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Everything posted by haydensterling

  1. Has anyone seen the BI that a Real Housewife is sitting on a sex tape? When I saw this, I immediately thought of Brandi, but maybe not as I'm not sure how that might affect custody of her kids. If anyone wants to check the link, it's http://blindgossip.com/?p=68634#more-68634 . Another site used the words 'accompanying tabloid drama', which made me think that was a subtle shout out that the HW who made it is on RHoBH. Sorry I couldn't make that look fancier, I'm not up to par on previously's board tech yet! Also, if this is on the wrong board, please let me know? I wasn't quite sure where to put it. Thanks!
  2. I'm also sort of confused as to why Brandi thinks that her cutesy-poo flirty behavior is going to work on Yo's 'King'. Yolanda is a hypocrite in her own way, but I can't see her letting that go. If Brandi is stupid enough to think that Yo will let that shit slide in any way, shape or form, I think she's in for a rude awakening. Also, the crap she was pulling with Babyface and his wife was equally repellent. Who does this? I guess Brandi. I used to like her. So gross.
  3. Personally I think that Brandi really does have some weird anxiety issues. In a way, the things she does almost--not quite, but almost--reminds me of me when I'm in a social situation and in a state of extreme discomfort. The difference is that I have a therapist, don't self medicate with booze and benzos, and do give a shit about other people's feelings. I don't like Yolanda, but I would have kicked Brandi's ass right out the door. That was an awfully uncomfortable party, and Brandi was the one who made it so.
  4. I'm confused by all these weird declarations of love on today's show. Unless they were directed at the baby. Because, you know, that baby.
  5. I feel certain that Carly's panties moistened when she saw Jakeson slam Carrrrrlos' head into the table. Liz, Liz, always so smug. Did Silas say that he loves Nina? How very sad for him. I really hope I misheard that one.
  6. I would love to see Jason and Carly together since I have nothing invested in Jasam. Then again, I have nothing invested in Samtrick either, all I care about is the most efficient fast forwarding I can manage.
  7. The baby is the only reason to watch the show. Will the baby fuss when handed to Michelle Stafford? Yes! Will the baby smile when handed to Roger Howarth, who will take the time to gesture 'give me the baby' when she starts fussing with Michelle Stafford, who holds said baby in such a weird way that it makes me uneasy? Yes! Is the baby happier in the company of Maura and Michael? Clearly! More prosaically, is the baby just wanting to get back to mommy, who is very good at making baby smile while mommy stands just out of shot? Probably. But that is one gorgeous baby, and I don't even like babies. They should have an hour of the baby being handed off to various people in PC, to see how the baby reacts. Then, judging on the baby's reaction, that person gets shitcanned, regardless of tenure. We all know who's going to do well with the baby anyhow. Our favorites are safe.
  8. Something I'm confused about: is there a valid story reason as to why Duke wouldn't roll over on Sonny?
  9. Same here, Grr. I thought it was the best moment of today's show. I also liked the fact that the Q's went to tell AJ that he was free from all blame. A really nice touch.
  10. I thought they told her not to? Or someone handwaved her experience with diving? I remember that she wanted to go looking for him, but not that she actually did look for him. I'll take your word for it though! I was actively watching at that point but I was probably so overjoyed that Jason had taken the plunge that I focused solely on that and nothing else. :D
  11. What dubbel said. Sonny will not give up the martyr mantle so easily.
  12. I'd actually be happy if they chose one of the above--salvage diver/con artist/PI--stuck with it, and wrote to that aspect of her character. Even if salvage diver is kind of crazy? It's better than what she does now, which is play arm candy to whoever TPTB decide she should be shackled to this go-round. I agree one hundred percent that Livvie was a much, much better written character. I loved Livvie and still do.
  13. Can someone take pity on all of us and kill off Spencer? Maybe he could fall off a cliff or something? I can't listen to him any longer. I really can't.
