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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. Here's the trick. You put a small amount of milk in a bowl, put in a handful of popcorn, and eat it. Then you pour in more milk, add popcorn, and eat it. You only put in enough milk for the handful or two of popcorn at one time. That way the popcorn is not soggy. I must admit this is the only way I would ever drink milk. I love popcorn and milk.
  2. Always sugar on tomatoes. My dad's family ate popcorn with milk poured over it. Try it. It really is good!
  3. I did a quick search. Aspergum was discontinued in 2006 but a company called Retrobrands has purchased the name and plans to make a product called Aspergum in the future.
  4. I’m sitting in the Des Moines airport waiting for my flight home. I’m early for my flight so I’m checking in here. My thoughts and prayers for everyone with health problems. My brother is covering with care for parents while I was able to get away to northeast Iowa for a break. He and I are the only children and, luckily, are on the same page regarding care. He sees them more than I do because he lives in the same town but we make joint decisions. Dad probably won’t make it too much longer, and Moms dementia is moving fast. So I took a break to Iowa. Over a week of just me and a rental car. I get up in the morning and decide where I want to go that day. I visit several family graves in various cemeteries and go to genealogy libraries to do research. I just enjoy the nice people, beautiful scenery, and NO TRAFFIC. There is so much history here, as well as lots of interesting things to do, that this is my go-to spot for vacation. I haven’t lived here since I was a child but my family in Iowa goes back to the 1830’s. So now it’s back to the real world. I had a pleasant 3 hour drive to Des Moines yesterday and am not looking forward to California traffic!
  5. I think you may be right. I thought the arms of the tall boy in back were another person. It does look like a floating hand, however.
  6. It looks like there is another boy hiding behind the boy in the blue shirt. If you enlarge the picture you can see the outline of another head.
  7. I did too! I was trying to figure out where they were and why they were together.
  8. Isn't this Harvey vest the one she cut the arms off of because it was too tight? I don't think this was made to be a vest in the first place.
  9. Someone recently sent me a copy of a diet that was published in Vogue in the late 1970's. BREAKFAST: 1 boiled egg (poached is ok), 1 glass of dry white wine, and coffee LUNCH: 2 boiled eggs, 2 glasses of dry white wine, and coffee Dinner: broiled steak, the rest of the bottle of wine, and coffee Only one whole bottle of wine per day. My question is, can I do this diet if I don't drink coffee? And is there a warning about driving? I wonder why we haven't heard about this diet recently. This is one of the quirkiest fad diets I have ever come across.
  10. Question: How do you slice bell pepper to make rounds, or is the red pepper more of a slice shape and just put between the squash? I really want to try this.
  11. Huh. I guess I'll start looking for a gluten-free zucchini bread recipe. There must be one around somewhere. Thanks for the idea. Raw zucchini slices dipped in a sauce or ranch dressing are pretty good.
  12. Well, you can send all your zucchini to me. I love it raw, spiralized with marinara sauce, grilled, stuffed---I've liked it any way it's ever been served to me. I made some great stuffed zucchini this week. Janelle just needs to be exposed to it in its many forms. My mother does not vegetables, so I grew up eating canned or frozen and then only green beans, corn, peas, and the occasional package of broccoli. I was an adult before I ever had fresh broccoli spears. But I love all fresh vegetables now, and zucchini is at the top of my list. There are just so many ways to prepare it. It is never boring. (Does this sound too much like Janelle's "rock star" posts? Sorry, that is not my intention.)
  13. I have worked with Fundy nurses who wore long scrub skirts. They were made out of scrub material and they wore a regular scrub top with them. They certainly stood out in a crowd. We used to have "scrub dresses" available. They were actually pretty comfortable. Lots of nurses-and doctors-used to wear them. They were knee-length and had a drawstring waist. I don't think any hospital has them anymore, though. They went the way of uniform dresses. But "scrub skirts" are available.
  14. Maybe they are actually "hinting" for someone to give them a puppy. Why pay when you can get some sucker to give you what you ask for? (Poor, poor puppy. I feel so sorry already.)
  15. What a cruel thing to do to other women. Just plain mean!!
  16. I laughed so hard I scared my cat!! You nailed it.
  17. According to the baby registry, the poor baby only has one box of diapers, but TWO complete sets of big head bows. One of my grandmothers long ago was named Arsa, which has been miscopied in documents as "Asa" on several occasions. As far as I know, "Asa" is a boy's name.
  18. The chipped plate really sets it off nicely, don't you think?
  19. I can always tell when the grape crush starts. I always start sneezing.
  20. I thought Ben had written it. I think he is sharper than people think he is.
  21. Thanks. I'm glad I'm not alone. It always makes me feel better when I know I didn't mess something up! I'll report it to the Bugs topic.
  22. Has anyone else been getting a black box that says something about some template box throwing an error? I can't get to any forum when this happens. It started last night, and everything seemed ok today, but it just did it briefly just now. Anyone know what's going on?
  23. Add me to the club. My arms sometimes look like I've been in a fight, when all I did was bump a shelf in the kitchen. My arms were a mess after I cleaned my garage. Sometimes I have no idea what I bumped. I would love to find a solution.
  24. Looks like medical scrubs to me.
  25. Any chance the news confused Mediccorps and Medicorps and thought the Duggers were with the other organization? It sounds the same when spoken, and they are from the same area. Edited to add most people don't realize there are two different organizations.
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