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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Did Evan call Shawn ‘Dummy do right?” *High-five, Evan!* That’s perfect for the Salem PD. Claire to 911: “My daddy’s been hurt.”🙄 “Officer down” might get help there faster. “Danger, Will Robin! danger, Will Robin…Opps, Danger Ben Weston, Danger Ben Weston!” I just can't with this CIN psychic connection shit. And what did Ciara think that pipe was for ??? Pretty sure all the months she's been locked in there, she would have heard water running through it if that was the case, though then she'd have potentially risked drowning. I suppose sewer would have been less deadly but more nasty. By the end, I was expecting her to yell, “I hit the gas pipe, Ben, run!”
  2. That's funny. I don't know who writes the closed captioning but apparently even they are still confused on the John/Roman mess. As someone who's had to explain it to other casual viewers I know, I can understand the mix up. Although, if I was writing the captioning, I'd be more likely to make the mistake of writing Chris Kostichek.
  3. And whoever is Charlie's killer will be revealed as Kristin in a mask....just like on Scooby Doo. Eli: "Jinkies, it's Kristin Dimera!" Lanni: "But she's a MOTHER!" Kristin: *sneers* Rafe: "I'm gonna need a Scooby snack for this..."
  4. I don't know if I should give credit to Ron & the writing staff or not because it might not have been a purposeful parallel, but Claire stumbling into Evan's attempt to nab Ben at his apartment reminded me of the time Evan's dad kidnapped Kayla when she showed up at Steve's apartment instead of him. Aunt P inadvertently bulldozing Julie's godparent job was hilarious. Karma can be a real bitch, Julie. But in all practicality, it would make more sense to have Paulina should something happen to Lanni and Eli and the godparents were actually needed to help raise the kids. She is well off and much younger than 75+ Julie who will be close to 95 by the time the twins turn 18.
  5. I like that twist too. It certainly has potential. Bonus points if she runs off, runs into Evan, doesn't know who he is, and falls for him.
  6. "But there’s damage done to Ciara Brady’s head." They say that like that's a new thing. "If Ciara hears her husband’s scary Necktie Killer backstory, she might reject him." Now that might be funny. Suddenly their reuniting has potential.
  7. Agree, Eli basically proved the point Gwen has been hammering for weeks about "poor, precious Abigail." *summoning up my best Gwen voice* The whole scene just reminded me how worthless and a farce the Salem PD generally is. Too bad Ron can't hire Leslie Nielsen to play their new detective or police chief and just seal the deal. Or I suppose using the budget he has, he might as well have just ended the scene by having Lanni walk by and add, "And Abigail's a mother!" 💯 I'm right there w/ya!
  8. Salem presumably has a bubble around it to keep out Covid like how Town Square keeps out the weather. Beyond that, none of their business/economy makes sense. Like you'd think if the Gabby Chic location was so prime, the leaser would have been able to get another business in there a long time ago. Aunt P is supposed to be loaded so I don' think money is an issue for her.
  9. Abe made a point he was only going to introduce her to the owner and let her make her sales pitch. And I think she noted that she did her research and Kate's deal wasn't as set in stone as thought. It was either said or implied that the owner was easily swayed by money/the best offer, which I guess considering the store's been sitting empty for over a year and no one seemed to want the spot before but suddenly it's a hot commodity, he's going to give it to the highest bidder and make up some lost revenue.
  10. I wonder if Rolf also has secret tattoo artist skills cause Kristin is going to need one matching the one Sarah has on her neck, and a fake one wouldn't hold up to shower sex. 🤢Blah, I know.
  11. Spoilers indicate Ben runs off and leaves Shawn in the fight of his life with the bad guy. In the end, Shawn’s shot. The big question is whether Evan gets away and remains a threat. He’ll wound the Salem detective – who then needs medical attention, say Days of our Lives spoilers. So, look for Shawn Brady at the hospital. Then, Belle runs to be at his side. However, Days of our Lives spoilers spell out that her hubby survives the ordeal, despite being struck by a bullet. And Ben survives the blast with Ciara. So, it’s a happy ending for Shawn and the other Bradys soon. "He’ll wound the Salem detective – who then needs medical attention." Don't wounded people generally need some kind of medical attention? They forgot to add, "so this means that he'll be treated either by Kayla or Sarah."
