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Apocalypse Cow

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Everything posted by Apocalypse Cow

  1. I thought they said 7 feet. I'm a water rat, so it would not have bothered me most likely. I probably still wouldn't have done it though, if I was a girl. lol
  2. Eh, it didn't look deep at all. Maybe 10 feet? There was divers with oxygen tanks all around. I thought it was one of the cooler challenges.
  3. We can almost all of our veggies and make our own sweet pickles. I use Mount Olive pickles for dill. :) Canning pickles is easy though. A great thing to begin with when trying out canning.
  4. I mean, really! I've thought Mikey looked so white trash/methy all season, but those pics... omg. The shorter hair works better also. Wow.
  5. I'm still thinking the girl red devil could be the Chanel (#4?) that "died" of meningitis (mentioned briefly), or the old president maybe? Seeking revenge on Kappa and Chanel #1. I'm thinking: Hester Meningitis Chanel Old Pres Chanel #1 and Pete are all possible suspects for Red Devil Girl (?)
  6. Unpopular opinion, but I don't care if Adalind and Nick hook up. I suspend reality when I watch this show, and if they want me to believe that Adalind has changed, okay. I think that Nick and Adalind have about a thousand times more chemistry than Nick and Juliette (who bugged me to death). I think the Adalind character can be saved. I think she has more of a defined personality than Juliette ever did. But she needs to get some of her spunk back.
  7. Both Boiler Room and CatF are successful in their own right, and would likely still be without the show. BR is packed every weekend, and has steady weekday business. CatF is being booked 3 months in advance. I don't know if the show is gone if it will stay that way, but possibly. The other businesses in Kinston are less successful. The taco place is wonderful, but I was there Saturday night picking up an order and it was dead. It may be busy at lunch, but I work in another town, so I don't know. I hope it stay because the tacos are tdf. Ginger 108 is very, very good (most of my friends prefer it over CatF), but I don't know if Kinston is big enough to support two semi-upscale places. Mother Earth will be fine (they would be fine without CatF or the show, to be honest). The bakery (Sweetie Pies) has already closed, in spite of decent business. It was too much for the owners to handle, and hiring others was too costly. There's a new pizza place opening in its place though, and I'm pretty excited about it.
  8. Interesting read about the show and the restaurant. http://www.ourstate.com/a-chefs-life-vivian-howard/?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2015-11%20Arts%20and%20Culture%20(1)&utm_content=&spMailingID=23905797&spUserID=ODc1Mzc0NDE5NTcS1&spJobID=680276557&spReportId=NjgwMjc2NTU3S0
  9. Speaking of ass talk... Abi's got the best booty out there on the island. Say what you will about her personality, that butt is undeniable. Straight woman, here. I just appreciate a nice butt when I see one.
  10. My church does an old fashioned homecoming like that. I usually bring 3-4 things (meat and 2-3 side items, usually a casserole) and a dessert. So it's not unusual for her to bring a lot of stuff. I view it as "bring enough stuff that you'd be able to feed your family and a few guests" type thing. And she's a local celeb chef--- it's expected she bring a lot of "her" food. I've had those sweet potato and ham biscuits--- they are yummy. :)
  11. I feaking loved it. I thought ER was hilarious as Chanel #1. Grace and Pete were meh, but whatever. Deaf Taylor Swift head scene made me cackle, as did Hester detailing how to break down a body. I tend to love Ryan Murphy projects the first season or two, and then I'm done. So I'm in it for this season at least.
  12. Unpopular opinion, table of one (so far)-- I love the covers. I loved the 80's covers last year, and I want to download "Shake it off" from last night. Edited to add--- One of my bffs from college just posted up that her brother and wife actually were the ones who covered "shake it off" last night. (They are Us The Duo). Small world. lol
  13. First, please Grey's stop trying to make Owen and Amelia happen. Amelia is the worst character on the show, imo, and that's saying a lot. Hate her. Hate them together. He has so much more chemistry with Callie. Or even April. Second, I don't really mind the new interns (the two guys). As long as they don't start being featured prominently in storylines, they are are fine. And, Jo and Stephannie--- I like them interacting together okay, but both could leave and I wouldn't miss them at all. Dislike Jo more than Stephannie. Arizona and Callie's storylines are whatever. I like Callie, but Az makes my skin crawl. I only really like her when she's with April. And speaking of April... she annoys be sometimes, but I've really bought into her and Jackson. I love, love, love Jackson, so I was glad to see he was actually being a surgeon this episode and I buy his anger. Interested in that storyline. Bailey/Chief/Bailey's hot hubby stuff--- Meh, whatever. I hate Bailey-centric episodes and really only like her in a sideline mentoring role to Grey. And speaking of Mer... isn't this her show? Why is she a extra in her own show? And Alex? Ugh. And finally... I like Maggie. She may be my new favorite character.
