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Apocalypse Cow

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Everything posted by Apocalypse Cow

  1. I loved the Fairfield people! They were great. I was expecting to hate them, but they turned out just to be super cute and enjoyable to watch. I'm sooooo hoping they are on a future episode of HH Reno. Best couple in a long time. Best episode in a long time.
  2. I liked this couple also. They just seemed...normal. And they had really realistic house expectations. But yeah, the houses they were shown were ugly. But I'm glad they picked the one that they did.
  3. Well, isn't that precious? Lol, the wiki entry is hilarious.
  4. Dan's ponderosa video... is crazy. He should have been more of a jerk? OMG. No. Please. No. He's pretty "self-aware". No, buddy, you're not.
  5. I was absolutely shocked when Madison went out (because he's Chopped poster boy star, imo) and then I figured that Greenspan would win because dear Art NEVER wins. But I was tickled that he did win. Art always makes food that I would want to eat, and he always comes across as a doll on these shows. He may be a beast in real life, but he is just one of my most favorite competing chefs. And I was SHOCKED when Hung lost--- I had pegged him for the tournament winner, tbh. Anne does well on these competition shows, but usually falls short. I had pegged her going out round 2. I love Mary Sue Milkin and she probably makes food that is delish, but her presentation was all sorts of wrong on both dishes, imo. Dale Talde I figured was going to be out first. IMO, he's not as known as the other 3 chefs. I like Anne alot. I've cooked some of her recipes, and they've all turned out well. I think she is also a good teacher (ymmv, of course) and she really does seem to give tips/hints that help an amateur. I'm fine with her winning, but dang... she beat HUNG??? omg. I was devastated when Marcel went out first. I have grown to love him, but he's totally the Charlie Brown of cooking competitions. It's never going to happen, Marcel. Sorry. I don't like Michael Psilakis at all. He's so smug and just gross to me. I love, love, love Antonia and was really not happy she didn't advance. Cat Cora is so bland to me that I couldn't even remember she was on the show... and I just watched it last night. No big loss there.
  6. I'm sad, but happy that the last show was pretty much the perfect ending to this sweet little show.
  7. I don't think he's currently anchoring anywhere right now. In the fall, he was "let go" (fired?) from the local station here in Greenville. He said that it was so he could take care of his mother who has/d breast cancer, but rumor has it, he was escorted by security off the tv station... so, I don't know what's the real story with that. But local viewers LOVED him and were very upset he left.
  8. Okay, my votes and reasoning--- For the females: Ciera- I liked her and thought she had good instincts. And I'm always interested in people who played on BvW's games without the burden/advantage of a loved one. Monica- Couldn't really remember her, but remembered she was on a Russell season and was against him? So, deserves a second chance. PG- Smart player. Interested in what she can do with a second chance. Sabrina- Tough cookie. Smart. Runner up to one of the best Survivor players/winners, imo. Was on a crappy season, but was part of a dominant women's alliance. Tasha- Very competitive. Good at challenges. I don't know how good her game is, but I liked her on her original season. T-Bird- She wasn't a favorite of mine on her season, but I definitely want to see some old school players. Kelly Wiglesworth- My number one, please be on this season person Kimmi- I didn't like her one bit in her season, but I remember her and that says alot. Shirin- Just because of the Harry Potter word associations. Abi-Maria- I think she got a crap edit, and I'd like to see her try again. For the males: Shane- For just being absolutely friggin' nuts Fishbach- I think he'll be a contender if he comes back Jeff Varner- One of my all-time favorite contestants. Super funny. Joe- Because pretty Spencer- Smart and scrappy Troyzan- Shane and Troyzan on the same team would be hilarious. Terry- I hated him, but I want to see if he dominates challenges. Savage- Seriously got screwed over. Vytas- I liked him and again, want to see the BvW folks on their own. Mike- Because if he doesn't win this season, he deserves to come back just for having to put up with those nimrods on his season.
  9. Okay, the group hip hop had me dying. I thought that was Karina also, but then realized it could not be her-- poor Susan Lucci is lacking in the rhythm department. The group swing was okay-ish... but it went on for far too long. And clearly, Apollo was head and shoulders above the rest of the dancers. I missed his season.
  10. I actually enjoy Allison's and Riker's dances usually the most. I think she is one of the more inventive/creative choreographers, and he is a good male dancer. I like high energy and there's usually is high energy and fun to watch. I thought they should have won the dance off just for being more gritty and sexy. I am shocked to say this, but Mark has really grown on me the past few seasons. He is amazing with younger contestants. I do think that his choreography gets the better of him, and he does have a tendency to overdance with a partner, but he seems just to be an all-around nice guy.