  12. I can't decide if Kate's metallic green pant suit made her look more like a leprechaun or the Oz of Emerald City. Either way, god help Basic Black if this is the clothing line they are selling. In that case, I don't think Gabby Chic's hooker-wear line has to worry about the competition. I hope Aunt P gets the store front. She was hilarious and a breath of fresh air on today's episode.
  13. I was just thinking during yesterday's episode that the show needs more medical professionals and attorneys and less corporate exes. Too many characters work for Dimera, Titan, and Basic Black and those stories are often rehashes and not very interesting. In contrast, it seems like someone is always either in the hospital or in trouble w/the law and thus there's never enough doctors and lawyers, not to mention it would seem less silly that so many people hang out at the hospital where they have private conversations if they at least had a reason to stick around or be there in the first place. At least back in the 80's, the hospital had Alice, Maggie, Jennifer, and Eve as candy stripers giving them a reason to be there in addition to Mike, Robin, Tom, Neil, etc as doctors as well as Kimberly running an children's counseling clinic there. Agree too about Henry. At about 7 months, he should be squirming to get out of the blanket, his head moving all around and his body itching to sit up, roll, and maybe even crawl. They're still running the narrative as if he's a newborn. Though I did have to laugh at Allie's comment about Henry getting fussy around new people. He's probably worried his mom is going to try to give him away to them next. lol Gabi and Abby have definitely gotten some of the best dialogue and interactions these last few days together. In fact, their faux apology in the park was not only quite entertaining with Gaby making it hard and Abby having to suck it up, but also made BF's Chad seem unbelievably flat and out of his league. Instead EO's Gwen compliments them well. I hope the show continues to explore this. They often miss these opportunities, especially with Sami who gets thrown under the bus on her own too often rather than paired with someone who compliments her. Kate and Sami are better as co-schemers rather than enemies, and I have to think Sami and Ava could have some potential too. I hope so too! Charlie being alive is about the only twist to salvage this plot it seems. I had assumed all the 'no longer have to deal w/Charlie' comments were just Ron's poor subtly at honing in on the characters as suspects, but I hope you're onto something that it's really the clue that Charlie isn't dead. I'm completely w/ya. Everything you noted is why Ron has made what could (key word being could as in has potential but totally isn't at this point) be an interesting mystery into a badly paced mess. All of the suspects and their accusations were basically thrown into one overly obvious episode, apparently because it was still Feb. sweeps and they had to rush it in, and then since then the plot has been back-burnered and unfolding at a snail's pace. It's been like 2 weeks our time and 2 days theirs. In that time, Rafe has spent more time talking to Ava, the victim's mother and potential suspect, who he's shared what seems like it should be 'unreleased' information at this point instead of actually interviewing anyone in Salem who had a motive, which is most of the people he knows. And since Ron went out of his way to state that Charlie was killed the night before Rafe found Sami in the apartment with the body, the time spent on Sami at the police station is an obvious waste to the viewers since she's the one least likely to have committed it as he was dead hours before Rafe found her there. The forensic evidence (gun powder residue, fingerprints, and coroners report) are apparently trickling in slower than election night results, and yet Rafe has already declared a winner. Heck, Cabot Cove solved murders faster than this. But then Julie is no Jessica Fletcher. If only the show had the budget for a Dexter guest appearance. I just want to see one run-in with Dex and Ben where Dex gives him a wink, Bay Harbor Butcher to Necktie Killer. 😄 Good idea about the possible multiple kills on Charlie's body. Ron might as well run w/parody of Clue in which case Charlie aka Mr. Body has been stabbed, shot, bludgeoned, and poisoned and not only is Kate's gun missing, but so is Nicole's candlestick, John's wrench, and Rafe's knives. After all, he did find Ava in the kitchen making breakfast.