  14. My two cents on the bread: I've eaten there several times, and I didn't even notice that they had stopped serving complimentary bread. I think that first-timers wouldn't know any different, and occasional diners like myself, wouldn't even notice. Frequent diners probably noticed, but if you are dining frequently at the Chef and the Farmer, you shouldn't quibble over a 2.50 basket of bread.
  15. I actually think they filmed longer than that. The show contacted us in Jan/Feb to film our hog killing for the show, but it ended up not working out (thank goodness--- you don't look tv ready at a hog killing). I may be wrong though.
  16. I was not surprised to see Jim go. I think he is a lovely dancer, and I much preferred over Hailey McMuggy Face, there was something cold or disconnected about his dancing that did not resonate with me. I wish that when we hit the top 10, the division between Street and Stage had gone away, and the bottom two dancers just left. I preferred Neptune (awesome chemistry with everyone) and Megz (just something really pleasing about watching her dance) over Jim and Hailey. I do feel the magic is missing from the earlier seasons. I think that some of the magic in the earlier seasons had to do with the relationships between the partners and that we actually got to know the dancers better. I don't think the dancers have gotten better/worse, or even the dances... but we don't know these people like we knew Twitch, and Lacey, and all the others. And finally, I'm tired of the jazzy-contempo opening numbers. Make those stage kids do a hard hitting hip hop with the street kids.
  17. I'm a huge Mark fan, so I was thrilled he was on. The Garden would have been my #1 choice (if Mark is my sytycd boyfriend, Courtney G is definitely my sytycd girlfriend), but I loooooved the kpop routine and was surprised it was featured. I was not a Jenna fan, but that dance makes me like her for a hot second. Season 4 to me has the most iconic dances, so basically they could just do a season 4 redux for 2 hours and I'd be happy.
  18. Did I miss something? What's the story with Abi's dad?
  19. Tribe division: BAYON Andrew Savage Jeremy Collins Joe Anglim Keith Nale Stephen Fishbach Ciera Eastin Kass McQuillen Kimmi Kappenberg Monica Padilla Tasha Fox TA KEO Jeff Varner Spencer Bledsoe Terry Deitz Vytas Baskauskas Woo Hwang Abi-Maria Gomes Kelly Wiglesworth Kelley Wentworth Peih-Gee Law Shirin Oskooi
  20. I'm from eastern NC and everybody has their own bbq sauce recipe. Here's a basic recipe if you want to make some at home. I don't usually measure things so I'm guesstimating on amounts. Adjust to taste. :) 2 cups of Apple Cider Vinegar 2 tablespoons of dark brown sugar 1 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes salt and pepper (I eyeball but 1 tsp each is probably about right. 1 tablespoon of Texas Pete (you can use Tabasco or Franks or whatever, but Texas Pete is the best :) ) Heat on low heat and whisk until sugar is melted and everything is blended together. Let sit for a few hours, a day is probably best. Some people add different things to their sauce: garlic, butter, honey, ketchup (sacrilege!), cayenne, water, molasses, etc. But a true ENC bbq sauce usually only has the ingredients I listed. And adjust sugar, salt, pepper, to taste.
  21. I lived in Texas for several years, and fell in love. I'm a Austin/San Antonio lover, personally (and really the central/southern part of Texas). Didn't care for Houston or the Dallas/FW cities--- to big and generic feeling. I'm back home in NC (really, the best place on Earth :) ) but Texas will always be my second favorite state.
  22. I'm dying to know the alliances and the tribes. More than the bootlist.
  23. If this is true, it makes me happy. :) All my favs are still in it.
  24. I was sooooo hoping they would choose the red house. I loved it and since they had the budget... go for it. :)
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