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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Can none of these people in Salem just deal with their heartache and be alone for a little to get new bearings instead of running to someone else and toying with their feelings. Chanel and Allie sound a little deja vu of EJ and Nicole. Tripp deserves better.
  2. Abigail: "Jinkies, it's Gwen Rizczech!"
  3. I'm now envisioning a leaky roof and no character on the show has a job in roofing to fix it. 🤣
  4. I heard there might be a return of Night Court to NBC, but this isn't what I was expecting. 😁 I'd rather have this Dan. 😉
  5. I too interpreted the scene w/Eli hearing the snuffling twins on the monitor as something nefarious to come based on the background music. Personally, I was hoping Eli would make a face, turn to the camera and say, "Why the hell do my one year olds sound like that?" 🤔 I rolled my eyes at Lanni chasing down perps all day (and presumably sounding successful about it). Like did Ron throw that line in because the viewers are always making cracks about the worthless Salem PD? So we are to believe that Lanni was worn out from running down shoplifters stealing confectionaries from Sweet Bits (did Rafe pay for that cake he gave Ava?) and diners who stiffed their waiter with the bill at the Brady Pub (I saw Rex walk upstairs with that beer in hand but I did not see him pay for it) while Phillip and Sarah remain missing people and Kristin, a convicted felon, is still on the lamb. Paulina’s money is “new” money; EJ thinks the Dimera money is “old money”??? I think I’d call it dirty, mob, or laundered money. Organized crime was Stefano’s origin on the show. Agree the toast was odd. Johnny's delivery of the "Here's Johnny" line fell flat. I've been thinking this actor is either going to finally sink or swim w/the devil role, and yesterday rather convinced me that at this rate he'll be at the bottom of the ocean like the Titanic fast.
  6. Yes, this! While I was apparently tuned out during Tripp and Allie's scene today, I can still hear Belle months back at Eric and Nicole's anniversary party gone wrong saying, in her best innocent and naive voice as if she couldn't even fathom the concept, something along the lines of "why would she hurt Eric like this by having an affair?" as if Belle has never cheated on her husband cause I remember hoping the person she was talking to (Roman maybe?) would reply, "I don't know. Why did you cheat on Shawn so many times?" lol
  7. Omg, did he really? I'll admit my focus on the TV was shot after Susan hurled. Yes, I think they have some good potential together too. Bad girls gotta stick together. I sensed that too. But geez is that not only going to reek of hypocrisy on Belle's part, though seemingly right up EJ's alley as something to do to get back at Sami, but also make this what the 3rd or 4th time Belle's cheated on Shawn???
  8. Next Week Details from TV Guide: 10 Jan/Mon Johnny breaks Chanel's heart. Paulina has a brush with death. Abe has a heart-to-heart with John. Tripp tries to determine what's wrong with Susan. Is that like his final med school exam? If he figures out all her issues, he'll be appointed Kayla's sub while she's on vacation? 11 Jan/Tue Allie comforts a distraught Chanel. Ben and Ciara wrestle with a decision concerning their baby. Will the kid fit in their tiny apartment with Ciara's inflated head? EJ asks Belle to represent him in Sami's kidnapping case. Lani and Paulina have a slight thaw. 12 Jan/Wed Allie lies to Tripp. Rafe receives stunning news at work. Defunding has finally reached the Salem PD and Rafe's piss-poor job performance makes him the first to go??? Johnny makes EJ a surprising offer. Chad tells Kate he wants to tell the truth at EJ's trial. 13 Jan/Thu Abigail informs Xander she has a lead regarding Sarah's disappearance. Ava reveals a secret to Gwen. As EJ's trial begins, Belle comes to his aid. Steve and Kayla go undercover to find Kristen. 14 Jan/Fri Lucas returns to Salem to testify at EJ's trial. But not the actual victim in the case??? Chad's plan to tell the truth is derailed.
  9. I'm so sorry you got that part. If ever there was a day to miss the entire episode, today was it! Between the snuffling babies 1 year olds on the baby monitor, Johnny's terrible "Here's Johnny" impression, and vomiting Susan, it was definitely a MUST MISS Friday. Sure killed my appetite for lunch. I'm guessing it was that seizure fit she threw just before ruining Marlena's shoes. But I'll admit I was more distracted being grossed out and wondering if John was going to have to come home and clean the carpet. The whole thing was bizarre. Since Salem doesn't have Covid I guess there are no long lines in the ER. Then again, they are always short on doctors. I had to wonder if Tripp got called in for another patient and then just happened to be free to see Susan or if the on-call service who summoned him is also psychic.
  10. THIS! Ron needs to scrap that effect pronto and get over his puke fetish. So gross, sooooo unnecessary.
  11. I don't think it would matter if the Bates kids (of any generation) were in public school--the odds that they'd be on an academically challenging or college-prep course track are very slim, whether they had the aptitude and potential or not. The issue isn't the type of schooling (public, private, homeschool), but the fundie conservative culture they embrace that props religion, adheres to dated gender roles, and undervalues higher education. Plenty of homeschooled students take chemistry and algebra and foreign languages and AP or honors classes and go on to college and universities. And many states' homeschool laws address things like required days/hours as well as compulsory school age. Whether it's Addie and Ellie or little Allie, if they up and went to public school tomorrow, they'd likely be taking mostly home economics and general education courses to meet the minimum requirements for graduation because their parents and their churches tell girls that's all they need. Heck, if they lived in Michigan, where a new law allows schools to use cafeteria workers and bus drivers to fill in as substitute teachers, they might not even be taught by a professional with more education than Kelly. Though in these fundie circles the homeschool curriculum & materials are coming from the fundie homeschool organizations they belong to anyways. Addie and Ellie could be miles away from Kelly and still receive their homeschool instruction. Whether they do school lessons while in FL or not, the sad reality is that their "field trip" to Alyssa's is basically their internship for what's to come in a few years when they get married and start popping out a litter of kids.
