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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Bill Hayes is knocking it out of the park with this storyline! I'm more interested in Doug than anyone under 96 on this show at the moment. That reveal was great! Almost makes the lame NOLA set, wooden EJ recast, and snoozefest that is Salem's corporate world worth tuning in for. At least now I don't feel like I've wasted my hour.
  2. I wonder if the dog was trained to take Carlin's picture when she's barfing???
  3. I'm almost afraid to ask who took the picture. Is it now in the fundie modern world a good husband or sister who you turn to in such a moment and say, "Quick hold my hair and take my phone while I hurl?" But then I assume Evan was driving, and Layla is too little to play photographer to mommy's celebrity fetish....yet. Has Carlin mastered the art of holding the bag and snapping a selfie at the same time?
  4. Oh please tell me she did not post a pic of that! 😨 As someone with emetophobia, that's not only disgusting, but TMI. Sounds like she should have just kept her ass on her own couch at home. Let Evan take care of Layla for the weekend if "morning sickness" is that severe.
  5. If medical examinations & vaccinations are a requirement for homeschooling in their state, then he would presumably be evaluated by a pediatrician or family doctor (either of which should qualify as a professional in terms of child growth, health, and development) each year. Speech, vision, and hearing checks would be part of those exams. In some states (my own for example), the homeschoolers have basically the same requirements in terms of medical and dental evaluations as well as required school days as any public school student. Of course, like the public school kids, they probably also have a religious exemption option too, which it wouldn't be too surprising if they invoked.
  6. I thought Sara came off much nicer and sweeter in the old Lake Renovation episode. In fact, I couldn't help but think that the architect and interior designer are partially to blame for her overspending and overstepping today. They basically told her she could make a bunch of big changes and spend more money as if it wouldn't be a big deal. Seems maybe they created a monster.
  7. I agree, safety is a big issue if the 13 year old is the oldest in the new sleeping quarters for the kids. I sincerely hope the teacher/tutor/nanny also has a bed in that villa. Because otherwise Brian and Sara have announced on national television airing in at least 2 countries that their children are alone at night, potentially making them a target for pedophiles looking to take a tropical vacation. That puts not just the younger two at risk, but the oldest daughter too.
  8. After watching the video, these are my takeaways: 1. It sounds like the doctors who dealt with her surgeries did prepare them for the reality that future conception was slim to none. When Chad chimes in that "it was a very small chance," I believe that is what the doctors stressed and they understood. It's one of the few times Chad makes eye contact with the camera. But knowing their obsession with pregnancy and birth, I suspect they jumped on what was a last ditch effort, probably pitched by one of the doctors who had to listen to Erin moan about being barren at 30, before her remaining 1/3 of an ovary completely failed. 2. I think Erin's lying through her teeth when she says they didn't go to the fertility specialist for help with conceiving. Even if her ob/gyn referred her to a hormone specialist simply to manage her menopausal symptoms that arose post-surgeries, any doctor that meets with them would certainly deduce that the loss of future pregnancies devastates Erin more than hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. 3. They way they keep talking about this being her last baby and final pregnancy would also point to this being a being a fertility specialist assisted pregnancy, not a naturally conceived one. After all, if it was truly a miracle blessing granted so soon after they prayed about it, why not pray for 5 more miracles like they always wanted? No, instead I think it sounds like the fertility specialist possibly said they had a small window of opportunity to try this either before that piece of an ovary shut down for good or it would have to be removed entirely. 4. Carson's speech struck me as exactly that--a rehearsed speech, monolog, testimony. He seemed like he was trying to remember what he was supposed to say, and he fidgets like a nervous child who knows they've been put on the spot. I wasn't so convinced that his pauses signaled a need for a speech therapist as much as a need for his parents to stop filming him for You Tube after indoctrinating him on how wonderful liters of siblings are. I suspect after the camera stopped rolling he probably looked at Erin and Chad and said, "Was that okay?" Whether he knows that his parents are grooming him for a future in reality TV, I'm not sure. And maybe he does have speech issues, but I think I'd have to see impromptu videos where he didn't know he was being filmed first.
  9. Usually just a lurker, but had to chime in and agree that something is fishy. A fraction of an ovary coupled with the onset of menopausal symptoms, which would suggest that partial ovary was shutting down, and she gets pregnant only a few months later??? Definitely sounds like fertility treatments were used to stimulate ovulation, not simply to regulate her hormones. And if that's the case, then she better be thanking the advances of medical science instead of spouting off about her divine "miracle."
