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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. 1 2 3 Count me in as #4 to think it was a satiny robe as well. I didn't realize it wasn't till she showed up at the front door of Chez DiMera. And yet it still looked better than Jennifer's Heidi wear. It's like Ron forgets this kid exists. I found it noticeable today when Nicole was discussing her New Year's Eve plans with Rafe. Not only did Ava nor Rafe consider Nicole would need a babysitter to join them, but Nicole herself decided she'd be home in bed alone. Seems her reply should have been, "I'm having game night with Holly" or something along those lines. #ThingsPeopleWithYoungKidsDoOnNewYearsEve For sure! Duke's head will be laid out on that interrogation room table and stuffing samples will be sent to forensics. Top case of the new year. This is not the first time the Oompa-Loompas did her make-up either.
  2. So yesterday was Christmas Day, and today is New Year's Eve. And Jennifer has either been at an Octoberfest celebration or in Austria with the von Trapp family in the days in between? 🤔
  3. Agree. What really sticks out at me about Ron's storylines is that he often starts with something that has potential, but then it tends to flounder in execution, the pacing is WAY off, and he wraps up either too quickly or prematurely. I too thought the Phillip/Brady framing was going to be a longer story arc and that the exorcism was underwhelming. Charlie's murder mystery would be another with terrible pacing. I too wonder if it's really "the end" or this is just a lull. After all, the devil came for CIN's baby, and Ciara's nowhere near her due date. Dropping that angle now would seem like another plot hole and continuity error in this story arc that's already been full of them. If the CIN baby delivery isn't marred by supernatural forces, I'm going to be seriously bummed. Yes, I also remember Marlena's exorcism lasting quite a while as well as the various visitors (even Stefano and Tony/Andre) stopping by to see the freak show. I didn't see it every day back then so I can't recall how long it went on from the very start (burning of the town Christmas tree?) to finish, but the story definitely had more meat than this one. At the risk of sounding contradictory, I generally agree with both of the above posts. I think the problem is the characters who have not been sufficiently fleshed out for the kind of heated storytelling they are presumably going for. I find that the dynamics between Allie and Johnny fall flat. I think it's both a chemistry issue between the actors and a storytelling problem--as in more "tell" is happening than "show." The viewers haven't seen the twins interactions over the last few years so we missed both Johnny's hurtful womanizing as well as Allie's party days. They probably should have been SORASed to teenagers first where their "backstories" played out for these current 20-something stories to have more impact today. Also the change in actresses w/Chanel has made this story wishy-washy too. Original Chanel was a 'girls just wanna have fun,' 'live off mommy's dime,' and don't take life or love too seriously gal. But nuChanel is more serious and vulnerable and wants something deeper. This also changed the dynamics, but it was too instantaneous to be any kind of character development/growth thing. Personally, I keep finding myself missing the "Horton and Dupree" fun friendship, the Chanel who was more of a character who fueled impulsive schemes (and who could have worked well in other story arcs) rather than the character who's stuck between Allie and Johnny, neither of which is a prize.
