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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. If a Mod is reading--& with all due respect to thread starter @Kromm--the "ph" at the end of "Adolph" in the thread title needs to be changed to an "f". He spelled his name "Adolf".
  2. Land of the Giants & Star Trek actor Don Marshall dies at age 80. http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/don-marshall-dead-dies-star-trek-1201906360/
  3. Small point: Teilor Grubbs was 8, in real life, when the show started, not 6 or 7. She recently celebrated her 15th birthday. The character of Grace is, & always has been, a year younger in the show. So Grace is 14, until Danny or someone else says otherwise. They "bother" to continue to have the kids on the show because that was 1 of the reasons/the only reason why Danny was in Hawaii in the first place--he moved to Hawaii to maintain his visitation with his then only child, Grace, after his divorce from Grace's Mother, Rachel, who had remarried & moved to Hawaii with Grace & her new husband, wealthy real estate mogul Stan Edwards. Though probably pretty much everybody knew from the time Rachel told Danny she was pregnant, at the end of S1 when they were having an affair, that the expected baby was, indeed, Danny's, that wasn't confirmed until the child, Charlie, then 3, became ill at the end of S5 & needed a bone marrow transplant that Rachel, Grace, & his then-presumed father, Stan, weren't marrow donor matches for. They officially added Charlie to Danny's family in S5, really, because Scott Caan (not Cahn, & it is pretty obvious you're not a fan of his) is pretty good acting with kids & Teilor Grubbs had grown out of the "cute TV kid" stage so they brought another 1--the son Danny & Rachel conceived during their S1 affair--in to fill that "void" because the show's still airing. Grace may not be just rolling her eyes & otherwise behaving in "typical teenage angst". As @anna0852, I believe, said either upthread or in another thread (which I agree with) some of Grace's newfound issues may also have to do with her parents' affair & then finding out that her (half-) brother was actually from that affair & not the child of her Mother & Stan, like Rachel led everyone to believe in S2-S5. As of (I think it was) S4, Danny has shared custody of Grace--she lives with both him & her Mother; with the sort of "revelation" that Charlie is also Danny's son, he presumably has a similar custody agreement regarding Charlie--he told Steve that he told Rachel, when she said Charlie was Danny's son, that he wanted the same custody agreement with Charlie he had with Grace (plus, as Danny said to Steve after learning he was Charlie's father, he missed out on the first 3 years of Charlie's life because Rachel decided to lie about Charlie's paternity after originally telling Danny he was the father; so maybe Rachel's being lenient about how much time they can spend together, although this was the first time we've seen him this season). In the ep where Danny briefly went to prison in Colombia for killing Marco Reyes (the guy who killed his brother, Matt), Max--who was at Grace's school, along with Danny, for Career Day--took Grace to Rachel's (& Stan's?) home in Hawaii after the Feds arrested Danny for killing Reyes. Back when Danny was granted partial custody of Grace, that was because Rachel, Stan & the kids were supposed to move to Las Vegas for Stan's work. Danny was tired of Rachel just arbitrarily moving Grace because she felt like it, not taking how Grace might feel--being separated from her friends, & father, in Hawaii--into consideration. So he sued for custody of Grace & got partial custody, with her not being allowed to leave Hawaii without Danny's permission. But I don't know/the show hasn't said if Stan's work in Vegas is over, or if he & Rachel are still married (there were allusions to marital problems when we met the Rachel & Stan characters in S1; then, of course, Stan found out his son was really Danny's when the kid became ill). Though it sounded like they were still married when Charlie got sick & Stan wasn't a marrow donor match. All we know is Rachel (at least) & Danny both have houses in Hawaii, they're sharing custody of their daughter, & probably sharing custody of their son now that Danny knows he's the boy's father. Since you're not fond of the kids, I'd think you'd be happy when they're not mentioned & not care that they aren't being mentioned. Grace is 14 in the show; Charlie is 4. Most 14-year-olds are fully capable, in real life anyway, of taking care of a 4-year-old. I think Grace can take care of Charlie, if she has to. I mean, as far as we know, it's not like he hasn't recovered from either the bone marrow transplant Danny was donor for, or he hasn't recovered from HLH, the illness that necessitated the transplant. I'm assuming that Danny had to get Jerry to sit because it was his night for custody (we've seen in past seasons he enjoys going Trick-or-Treating with both of his kids; he went with Charlie, passing out candy to the other sick kids, in the hospital last season after the marrow transplant). Plus, Danny needed someone to make sure Grace didn't sneak out to a Halloween party on the North Shore (or anywhere else), which she did in last season's Halloween ep, because she was grounded this year for going to the party last year. I'm also assuming Rachel couldn't take the kids because she had plans of her own, either with Stan or with someone else. Adults go out on Halloween too. Or maybe Rachel wasn't even in Hawaii. Max dresses at Halloween like Keanu Reeves' movie characters. Unfortunately, but probably realistically, they can't all be his most famous/popular characters. This year he was John Wick, a character I'm not familiar with. But, the character wore a wedding ring & it was a way for Max to surprise everyone with the news he'd married his longtime love, the bank teller Sabrina (she's been played by Rumer Willis, in an episode where we find out Max is interested in her then she's shot & badly injured, in a robbery gone bad, minutes later & in the Halloween episode with Corbin Bernsen as 1 of the bad guys).
