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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Some day (probably soon) the Bates girls will write a book on How to Make Your Boring Life Look Exciting and Other Useful Influencer Tips to help the younger generation of fundie girls grow a social media following too. Of course, each Bates daughter will probably write one in their attempt to out-do each other in typical social media fashion. Or they'll break into camps where Carlin/Alyssa co-author one, Josie/Katie another, or whatever combos are trending in their fundie click. I'm sure Erin will be on her own. Her's will probably be an A-Z guide. And the books will serve as additional content to prop on their pages in this vicious cycle.
  2. Seems super pathetic to me. Can't imagine how the bride felt. lol 🀣 The dress code was beyond bizarre. Tacky shoes on the groom, Kelton in sneakers, Josie (who I generally find the prettiest of the Bates girls) in a most unflattering outfit, a wooly mammoth vest on the groom's ex, and I don't even know where to start with the bride who looks like she bought the fabric for her dress at the dollar store right after passing by the bin with plastic tiaras for all the little girls who want to go as a princess for Halloween or just play dress up. I'm also not a fan of hair extensions. To me, it's as classy (not) as fake boobs. Just makes you wonder what else isn't real. The sad thing is, if they had dropped him on his head you'd have never been able to tell any difference.
  3. This is a nicer tribute than anything Ron has thought to scrounge up. I do NOT want to see Hope recast. I rarely think it works for actresses/actors who have defined the role, and that's clearly the case with KA playing Hope for decades. However, I do think Hope's absence has been ridiculously explained for a year now. Ron just keeps writing it into a bigger corner. She's off looking for Ciara, but then Ciara's alive so Hope meets her in Africa, but now Ciara is in Salem so why the hell is Hope still in Africa! What is she even doing there? Unless it turns out she's having a hot and torrid affair w/Eric, then her sticking around is just lame. I've always thought a more plausible explanation would be that Shane asked for her help on an ISA case, and she's off somewhere undercover working that. It could account for a long absence. Bonus points if they can get KA to do a Zoom scene and tell her family that. But at this point, I'll take Shawn getting word from her via a one sided phone call. Maybe then as he passes it along, the Salemites can reminisce some of their favorite moments (would be cool if they were actual cast picks) with her as they remark they'll miss her, but wish her well on a new adventure.
  4. AMEN! John (or any other of the fundie husbands) don't appear to have broken fingers. They can make their own damn sandwich. I've been a stay-at-home homeschool mom for years, and I've never gotten up to make my husband's lunch. He does it all on his own just fine. In fact, when we both worked outside the home, he often made my lunch too. Past time to let the traditional gender roles go into the trash with the prairie dresses.
  5. Things that struck me from the Lake House Reno: 1. Brian, you've already fathered 3 kids so you clearly know how babies are made. If you and your wife are not using birth control and not suffering any kind of infertility, you should not be surprised when said wife is pregnant with baby #4. Seriously, should have seen that coming a mile away. 2. Also Brian, I'm pretty sure Darren the architect wanted to bang you wife. I'd think he succeeded except Jojo looks just like you. 3. If Sarah has interior designer friends, why didn't they hire them from get go rather than the immaturely unprofessional one they had who quit???
  6. I found James Scott's EJ devious but passionate. He knew how to play EJ threatening, but he also knew how to play him playful. There were little eye rolls and looks that he'd flash at times with Sami, and their chemistry was palpable. He could be ruthless, but he loved his kids and accepted Sami in a way no one else did. I don't blame JS for giving Days the middle finger and saying good-bye to Hollywood. The Powers That Be screwed over EJami fans and wrote them crap storylines that propped Kate Mansi the last year both JS and AS were on contract. Maybe if the show wouldn't have blown it with him, they would have better options. Heck JS and AS went on a nighttime show, carefully dodging copyright issues, just to give their fans a treat after their departure. But Days sure likes to burn its bridges. (Like how they drove Kristin Alfonso away as well without a character wrap up.) I've tried to give NuEJ a chance, but with his constant pouting and the way he walks around like he has the worst case of hemorrhoids, he's not winning me over.