  4. As I sit back and try to reflect on the past year of Days….I’m realizing I’m a little hazy on the line between 2020 ending and 2021 beginning. So bear with me on my best and worst of the year list. These are the things that stick out to me. I’m sure there’s more, but I’ll leave it at 5 each for now. 🤔 Okay, maybe 6 worst because the bad tends to outweigh the good. Best 1. If Orpheus appeared in ’21, those scenes. (If not, see worst list) 2. Doug as the devil. Bill Hayes rocked that. The only downside was that it was too short lived and proved that Ron isn’t making the best use of certain characters/actors. 3. Original Channel (PW). I really liked that actress’s take on the character. She was fun and upbeat. (That was 2021 she showed up, right?) 4. Some of Paulina’s lines. She adds some good humor when she’s commenting on other characters and situations. (For example, learning about Zander’s past or when Doug grabbed her ass.) 5. The Exorcist Rip-Off 2.0. Yes, it’s campy, lacks continuity, and has more (plot) holes than Swiss cheese. But it’s held my interest more than most of what’s aired this year or last. Plus, if it lays the groundwork for CIN’s baby being an evil character rather than a revered and worshipped legacy brat, then it works for me. Worst 1. Gwen puking! OMG that was so gross and unnecessary! Bear in mind, I don’t hate Gwen or resent her character/backstory, and I’m not upset that Abs got puked on. Frankly, I wanted to puke on her myself back during KM’s days as Abigail. But simply implying it would have sufficed. I did not need to see it. Of all the special effects that they’d put energy into, that one would have been better left on the editing room floor. 2. NuEJ. The actor tries, I’ll give him credit for that. But he’s no JS who made that role, and this is a case of better left alone for me. If the next writer retcons this into an imposter storyline, then that will make my ‘best’ list for that year. 3. Not enough Orpheus. So many missed opportunities. Like this: Geez, GD got nominated for a daytime emmy, but it seems that doesn’t count in Ron’s book since he clearly favors the winner. See #4. 4. Ciara. And as I think about her, move this one up to my #2. She’s conceited, self-involved, and obnoxious whether she’s loving Ben or hating him. The Romeo & Juliet thing was the worst storyline of the year. If it had played true to the origional tale and they’d both died at the end then it might have made the best list, but as it was, it was utterly eye-roll worthy. 5. Charlie’s exit. His character was entertaining, his material with Ava was good, and he had potential as a villain to liven up the Allie/Tripp pairing. 6. Jan as Charlie’s killer. Lame reveal and worst paced who-dun-it.
  5. “As soon as we hung up last night, I booked my flight.” If only Nicole had known that’s what it takes to get Eric to come home. “Honey, your mother’s possessed again.” Only worse than the doctor shortage in Salem is the unavailable local priests that John had to fly one in from Africa, without any back-up. “I don’t think he should be in there alone fighting the devil.” That might have been the smartest thing to ever come out of Brady’s mouth. The fact that the devil can use Kristin to temp two step-brothers and their step-father/father just takes family relations a step (no pun intended) too far. Eww. I guess Belle doesn’t realize that the devil could have just knocked out the chief of staff at Shady Pines the same way she did Kayla. As if the Horton Christmas celebration wasn’t strange enough, the Brady-Black family exorcism gives whole new meaning to the word togetherness. I kept expecting Rachel to walk in and say, “Oh Grandma, what glowing eyes you have.” Where was Rachel on Christmas morning anyways?
  6. No they are two separate things; I never said they were the same. What I said was that I agreed with the poster who said JA was pretty. I never said GV was bad looking, just that his portrayal was boring in IMO.
  7. Boob enhancement aside for a moment, the bigger burning question is why hasn't AZ gotten a better hair stylist in the last 20 years? Two decades later and she still has a bad color with major roots constantly showing! Yep, back when Eric was pretty and not a bland bore. GV turned the role into a total snoozefest. Although he and AZ look more in the same age range. Always thought the 4-year difference between AZ and JA showed. Like JA Eric had an older woman infatuation.
  8. Sami: “I can’t think about him right now.” Lucas: “Since when?” Sami: "Since John has my mom in the bedroom tied to the bed…so they can act out some scenes from 50 Shades of Grey.” Well for a minute there, that's where I thought it was going to go. Ya never know with Ron. 😁 Meanwhile at the police station, EJ making a list of people who don't like him.
  9. Ciara and Ben were probably peeved that all the attention wasn't on them anymore. Jen didn't rush in and gush about Ciara's pregnancy as if no one on Earth was ever pregnant before. So Ciara was probably thinking "that bitch" while Ben was trying to remember if there was anyone else in the family he ever tied up at the cabin, tried to kill, or frame.