  14. Too bad Ava doesn't have a J.D. degree; she could probably present a better defense for Sami than Belle. Although at this point, I wish Sami would just start talking so this story moves along. So many suspects, so many months Ron can drag this out. Chad's lucky there weren't any kidnappers running around Murder Park other than his wife and Gabby seeing as how I'm pretty sure he had his eyes off his kids for long enough for them to become more invisible than they already are.
  15. Logically I'd think he's calling for help, but Ben's not exactly known for doing the logical when it comes to the phone so I wouldn't be surprised if he's snapping a selfie and marking them 'safe from explosion' on Facebook.
  16. There's literally over a half dozen people in town who expressed an interest in killing Charlie, one of whom lives in his house and the other he shares custody of a stuffed animal with, and it's going to take Rafe till Wednesday to pursue a only one of them? Dude should either be working overtime or set up a mass interrogation site where Allie, Kate, Belle, Claire, Lucas, Tripp, Ava, Nicole, and John (am I missing anyone who hurled threats?) can drive through and answer questions and maybe even test for gun powder residue. Isn't Rex with Mimi? Though I could understand why he'd leave her behind.
  17. I agree, it made Jake and Kate look immature, and they're both too old for that look. It also seems like Kate has been trying on desperate, as in desperate to make sure Jake doesn't stray. Good points. Not only is Jake's corporate inexperience showing, but he's running the company with his dick, from not taking on Gabby Chic even though it was profitable to pestering Kate to quit her job and work with him...under him....over him...in front of him....are they really going to do any work or has Jake mentally scheduled business days alternating sex and petty torment of the girl he gets boners for but doesn't want to admit it? Both of those were good scenes. And I'm glad someone finally addressed the bathroom issue when these people are tied up! 😄 I wondered that about Ava when Charlie had her. I guess there's a handbook for captors, but Abs neglected to buy it in her haste to nab Gwen and run full steam ahead with her half-baked plan. Although she might have picked up a copy of Steffy's Famous Words because she did quote him the other day. I wanted to fist-pump "Yes!" that finally they mentioned what seemed like clue solving 101 about the phone, but of all people it was Clyde! I'm not sure why I was surprised since most of the villains on this show are smarter than the average citizens. I too am not sure which way Anna is going to go. Since Gwen just got captured, I almost suspect Anna will pick up her bottle of wine and simply go have a drink. Yeah, I expected Gabi to call her out on that one since news was already circulating that it was Gwen and not her. Give it another few days for either Julie or Nicole to spread the word and it would really be a mute point on Abby's end.
  18. Maybe Jack figures if she can deal with Ben, her ex who tied her pregnant ass to a bed and set the place on fire, getting an ornament on the Horton tree and an invite to Christmas, then she'll get over Gwen too. In Salem, yesterday's serial killer is your cousin's husband today. Who knows what your vengeful sister will be tomorrow.