  7. Sadly, I'm afraid when it spreads to Ciara we won't be able to notice a difference. Sane or insane, she's a pain in the ass. Their kid being wacko could be nature or nurture. Probably both. If I'm being honest, I don't actually mind Ben as much as I do Ciara. Not only is she a disappointment as the only female offspring of Hope and Bo, but she's annoying as all hell. Strangely, I tolerate Ben and Jake when they are together. But when Jake's around just about any love interest, his brain goes straight to his dick and he becomes a moron. I think there are some characters (really any character that's been well established) that should not be recast and EJ is one of them as James Scott defined that role. And I also hate when they re-write characters (and history) when they recast them. Like EJ's line today about Nicole being his favorite ex-wife. Gee I don't remember that all the times EJ played by JS reminded Nicole about how she tricked him w/a fake pregnancy and was still pretty peeved years afterwards. And on that note, the EJ/Nicole boat sailed long ago. I wish they'd leave it out to sea.
  8. Judge Smails, Ron? Really? If he's going to make the reference, then this storyline better culminate with a golf match at Bushwood where EJ has to win his money back. Bonus points if someone pulls a nine iron out of EJ's ass at the end.
  9. I think I'm still rolling my eyes at the SORASing process where Sami was a teenager during Marlena's possession, but EJ wasn't even conceived yet. I want to see Days tongue-in-cheek it with a throwaway line where Sami says to EJ, "remember that time my mom turned into the devil...oh, nevermind. I guess you wouldn't." πŸ˜ƒ
  10. No, I believe they left Salem in the mid to late 80s and were still out of town. Not many of the current Salemites were around during the Possession storyline. Aside from John and Marlena, Abe, Sami, Kristin, Maggie, and Victor would be the few to remember it. Tony I guess turned out be Andre at that time. Brady, Belle, and Abigail would have been toddlers. EJ wasn't even born yet.
  11. "Days of Our Lives updates hint that he asks Auntie Abigail Deveraux (Marci Miller) to star in the feature. Of course, Chad can’t believe his wife would consider starring in their nephew’s cinematic debut. Does she step up to the task? The movie man wants to deliver a scary, sexy biopic to the masses." Johnny is going to have to put Auntie Abbey into something other than those Little House on the Prairie dresses that she's so fond of if he wants this movie to be sexy and scary.
  12. I kept feeling like there was heavy foreshadowing in today's episode too. But with CIN included in an episode that was otherwise all tied to the possession storyline, I couldn't help but wonder if they'll be a part of it too. Ron sure seemed to be setting the mood with the thunderstorm raging outside (or was that supposed to be Hurricane Ida?) while Ciara made her plea for baby making as Ben's face looked like he was losing his erection the more she talked. Ciara specifically reminded him (and the audience) that he gets therapy for his psycho tendencies and then cut to said therapist who now has a dark passenger calling the shots. What if Ben's fears of producing his own demon spawn cause him some performance problems (wouldn't we all be so lucky to be spared those CIN scenes for a while?) and the Devil takes advantage of Ben's sexual frustrations and seduces him, allowing Marlena to finally act out her love for her favorite patient for all of Salem to see??? John: "Doc, what are you doin' with the necktie killer?" Ciara: *screeches* "Ben! That's not how we make Bo Jr." *pouts* Clyde: "Ollie, boy, that's your shrink. I hope she doesn't charge extra for that."
  13. I'm so bummed we didn't actually get to see it. Surely some other worthless scene could have been chucked to allow time to film Devil Doug and Ava. This! I think it's bizarre and a measure of how psychologically unhealthy these people are that they talk to a portrait of a man who terrorized the town for decades. I seem to recall before EJ was killed he was so over his father and was making plans to get away from it all. Would have been nice if they'd have kept that continuity and taken EJ in that direction instead of more of the same old, same old. Instead they got a wooden board to play him. Also, were we supposed to be outraged at the idea that Thomas and Charlotte were being thrown out of their rent-free mansion? Every kid in their class admires them because they live in the Dimera House of Horrors where Salemites are routinely locked up in the basement, there's a mad scientist on the family payroll who they visit in jail at Christmas to exchange gifts, and everyone seeks advice from dead mob boss granddaddy's portrait? Well, okay it is nearing Halloween so maybe they do have the coolest house for a trick-or-treat party, but I still think Tom and Alice are rolling over in their graves that their great-granddaughter can't just buy a nice little white picket fence home to raise her kids, something with a little less horror history and lunatic legacy. I just want to see Chad steal one third of Gabby's tamales, leave a big fart, and watch his skinny khakis implode. The Dimeras have become a farce so Ron might as well go with it.