  4. Two-time Tony-winning actress Tammy Grimes, Mother of Tony-winner Amanda Plummer & ex-wife of Oscar, Tony- & Emmy-winner Christopher Plummer, dies at age 82. http://variety.com/2016/legit/news/tammy-grimes-dead-dies-1201905374/
  5. Chrissy probably doesn't look all that weird for someone who's Norwegian & German on her Dad's side & Thai on her Mother's side. Just saying.
  6. Teilor Grubbs isn't actually "local Hawaiian talent" any longer, though she was when the show started production. Her family is moving/has moved to LA so hopefully Teilor can expand her career, since acting opportunities are relatively few & far between in Hawaii (she will be flying back to Hawaii, as necessary, to continue playing Danny's daughter Gracie on the show). The Hawaii-based fans had a sort of "going away party" for her, in the last week or so, at a local restaurant & posted about it on their social media; Teilor also recently mentioned it on her social media as well. Also, they don't always confine themselves to using Hawaii-based talent to play the kids' parts in the show, nor do they have to since child labor laws are pretty similar from state to state, I would think; though the Hawaiian child labor laws would be the applicable ones since the show films in Hawaii. Miya Cech, who played "Little Kono" in the flashbacks in S5's ep where Kono was briefly lost at sea while trying to undertake a solo outrigger trip around the islands her mother wanted to make & couldn't, due to illness, is from LA. And so is young actress Londyn Silzer, who's had a recurring role as Chin's orphaned niece, Sara, since the end of last season. Though Zach Sulzbach, the little boy who plays Danny's son & Gracie's brother, Charlie, is from Hawaii & (though he's not exactly a "kid"), the actor who plays Nahele, the local teen who McGarrett has taken under his wing in recent seasons, after he stole & stripped McGarrett's late Dad's vintage Mercury Marquis, is also Hawaii-based as I remember.
  7. Jen posted a pic last night, of Will & Zoey in their Halloween costumes. Will is/was a "regular" astronaut or a Space Shuttle astronaut; Zoey is/was Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. https://www.instagram.com/p/BMP9EzagNBd/
  8. Picked up for the full 2nd season. http://tvline.com/2016/10/31/lucifer-season-2-full-episode-order-renewal/
  9. Fashion designer James Galanos, who designed (under just his last name) for former First Lady Nancy Reagan, dead at age 92. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/james-galanos-dead-fashion-designer-nancy-reagan-dies-at-92-942437
  10. It appears the NBC Nightly News Tweet(s) only include pics of parts of Senator Reid's letter to Comey. If you haven't yet read the entire original 2-page letter, & just saw the parts quoted in NBC's pics, you really need to read the entire original document. You can read the whole thing here--it was uploaded as a PDF file. Your phone (at least if it's an iPhone) should open it automatically, though I'm not sure if that includes Android phones. You might need PDF Reader software for it on Android phones, tablets/iPads, & you probably will need PDF Reader software for it on laptops/notebooks & desktops. http://www.reid.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Letter-to-Director-Comey-10_30_2016.pdf
  11. I don't think most of the male Bushes (POTUS 41 or Jeb), or even former FLOTUS Barbara Bush, have said who they're voting for; just that they, like the other former POTUSes, many other Republicans, & President Obama don't support Trump or feel he's Presidential material & they didn't seem willing to commit to voting for Hillary either. Except, I don't think W--Bush 43--has actually spoken on the record about the issue because, when he left office, I remember he made some promise to stay out of how Obama ran things & to otherwise keep as low a public profile as possible; his repudiation of Trump is more implied/presumed because of other comments regarding Trump's candidacy by his family members.
  12. I believe it's already been stated that all of the former (living, of course--which would be Carter, Bush 41, Clinton 42 [I'm already distinguishing between the Clintons as POTUSes, in preparation for the way I voted & what I hope is to come], & Bush 43 ) presidents (& Obama, for that matter) have said quite clearly, in their own ways, that Donald Trump is unfit to be President.
