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Everything posted by haydensterling

  1. The Bentley is to show everyone how rich and important she is. Was. Sort of.
  2. Shit, let me try to link it in the post over at Lisa R's thread, ryebread. Boo. Sorry, can't.
  3. Okay,so the video clip that is up on Lisa R's blog at Bravo--bitch, I love you right now but you need to get your ass over to Kim and tell her what you said to Kyle so that Brandi's bullshit is out in the open. Yes, you are right, Kim will believe what she wants to believe. Yes, Kim will probably come at you again, and I understand your fears regarding this since I do think there is something going on with that Harry rumor, otherwise you wouldn't have backed off so damned fast and hard. But gurl. You just started on this show. Don't make me hate you already. Just come correct and speak the fuck up. Clearly the other ladies are in your corner if you do the right thing--though they are clearly annoyed/aggravated/pissed off that you're being so reluctant. Look at it this way. At least you're not Kyle. Ugh. They don't have the vid up as a separate link in the 'watch' section, it's at the very end of Lisa R's blog. Sorry, but this is the best I can do, ryebread. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/blogs/lisa-rinna/lisa-r-i-want-to-move-on
  4. That video of Lisa R up at Bravo--shit, I'm going to stick this in her thread.
  5. This is really funny because I was scolded for asking about Chad but I see he's fair game for discussion now. If I were Kyle, I would not answer one text, one phone call, I would slam the door shut in Kim's face if she showed at my house. Kim is a toxic garbage dump and she is too set in her delusional ways to change anything about her situation. Fuck her.
  6. Kim has also been married to high rollers, it's not their fault that all her money went up her nose/down her throat/to the ER for pain meds instead of putting it towards a house in PS. Which, as we have seen, at a sale of 420k, was certainly affordable to her based on her fucking Bravo salary alone, I'm sure. Also, this myth of Kim 'supporting the family' is starting to wear thin. Big Kathy was married to some rich ass men, so is Little Kathy, so was Kim, so is Kyle. Maybe Kim just doesn't know how to manage money because she's an idiot.
  7. Personally I think the reason she's such a lightweight is because she's already primed the pump with Xanax. She should watch her liver function tests.
  8. Kim is indeed a master at the abuse game. She would be lucky to get within ten feet of me. Nasty, narcissist, addict bitch.
  9. Also funny? What we saw of the family house in Palm Springs during the time frame of the show would NEVER have paid for that house in La Quinta. It wouldn't even have made a down payment. Please. Now prices are going up again, yeah. The past five years? Hell no. We almost bought out there because it was so dirt cheap.
  10. Brandi is such an idiot. I started perimenopause at 38. Honey, you're right in it too, trust--it's why you're getting all that work done all of a sudden--skin's getting crepey, all that other happy shit. I could also have gotten along just fine without watching her stick her tongue down some guy's throat. Why Yolanda falls for her weeping every single time is beyond me. Wait until you start to catch shit, Yo. It's coming. LOVED Lisa R. dropping the Brandi intervention bomb on Kyle. Loved Kyle dropping said bomb on Kim. Kim reminds me of a classic abuser at this point. She explodes on people in the nastiest fucking ways, lets them get good and worked up, then deigns to go over and dole out the hugs. Fuck that. She would catch a real slap from me, addict or not. That woman is poisonous. Kyle needs to tell Kim to leave her home and walk away from the damage. I can't believe Kim's still bitching about the house being stolen from her. She basically lost her shit on Kyle when Kyle was saying 'hey, sweetheart, I have the canceled checks to prove things.' Kim can't deal with anything or anyone that alters her comfy reality so that was what made her go off again. Spare me, Kim. You've been married to enough rich men that I'm sure you could score a very nice place back in Palm Springs. Cry me a fucking river. Seeing that house in the desert made me die. I lived in PS for a few years and love love love it. I really related to everything Kyle was saying about it. It's magic, even if you aren't living in a multi-million dollar house in La Quinta.