  10. Love (heavy sarcasm) how the Hortons treat the devil like a drunk guest. All "Oh well, thank God she's gone. Carry on with the festivities. Guess John will deal with her hang-over exorcism in the morning." What Abby really meant to say to Ben: "Remember that time you tied me to the bed in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and killed the midwife...wellI was thinking about that when I bound and gagged my sister to a chair in the wine cellar basement, and um...let's just let bygones be bygones." Ben: "Yeah, hey, no hard feeling, huh?" In that one montage shot towards the end, I was sure Ciara's boob was going to pop out. And what Jen forgot to say, "Wow that was so great Jack and I got a flight. Really sucks Hope can never get one. Oh well, weather, travel bans, and bad writing. What are you gonna do?" MR's hair looked good, but my gawd those pants! The elves will be looking for them soon. Good thing LOVE woke Tripp up because the only other doctor on staff was home resting.
  11. Nice to see Steve and Kayla go back to their roots and have a supercouple adventure. Unspoken spoiler alert: No one in Salem is going to have a health emergency once the only doctor is out of town.
  12. I was thinking yesterday that it would have been a better storyline if Mardevil would have turned Philip into Shawn and Belle had sex with him again, only for both to realize they were still attracted to each other and for Philip to get over Chloe. Bonus points if Chloe was there when Shawn finds them and gasps, "Oh my god, Philip, you're not dead and your third leg is in Belle!" Shawn in dumb and disbelief mode: "If that's a prosthetic, Rafe's gonna want it laid out on the interrogation room table for further investigation." 😁
  13. I literally busted out laughing reading these two lines together. 🤣 I wonder if it's after they open their presents or before. Maybe John placed little bottles of holy water in everyone's stocking. Oh and mini Bibles too!
  14. Thank you for sharing that and for your prospective as an adoptee. I have a friend who was adopted and was looking for/found her birth family. She just wanted to know them; she didn't harbor any resentment towards them or her adoptive family (unlike Lani). I hope someday you get that opportunity too. And I agree, Big Mama and Tamara did more of the harm and have taken little of the blame. I didn't even think Big Mama showed much remorse. Whereas we've been shown that Paulina is hurting and feels badly. I feel sorry for her as she clearly loves Lani very much and had a hard decision decades ago, but it did keep her child safe and so she was able to still have her in her life. She sure acts ungrateful and childish to me. It's one thing to say "I need time to process this. I know we need to talk but I'm not ready yet." It's another to rip up the card in front of her and announce she was giving away the flowers. A mature person doesn't resort to those theatrics. Her biological mother sent her flowers as a nice gesture. She didn't put a horse's head in her bed. And Paulina did want to tell her, but Big Mana insisted she didn't. She was the one holding Paulina to their story, and Paulina was stuck going along with Tammy's addition that Abe was the father. Belle who slams Sami for loving/marrying a Dimera, but has no problem working for one. Since the Dimeras have a history of bribing judges, wouldn't it hurt Belle's reputation/integrity as an attorney to be employed by them??? I thought about that too since Philip was the one who "leaked" the letter.
  15. Sad but seemingly true. Honestly, I was really surprised to see the kids come back on set seeing as how those scenes would have been filmed before the 5-11 vaccine came out, and that would have probably only covered the little actress playing Rachel since Henry and Carver are younger than 5.
  16. That does sound like a distinct possibility as it would explain why the show has been vague about his fate. It could also provide a 'wake-up call' moment for Lani to realize what her life might have been like if Paulina and Tammy and Big Mama hadn't made the mom switch.
  17. Resentful or offended over being saved from a childhood of physical and emotional abuse never makes sense. Paulina & family made a hard decision to ensure Lani had a safe upbringing, and Lani being a grown adult with children of her own should be mature enough to recognize that, but her behavior today was anything but mature.