  10. As the youngest and only girl in my family and thus I never had to share a room growing up, I can only imagine how annoying it has to be for Charlotte to be stuck not just in the same room, but directly under her two fairly younger siblings. Either Charlotte is a saint or Sarah & Brian are completely out of touch with being a teen cause I don't care how cute that little nook is, no way are JoJo and Linc leaving that poor girl alone when she's trying to talk to her friends. And is the school teacher sleeping in the school villa too or is Charlotte also responsible for her younger siblings now, whether that be something that goes bump in the night or a tummy ache? Remind me again why they just don't build a modest house on the resort property.
  11. Agree! They are lucky to have a huge home & property in Canada. If they want time off the island, they'd be better to return there for a break. I really don't see FL being the ideal situation that they seem to think it will be for many reasons ranging from Covid to long distance hotel management. It seemed like the island contractor didn't think so either. Also, from Sunday's US episode, am I the only one who couldn't help picturing Dexter season one when they set up that shipping container? 😁
  12. Agree! One of the underlying running themes of last night’s episode appeared to be ‘entitled, rich guests trying to escape pandemic restrictions arrive at resort putting an end to the free reign of spoiled entitled kids who are old enough to behave better.’ And I couldn’t get past Sarah, who was just insufferable this episode, and her seriously messed up priorities. Who cares if the nightstands are precisely the exact same distance from the bed on both sides or if the towels have even sight lines with the sinks? Are complimentary rulers provided at check-in for guests to verify? I would think just the fact that the bathroom was adequately stocked with towels is really most guests’ main concern. They are going to notice their absence, not their presence. Certainly seemed like the bigger priority she should have been stressing over was keeping surfaces sanitized and other mitigation efforts. Also, while it seemed like an odd time (fully booked hotel during grand re-opening) to embark on a major project like the solar panels, Sarah made it a bigger deal than I suspect it was. It’s not like it was a full A/C replacement or leaky roof that might put up warning flags for guests. Some signs that simply said, “We appreciate your patience while the resort becomes more environmentally friendly” along with free Caerula Mar Goes Green sunhats and approaching it with an atmosphere of ‘these improvements are a good thing’ might have gone a long way. I at least thought Brian had a good idea when he enticed the guests to the bar area while they completed a key step in the process in a different area. I bet a good marketing manager could have even taken that up a notch, turning the week into a themed celebration—Earth Day six months early maybe. Throw in a few contests/giveaway drawings and guests aren't so put out about being there the week the solar power went in if there's "extras" that they wouldn't have gotten by arriving the week after it was done.
  13. Sarah prioritizing aesthetics over function and practicality drives me nuts. It seems to be a running theme of the show, from the upholstered stool & chair in a honeymoon suit bathroom rather than a soaker tub for two, to a pretty storage room rather than a bathroom & changing room in this new boutique. It would seem very likely that the back stock could be located in another storage area of the resort without much headache. It's not like sunglasses and Caerula Mar t-shirts are going to be flying off the shelves like toilet paper in a pandemic that the employee working the shop would be restocking more than once a day. Heck, probably more like once a week. But said employee may very well need to use the bathroom during their shift and customers will certainly want to try on sundresses and bathing suits on the spot for the right fit. What a hassle for the guests to drag clothes and swimwear back to their rooms to try on and for the employee to keep track of that inventory while it's being loaned out like a library book. I worked retail clothing for several years many moons ago and that just sounds like a nightmare. I see both lost sales and lost merchandise. And while I'm sure Sarah would visualize a posh spacious fitting room with white upholstered benches and moldings on the wall, the reality is a corner of the store where a curtain can be drawn for privacy would still function better than no changing space at all in this glorified gift shop. As for the posh school villa, that seemed like more time & money than necessary if it's only going to be short term. But then my impression of the Baeumler parents when it comes to their children's education is that they are rather wishy-washy. I realize that public education has been thrown upside down for many during this pandemic, but their kids' schooling has changed several times before Covid became the word of the day. In the pilot episode, Sarah and Brian identified as a homeschooling family, and as one myself, I was interested to see how they would juggle homeschooling for four and a Caribbean resort reno, That angle has never really played out. Instead if I follow the snippets correctly, pre-pandemic they switched the oldest son to a Florida boarding school for high school, presumably after realizing they couldn’t invest the proper time into homeschooling at that grade level while fixing up the paradise money pit, and then enrolled the other three kids in a local island school. Now, during the pandemic, those three are doing virtual schooling (presumably based out of their previous Canadian school district???) as well as a private on-site tutor while the oldest is back in Canada with his grandparents for school, having no interest in tropical life. (I'm not entirely sure the other three kids really want to be on the island either.) Regardless, I'm not surprised their original homeschooling wasn't successful because it's something that takes time investment, dedication, and conviction, and the kids' education has come off more as an after-thought rather than a priority to these parents.
