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Everything posted by txhorns79

  1. Jo had the best response to the Nico storyline: "Who?"
  2. I don't really understand how Cyril went from a civil engineer to a social worker. I understand why that happened for story purposes, but they made such a big deal of him finally getting that civil engineering job, it's odd it was just tossed aside for this. I thought the actress did a great job in the part. You really saw her transformed during the episode from a force to be reckoned with to someone barely able to walk on her own.
  3. The whole thing was very low energy. I couldn't believe the Judge allowed Price to ask the woman questions about whether what she saw on the train was an asthma attack (how would she know?) or allowing the defense to claim the gym owner was an "expert in self defense." It feels like he's kind of given up.
  4. Isn't that only done one day a week or something like that? I doubt they could justify keeping him on salary for that.
  5. I guess this was the week for Travis to double down on his poor choices. I'm also already tired of everyone acting like Gibson is dead just because he can no longer be a firefighter.
  6. There is a lot of Arrested Development's Ann Veal energy going on with Schmidt. You really do want someone to be like: "Him?" I think he did try to take the money to security, but said they were too busy to take it at that moment. I'd be much more suspicious of a fishing boat that pays someone thousands in cash rather than just giving him a check.
  7. I agree that Kristen Wiig seems to be playing a character that would make more sense as someone in her 20s or 30s, rather than someone closer to Wiig's actual age. They do have a really good cast, though, so there is that.
  8. She's off living with her first husband and family in Chicago under an assumed name.
  9. It's obviously a little silly that any college would agree to participate in a program with the school district without seeming to have any idea what the program entailed, just because the college was feeling unloved.
  10. I guess it depends on why they are there? Some probably need to be monitored. How old is Harris supposed to be? 21 or 22? Realistically, how many of her friends would really have children?
  11. Ashley from Fresh Prince. I didn't love the episode. The panel plotline just wasn't that funny.
  12. This. Matthew kept exhibiting signs of stress, and he even stopped in the middle of driving to their seaside getaway to phone his stockbroker! I can't believe Trixie is that oblivious. Even if she isn't certain of the topic, how can she not see that something is very wrong? I also agree about the doctors being rather cold with the parents of the children with eye cancer. It shouldn't take Sister Veronica to tell the guy that he needs to explain things to the couple in layman's terms.
  13. The only thing I've read is the second season will start filming in the summer.
  14. I don't know about other cities, but K-8 public schools are common in Philadelphia.
  15. Very few people post in them (look at how few have posted so far about Season 3 in general) and you run into the same problem where people post things in an episode thread about future episodes, and there's little you can do about it.
  16. I would just presume spoilers will make it into the thread because some will not post until they are done with the season, so post and comment with that in mind.
  17. I very much enjoyed Season 3. The only complaint might be that it goes by very quickly.
  18. Yeah, Travis has really terrible judgment. And I also forgot he was seeing his ex-campaign manager. I might have also made this complaint last season, but I roll my eyes at the way tv shows sometimes treat orphaned babies as though all it takes to adopt or foster one is to simply be the first to call dibs.
  19. When Blue was saying he wouldn't ignore other patient's DNR/DNI, but did it on Maxine because he didn't want Jules to be sad, that was deeply disturbing. The same with Adams' whole "I don't apologize or feel regret" attitude. Neither should be practicing medicine.
  20. I thought introducing the new DA by having him randomly wander into a crime scene was kind of bizarre, and really awkward.
  21. It felt like there were no stakes. Sure, Babe, Lee and Slim cut Truman off. Aside from being disinvited to CZ's fancy Thanksgiving party, Truman's life didn't appear to change much. We didn't see him being barred from any society functions outside of events hosted by those women, he kept on dining at the La Cote Basque and while his alcoholism and whatever else, became worse, that didn't necessarily seem connected to being shunned.
  22. I think someone had mentioned that she (or her pseudonym) was barely mentioned in the Esquire story, so she stayed friends with Capote.
  23. The school district where I grew up just fired all its librarians as a money saving endeavor and is replacing them with "media center assistants." (Essentially, low paid staff members who aren't teachers and don't have librarian credentials.) I think people really don't think of librarians as educators, and when money is tight, it's easier to fire a librarian than a classroom teacher. I kind of understood the rule. If it's a school where they don't have multiple copies of the more popular books, you want to try to make things as available as possible for everyone, and that means putting a limit on how many books can be checked out at once. I didn't really understand the school district person acting like the pilot would only be successful if Barbara liked it. I'm all for giving senior teachers a voice, but it would be kind of ridiculous if one teacher could wreck the program for everyone else.
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