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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. The Hollywood Reporter is saying Trump *did* disavow the White Supremacists, etc., who are spewing hate in his name, during his meeting with The New York Times. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/donald-trump-disavows-alt-right-white-supremacists-950109
  2. He thinks he's gonna be POTUS for *8* years? (Look at the top Tweet screengrab) Is he just ignorant that an actual term of office for a POTUS starts at 4 years, then goes to 8 if you get re-elected (assuming you even run for a second term, which a few POTUSes, like LBJ, have declined to do), or what? Heaven help us!
  3. I think the person you're calling "Barbara" is actually named Nancy.
  4. The Disney thing was probably pretaped; especially since Julianne was there tonight. The holiday parades/specials usually are. Hairspray's rehearsing, but I thought they were rehearsing in LA. I think/am pretty sure they're doing something in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on Thursday morning too. He may already be in NYC for that, & that may be why he was MIA from the Finale tonight & Julianne wasn't.
  5. Someone needs to either change the year in the thread title to 2016 or else make it an "Annual" thread.
  6. As I said in a previous response, I don't think they're strictly limited to "Christmas Holiday" flavors, or shapes (the bundt cake a week or 2 ago was supposed to look like a wreath) unless Bobby says so during a challenge. The name of the show is The *Holiday* Baking Championship, after all, & it starts airing between Halloween (which has its own baking championship) & Thanksgiving. My feeling has always been it's supposed to encompass *all* the holidays where baking is/can be involved between Thanksgiving & Christmas (like Chanukah & observances by other ethnic groups &/or religions that may fall in this period), maybe all the way through to New Year's Eve/Day.
  7. The Secret Service will have to accompany Barron to school, yes. And everywhere else he goes until Trump's term ends.
  8. OK... I watched a repeat of the pie ep earlier today & maybe I'm confused or something. Bobby said they couldn't use electrical appliances to make the pies. How did they end up--at the very least--with baked crusts without using ovens? I mean, few if any of those pie recipes were "no bake", "no mix", "no refrigerate", etc. At least from what I remember seeing.
  9. The writers, in their weekly Twitter Chat for the ep, admitted they used creative license in the Tiny Bubbles scene, using the song 3 years before it was actually released. I think they thought it added to the atmosphere, which I think it did.
  10. Or else they might end up pissing off some viewers by leaving out someone, who perhaps shouldn't have been, due to time constraints. Which I think at least some award shows did this year anyway.
  11. @Twilight Man: And Scott Caan being absent from episodes periodically is apparently a contractual thing. He's stated in at least 1 interview I've seen that TPTB is OK with it. Grace P's Maternity Leave was actually from the end of S3 through about Midseason in S4 (when she returned permanently). She made 1 or 2, maybe 3 brief appearances before that, which I understand were filmed in her home base of Vancouver because she wasn't medically able to fly to film in Hawaii at the time--she was either still pregnant or had just given birth--& the other cast members in her scenes flew up to Canada to film with her. As I remember, that was at least Alex, DDK, & Ian Anthony Dale, who plays Kono's now-husband Adam Noshimuri. They all were in scenes where Vancouver was doubling for Hong Kong--when Adam gave himself up to the Yakuza to save Kono, or doubling for Tokyo or elsewhere in Japan--when McG, Chin & Kono nabbed some guy & interrogated him about where Adam was & what happened to him. There was also a scene around Thanksgiving in S4 when Kono tracked Adam to a diner somewhere & found him washing dishes there. Then, at the end of that ep, or the next 1, Adam & Kono showed up at Steve's during a party the team & ohana was having during either an NFL Playoff Game or the Super Bowl. From that point, Adam & Kono were no longer on the run from the Yakuza & Grace P. was officially back from her Maternity Leave full-time.
  12. Singer Sharon Jones of Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings dead from pancreatic cancer at age 60. http://variety.com/2016/music/news/ssharon-jones-dead-dies-dap-kings-1201922559/