  14. I'm jumping back here after being away from the board for a very, very long time, but my main problem with Sam is that she's always been written as a very boring character, IMO, and KeMo is capable of so, so much more than that, as those of us who loved her on PC remember. As written, Sam is always jumping from guy to guy to guy. She's not particularly well-defined in her own right. I can tell you that she's apparently a PI--though I rarely see her in that role--that she's an accomplished con artist--though that never seems to show itself--and a great salvage diver. Which fact was conveniently ignored when Jason went into the drink and she wanted to go looking for him. On GH, Sam is a perpetual victim. Or at least, I perceive her that way. It's not an interesting part to play for pretty much your entire run on a show, I wouldn't think. I think KeMo shines when she does the Livvie thing. Livvie was vulnerable, scheming, powerful, sexually confident, emotionally troubled--in short, she was a fully realized character who had a lot going on, in the grand tradition of soap divas. She was motivated by both good and bad desires, and those sometimes blew up in her face and sometimes didn't. I'd argue that KeMo was one of the factors that carried PC. She was certainly the reason I watched, and why my massive girl-crush on her lasts even to this day. She did an amazing job there, and I can watch Livvie-centric PC vids all day long on youtube quite happily whether she was paired with Caleb or not. KeMo here on GH, never so much. I thought she was good with Lucky, or at least interesting with Lucky, and I liked her a lot with McBain, though I don't like her with Silas, go figure. I don't like any woman with Patrick since I think anyone who ends up with Patrick will eventually get treated like so much trash, and Sam's already been through enough trauma to last her twenty lifetimes. I don't hate her, I want them to do something with her that makes her interesting and calls all of her stated background into play. This being TFGH, I don't believe that will ever happen. Certainly not now, when soaps are pretty much dead and gone.
  15. This guy was one of the worst assholes they've had on this show. I'm watching a rerun of this episode right now, and he really is an ungrateful, mostly useless jerk whose only talent seems to be in how much he can verbally abuse his partner. Ugh. Just awful.
  16. I have to interrupt everyone to say that I just read the last five pages and was nearly crying from laughing so hard at the rage, disgust and hate that the show produces in its viewers. I mean, it's so awful, and we just keep watching, and I don't really know why (because it is so fucking bad) and I...just can't. But obviously I can. Thank you all for about twenty minutes of solid, teary-eyed giggles. Ron, spend some more time at 4chan, you got the meaning of IT'S A TRAP backwards.
  17. Hey, look! Patrick was a dick to Robin! I am so shocked and surprised! No, really! That's so...totally in-character for him. Fuck Ron C. and really, fuck Patrick Drake, who I never did like all that much anyhow since he could never keep his dick in his pants, even when he's 'in love' with someone. The assiest ass that ever did ass. It's why I can't get onboard with Samtrick. I like Sam too much. Let Patrick stay with Sabrina--I dislike both of them and this way I don't have to look at either of them. This fucking show.
  18. Honestly, do we have to have Luke? For a very long time now he's been nothing and done nothing outstanding on the show. Off screen, TG talks a lot of stupid shit in my opinion, and it's not like the character is compelling in any way any longer. They could kick TG to the curb and I wouldn't give many fucks at all. I agree that he looks unwell, but if that's the case then perhaps he should enjoy his sunset years in Amsterdam instead of being on the show when he feels like it. I know it sounds harsh, but it's really how I feel. I've got nothing invested in Luke any longer.
  19. What I'm really hoping is that Sonny will at some point hook up with Nina. Because Sonny has to get a crack at all the fresh new flesh on the show. And they'll magically fall in love and I can fast forward the both of them. Forever.
  20. I've said this before but they're eating power bars at least part of the time. They would have zero energy to do any of the physical things they're required to do if they weren't getting some kind of caloric intake that was a bit more hearty than bugs and grubs. And if they're not being helped by the producers, then show me them doing more hunting and fishing. I find that way more interesting than listening to some dude lying on the ground and moaning about his junk getting wrecked by the sun--I kept wondering why he didn't make some kind of twig skirt or some such--the girl was making mad hats and bikinis and whatnot, wasn't she?
  21. How many power bars do the producers toss them a day? Has anyone found this out yet? Because no way they did all that chopping and lugging on a diet of grubs and worms.