  11. Okay, just watched. Very few things to say. Kim is a hateful piece of human garbage and her problems run far deeper than addiction. She is also a narcissist and has anger management issues that are just fucking beyond anything I've seen in a while. I would have gone off on her also, because I don't really give a damn about poor widdle Kim in any respect other than Bravo getting her off my screen because she is an addict and she will only get sicker on this show. I'm seriously thinking about missing next season if she's still here.
  12. Is it just me or does Brandi have a very male pattern receding hairline in that picture that's being covered up with some sort of spray? Her hairline looks absolutely bizarre. I don't give two shits for Brandi, but hair loss in women is a depressing, difficult thing to deal with, whether it's due to genetics or to disease. My aunt lost most of her hair by the time she was fifty and it was always hard for her, though in some ways I envied her ability to do some crazy, fun things via hairpieces and wigs. Finally she embraced it, but it was tough. I could never believe how expensive really good (read: passable) wigs are. Andy also said on WWHL that the reunion was the most intense ever. I hope some of that intensity is due to Kim's feet being held to the fire. Clearly from the way Lisa R trounced Kim in the fan polls, viewers are wanting to see this happen.
  13. All I want is for Bitch!Kim! to take all the fucking seats and to shut the fuck up, ™Brandi. I cannot get worked up about Lisa Rinna's alcohol consumption when she has never shown herself to be anywhere near either woman in her levels of consumption. And they don't live in Colorado or Washington, so why on earth are bong hits being brought into the conversation? This is the most out there argument ever.
  14. Lisa Rinna is not an addict. She can parent her children any way she damn well pleases, as long as she is not abusing them. Drinking is not putting her daughters at risk for anything. Not all children of addicts grow up to become addicts themselves, so this discussion is a little bit like putting the cart before the horse.
  15. Lisa won the 'Whose Side are You On' on WWHL pretty handily, 83% to Kim's 17%.
  16. Camille! I miss you! Come back and replace one of the low-rent twins, please? She looks lovely and healthy, great to see her. Why does Yo have such freaking issues with chocolate? Those team pairings sure were a shitshow all the way around and personally I don't get the fun of a scavenger hunt either though this is another one of those 'I smell a producer' deals so whatever. I loved all the giddy excitement about smoking pot, sorry. That cracked me up. Next year we're moving to a state where pot is legal, and I can't lie, it will be nice to take a puff now and then. Though, when I was in Colorado this spring I thought the suckers were the most fun. Annnnyhow. Lisa R.'s rottie is gorgeous. If Brandi is so concerned about Kim's sobriety in Amsterdam, why not offer to stay in LA with her? Wait, because Brandi can get mega fucked up, and it's legal! Screw Kim, Brandi's got some bars of Xanax, some booze, and a lot of bud waiting for her. I would be terrified on a plane that size so Yo can kiss my ass for making fun of Brandi's fears regarding flying. As for the plane ride? Hey! Look at Brandi throwing Lisa R under the bus just prior! Yes, Kim, there are quite a few of us who do think that you taking a pill makes you not sober! If Andy doesn't bring this up at the reunion there will be hell to pay. OH MY GOD KIM SAID YOU ARE AS SICK AS YOUR SECRETS! Well, you'd know, wouldn't you, honey? I am eyerolling at you, Kim Richards. I am eyerolling at you so hard that my eyeballs might be about to roll right out of my head. Kyle death glaring Kim was fun for me. I'm death glaring her too, along with the eyerolling. I like Yolanda's dress. A lot. Everyone else looks sort of meh. Kyle's pantsuit is not doing it for me. Oh, look. Kim is talking about how now that she's gotten everything off her chest she's cool with Lisa R but she also makes a very pointed move over to the Brandi side of the table. Very mature, is Kim Richards. No eyerolling coming from me, not at all. To be completely fair, I would be way more concerned about Stephen Tyler's lips on mine than I would putting my lips on a straw Brandi used, Kyle. As the trip is progressing, I see everyone being pleasant, and I see Kim becoming more and more of a mega fucking bitch. Do you think perhaps her extreme fuckery is because she knows she will be under increased scrutiny and it will be difficult for her to get high on pills when everyone is watching her closely? Amsterdam with nasty Kim! Have a great time, everyone! What a fucking nightmare.