  19. Thanks! Here's hoping the pub scene comes Monday, not next Thursday or a week from Friday, and we get some worthwhile (and overdue) conversation between Steve and Jack. But I also won't be surprised if "Susan" interrupts the diners by ranting about Chloe or Ben races in looking for a cop to finally trace those phone numbers. 😆
  20. Oh I know, Jo used to annoy me sooo bad with her "baby Billy" bit. To clarify some of the history, Jack stuck his nose up at Steve initially because he was an entitled rich boy, and Steve turned Kayla's head more than he did. Steve didn't hate Jack at that point, he just sorta thought Jack was a rich twerp. The brotherhood "twist" was gradual. Steve (and the audience) knew Jack was his brother about a year before Jack did. Steve was well aware that Jack was his brother when he threw him off the roof for raping Kayla, a violent brutal rape of a women who did not want him as opposed to Gwen's NYE romp with an inebriated and easily led Chad. After that, there were many times where Steve recognized that Jack was not the baby Billy that he loved and adored, but a corrupt and violent man he didn't know. Those family "bonds" were quite tenuous. Even Adrienne's bond to both Steve and Jack was more in her head initially since she was born after they were given up. She spent a good bit of time chasing a fantasy of family rather than the hand she was actually dealt. Jack took a long time till he started being civil to Steve and Kayla after finding out he was Billy, and some of that came about after he got knocked down a peg by the reveal of his respected (adoptive) father being exposed as a misogynist serial killer and his 'world' started to fall apart. It's likely Jack would never have warmed to the Johnson's if Harper hadn't been the Riverfront Knifer and the Deveraux family hadn't gone up in scandal and basically became nonexistent. The situations do have some similarities and differences, but only rose colored glasses make Jack a saint while Gwen an irredeemable sinner-- I don't think the stories are going to play out that black and white. However, I do think Jack's past can/does lend him to giving Gwen a chance (in addition to the fact that she is the daughter he never had a chance with before.) Having made a relationship with Steve over the years, he came to see how their different upbringings affected them. From a social class perspective, Jack recognizes that Abigail was like him growing up, in a position of wealth and opportunity whereas Gwen was like Steve, orphaned and struggling alone in poverty while at the same time seeing Gwen as himself, a person who went down a dark path and made unforgivable mistakes that were in the end forgiven. Jack's past does seem to allow him to view and relate to both perspectives. Whenever the show picks back up with Jack's arrival at the pub with Steve scene where they last left off, we should get more insight. I'd like to see how that plays out next week.
  21. Abi prioritizing her revenge on Gwen over fixing her marriage that Gwen damaged says a lot about Abi’s marriage. Gwen’s hair looks nice for a captive though, especially one who traveled around town unconscious with sheets and towels on her head the night before. If we’re supposed to believe that Evan needs Bayview more than the ‘I see a GQ serial killer saving me in my dreams’ Ciara, this show is doing a lousy job. Shit if the strength of your love is measured by whether your husband can’t strangle you, then I guess Chabby can skip the marriage counseling after all. Abi’s neck looks fine. Rolf has his own ‘label?’ Is there a brain scramble emoji on the bottles? Who knew branding was so important in the illegal drug market. If shanking another prisoner didn’t get Clyde’s visitation privileges revoked, did he at least lose his coupon for ice-cream night? When he told Ben to take the phone to the police so they can track the phone number, I felt like Ben should have replied, “Are you kidding me? You can do that? You mean I could have tracked the number that called me over a week ago and instead I’ve been pestering a psychic and getting hypnotized to remember my dreams?” Gabi Chic storefront, a prime real estate location, has been sitting empty for over a year and everyone’s gonna fight over it NOW because it’s the last space left? I figured Salem’s economy sucked, and that’s why it was empty so long.
  22. Someone in accounting discovered that they paid her for more scenes than filmed/aired in so they wrote these telephone calls to avoid requesting she refund part of her payroll check. The budget's too tight to have written it off as a bonus. 😆
  23. Sure Belle can be mad at Sami all she wants. But that will be about as productive as the last time she got mad at her, bailed on representing her, which led to Sami DIYing her own defense that included the ‘But wait there’s more’ legal strategy that released Jan in the first place, all because Belle blamed Sami for John’s medical problems, which sure Sami is schemey but Steffy via Dr. Rolf has been putting things in and out of John’s fart sniffing head for decades. He was a walking aneurysm time bomb whether Sami was in town or not, which Belle's own Mother Knows Best doctor mom confirmed. But I suppose it’s easier to take your frustrations out on your half-sister than a dead evil mastermind and his imprisoned mad scientist. So this time around it would probably be a better idea to just toss on that lingerie Jan dressed her in, have hot