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Everything posted by Sile

  1. Sile

    Pose in the Media

    Went to see Endgame on Memorial Day and one of the trailers was for the upcoming season. It began with a clip of Billy Porter and I might have actually squealed when I realized it was a Pose teaser. It was all the more dramatic seeing it on the movie screen. Can't wait for June 11th!
  2. I think it was just a repeat of the episode of The Last Defense series that aired last year, since it seems that the newest footage was from 2017.
  3. She seems to be Pharrell's Sugar Joans and Gwen's Braiden Sunshine. I thought John was kind of a creeper on Duets because he kept choosing and grading certain women higher than deserved. I'm not implying anything towards Celia because of her age and he hasn't given off any type of inappropriate vibe, certainly not the one that I got from him on Duets, but I think he's just one of those people that get hung up on an individual. In other words, more of a Gwen/Braiden than a Pharrell/Sugar (which I did think got creepy).
  4. If LB wasn't told to pick Adam by the producers then he's a world class dumbass and deserves whatever he gets because this was well after the last season's shenanigans aired. The show definitely needs to 86 Adam, the public has pretty much spoken by demolishing his team for two weeks straight. I really liked him in Maroon 5, but he's gotten to the point where I can't stand the sight of him. Sloppily dressed, disrespectfully putting his feet on the podium (did he do that on his mama's coffee table and get away with it??) and constantly interrupting others' critiques to make it all about him. I would love to see Charlie Puth replace him. He's a likeable guy, very talented and, just judging by his mentor comments, would make a great coach.
  5. I was just about to say that, even though you'd never know it by looking at him. I love her gowns but live for the rare times like this ep where she shows off the legs. Who has gams like that at 58?? Jinx gave a lot of good, solid advice and it seems that absolutely nobody took it. Vangie should have at least consulted with her drag mom. Alexis had one of the top performances playing Alicia Keys as a pregnant lesbian. Was it accurate? No. Was it entertaining? You bet! I would have liked to see her Latoya, and Latoya probably would have as well. She's in on her own joke. It's not that hard. Really, all you have to do is 1. go to youtube 2. check out old game show clips 3. pick pretty much anybody in a Hollywood Square and you're golden! There are some great stars on all those old game shows. Ruth Buzzi, Betty White, Brett Somers, Fannie Flagg. Come on, queens!
  6. I don't know who Ts Madison is, but is she really that obsessed with dick? To me Silky was just being her normally obnoxious self, stepping on everybody else's lines. But I knew they'd give her the damned win. I would have liked it be Shuga but would have been happy with Nina because I love Harvey Fierstein and she had his voice down to a T. Give it a rest with the leotard shtick, Michelle, you've made your point. Obviously this was a specific runway look that was prepared just for this challenge and it fit with the cape and the concept. I just keep waiting for somebody to tear into Silky for wearing basically the same damned dress at least as often as Vangie's worn a bathing suit. I know I'm prejudiced against Silky and am partial to Vangie but,, seriously, how many time has Silky come out in the floor length sequenced gown with some sort of trim on it. Brooke Lynn reminds me so much of Chad Michaels in drag, but not at all in her THs. Other than that they are both intelligent, well spoken and likeable individuals.
  7. My mind must have rejected that as so ridiculous that it replaced the line with something within the realm of reality. Right now that same mind is blown with realizing that Connie Chung is in her 70s! She seems so ageless...
  8. Wasn't it Connie Chung's niece? I kept waiting during DDR for somebody to steal Eddie's parcels and was kind of surprised that he lucked out. Oh, wait...
  9. Wasn't it "Get in the damn car"? If so, even better!
  10. Are you talking about Feel It Still? The lyric is "I'm a rebel just for kicks now". Although Devil with a Kickstand might make a good title for a biker song. Or a tattoo. Or maybe a remake of Pee Wee's Big Adventure...
  11. I've been kind of suffering through the blinds because everytime some insincere crap comes spewing out of Adam's cake hole it makes my skin crawl. Listening to him going on tonight about he being the one to possess integrity almost did me in. Now all of that is in the rear view mirror and it's time for the real Adam to start slithering out and blindsiding these poor fools. Let the battles begin!
  12. Or standing right outside the door trying to hear everything that's going on like she did during the Chang interview.
  13. Caveat: As a general rule, I don't like children or babies unless they're related to me (and, even then, it's iffy sometimes). I don't think most babies/toddlers are cute; in fact, with rare exceptions, they look like homely little aliens. But, damn if that Felicity isn't one of the cutest little boogers I've ever seen!