  13. All of the major (& at least most of the minor) awards shows do the "In Memoriam" segment (the "death montage").
  14. Lou Diamond Phillips (Longmire, La Bamba) will play a "no nonsense" US Marshal in Ep 714, which is being directed by veteran H50 director & guest star Peter Weller. The ep is expected to air in early 2017. http://tvline.com/2016/11/17/hawaii-five-0-lou-diamond-phillips-season-7-cast/
  15. The guy who vandalized Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has finally been charged, with Felony Vandalism. If convicted, he faces a 3-year sentence or $10,000 fine. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2016/11/17/vandal-who-wrecked-donald-trumps-hollywood-star-charged/94050944/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter As I'm pretty sure everyone knows, the Secret Service will never let the immediate members of the Trump family (the new POTUS, FLOTUS, & their underaged spawn) live full-time anywhere but the White House (unless it's somehow deemed uninhabitable sometime before January 20th). During the last season of The West Wing, the Santos family (the incoming First Family after the Bartlets) also proposed many different permutations of living arrangements for at least part of Santos' 1st term, including the "FLOTUS & the kid(s) live in the current family home, at least until the end of the school year" version. Then it was pointed out to them/they came to realize that anything but everybody moving into the White House on January 20th would put all their neighbors in the most protected, but also the most restricted, neighborhood in the country & it would be beyond unfair to the neighbors. Given how the fictional Secret Service felt, I'm sure the real life version feels this way even more, & hopefully they're making the Trumps see the light: They have basically no other choice but for Donald, Melania, & Barron--at the least, plus any family pet(s)--to move to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on January 20, 2017. Any other living arrangements would cause a great imposition on their neighbors & the Secret Service agents assigned to their protection details.
  16. Small point: Sasha Obama is the only Obama daughter currently attending Sidwell Friends School; I believe she's a Sophomore. Malia Obama graduated from Sidwell Friends in May, & is taking a "gap year" off--as British students do, including at least the younger members of the Royal family (like the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge & Prince Harry)--before entering Yale (I think it is) next Fall.
  17. Masi Oka (& his character, Max Bergman) is leaving the show! His last appearance will be in Ep 713, which is filming now, & today is/was his last day on set (if I read the article right). http://www.ew.com/article/2016/11/17/hawaii-five-0-masi-oka-exit And... http://tvline.com/2016/11/17/hawaii-five-0-masi-oka-leaving-max-exit/ And... http://cartermatt.com/230470/hawaii-five-0-season-7-masi-oka-exits-max-written-off/ And... http://deadline.com/2016/11/hawaii-five-o-masi-oka-exiting-cbs-drama-series-seven-seasons-1201856833/#comment-list-wrapper (there are factual errors in this story--like Ep 713 DOESN'T air tonight, as they say; this week is Ep 709, which airs *tomorrow* night. With the holidays/holiday TV breaks starting, they may not/probably won't air Ep 713 until early 2017).
  18. It's just going on hiatus until we get past most of the holidays; pretty much every show does it this time of the year, because everybody gets too busy to watch new episodes of shows & networks have special programming they want to air. It got picked up for a full season already, so it'll be back at some point. If I can find out when, I'll post. IMDb says the next new ep is supposed to air November 30th.
  19. Here's a panda pic for you. I need to provide some background, because it's a bit unusual. The pic is of Tai Shan; he's the firstborn cub of Mei Xiang & Tian Tian, the current set of adult pandas at Washington's National Zoo; he's 11 & he now lives in 1 of the panda breeding & research reserves in China, because of the agreement that panda cubs born to adult pandas on loan to US zoos are returned to China at least by age 3. He has a 3-year-old sister, Bao Bao, & a 15-month-old brother, Bei Bei; both live at the National Zoo with their parents, but Bao Bao is being relocated to China sometime in this coming winter, 2017. Anyway... There was apparently a day where Tai got scared or something, & he climbed a tree & wouldn't come down. Finally, 1 of his keepers, Brian (the guy in the pic), managed to get Tai to come out of the tree. Tai ran after Brian &, well, they just hugged. A pic like this hasn't happened since (the keepers were apparently more hands on with Tai because he was the firstborn cub here, from 2 different sets of adult pandas--the original set being Hsing Hsing & Ling Ling, presented to the National Zoo by China during Nixon's administration). https://mobile.twitter.com/PandaReactions/status/798907952656621569/photo/1
  20. It was probably also pronounced like the first syllable in "Christmas", as opposed to like Jesus' last name. At least I'm guessing so. (shrugs)
  21. I don't think the Secret Service ever stopped Cheney's hunting trips--& he accidentally shot 1 of his friends on 1 of them, as I remember--so I doubt they'll say they can't go on safari (or whatever they called the trips). Unless it's deemed to be a situation that's too hard to protect them in, logistically, financially, or whatever.
  22. Even if he gives up & officially resigns the office, or he leaves the office by 1 of the "normal" ways--he chooses not to run again, he loses re-election, serves 2 full terms, or dies in office--from January 20th he'll forever & always have the titles "President Trump/Former President Trump" unless a court acts to take the titles from him.
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