knock the vase off the nightstand sex with Phillip, which hopefully dislodges the bitchy stick Belle’s had up her butt for years now. (It's really not a good look on MM and just makes me prefer bubbly KS Belle but I digress.) And while fully sated Belle basks in post-coital bliss since Hope’s not around this time to raise one of her finely crafty suspicious brows, Belle should be able to enjoy the afterglow and hopefully remember ethical client-attorney representation in time for the slew of suspects that will likely be lining up in front of her office (does she even have one?) after Rafe quits barking up his ex-wife’s too obvious suspect tree and gets an excel file worth of names of everyone else who wanted Charlie dead and made threats against him, in which case Belle’s bigger problem might be how screwed she’ll be if she needs Justin to represent her. Like EJ! Too bad JS has had the shits of this show worse than the remaining viewers because him representing Sami would be...well what always made Ejami partners-in-crime dark couple gold. 100% w/ya here! If the who-dun-it was Ron's Feb sweeps story, it shouldn't have gotten backburned after one episode simply because it's March. How I miss the pacing that used to prevail in the 80s where the main stories could usually be counted on to be M,W,F and sometimes Thursday if it was leading up to something big on Friday, which always ended on a cliffhanger with resolution on Monday. Back then Tuesdays were generally the slow day so if you wanted to skip the teen scene and the elderly it was a good bet which day they'd show up on. By this formula, Charlie's murder mystery should be playing out at least 3 days a week, and not with more than one slower day in between. Also this dragged out pacing seems to be creating continuity errors. Sami said Rafe had kept her at the station all night, but then hadn't he actually kept her there for almost 24 hours? Per the writing on the screen, Rafe was called to Charlie's apartment "the next morning" where he found Sami after the "later that night" murder. Assuming it didn't take him all day to bring her into the station (it didn't appear to take more than about 15 minutes) then Sami not only spent the night before reaching Belle the following morning, but she also had lunch and dinner at Chez police station. John would have also spent the night at the hospital since he went to get checked out "the next morning" too if it's now the next day. And thus the hospital patients and police suspects all got turn-down service while Abi/Gabi carted Gwen around town since that appeared to be happening in the evening, although it's really hard to tell whether it's day or night at town square but I'm going with night since Steve/Kayla/Justin/Bonnie were having dinner.
  24. "She held me at gunpoint, and she could have killed me!!!...but she deposited me half naked into my former lover's bed." I think Belle missed that last part. Instead it was the usual treatment of Sami by her family, pointing out how awful Sami's shit reeks while ignoring the dump Belle just took on the floor. You'd think Little Miss Izzie B never suggested killing Charlie. Not even 24 hours before. And I know the soaps do love their sexual dubious consent but damn if those scenes didn't feel like legal dubious consent as Sami spilled her story without the verbal agreement of representation or attorney-client privilege from Belle, and in a room that's been established to be recorded no less. I almost hope that when Belle throws her fit about Sami lying to her, cause I just see that coming next, that Sami retorts back, "Well you wouldn't guarantee me confidentially so of course I'm not going to tell you the straight story until you officially agree to represent me. Duh." Over at Statesville, I guess Orpheus got tired of Kristin hogging the phone and got another burner cellphone. He better not be dead. I've barely forgiven Clyde for killing my second favorite villain...who isn't dead anymore so I guess that's why I've dropped the grudge against him. None the less, does the ice-cream sundae food court at Statesville also sell knives? Anyways, I abhor fake news in the real world, but if it's going to be used to make Ciara's life miserable, bring it on! Too bad it was short-lived. Still, I was giving Evan kudos for coming up with that only to be disappointed in him just like his father when he fell for Clyde's trick. Oh Evan, I feel your father's frustration. Wise up! And put a gag on that annoying prisoner you have. Speaking of gagging, this psychic dream connection w/Cin is utterly gag-inducing.
  25. "In addition, once th actress gives birth, Marci will be on maternity leave from Days of our Lives. And that means Abigail can’t stick around Salem. So, that means they’ll write an exit plot for Abigail Deveraux. Or they’ll need to recast the role. Kate Mansi’s the usual Abigail substitute." Soap Dirt always leaves a lot to be desired, but this article is particularly badly written. Talk about redundancy and stating the obvious. Once the actress gives birth she'll be on maternity leave! 🙄No kidding. Unless you have a really shady employer you generally can't return to work without sufficient medical leave and a doctor's note. The character will either have to be written out or recast. 🙄 You don't say? Is there even a third option? I'm almost surprised they didn't write, "And that means she'll either have a boy or a girl."
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