  14. No, Brady has Rachel. Or I suppose the invisible babysitter/nanny does.
  15. Yes, took off from the police station after tricking Susan. This was after she hired Zander to kill Sami & Lucas, ran Brady off the road while fighting with Kate (who she also tried to kill), and kidnapped Chloe and shoved her in the trunk of a car that Jan Spears later made Claire steal. Good times.
  16. Welcome aboard! I'm with ya on Doug (96 and rockin' the devil) & harpy Julie. I'm also actively rooting for NuEJ to fall flat on his pompous face. I don't know why they stuck a stick up his ass when they recast him. Original EJ (James Scott) played it more of a dark prince. He was unscrupulous but passionate. I miss him and Alison Sweeney throwing expensive DiMera heirlooms at each other one minute and then ripping each other's clothes off the next.
  17. Was Chad wearing skinny jean suit pants??? The fit in the upper half was not flattering. I know I'm supposed to care where grown adults with jobs and money are going to liveπŸ™„, but when Chad appeared with that suitcase, I was too distracted wondering if he's been frequenting his own closet or Thomas's.
  18. Agree, that was well played. I just hope down the road they have an equally savvy detail to explain why Hope still hasn't come home to visit her father whose recovering from demon possession. If Doug can go to hell and back, surely Hope can find a flight home from Africa.
  19. The sexual politics on today's show were disappointing. Between Victor's repeated slut-shaming and Jack questioning the "intentions" of his 30 some year old daughter's buddy, I almost doubted the show was written in 2021. Time for Ron and some of his characters to get schooled in modern thinking. Maybe Paulina can lead a seminar as part of her "community service" for almost taking a wrecking ball to the square. Victor has always been an interesting character and it was nice to see him back on screen, but his dialogue was cringe-worthy and if I was playing a drinking game every time he said 'tramp,' I'd have been tipsy by the end of the hour.
  20. Yes, yes, yes! This! Rosemary's Baby for Cin all the way! I'm loving this idea! If I have to sit through more sex between them there'd better be a demon in there somewhere. If not, Ron can take a knife to the actual scripts because everything else has less life than the dead.
  21. Doug as the Devil is a great twist on an old storyline. Marlena feels like 'been there, done that.' If they didn't want to overwork Bill Hayes at his age (assuming that's why it was short lived), then I wish the devil would have body hopped for a while before making it to his destination. I'm up for a game of Whose Body is Satan Inhabiting Now. A day or two of hitch-hiking through Abe, Rafe, Jack, and maybe even Maggie might be fun. I would love to see what Alison Sweeney could do with the role. I think Sami's character is in a good bad place to make it believable right now, and there's many family members including 3 of her 4 kids in town for plenty of interaction. Or even a role reversal where John got the Devil and Marlena had to save him this time. Possession 2.0 needs some variety from the original.
  22. If your loved one was possessed by the devil 27 years ago, would you still keep the newspaper clippings??? Asking for a friend. πŸ˜‰
  23. I think it was actually a little more than 25 years ago. The devil just rounded down. 😁 If my memory serves me correctly, it was late '94 and into '95. I seem to recall that Shawn & Caroline lived above the fish market, which would be the same apartment Lucas is living in now above the pub. I wasn't watching during the Carly/Isabella roommates time, but if it's the same loft that Shelle lived in, then it's the same loft that was Bo & Hope's, then Hope & Kayla's, just Kayla's, and then finally Steve & Kayla's in the mid to late '80's.
  24. I can't help but think that if she was really serious about being a nurse, now would be the time to start working considering that hospitals across the country are overwhelmed and could probably use extra nurses. Nursing homes too, provided she's vaccinated. Also I've had friends who had to resort to fertility specialists to conceive, but they were still able to hold down a full time job. This all kind of sounds like a convenient excuse.
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