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Everything posted by txhorns79

  1. I knew him from The Leftovers. He played Justin Theroux's father. I don't recall off hand if he and Carrie c**** shared scenes. I was surprised Rick went off to spend the night partying. These people know where he is staying, and his girlfriend is still there! My first thought would be a call to her to make sure everything is packed up, a flight is booked and that we are leaving Thailand ASAP.
  2. Didn't Gaitok have flashbacks to the robbery where he recognized the friends and realized Valentin was in cahoots with them? My only advice to Belinda would be to leave Thailand immediately. I wouldn't put it past Greg to give her the money, but have her killed anyways to guarantee she would be shut up. I feel like they'll be fine. I doubt this is the first time they've had this type of fight. I did feel bad for Saxon. He made himself sound so pathetic. It will be hell for him when he and the family find out how much trouble dad is in.
  3. That was probably the funniest joke of the night.
  4. Yes, and it isn't like either of them has anything better to do than install a car seat. It tells you what kind of episode it was that in the two weeks since we last saw them, I had completely forgotten Linc and Jo were engaged.
  5. I think Ryan Murphy has involvement in this show, and Matt Bomer starred in a season of American Horror Story a number of years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if that played a role in his casting. And he isn't slightly younger than Nathan Lane. He's almost 25 years younger than him. He's closer in age to the actor who plays Arthur, who is 56 in real life. And I know it's just a sitcom, so they'll do whatever they want, but he really did feel off in comparison to the other characters.
  6. I'm not sure what to think of this show. I feel like everything is being played at 100, when some things would work much better at maybe a 50. I also think Matt Bomer's casting might be a mistake. I don't know that his character makes much sense within the context of this show. He's too young to really be looking at his second stage of life. I think if the idea is to have people looking out for you as you age and society moves on from you, his friends are probably going to be dead (or otherwise not in a position to help) before that's an issue for him.
  7. I agree. Aside from his own injury, I don't think there was a drop of blood on him. I did think he went way overboard. I honestly thought someone would say something to him that she was gone and there were too many other patients to continue spending time on her.
  8. I think the cop mentioned Jackie might be able to work a desk job. Otherwise, I'm with you that it would make no sense for Jackie to be taken back by the police department. I'm a little confused at what Jackie's standing would be to bring a lawsuit over Roseanne's death. Unless she was the executor of Roseanne's estate, my understanding was that an adult sibling typically cannot bring a wrongful death suit when the decedent's spouse and adult children are still alive.
  9. I think Barbara is someone who thrives with structure. She's an excellent kindergarten teacher because she gets to follow a lesson plan, and the kids all have mostly similar abilities when they come into class at the beginning of the year. She also has the experience to know what works and does not work for children that age. The music class has a lot less structure and the kids are all different ages and abilities. Rather than taking the pulse of the class to see what they had been doing and what they needed, she went ahead with plans that made more sense for a beginning music class.
  10. I think she was there for a variety of reasons. I don't know that she loved the job, so much as she liked being in charge. I did appreciate that during her visit, we saw her steal two reams of printer paper for herself.
  11. The whole thing made Bruce look incompetent. Informed consent is a bedrock of medicine. You have to explain the risks to the patient regardless of whether they are low, and Bruce really didn't do that. That Alex would need to explain to him why that is important suggests a reckless doctor. I will admit to laughing at Bruce's OR story about how the patient could end up the most successful prostitute in Oregon.
  12. Yeah, I have to think she gave him an epic takedown that he would not soon forget. I did like the episode, particularly Cutter taking down the perp on the stand after she tried to claim the Judge had coerced her into sex. I also was amused at seeing one of Peter Scanavino's pre-Carisi appearances on the mothership. It's strange to hear him speaking without the Carisi accent.
  13. I half-believe they convinced Angela Bassett to guest star for this show by telling her they would have her do a mini-montage of Athena trying on gowns. This is like the very late term pregnancy woman who was somehow allowed on the gay cruise. Transplant girl is obviously very ill. How was someone with her health history allowed on the ship?
  14. I'm sure it's a ratings thing. L&O has been doing the ripped from the headlines storylines since the beginning. Who can forget the first season where Cynthia Nixon was a female Bernie Goetz? I'll defend Nolan a little, if only because the Judge in the case made such absurd rulings and stacked the deck so heavily for the defendant.
  15. I don't know who "most" are, but I think that's more of a tv and movie trope (think Superman finding Lois Lane's dead body after she is buried alive, letting out a guttural yell, then immediately turning back time to erase the event) than anything else. It's obviously entirely possible it might not be Belinda, but I don't think anyone, aside from Zion, with dark hair can be ruled out at this point.
  16. He looks terrified and tries to get away from the body as bullets are flying. That seems like a pretty normal reaction (i.e. shock and self preservation), even if the body was that of a beloved parent. How is he supposed to be reacting?
  17. Why do we know that? I looked back at the opening scene from the first episode, all we see is someone face down with dark hair floating in the water. You can't see their skin color, and they may possibly be wearing a shirt similar to the White Lotus uniform Belinda wears.
  18. Having "sex" with both brothers can mean a lot of different things. Given how he just kind of appeared in her path this episode, and it was super creepy, I'd tell her to avoid being alone as much as possible. Thailand does have an extradition treaty with the US. I'm also not sure if Tim has access to the kind of funds he would need to completely start over with a new identity.
  19. Saxon wasn't being called soulless because of his lifestyle or background. He was called soulless because of his behavior and personality. I don't think that Chelsea appears to be a party girl undercuts her message.
  20. I presume Kate feels guilty because she kind of started the feud by telling Laurie what happened. Jaclyn didn't help by lying when confronted. Things probably would have cooled down instantly if she had just admitted to what she had done (not that she tried to encourage Laurie to have sex with Valentin, but she really wanted him for herself, but that she did sleep with the guy). I'm not sure what Greg is up to (either murder or perhaps he will offer Belinda a payoff to go away), but I'm glad Belinda got out of there as quickly as possible.
  21. Loved Executive Manager Trixie taking on the board, and am glad we finally seem to be done with the "Nonnatus House might be shut down!" storylines. I just couldn't with the spina bifida parents. I get that having a child with a birth defect can be terrifying. You don't know what could happen and the challenge can feel overwhelming. That their first move was to abandon the kid was just too much for me. In a way, it might be a blessing, if only because that baby deserves parents and/or a guardian who will love her.
  22. Is that right? In Episode 3, I thought they named the abandoned spina bifida baby "June," because she was born in that month.
  23. "You are sleeping with him, aren't you?" That was followed by Claire's stunned silence. It was the line that caused a million fans to all scream at the same time! I understand they can't just have everyone in the DA's office agree on such a hot and loaded topic, but Hugh Dancy seems to struggle at times to make his line readings work. Sometimes, it feels like Nolan is about to burst into tears, other times he acts completely clueless about how his case is playing.
  24. I like when the show nods to their very long history together, even I thought less of Finn when he then ran off his mouth to the newer cast members, not saying what Olivia's issue was, but making it clear she had a big secret.
  25. I had just finished watching the show on Hulu. As a show, is Reba all that great? No. The show could be wildly inconsistent, and by the end, I wondered why Kyra and Jake were even still on the show, and where they buried the bodies of Henry and Elizabeth. However, Reba McEntire has the kind of charisma that can elevate average material. She's also helped by Melissa Peterman's and Steve Howey's comedy skills. Even for a very silly show, I really did appreciate the show's attitude about family, and how things evolved between Reba and Barbara Jean.
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