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Everything posted by haydensterling

  1. Kim is talking, possibly, about the child that was put on the 5150. Remember this? It was something we weren't allowed to talk about at TWoP--I know, I got a ding for questioning who it was--but to me, if there is someone else involved, it would be whichever kid of Kim's it was who got sick. I don't know. It's the first thing that came to mind.
  2. What the fuck else is there to talk about other than Brandi? She gets shoved in our faces every episode, she says something stupid, the boards blow up, Andy knows this means bucks. A vicious cycle. I'd love to talk about something other than Brandi--like say--Lisa R. or Eileen; I've tried and I've seen others do it too, but nobody--nobody on this board responds to posts like that. It always turns back around to 'why do you like Brandi'/'why do you hate Brandi'. So we're all guilty of that. Unfortunately there's that other bit where she's been made front and center for the past few years now so I'm not real sure what I can talk about, other than the two and a half minutes spent on Max or Anwar here and there. You can only get so much mileage out of Yo's fridge.
  3. The Tampon of Shame (And Fetishy Stuff, Or...Something) Heard Round the World!
  4. I am with you one hundred and twenty three percent, motorcitymom. Though, all Brandi's gross antics might be our fault for fetishizing her tampons, let's be fair. A new craze sweeping the world that I didn't even know existed! I wasn't serious about my pain being that bad, walnutqueen, I was kidding, I'm sorry! It sucks that you have any, all I've got right now is a headcold and a desire for my pants to fit me again. :) I am a total wimp when it comes to pain, your grandma sounds seriously awesome and I'll bet she could hand both of us our butts! Also, yay for Polish Americans! *fist bump* I hate the idea that people can't be called to the carpet when they've done something genuinely harmful. Brandi seems to enjoy hurting everyone she comes into contact with, just for funsies, and Kim is in a messed up manipulative phase, which I think may be her default when she's not hiding behind kooky Kim. This show, oh my god, this show.
  5. OMG walnutqueen SO MUCH PAIN. Speaking of drugs, I still have a half of a bottle of Lortab laying around from my gallbladder surgery last year. That surgery, ugh. Not only did I lose the crappy gallbladder but I lost twenty lbs. I couldn't really afford to lose due to the fact that I stopping eating normally for about six months. People ask me why I got so skinny, I tell them it was a gangrenous gallbladder and an ulcer! Don't try this at home, kids! Gross. izabella, if I had to put an exact number to my pain, I think it would be more like 123% pain. With a chance of clouds, possibly showers later in the evening. So. Who's going to show at the reunion? I think Kim will be a pass this year, not so sure about Yolanda either. Also, who's going to sit on the Brandi couch if Kim's not there?
  6. chlban, that's so much what it seems like. How can they not have custody, unless they don't want the kids? Brandi is a pretty unfit mom from what I see, thanks to Andy and the editing monkeys.
  7. Like Brandi saying that Joanna Krupa's pussy stinks? Saying a woman's vagina stinks is a whole lot more like something an asshole jock would say. A whole lot more classic-woman-hating than mentioning a tampon and its dangly little string. I consider them friends, not 'woman-hating fetish objects'. Also, fetish objects? Really? I find that interesting, but mos def not my cup of tea. I think you and I don't see eye-to-eye and sadly we're not going to get anywhere with each other. That's cool. I'm not going to keep going over the tampon stuff. You can take it any way you want it.
  8. I'm in agreement with this, which is why I brought it up. I was the one calling Brandi 'Walking Tampon String' and there were some people saying this was 'tampon-shaming', which phrase I don't really understand and still don't. It has everything to do with Brandi being so stinking drunk that the normal rules of hygiene have been forgotten. Kind of like when she accused Kim of lugging around a shitty pillow at the airport in Paris. This is why I can't get with Brandi. She shames every other woman on the face of the planet if they don't kiss her ass, but she is the first to shut her Twitter down if she doesn't like what she sees. Besides, one could interpret a Walking Tampon String as being long and slender and elegant. Or something. Hah!
  9. Please then, why is she on the show? Can you tell me a good reason for keeping her there? Because if we care about her, then she shouldn't be off the show and getting care? I must be missing some pretty important points you're making because I agree with some of this but not all, and yet the bottom line is again that Kim is in a place that is fueling her anxieties, her feelings of inadequacy next to these other women who all live relatively stable lives, etc. Why is she here and why do viewers support her remaining on the show? Can any Kim supporters address this? Why do you think she should stay on the show if she is an addict, relapsed or not, and how is this a healthy environment for her? I want to see how you're seeing it, and I've been accused of being dumber than a 2x4 at times, so help me out here.