  17. I can answer the grapefruit juice questions, being someone who takes benzos--there is an enzyme in grapefruit juice which inhibits the liver's ability to clear certain drugs, like benzos and also opiates. In the case of benzos this means you might get overly relaxed or sedated, but in the case of opiates, it means you get overly high. At any rate, in the case of benzos I have to be really careful about drinking grapefruit juice, because it keeps the drug in the body for up to 72 hours longer than it normally would. I like grapefruits, so this sort of sucks, and when I do eat one (rarely) I definitely notice its effects. They have an effect on a lot of drugs, actually. I'm just thinking of the ones that Brandi and Kim would be familiar with! I'm sure there are some vitamins that would respond in the same way, but I wouldn't know what they are. I do know that something like D3 is fat soluble, not water soluble, so it's ideal to have your levels checked routinely to make sure that you're not overdosing, which is a real possibility. The fact that Yo hangs with Suzanne Somers makes me think that she gets her vitamins/supplements from Life Extensions, who are generally concerned with reducing the effects of aging on the body. Someone who's really into that scene could well have a daily vitamin regimen like Yo's. They make a great Omega 3 that I take, a berry-based antioxidant, and a bilberry for vision. I don't know if they do any good but they're certainly not hurting anything!
  18. No sugar, no alcohol for Brandi, but Xanax. Gotta love it. Brandi, you do have anxiety issues, get thee to a shrink and stop self medicating, thanks. Getting off booze for the month is less impressive to me than if you made a concerted effort to address your assy bullshit, and admitted that you do stupid shit because you're socially inappropriate. Lisa V. and Kyle's talk is interesting for a number of reasons, mainly because Lisa still has to explain Kim's behavior to Kyle. Lisa V. is on the money and Kyle needs to listen. As mentioned earlier though, I don't like Kyle bitching about the fact that Lisa had a hard time even tolerating Brandi initially. Lisa V. was much, much closer to Brandi than Kyle ever was, so yes, the betrayal stung worse, and it took both Lisa V. and Ken some time to move past this. Brandi is being a horrid bitch to Kyle, but Kyle has never been under the misapprehension that Brandi was actually her friend, someone that cared about her. Vince is checked out of this drama, Eileen. Unless they act up and he can peek through garage doors, he doesn't care. Love him. " Bring on the booze. We gotta loosen them up! What can they do wrong?" Indeed, Vince. What can they do wrong? Ken asking you to be on your best behavior at a party for Lisa V. is not in any way a fuck you, Brandi. Get fucking real. Everyone has seen you get wasted and act a fool this whole season so I think it's perfectly within his rights to ask you to come to a party and to come correct. Still. Why do I have a sneaking, niggling suspicion that this clearly out-of-the-blue invite was set up by production? Even Brandi looked like she might cry because Ken was actually speaking to her when she picked up that phone initially. Cross cutting in the cars over to Vince and Eileen's. Kim doesn't like Eileen, but I don't believe she would ever have the nuts to go after Eileen. So, Kim Richards, coming for you, Lisa R! Lisa V, you may have learned from your experience in re: the pills in Paris, but you also didn't ride in the car with Aggresso-Kim so get off Lisa R's ass. She is the only person who actually gives a fuck to say something. Thank GOD for Jennifer telling Brandi in no uncertain terms that taking Monty's pills is not sober behavior. Thank god--finally!