  22. I honestly haven't watched since Nina woke up, since I loathe Michelle Stafford and her wonky acting tics, but I went back today and caught up with story via YouTube clips. Questions: Why can't anyone tell that Nina is 100% Kate Crackernuts wackypants? Isn't Sam going to tear Patrick a new asshole when she learns that he knew Jason was alive all along? Why is Fluke still happening? Remember when we all called Fluke from day one approximately one million years ago? Why aren't Julian and Alexis having sex non-stop? Most importantly, why is Sonny? It's killing me and I know Ron is just loving this dreck and I can't even with this shit so I have to swim back out to the barge. I see non-consensual party fun is still a thing since Nina roofied Silas. I feel like Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka telling Mike Teevee "Stop. Don't." in his totally resigned tone. As for Silas, I will forever love the man who plays him but Ron is writing the guy as dumb as a two by four. I'm still concerned about the amount of weight ME has lost. He looks so sickly to me. I have to go and watch some Port Charles to rid myself of the sadness. There's not one SL or couple that I care about. My only hope is that when and want nothing to do with the moobster. Ha! It is to laugh! A feeble hope, soon to be extinguished.
  23. Okay, I'll jump in since I can't believe we all have to wait for another season to start! Will we see Hannibal and Bedelia staying one step ahead of the FBI and of Mason? Has Bedelia become the Clarice expy for the twisted 'romance' arc of Hannibal, the book? Or is there a possibility that she's Mischa? I wouldn't put money on it, that's way beyond a longshot, but still, it could be interesting. Hannibal's lied about everything else, why not lie about Mischa being dead too? I've rewatched that final scene of her sitting on the plane next to Hannibal--she looks more terrified than ever before, and not the calm, cool and collected Dr. DuMaurier we've known thus far. That's a story I'm very interested in seeing play out. Who do we think is dead? I'm calling Jack as a goner based on Hannibal's conversations with Bella throughout the course of her illness this season--if Jack's dead, then Bella doesn't need to worry about his seeing her fade away, and Hannibal can look on it as doing her a 'favor'. He's also been bleeding for a pretty long time in that larder. Sadly, I think Abigail is dead as well. That was a pure punishment kill to hurt Will as much as Will hurt Hannibal. The only thing that keeps me from being positive that she's dead is that she was brought back so suddenly; there's got to be some backstory there that would be useful to Will if he can just get it out of her? Maybe Kacey Rohl will survive for the first few episodes, just long enough to fill Will and the audience in on how and where Hannibal was keeping her (other than in Hannibal's basement). Alana I'm not sure about, but I have a feeling she'll make it. At the very least, she wasn't stabbed in the neck, disemboweled, or on the receiving end of a throat slashing. I'm hoping we don't lose all of the romance between Will and Hannibal. One of the things I find so compelling about this show is the idea of these two diametrically opposed people, one good, one evil, who are nonetheless drawn to each other because each possesses what the other lacks--Will's complete empathy vs. Hannibal's sociopathy. I do think that both men got inside the other's head a bit too much this season, leaving something of themselves behind. It seems to me that Hannibal feels very betrayed by Will's rejection of him. On the other hand, I'm not even sure what Will's feelings towards Hannibal are right now. The one sticking point for me is that he called Hannibal, and a part of me genuinely believes that he wanted him to get away. If Abigail does die, I think Will has the possibility to become vengeful and willing to do whatever it takes to put Hannibal away. If not, who knows? I saw a lot of grief and sadness from both men in that scene. Without wanting to pull too much more emotion from Mads, I'd like glimpses of what their closeness has done to the other and how it may have changed them, to whatever degree. I'm also wondering how they're going to work this coming season. Will there be more of a focus on Hannibal? What I don't want to see happening is a long recuperation for injured parties on one side of the pond while Hannibal globe trots on the other. For me the most enjoyable moments of the season were the moments that took place between Will and Hannibal while they were playing one another. I don't know how they can get that dynamic back after all that's happened, but if it's gone? Damn, I'll miss the fuck out of it. It's odd, but I didn't find myself missing the MoTW overmuch as we came to the close of this season. I wonder if, now that the characters are well established, the show will move away from that type of episode? The things I feel pretty certain of: Mason will want his revenge, Will is going to be in a world of hurt, and Hannibal won't find himself locked up until the close of the season next year. If that. He's so vibrant and such an amazing character, I don't know how they'll work with keeping him cooped up with Barney down in the basement. Somehow, I think Hannibal's going to stay out of a cage as long as is humanly possible.
  24. Pollock, I believe Fuller suggested in one of the show's post-mortems that Abigail may have been who Beverly saw in the basement before Hannibal killed her. So your spec is pretty spot-on. :)
  25. Bedelia's not exactly looking comfortable in her skin there, is she?
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