  10. I think Kim is going to hit below the belt with the accusations about Harry and Lisa R's marriage. Speaking of which, she was a gorgeous bride. I was googling wedding pictures of them and they looked great together. I also had no idea he dated Ursula Andress! I always like it when a guy isn't afraid to date an older woman. Though, Ursula Andress is gorgeous too, so I don't think that hurt too much. Avaleigh did you see the extended clip of Brandi and Kim talking in (I think) Kim's house? It really was gross and creepy. If Brandi were a guy we would all have been screaming at the set that there was a predator at work here. It's so easy to see if you just stick the opposite sex in there and see how it plays out. Very uncomfortable. I'm certain that at this point, Kim would rather cut off her right arm than to criticize Brandi in any way. Lisa R. is going to take the brunt of it. I just hope that Kyle doesn't join in.
  11. Dear Diary, I need a Vicodin. For reals. Send Brandim over.
  12. Sincerely, I think that everything you write here is precisely why Kim should not be on this show. Wouldn't you agree? How is anything that's happening, including the pressures of filming, NOT a recipe for disaster that she may not be capable of dealing with at the present time? (Or the present time as we see it on the show.) Ugh, I need coffee.
  13. Aw, Nanny pants, hope I can give you a giggle here and there! This show is so heavy these days! :)
  14. Thank you, motorcitymom! Still no sign of Lisa R. going all Godzilla on the barware? I think I'm going to go Godzilla on my own barware if I don't see this happening toot sweet. Off the topic of Godzilla and glassware. I'm a little puzzled about how women are shaming women over a tampon string? I mean, women are the ones who get periods. We are the last people to be 'tampon string shamers' (?) because let's face it, we also get the bloody underwear because of crappy tampons, or missing your due day, or a shifted pad, or anything else. There are a lot of other ways that a person could be shamed, but I think referring to a person as a tampon string is sort of akin to the very mild 'I hope you step on lego' as opposed to--well, as opposed to the other one, which wishes death on someone. Just thinking out loud.
  15. Go! Oh my god, if I were on the best coast right now I would be there in a heartbeat. Plus, Cinefamily finally got rid of those awful, painful plastic folding chairs they used to use and you can actually watch a movie without suffering extreme pain. Or you could always take a handful of Vicodin.
  16. My mind is officially blown and I have to get a copy of my hot little mitts on this epic straight away. It's probably no Plan Nine from Outer Space or hell, not even The Room, but I am SO ready for this. Hey, I like trash. I mean, I watch this show, don't I? /grin
  17. I'll bet money those kids are happier with Eddie and Leanne. My mother was a verbally abusive woman and a severe narcissist, and my doctor/therapist at UCLA always said that in certain ways this is the most insidious form of abuse; it really screws with a child's sense of self. Jesus, I hope someone is keeping those kids feel safe and grounded.
  18. Welp, first off, how is it worse that she was having her period? I don't care two figs that she was having her period at the time. I get them all the time, so you know, it's kind of a been there, done that kind of deal. I think it's funny that she didn't realize she needed to tuck her string safely away. I also don't think that women are inherently weak in nature, and certainly not Brandi, who seems to take particular delight in shaming most women she comes into contact with. Joanna Krupa, anyone? In the case of the Walking Tampon String (doesn't that sound like it could have been a Perry Mason episode?), it might have been a good idea to make sure she was decent before the paps starting taking pictures for all the world to see. Especially if she gave a hoot about her kids, who have a lifetime of looking forward to getting bullied or harassed due to their mom's more wacked out moments. I'm an equal opportunity shamer, and if Brandi was a guy walking around in nut-hugger shorts with half his junk hanging out the side door, I'd comment on how repellent that was too. I'd probably call him Mr. Nut Hugger Shorts, or something equally stupid. In fact, I'm pretty sure that actually happened on an episode of Three's Company, and then the episode got pulled and edited. It was one of those things that everyone saw without realizing they saw it, but once DVR's came on the scene it was blatant as all hell. I mean, I thought John Ritter was a (marginally) funny guy, and probably a nice one too, but I'm not seriously not interested checking out those fine, fine man-hams rolling and jiggling against his upper thigh. Ah, the seventies, god love 'em. I could make light of Brandi's behaviors for any number of reasons, but Tampon!String!Gate! is probably the easiest because it sums up her personality pretty well: a sloppy, drunk mess who can't even be bothered to 'Plug it up!' properly (cue the shower room gang from Carrie) Add that to the fact that she's not even a tenth as kind as poor Sissy Spacek was in that movie, Brandi is more the Chris Hargensen type and yeah. There you go.