--for mentions of sponsors and meetings. Thank god for Jennifer this episode, period. So far this reading looks like a lot of fun. I truly dig Vince and Eileen, and their house, filled with french bordello weirdness and random family tsotchkes though it may be. Why was that reading so damned brief? It was cute as hell! I loved both watching both Lisa V. and Kim, shockingly! Goddamnit Andy, give us more of this kind of thing. Love Lisa V. grabbing that Emmy, loved loved loved what Eileen was wearing. She has a thing for lace tops, doesn't she? And overalls? let's just say that they were my jam in the nineties, I saved every pair, they still fit me, they're still my jam. Kitchen conversation is interesting. Does Kim have agoraphobia? Having it myself, some of the things she was saying made me say 'hmmmm.' But her need to tell everyone to back off out of her business makes me think again that this was something that their mother drilled into their heads. 'You never tell what goes on this house.' That kind of shit. I grew up with it, and while I eventually got over it, a lot of the things I hear Kim and Kyle saying about privacy and covering for one another remind me of my upbringing. Brandi putting a bug in Little Kathy's ear about Eileen on the way to Lisa V's party? Too fucking weird. How are these women friends? I mean, clearly, there's something going on there. I love Lisa R's comment about Brandi re Kim: "She's concerned." Deadpan as hell. Yolanda kissing everybody's ass is beginning to grate on me. Kyle, the reason she's there is because production told Ken and Lisa that Brandi had to be there. At least Yo had the nerve to out production and say "she totally knows we're here." Right you are, Yo! Brandi dissing Lisa's friendship with Mohammed is just disgusting. Lisa talking the most absolute shit about Brandi during the toast was magnificent and I approve whole-heartedly. I also love Lisa Bobby Fischering Brandi into singing 'Sorry' to Lisa. You work it, Pinky. Brandi! You love to be the center of attention! Why didn't you want to hang out with the menopause mamas? They were having fun together and singing! You know, like work buddies do here and there? Besides that, Brandi, you're in peri-menopause, trust me. Ain't nothing wrong with getting older. We all know that it sucks for you since you have no personality and are living on your looks, but eventually? All that goes away. You can have plastic surgery up the hoo-haa, but a sixty-five year old woman is a sixty-five year old woman. I guess you chose to put all your eggs in the wrong basket of eternal youth and beauty and being sexually out there. It's on you, honey. Love Eileen asking Kyle the hard questions. I love that she wants to know if Kim has a sponsor. I love Kyle deflecting. Not gonna end well, huh, Kyle? Of course not, because everyone has been enabling your sister for her entire life. Including you. Can't wait for Amsterdam!
  19. Okay everyone, are we ready? Everyone have a bottle ready? Countdown!
  20. I feel like the board is slowly drifting into Twilight Zone territory. It's cool. I'm just sitting over here with all my transcripts, my DVR, my truth cannon glasses, and a red grease pencil of judgeyness. I also love Eileen's lace blouse! I want one.
  21. I love the fact that Brandi's not drinking but she's 'loving her Xanax'. How many of those do you suppose she's given Kim when Kim is 'anxious'? And they don't mention this to the yoga coach. These women have a very skewed version of what it means to be 'clean'. Yo is officially a dimwit. I wouldn't let Brandi mess with me, but I suppose Yo's not feeling all that well with the Lyme's, so maybe her understanding is skewed. She seems to place a premium on people hanging out with her, whether those people are actually her friends in the real world or not. Lisa is on the money here. Her advice is sound, Kyle again is making excuses and saying 'Lisa wouldn't have said that six months ago about Brandi'--so what? She went through it and learned from it! Take her fucking advice, Kyle! I love Eileen, who thinks these women are all out of their heads. "I love therapy." Damn straight, Eileen, me too. I also love Vince. Vince is a kid who wants to see shit go down. He's all like 'bring on the booze!' Puckish little shit-disturber, is Vince. The prospect of a lot of sloppy drunks talking about their vaginas gets him all giggly. Total himbo. edited for clarity. I was typing as fast as I could.