  18. Sometimes the narrative on this show is fairly obvious. Like Belle’s bitchiness towards Sami and her marriage today is going to bite Belle in the ass once revived Jan comes after her and screws with her marriage again. Sami’s warning (about Mardevil) sealed the purpose of the scene. Belle is living in a glass house and shouldn’t throw stones. She is clearly going to eat crow. But I’m sorta torn on how to interpret Lucas right now. I can’t decide how I think the show is angling this. On one hand, per today’s reveal, Lucas is not the white knight he’s been trying to play to win Sami back, and yet what Lucas did is decidedly something EJ would do, the person Sami is still blindly in love with. Ironic kind-of, but I’m not sure if Ron deserves that kind of credit yet. Also, I found it interesting that the show has re-interpretated their history—Lucas now believes Sami was always his true love, discarding Carrie as a distraction. While I agree I never thought Lucas was truly in love with Carrie, more just infatuated with her, I don’t know if I agree (as it played out back then) that Lucas was also in love with Sami either. At least not from get-go. I’m more inclined to believe that both were too young and immature for love at that time but grew to love each other whether in spite of or because of the things they shared and did. The narrative I have no clue about is Lani. Are we supposed to be rooting for her? Are we supposed to be sympathetic to this life shocker she’s been dealt? Because I kept thinking today “what a bitch.” All I can extend to her is that finding out your aunt is really your mother would certainly throw anyone for a loop and make you reevaluate many of life’s significant moments. But beyond that, I’ve got no shits to give for her. Her birth mother never really abandoned her; in fact, she loved her and wanted her so much that rather than a closed adoption with strangers, she gave her to a woman she loved and knew would raise her well in order to keep her safe from an abusive father while still being able to be a part of her life. I don’t doubt there are adoptees out there looking for their birth parents who only dream of discovering something like Lani’s situation. I sure hope there’s a scene down the road where Lani realizes that she’s really just butthurt over the unpleasant reality that her real father was a creep and not the upstanding mayor of Salem, and how this psychologically offends her pious and sanctimonious self-imagine. Since the town shrink is “out of the office” at the moment, maybe Lani can run into Jack and have a heart-to-heart with him on the subject. Not only has he been down a similar road, but maybe he can enlighten her what his sister went through when she wasn’t given up for adoption and had to grow up with an abusive father. On that note, have they said that Lani's real daddy is dead? I know Paulina got away from him, remarried, and had Chanel to someone else who did pass away, but I've never been clear on Lani's father.
  19. Did Kate get her nail polish to match Mardevil's eyes? When Kayla said they updated security in the last few months I almost expected her to say, "ya know after the snuffling babies were kidnapped, and that time Kristin flashed a gun around." But alas, she only mentioned Dr. Snyder's indiscretions. Geez, even with The Exorcist 2 plot, Belle and Shawn still don't get a story that doesn't rehash the same old Jan crap.
  20. This is true. Plus, I imagine "the devil made me do it" defense is popular there these days.
  21. Yes that too! The devil must have wanted to kiss Kayla pretty bad, otherwise it would have been a lot simpler to just shapeshift into one of the ICU nurses and use their badge. I'm starting to think Ron never learned that if you are going to write a supernatural story, you have to have "rules" and "laws" of that universe/how it operates (and stick with them). Begs the question--did he ever actually watch the horror movies he rips off or is he just reading the wiki page for them?
  22. I thought the first Chanel was great. She could pull off so much more, especially the impulsive marriages that benefited her somehow (or she thought would benefit her.) But then like they so often do with recasts, they changed her personality, and NuChanel doesn't do much for me. She's more boring whereas the first actress's portrayal was more fun. So was her distinctive voice.
  23. If the devil can turn Marlena's possessed body into John and Steve (without them being around), then why does she need Jan's comatose body? On that same note, why doesn't she just turn herself into Ben for the next 8 months (while having him tied up somewhere because let's be honest Ciara is the only person aside from Marlena who would miss him) and grab the baby when it's born. The only logical thing I can come up with (aside from bad writing) is that even the devil doesn't want to spend that much time with Ciara.
  24. I did too! Was bummed when it wasn't. Total missed opportunity, Ron. This! I don't think Nicole even knows the meaning of self-respect. With a friend like her, why would Ava need an enemy. Also does Nicole not know all the crazy shit Ava did to Kayla? I mean, if I was Nicole and had active brain cells, I'd be a little worried about what Ava would do to me when I took the man she wants. Yes, there does appear to be some bizarre underlying "thing" between them. Ron might as well just run with it for a few good laughs.
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