  19. I wanted to add to what I wrote in the post above in re: how Brandi uses information against the HW's . For example, as I said, I think that Brandi was warning Yo to back off on any mention of her bad behaviors by bringing up Bella. It's a sort of tit-for-tat. You want to discuss my failings on camera? Then we'll discuss some of yours, too, and I'm going to make it sting, bitch, so back off. I think this is frankly quite stupid of Brandi, and I agree with the posters who have said--somewhere in this thread that the smartest thing she could have done would have been to ingratiate herself fully with the Foster/Hadids, but I also think she's too (sorry about this but it's true) drunk half the time to realize she's shitting things up for herself in that regard. I'm sure they know some hot, reasonably wealthy dude that Brandi could have snagged if she'd stayed charming and not tried to be the female Howard Stern. Just how did Brandi become friends with Beth, anyhow? Did they model together? This is how much I pay attention to this show when it's not on--I forget all about these twits until things get cooking again. But back to the tit-for-tat. Brandi has been around these broads for so long now that she has mega dirt on all of them that, I'm sure, is painful as fuck were it to come out on air--things the women have said about each other, things that Brandi has weaseled out of them under the guise of being a 'true friend', whatever. So when the pearl-clutching commences, it's a way for the older HW's to express their disgust without engaging her on the show or on the screen, i.e., they can relate what they feel, and Brandi can't come at them directly on the show, as she just did with Yo. I think it's telling that the two housewives who are willing to talk shit on Brandi are the two housewives that Brandi has not yet been able to befriend in any serious way, so they feel pretty free in straight shooting when they do their TH's or their blogs. JMO, but this is sort of how I interpret the nuance, and if I still don't have it down, I blame walnutqueen because she told me it was time for my patches. Sort of unrelated to this post but I just watched the extended clip of Brandi with Kim and my god, that is some uncomfortable grooming shit taking place right there. If it were a guy talking to Kim that way, we would all be horrified, and rightfully so. There is a very, very creepy dynamic taking place between those two. Right now I'm going to stick with Brandim. Because, you know, 'dim', but if someone's got a better portmanteau lay it on me, I'm all ears.
  20. If I were in Brandi's social circle and I had to deal with her tomfuckery? You can bet your ass that I would keep someone around to be my eyes and ears. It may sound crazy but I'm right there with you, Persnickety.
  21. I've got patches all over me, walnutqueen! One on my arm, one on my knee, and one where Kingsley can't get at it. Gee, I sure hope I'm doing this right. I thought the glass smashing, Oklahoma-ing took place after the ladies got back from Amsterdam? Bummer if that's the case because I don't know how long I can wait to see Lisa R. pitch a fit on Krandi's? Brandim's? asses. There has to be some good soap style portmanteau for the two of them, but I can't think straight right because TURTLES! and maybe I put too many patches on and where's my sweet e-cig or hell even a dildo but it's all good because I'm like totes feeling gooddddasflkgasdksfdjhgskfhjl;klt''''''''''''''''6
  22. One other thing I wanted to mention, and that is even Brandi says she is not the right kind of companion for Kim because she is not a sober companion. This is, I think, one of the most truthful things she's said lately, and while it may mean that she is a heavy drinker or an alcoholic or really, who the hell cares, we have her on camera saying that she gets that she is not the one for Kim to be hanging out with--advice it would behoove her to follow.
  23. You too, copa. I love that we can agree and disagree on this board and it never gets crazy heated. There's always some point in someone's post that I totally agree with and then five sentences later I'm like 'huh'? but I thumbs it up anyhow, because there was something in there that resonated with me. And I agree that the loss of Mr. Joyce is a pain keenly felt to this day.
  24. I'm sorry that my use of the phrase Walking Tampon String is upsetting, but Brandi is a big girl who likes to mess with other people intensely, I'm sure she can handle hearing that she had an 'oopsie' moment that some of us will always remember. After all, she was responsible for Shit!Pillow!Gate! and a host of other clusterfucks, if she didn't want to make an ass out of herself then maybe she shouldn't have gone out and gotten blasted so that someday her kids could look up pictures of mommy stumbling home half naked on Google. And if she wasn't thinking about the long term ramifications of that, then maybe she really is an alcoholic.
  25. I can agree with some of that but not all of it. I do think that Brandi was trying, not to stain Bella's reputation directly, but to say to Yo "Don't mess with me. I will bring up your daughter to shame you and I will do it on camera if you try to discuss my behavior on camera." I may also be projecting, but I think this is what the group pearl-clutch is about. They will all sit there and go on about how awful Brandi is, but they won't call her exact behavior out for what it is. So they pearl-clutch instead. I'm not sure if I consider either Lisa R. or Eileen to be pearl-clutchers, though. I think they have been dropped into the crazy and are dealing with it as graciously as they know how. Some may not agree w/r/t Lisa R. but I'll hold off until I see her go Oklahoma. I think that what confuses me is that initially Lisa brought up Kim's behavior at Poker Night. This somehow got sidelined into her talking about Brandi's 'addiction' in order to talk about Kim's addiction at an angle, so as not to alienate Kyle, who I think also turns on those who turn on her sister very quickly. I think I said as much in one of my posts here, and if I didn't, I should clarify that this is what I was seeing. I'm still not sure that I'm interpreting what you are in terms of the other HW's reactions to Brandi, but thanks for trying to clarify. I have a massive headcold and am on about ten different forms of NyQuil, none of which are helping.
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