  11. Hide and Seek champ??? Any idea? I'm intrigued by the list. A few big/weird personalities, some that were voted out early/screwed by their tribes, some are definite WTFs or Hell Nos. My hopes: Women-- Kelly, Kimmi, Teresa, PG, Natalie, Tasha, Chelsea. Maybe Ciera and Abi. Definitely Jenn if she's one of this season's choices. Men--- Greg, Jeff, Andrew, Shane, Stephen, Spencer. Maybe Terry, Hayden, Vytas. Definitely Joe if he's one of this season's choices. And maybe Mike from this season.
  12. I occasionally get a winner's vibe off of Shirin. And the 100% happy comment is telling, I feel.
  13. I felt it was producer-driven also. They do live around Apex. And I knew they were going to stay. The land alone was worth staying. The only place I would have been tempted by was the older home that was way over their budget... and I'm not even sure what neighborhood it was in, and it would have depended on that, really. You're right, though--- traditional is very popular in NC--- and so that kinda ruled out house 3 for them since they were looking for something more modern.
  14. I just have to comment on Theresa's "look" for the reunion show. I usually find her a fairly attractive person, personality aside, but wtf was she wearing at the reunion. Her face cannot handle that much make up, her hair was ridiculous, and she was dressed like she was headed to a ladies luncheon at church. It was just a weird, weird look for her.
  15. I watched it. The husband is the brother of an old childhood friend. I did think that the wife was OTT, but I'm not sure how much of that was producer drama. I was pretty sure they were going to love it, but the last house that they were shown was definitely a contender.
  16. I really am shocked at how much I'm liking Maggie and how much I'm liking how they've integrated her into the show. Rarely does a new character really work for me. Amelia was/is a bomb. Terrible. Take her away. I'm still meh sometimes on April, but she's been around so long that I've just accepted her. The newbies (Jo and Stephanie) are whatever--- plot devices basically. Lexie never felt "in" with the group, and was more of a Mark thing than a Mer thing. But Maggie? I'm feeling her. I really am. Last night kinda cemented it for me. She felt right in the tunnel with them, and that hug between her and Richard was really touching. I'm invested in her now.
  17. I'm starting to like Maggie, also. There's been some consistency in her character--- the social awkwardness, the "foot in the mouth" syndrome, her insecurities and detached emotional status, and her confidence in her abilities--- that I appreciate. She is also meshing with the core 3 (Alex, Mer, and Callie) well. It's a good dynamic. She brings a new feel to the group. I was worried she was going to be Christina 2.0, but she's not. At all. Overall, I thought this was a good episode. I do think Amelia and Owen are gross together, but I saw that happening a mile away. I actually like Az and Callie's convo about the clinger date. I don't think Az was lying. But I wouldn't put it past her. The wreck was a good med story. Mom's death and baby save was good. Jo-- meh. The dad and Mer's streak, fine. The Alzheimer guy--- yikes. April and Jackson--- ugggh. I'm not a hater for them, but it's way out of character, imo, for April to be acting this way. I was wondering if she was ovulating or something and trying to get pregnant.
  18. I may be in the minority, but I liked this episode. But I feel like a bad OUAT episode is better than most everything else on tv, so there's that. :) Best part of the episode was (duh) RumpelHooklestin. The look that he gave Belle when she summoned him was CREEPY. Loved it. Also loved the bringing back August to answer questions. That look at the end was great. I do think the QOD quartet was juvenile and really? A game of chicken determines if someone is evil? yeah, right. I do think the flashback was not well done. Regina is too old to be young Regina. But Mal was hilariously crazy. Can we trade her out full time for Regina?
  19. I work at a University and most everyone employed here has advanced degrees... and we (myself included) are often stumped by our phone system. Even now, I can't figure out how to check my messages on the phone... I have to use my outlook on my computer. Phones are hard, man.
  20. Dumb Carolinian drawl? I'm slightly offended by that! Bless your heart! Said in my dumb Carolinian drawl. LOL. Anyway, I agree, she was annoying and ignorant to "real" Indian living quarters. I imagine she was looking for a Pier One/Pottery Barn/World Market-esque type place dripping with Indian decorations. I had a slight crush on her hubby.
  21. I know she's not conventionally "pretty", but I find something very interesting about her face that I prefer to just being cute or pretty. I'm hoping she's good. Her body is lovely and strong looking.
  22. I got that feeling also. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they were dating after the show. She is so awkward though. Bless her heart.
  23. Love all the judgey breastfeeding comments so far! Lol. My almost 4 year old still nurses on occasion and hasn't turned into a brat yet... but there's still time. :)
  24. I will never get over Andie McPhee being Lemon's mama. It blows my mind.
  25. Ah, I thought it was dessert, not just sweet.
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