  12. I wholeheartedly agree that: A. It's not mentally healthy to be so focused on your infertility that it stops you from living an active life and enjoying other things. That type of approach might even make the situation worse. If they are now seeing a fertility specialist, I hope they are aware of that and help her find a better method of coping in the meantime. Fertility (or infertility, either way) shouldn't be a full-time job, but then that's part of the problem with the mindset of their cult. B. Working right now makes a ton of financial sense and could possibly help them reach their goal sooner. In fact, given the health care shortage, I'd image she could pick up lots of extra shifts and bank more money in a short period of time. ...unless part of the reason she's really not working is vaccination status???
  13. *Paging Dr. Rolf* He'll have you resurrected in a jiffy Boes! Just in time to watch tomorrow's epic hour of Who's Sitting in the CEO Chair Today.
  14. I gotta say, I couldn't give diddly-squat about who runs Dimera Enterprises or Titan for that matter. EJ, Chad, Jake, or even Henry; it's the same old boring corporate storyline no matter who is CEO. If jobs and the work world are gonna fuel the storylines then let's have Julie's staff participating in the Great Resignation, demanding higher wages and Julie locked in the freezer permanently. Let's hear about the plight of the people who have to work for her harpy ass. The Salem PD could be facing defunding. Not because of any racial incidents, but because Abe finally realizes that his cops are worthless, and it would be more cost effective to outsource cases to Steve. Maybe Jack and Jennifer could have bought a TV news network instead of a dying print newspaper. Abby would expect the lead anchor job because nepotism and all, but then Nicole sets her sights on it when traumatic flashbacks of Duke’s dismemberment make it too difficult for her to return to Basic Black aka the scene of the carnage. Jobless and too clueless about how to fill out unemployment forms, Rafe accepts the position of local weatherman so he can still get paid for being wrong. But the Salemites face the repercussions when he mispredicts a major winter storm resulting in his sister and Ciara getting frost bit nipples when they are stranded outside in their hooker wear with no coats. Kayla's on vacation so a surprise mystery surgeon is called in to amputate!
  15. ❤️⬆️ Ya think it should make his guts explode after the final course or just shit himself to death along the way? 🤔 Which would be more riveting for ratings??? The only doctor in town is going to be out of town, so now would be a good time for Ava to start cooking. Now I really want to see the bear be the next character possessed and act out all of Ava's evil tendencies. Well EJ has a new hard-on, I mean wounded ego he wants assuaged so there's certainly some possibilities for that storyline. But an even better reveal than Nicole walking in on Holly with EJ or even Rafe would be Holly and Duke. Nah, I think this board would do a great job of building the story. Let's keep it going: Meanwhile Holly's dead body lies motionless in her bedroom.... The stench permeates out the bedroom window and wafts across the street into the open door at Salem Inn where half of town resides. But everyone there is too involved in their own lives to notice. However, once the smell reaches Statesville....
  16. I think that epiphany is about to come too late. He's just dumb enough to try the "no hard feelings" line on her and see a heaping hot boiling pot of tortellini come flying towards him. You're hired! #ThingsKenCordayShouldSay
  17. I agree this (Belle/Chad) could have potential as something different. Abs and Shawn would be incestuous, but they could bond as cousin-friends over it.
  18. Dispatcher: "911, what's your emergency?" Nicole: "My teddy bear has been attacked! I need Rafe and put out an arrest warrant for Sami Brady." Dispatcher: "Umm, hold please while I transfer you to Build-a-Bear." Too bad Steve didn't make a big scene in a restaurant to warn Rafe about Ava. If only, Nicole knew that Sami was still hot for Lucas and EJ, but not Rafe. This is going to be a real mystery for them to crack. But at least there's no missing person cases or escaped convicts to take priority. 🙄
  19. I'm betting one word: toupee. And conveniently Salem doesn't seem to get any high winds. 😁 I was just thinking yesterday of the NYE of '99-'00 maybe....the one where the real Princess Gina got shot, and The Penthouse Grill was the big hang-out in Salem. While the viewers were flipping their calendars to February, the Salemites were still living an endless 24-hour New Year's Eve/New Year's Day. Of course, I'm not sure it all can be attributed to engaging action though. This was also about the time when Days loved overusing flashbacks from the day or two before and that ate up a ton of airtime. But I agree, this NYE felt a bit bland and low-key.
  20. Maybe the devil should hop to Kayla in about 7 months, or whatever the gestation of CIN's demon child will be. Would be fun to see MBE in that kind of temp role, and as the only doctor, odds are she will do the delivery. Then she can just do a scoop and grab... after swaddling him in a necktie, of course. 😁
  21. I could foresee some new business ventures in Salem as the devil hops around the Salemites. At home testing kits for Mayor Carver to have distributed and then business cards for Father Eric's new exorcism business. Dial 1-800-DEVIL-B-GONE or text 'Not today Satan.' Would at least be more interesting than watching the tired old Titan vs Dimera Enterprises company drivel that Jake and Gabi are currently stirring the pot with. This! ⬆️ ❤️ And when Eric's done with her, maybe EJ could have a go-round with her. Now there would be a love triangle for the ages.
  22. When Johnny was lying in bed with cold symptoms I kept wondering if Covid was finally going to come to Salem. Who knew it was also symptoms of possession. I wonder if there's a rapid test for that. If not, maybe someone should get Dr. Rolf to make one.
  23. I was thinking the same thing during that scene. Back in the '90s Lucas was simply a Roberts, and not connected with the Hortons. He didn't grow up with Tom and Alice as grandparents.
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