eric have Secret Service protection. Ivanka already had it, according to this. No word on Don Jr.'s protection status. https://mobile.twitter.com/PeterAlexander/status/798646048642236416?p=v
  14. I think the show's a "general" holiday baking show, not just Thanksgiving. So yeah, cookies are OK. Last week they did bundt cakes that were supposed to look like wreaths, after all.
  15. If a Mod's reading this & it's still possible, could you please change the word "Right" in the title of the thread to "Rite"? I should've used the latter spelling in the title & didn't realize it until now. Thanks.
  16. @Raja's right. In the S1 ep which introduced Masi Oka's Max Bergman as the Medical Examiner, the terrorists in the COTW kidnapped the daughters of the US Ambassador to the Philippines (trying to get him to give them US aid they could use to "take back" the country) & killed 1 of the girls, whether accidentally or on purpose. The Ambassador's family was on vacation in Hawaii, they were friends of Governor Jameson, & the terrorists involved were Filipino. They specified Wo Fat was Chinese, I'm pretty sure. In the ep where the Jenna Kaye character was introduced, she said he worked for all kinds of Chinese spy-type organizations. Sang Min may be Chinese *&* Korean. I thought someone said that at 1 point, but I'm not positive. I know he is/was a "Snakehead", though. Adam's last name is Noshimuri (Another character you're not fond of?). And yes, his family's Japanese (I think Ian Anthony Dale, who plays him, is Japanese/Asian & American). Gabriel & Malia's last name was Waincroft, though Malia may have taken Chin's last name, Kelly, when they married. I know you didn't like Gabriel, but I thought you liked Malia (shrugs). I thought the Waincrofts were just supposed to be "generic", but non-Asian/Polynesian, Hawaiians. We've never met the Waincroft parents, including in the flashback ep where young Malia tried to get Chin to help get young Gabriel away from his life of crime before he actually got a criminal record, when they were dating before Chin broke up with Malia due to his troubles with HPD (when he was accused of stealing from the Asset Forfeiture Locker, among other things), so we don't know what their ancestry is (Waincroft isn't exactly a Hawaiian/Asian/Polynesian name). I assume they cast Christopher Sean as Gabriel because they thought he bore enough of a resemblance to Reiko Aylesworth (Malia) they could be family (shrugs). I may have been wrong about the Philippines being used a lot as a villain's country of origin. They, & most others have only been used twice--except for the recurring villains, like Sang Min, Wo Fat, Gabriel, etc., most of whom have actually been used a lot more
  17. Everything I've always heard about the offscreen relationship between Scott Caan & Teilor Grubbs is that they're very close (she honestly seems to be close to all of the lead cast, & sees them as mentors--though she seems closest to Scott & Alex O'Loughlin in particular, probably since Steve & Gracie are supposed to have an "adopted uncle/niece" relationship on the show, because of the close relationship between Steve & Danny, & most of Teilor's/Gracie's scenes on the show are with Scott &/or Alex). When Scott had 2 of his plays produced in LA over a couple of the earlier summer filming hiatuses, Teilor & at least her parents, if not her whole family (she has 2 younger sisters who are probably too young for the plays), flew to LA to see Scott in (at least) 1 of the plays. It was No Way Around But Through, the 1 in which Melanie Griffith played the mother of Scott's character--& thereby scored the role of Danny's mom in H50, because of their onstage chemistry. There were pics on Social Media of Teilor, after the performance, with Scott & his partner Kacy (mother of his/their daughter, Josie); she even brought a present for either Scott or both of them (she was holding a kinda big shopping bag in most of the pics I saw). And, even though Scott's not on Social Media (though Kacy at least was), when Kacy was pregnant Teilor posted on her Social Media that she was offering/volunteering to babysit for him/them once the baby arrived; I think she also made some comment about the baby's gender (girl) in what she said, though that had yet to be announced by Scott &/or Kacy.
  18. That's my point. Let him have all the existing TRUMP buildings, & let him have his eventual monument to his presidency. But don't name any new Federal buildings, airports (all the NYC-area airports already have good names anyway), military facilities or ships (which would be a laugh since didn't serve in the military), or any other buildings & things traditionally named for presidents/former presidents after him. And don't rename anything for him. Not even the schools he went to as a kid or buildings at whatever university/universities he went to.
  19. The POTUS, FLOTUS, VP & other White House/government-related Twitter accounts will probably be handed over on Inauguration Day (January 20th), just like the offices, whether or not the new users actually post there on that day.
  20. Nixon actually does have a combination Library & Birthplace, in Yorba Linda, CA. He's apparently buried there (as President & Mrs. Reagan are buried on the grounds of the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA). So it doesn't appear impeachment/resignation is an impediment to having a Presidential Library, Museum, whatever--especially since Clinton was impeached; he has a Library & Museum in Little Rock, AR (neither is assassination while in office a detriment to having a Library/Museum--at least JFK, among those who were killed in office, has a Library & Museum, in/near Boston). As long as you've served in the office, you're apparently entitled to a monument to your service to our nation, no matter how your presidency might've ended or how long it lasted. https://www.nixonlibrary.gov/ Considering Trump already has so many buildings, of his own design, with at least his last name on them, I don't think they should add his name to any future Federal buildings, airports, etc., as they've done with other former presidents.
  21. The only thing Trump might like out of this whole thing is the Presidential Library & Museum he eventually gets to build, since it's a museum to himself. (Shrugs)
  22. According to this: http://www.staradvertiser.com/2016/11/11/features/five-0-redux/all-the-right-stuff/ , which is a weekly blog about the show I read, published in the Honolulu Star Advertiser on Saturdays during the TV season, even when there's a pre-emption for other programs, as well as on Saturdays during filming hiatus periods, the dance was filmed at a real-life conference center & wedding venue, Koʻolau Ballrooms in Kāne'ohe. And the blog writer also doesn't like the way Grace's been written lately. A kind of fun fact I got from the Writers' Twitter Commentary last night, which I almost forgot: The girl who pissed off the terrorists by needing to go to the bathroom was an older version of Gracie's Aloha Girls troopmate who helped get them rescued back then by putting parts from different cellphones into another phone, enabling Danny to call Chin & Kono for help.
  23. Entertainment Weekly, via People.com: Criminal Minds Writer Talks About Altercation with Thomas Gibson http://www.ew.com/article/2016/11/12/criminal-minds-writer-thomas-gibson Apologies if this should've been posted somewhere else. None of the other threads looked that appropriate.
  24. I'm 53 & from a medical family, which wasn't that formal either. But every non-related adult who I wasn't told I could call "Aunt", "Uncle", or by their first name, for whatever reason, was always addressed as "Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms." or by their professional title (Dr., or whatever). Heck... I still don't call our neighbors by their first names because they've never explicitly told me I could, even though I've been living next door to them since I was 12 or 13! We were told, growing up, we couldn't use adults' first names unless we had permission. "Mr. Grover" from Grace, instead of "Captain Grover", definitely sounded weird to me, & like maybe there was a writing mistake they didn't catch. And they did it again! The scene from this week where Will tells Danny he's Grace's boyfriend is up on YouTube, so I watched it again. I didn't catch it during the ep, but in the scene Will calls Danny "Mr. Williams" instead of "Detective Williams" like everyone else does (I'm pretty sure Danny's rank is "Sergeant", but everyone just uses "Detective" as his professional title). What kinda bug do the writers have about the kids not using their dads' colleagues' proper professional titles?
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