  22. It seems to me that people have pretty well disproven why the mystery person in Kim's blog is likely not any of her kids. Also, one thing I have seen repeatedly is a lot of love between Kyle and her nieces and nephews, and the nieces in general, who act more like sisters than cousins. If the children weren't speaking to Kyle after the limo incident, I feel pretty certain that this was Kim's doing. "Aunt Kyle was mean to me, and it would hurt me so much if you were to speak to her right now." I don't buy that Kyle would be an ass about one of her sister's children, because I have a feeling that she has been responsible for said sister's children more than a few times when Kim is too fucked up to be a mother. It's odd, the places this show takes you, because I was one of those people who adored Brandi, thought it was terrible the way people treated her, and loathed the Richards sisters. Now I think all three of them are disgusting, and the idea that a person would nominate any of them for sainthood is really out there, but I feel for Kyle because she has clearly been in a world of shit with Kim from the get. I don't like Kyle. I still think she sucks. But I will defend her because in this situation, she can't please anyone. Not Kim, and clearly not the viewers, who seem to think she would like her sister to hurry it up, fuck off and die so that she can get back to...what? I'm not sure, really. Their mother fucked these kids up good, and Little Kathy acts a lot like Big Kathy from what I can see. They all do, in their way. In fact, if I had known that Kim was such a goddamned mess prior to limogate? I wouldn't have held that particular flareup against Kyle either. The pressures of filming made sure that little secret would have come out sooner or later. I have a lot of reasons to think that both Kim and Kyle suck when it comes to being decent people; Game Night is still one of the best examples I can hold up as to how ugly these women truly are inside. They are shrill, hypocritical, nasty beasts, and they work very well in tandem at bullying the crap out of people. I think that Kyle saw Game Night and, like Camille's epiphany, (god, do I miss Camille! more house porn! and looking back she couldn't hold a candle to how awful these bitches are) realized this might not be such a great way to act towards people, especially when your husband is trying to be the biggest realtor in the freaking United States or whatever the hell Mo's range is, and tried to clean up a bit. Not much--she still acted like a shady bitch to Lisa V.--but a little. She cries now instead of pointing, yelling, and namecalling. I understand the reason Kim behaves the way she does too, but she's made even more unredeeming by the way she uses her addiction as a shield to protect herself from ever having to apologize to people or come clean that she's been a lousy person and a lousy parent. She sucks really, really bad. Where I used to see a kooky weirdo, I now see a manipulative woman who probably doles out affection very precisely and for maximum effect, even with her own kids. Not only is she a junkie, she acts like a narcissist too. She's just nasty as fuck. Then we come to Tampon Sally (which name also cracked me up, I pictured Brandi coming out of a saloon in the Wild West, tampons in her ammo belt and in her bandolier, six shooters at the ready to fire TRUTH!) who is a gross enabler and groomer, a predatory, botox-ed up, prematurely bitter old hag who cannot stand other people's happiness because she has none herself. That's on her. Brandi truly is useless. The only thing she knows how to do with any skill is hurt other people, and in that regard is similar to the Richards. Maybe this is why Kim likes her so much. Who knows? I don't. I do want to see more of the Lisas, of Eileen, and even of Yo if it will keep us from having to debate this same topic over and over and over again. I know I've said a variant of the above only about twenty or so times in the past few weeks, it's honestly exhausting and I'll be glad when this season is over. I hope Andy catches a clue that Brandi in particular is in the hot seat where viewers are concerned--not in a way that's positive for the show--and chucks her ass out the door. He didn't seem too comfortable with her when she interviewed him, and she seemed to be in restrained attack mode, too. So the best I can hope for is that he's tired of her, and that he ditches her. I'd take Joyce and her house porn, and her husband any day over Brandi. Hell, I wish Camille would come back.
  23. It's cool. I was trying to give Kim some benefit of the doubt; something I don't often (or ever) do, and like I said, the only thing I could think of that would give anything she said in that blog any credibility whatsoever is if it was one of her kids. Who knows, maybe the mystery call is about Kingsley! Heh.
  24. msblossom, I'm not interested in talking about the kid--which is why I didn't name names. People were asking who Kim could possibly be talking about in the blog, and the only thing that would make sense to me, unless she's high, is the child who is dealing with mental illness. That's it.
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