  14. Why? Because she was blonde? Lots of kids are blonde when very young and their hair ends up darkening with age. My nephew was an absolute towhead and ended up with dark brown/almost black hair. If it's the light skin or Caucasian features, genetics are a funny thing. Even so, Dalton's mom is white and so is his wife so it's not particularly unusual.
  15. Seriously? Jessa is a 20 something wife and mother that has never made a cake? Even from a mix? Even so, who tries to cream butter with a whisk? I'm amazed that they didn't have a top end mixer on their gimme list for their wedding. Didn't they just go down the aisle at BB&B and scan everything on the shelf? Even so, there was a glimmer of hope when she knew the purpose of baking powder. Then she referred to cake batter as dough and I knew that this was definitely not going to be Good Eats...
  16. I feel sorry for Soju having to sit next to Silky because you know she wasn't giving up that mic. Yes, I actually counted, it took 18 minutes for Soju to wrest away the mic and she had it for less than 30 seconds before Silky took it back. It's clear that Rajah (get that apostrophe away from my face!) is going to be vying with Silky for most annoying. Monet did do an excellent job of getting everybody involved, though.
  17. I loved Scarlet Envy's entrance outfit....from the ribs down. Boy Scarlet to me looks like he could be Tammie Brown's younger brother. Maybe it's the eyebrows? So happy that Vangie's back, I love her! Alexis is one of my all-time favorites and boy Vangie gives me a Pitbull vibe. I can already tell that Nina is going to be the self-doubting whiner a la Eureka who's going for the "nine times" pity saves (it's already worked once). Ariel is this season's Aquaria, and it looks like she has learned some lessons from Aquaria's run and has come out nicer and more down to earth than Aquaria was at the beginning (I ended up really liking her by the end of the season). Silky can leave yesterday,
  18. Were these taped before or after Adam backed up the truck last season?
  19. Wasn't a fan of the brawls, that's more Springer than Judy. My recording glitched during the cake brawl and the sound went out so I didn't hear the whole thing. Did they really let that whole thing go without a "eat the cake, Anna Mae" reference? That couldn't have been a coincidence, especially with the LSFYL being Tina Turner. I love Latrice personally, but I'm not a big fan of her drag. But the same can be said for Monet, so I was going to be slightly sad but not really bummed either way.
  20. Rumer Willis also has a large tattoo of a lion on her arm.
  21. I read it in a book, I'm trying to remember the name or author and will update if I can find it. The author (I think it was a she) had actual interviews with Hulme/Perry and attempted a few with Parker/Nathan. It was very in depth and interesting. Both of them still have some very odd situations all these years later, no matter their various denials. There is a photo of a huge wall mural that P/N painted of H/P in her home that was found when she vacated that was equal amounts fascinating/disturbing. Maybe even more disturbing than painting it would be why she chose not to paint over it before she left. ETA It was either The Search for Anne Perry or Anne Perry and the Murder of the Century. The second title seems more familiar, but the first was written by a woman, so that was most likely the one I'm remembering. I'm almost certain I've read of both of them and both books focus more on Perry, so it could have been mentioned in both, but I think it was probably the first one just because the author was a female. (Of course, if you follow the 50/50/90 rule it will probably be the other one!)
  22. They gave her a name change of Anne Steward (in New Zealand) but she later changed her surname to that of her stepfather when she moved to Scotland.
  23. "I can pass any lie detector test." Also, I loved that they actually had a box of Super SUGAR Crisp, not the Golden Crisp (or whatever it was) cop out the company changed to later. Something only somebody who was actually alive in the 70s would look for. I was also about to have a spell over Joey (also my fave) sporting a Zep IV t-shirt because I could have sworn that was middle 70s. Only to look it up and discover it came out in 71! I guess it was the mid 70s by the time I was old enough to be aware of its existence.
  24. My grandma even made us save the sandwich baggies! And we had lunch boxes until junior high because paper bags were a luxury. No cafeteria in grade school so we ate on the front lawn, weather permitting, or in the gym. Inside days were always popular with the older kids because they got to leave class early and go back late to set up and break down the lunch tables. We had a cafeteria starting in junior high school, but I only remember having hot lunch once the entire time I was there. Then we got to high school with pizza and milkshakes and soda machines and thought we were in heaven.
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