  14. I kept wondering if the show was finally going to acknowledge Covid the way Ben kept coughing and they kept making a big deal about it. At the same time, I was hoping RSW had a rapid covid test right before filming those scenes for all of his co-workers sake. The looks Marlena kept giving in regards to CIN were starting to make me question her feelings for Ben too. Like maybe she's finally had enough of anger-management-issues John. Also I kept waiting for her to tell Belle, "I know you think your sister killed Charlie, but your father has some missing time he can't account for that night."
  15. Not a fan of Sarah and Zander, but I prefer her over him so this is me crossing my fingers that he goes next. Or is recast as I think it's the actor that really grates me about Zander. Also, Kayla better hire some new doctors or she's going to be pulling a lot of all nighters. Or they're going to have to SORAS Tripp's med degree.
  16. Based off the real life actresses, Kristin will need to shrink 3 inches and lose 20 years to pass as Sarah. Or all the Salemites will have to be dumb enough to not notice. I think we all know which direction this is going. Yeah, there was a throw-away line about him being in police custody. I'm hoping we get a scene where he meets back up with his dad in jail and, while hanging around the phones and eating ice-cream, Orpheus chides him, "If you weren't going to follow my plan to make us rich again, could you have at least pulled the trigger?" Love this idea! And I'm more than willing to set up a Go Fund Me site to buy Ciara a ticket on Oceanic Flight 815 just so, ya know, Sarah's not living alone. I'll even chip in for a copy of " Make Your Own Kind of Music " if it means we don't have to see Ciara till another life.
  17. Considering that I can't stand Jake with just about every woman he's been hooked up with and Ciara annoys the crap out of me, I'm down with an epic love between Ben and Jake.
  18. 💯I'm with ya on this! NuClaire has zero chemistry opposite Theo, Tripp, Ben, or any leading man in her age range. And I continue to fail to see why Ciara is such a prize. I hope Evan being alive but in jail is the equivalent of "till next time..." Kristin probably contracts with Dharma for those services. 😄 I seem to recall Alice always sat on the chair adjacent to that couch. She was a smart lady.
  19. Love this! Can we tweet it to Ron so he rips off this next time Evan has a gun pulled on Cin?
  20. Ugh, not sorry I missed that then. Let's hope she doesn't get pregnant to Rex this time. It would seem that Kristin has a major thing for younger men. Hear her cougar roar.
  21. I missed that episode. Sadly I can't say I'm surprised. Brady is dumb as rocks.
  22. Unless Rex is into being blindfolded during sex, I'm not buying that he's with a naked Kristin/Sarah and doesn't notice... A) The change in tattoos B) The rubber/skin line of the mask around her neck C) A completely different body Also nothing says 'I'd do anything to keep Brady' like sleeping with another man.
  23. “There’s nothing special about either of you. You’re a psycho, and she’s a bitch.” -Evan
  24. TV Guide spoilers for the next few days: 12 Mar/Fri/03-12-2021 Chloe tries to tell Brady she has feelings for him. Rex puts a damper on Xander and Jack's two-man bachelor party. Kristen takes extreme measures to protect her secret. Ben fears he's too late to save Ciara. 15 Mar/Mon/03-15-2021 Sarah fears how far Kristen will go to keep her quiet. Meanwhile, Xander grows concerned when he realizes Sarah is MIA, and an anxious Ben waits with Marlena for word on Ciara. 16 Mar/Tue/03-16-2021 Ciara reunites with her loved ones, Sami confesses the truth to Lucas, and Ben has a setback. 17 Mar/Wed/03-17-2021 Gabi clashes with Ava, Rafe pursues another murder suspect, and Jake dreams about Gabi. At the snail's pace rate this murder mystery is going, I wonder if the Salem PD has a portrait in their hallway for Suspect of the Month. They certainly aren't averaging one a week.
  25. LOL And the psychiatric booth could probably be leased for kiosk pricing. Right outside Salem Inn would be a good spot seeing as how half of the town lives there. Which that alone--grown ass adults with jobs who live in a one room hotel--should be worth dropping down the nickel to psychoanalyze.
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