  13. According to this Tweet from NBC Nightly News, Senator Reid (D-NV)--I think he's the Senate Minority Leader--has sent ("issued") a letter to Comey, citing "a disturbing double standard" in regards to his treatment of the Clinton email issue. https://mobile.twitter.com/NBCNightlyNews/status/792846527811186689?p=v
  14. Not only is Trump's son-in-law Jewish (& Ivanka converted when she married him), 1 of his daughters-in-law, Don Jr's wife, Vanessa, is half-Jewish according to Jr's Wikipedia page. Not sure about Eric's wife, who was born Lara Yunaska; his Wikipedia page doesn't say much about her & she doesn't have a separate page.
  15. Which of Trump's daughters-in-law is implicating him in Comey's latest FBI crap, Don Jr's wife (Vanessa) or Eric's (Lara)? I only ask because Don Jr's already been married, like, 11 years & they have 5 kids (so his marriage may not suffer much/any fallout from this), but Eric's only been married for almost 2 years & has no kids (so his marriage may have more to lose if his wife's shooting her mouth off about Trump being involved in the Comey thing--or if she's part of it herself).
  16. *George W. Bush's* ethics lawyer filed a complaint yesterday against the FBI for violations of the Hatch Act (in connection with the new Email crap they're trying to use to wreck HRC's election chances). Link from The New York Times, written by the lawyer himself (it appears). http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/10/30/opinion/on-clinton-emails-did-the-fbi-director-abuse-his-power.html?_r=0&referer=
  17. Considering our sitting misogynist, anti-LGBT Governor--whom many of us are happy to be rid of, hopefully without him winning the VP office to make that happen--is on the Republican ticket, I have the feeling Hillary will only get Indiana through a miracle. There tends (except with me when the candidate's a Republican) to be a "we have to vote for the home team" mentality here when it comes to Hoosiers on the Presidential ticket, even in the second slot. Trump/Pence probably had us locked up as soon as Trump picked Pence as VP, our propensity to go "red" notwithstanding.
  18. My ballot has been received. I mailed it Thursday; on the Indiana Voters site where we can track our absentee ballots, it's listed as having been received by my county election board as of yesterday (Saturday).
  19. I was watching the Law & Order marathon on TNT. They had a commercial a few minutes ago saying that Samantha Bee (which is why I'm posting here) will be interviewing President Obama at 10:30PM Eastern Monday (I think that means tomorrow) on TBS.
  20. If you're calling Indiana firmly red, that's maybe not necessarily so. We went blue/for Obama during his first election (which happily surprised the crap outta me). Then, sadly, when Obama ran against Romney we reverted to our true "red" state nature.
  21. Whatever happens on November 8th, there's 1 thing to hold on to--even if Trump's side goes majorly ballistic if when he loses: Barack Obama is still our POTUS until the winner takes the oath at Noon on January 20, 2017 (or whatever date is designated in the event that falls on a weekend or something, like I think happened with Obama's second inauguration).
  22. Thanks for all the panda content! Much appreciated. I've seen the Tian Tian panda in the snow videos--I love him & his "family" at the National Zoo. Another animal that de-stresses me is a little Australian being called a quokka, which is found on smaller islands near Perth--particularly on Rottnest Island--& in a nature preserve on the Australian Mainland. So cute! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quokka http://www.google.com/search?site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=Je4VWKPxH56vjwSq9LngBA&q=quokka+selfie&oq=&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.0.41l3. Sloths are cute too!
  23. Baby bats & goldfish aren't bad, I guess. But my go-to is baby pandas. Especially once their fur & markings start to come in. They don't have to be baby pandas either. I'll take older pandas too. I just love pandas, in general.
  24. He's not in any of the special features for any of the first 4 seasons (the "Sam" seasons) or S7 (when Sam reappeared after Josh went to get him for Santos' Administration). At least he's not in anything that was newly-recorded for the special features. He's only in them if they used all or part of scenes which included him from the eps he was in. I guess he couldn't cut the deal he wanted for participation in that sorta stuff, or something, but I don't really know why he's not in the new parts of the special features. That's just not some actors' "thing" I guess; after the first season DVDs for the current Hawaii Five-0, Scott Caan has rarely, if ever, participated in anything new that was done for those DVDs special features. Like Rob, he's still in scenes used from the show in the special features, but he hasn't done many, if any, new interviews, etc., for the special features.
  25. Dave's National Geographic Channel (aka Nat Geo) program on climate change--the first part of The Years of Living Dangerously--airs tomorrow night, October 30th, on National Geographic Channel at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central. There's also supposedly an interview with him about it in National Geographic magazine, but I have no idea in what issue--it came up, in passing, when I Googled for the time the show's on.
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