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Everything posted by Chalby

  1. That word, and her giggling while announcing "I don't care" as her go-to response, simply amplifies her immaturity. She's young, stupid, and entitled. That all makes for a huge crash when she eventually sees the error of her ways. But she doesn't "get it" right now, so it's not worth our effort.
  2. I haven't a clue about bugs over there, but during one fishing excursion at a remote lake, we made the mistake of lighting up the campsites with two flood light styled lanterns and OMG! I've never seen so many bugs in my life. I felt phantom bugs crawling on, and biting, me for weeks afterwards. Avoid perfume and bright lights when camping.
  3. There were so many indications of his true personality right from the start. I remembered being embarrassed for Danielle because he couldn't even behave like he was madly in love with her. He was always saying or doing something to minimize her importance in his life. But I also believe she enticed him with hopes of ending up in America. So both of them entered into the marriage knowing things weren't 100% between them. We all could see it.
  4. I do believe Janelle and Meri were with Kody because they wanted the polygamy and Kody appeared easy enough to live with. But the fact that Janelle and Kody snuck around behind Meri says everything about who determined what should be kept secret. Janelle and Meri had no problem keeping secrets so long as they were publicly respected. As soon as Kody started his narrative about NEVER coming even close to loving the first 3 wives, I understood why Meri is so insulted. They opted to get married, and I do think he initially felt something for Meri. Everyone thought there was love there. The wives are going to share more secrets now that he's disparaging them publicly. Kody was smart to send Christine and David a Valentine's greeting. She remembers a lot and could do the most damage. He's trying to invoke the ally in her.
  5. Since the ring melt happened during the courtship of Robyn, I'm sure that this event was added to the many secrets Kody has demanded from his wives and kids. I bet Kody was truly grateful for the catfish experience because now he could openly treat Meri like he does behind doors, and the viewers wouldn't react. It took nothing for him to discard Meri and HER offspring. Ugh...
  6. I understand why Christine is no longer keeping secrets from her polygamy experience. I remember visiting with friends (three years after a divorce) when I got chastised from my ex SIL for sharing a silly story re ex and his mom. You would have thought I disclosed where Jimmy Hoffa's body is buried the way she responded, instead of seeing it for the comical goof up a parent does. Some people want to punish the messenger instead of the person who is attempting to keep the event a secret. Once removed from a setting, it's hard to maintain secrets, especially unhealthy ones. I can't be mad at someone for being blunt and honest. Now it's up to Meri how much she wants to divulge re: the latest Kody cruelty.
  7. I'm just 5 mins in, and Holly is already annoying me. She needs a complete makeover - outer and inner. Argh.... I'll be back
  8. Great point and it would serve Orion well. It also made me chuckle because I have a feeling no Native American woman would be interested in dating Orion. The First Nations' women I've interacted with, are the matriarchs of the culture. They're the ones keeping the customs and traditions alive. They are the ones touring the schools and teaching their ways. But they are also the "doers" not the talkers. Orion needs to date and understand himself before he looks for a partner. Lauren will find someone within the year, and she'll be fine. I'm just sorry Orion put his nonsense onto her.
  9. To be fair, researching on google doesn't equate empathy. Everyone's experience is their own, and google doesn't clarify who'll be hurt by whatever.... However, their match was dependent too much on cerebral, and too soon. As if they both were trying to show off how enlightened and communicative they are, compared to the others. But then they realized they didn't necessarily vibe just because they can speak well. I think he is a bit more intimidated by those who speak up, which is Lauren. She knows who she is, and I believe she'd be willing to listen and adapt if she found there was an issue in her responses. I also believe he just doesn't respond well to her strong personality, so he chose a "perceived" insult (where none was intended) and made it so no one could question him because it's his culture, afterall. However, that was unfair to Lauren because Orion left the viewers with the impression that she is racist. She may have responded without thinking, but he magnified the incident to get out of the relationship.
  10. I'm starting to understand why yachting work is a young person's game. I think the majority of BD cast are extremely immature. So when they act out, they remind me of things I witnessed when I was 16. I also think they move on when they can't keep playing the drinking and bedding game because they've finally matured (eg Kate, and maybe a chef or 2). I wish they'd interview a couple of the OGs to gauge their reactions now to their past behavior. I'd also love to hear how much is producer driven.
  11. I would have a difficult time with Natalya. She's a fabulous worker, no doubt about it. However, she needs attention, or stimuli 24/7. If things are running too smoothly, or people aren't gossipy enough, she invents scenarios or applies bad intent behind phrases that truly mean nothing. Kyle did go too far with his insistence that no one else can speak to his "community", but it wasn't worth quitting over once everyone sobered up. I do believe it was Lukas and Jessika's coupling that put her off of the boat more than anything Kyle or Tumi did. She was telling her boyfriend, after the first charter, that if he requested she come home, she would.
  12. I have to agree with you. I don't know of many truly wealthy people on yachts who want their crew to strip or dance for them. It just isn't done. But again this is a quasi reality show where they're just trying to put on scenarios for us to talk about. I wish someone would actually do some research and learn what really occurs on high-end yachts, along with what deck activities are offered, and preferably an example of their chefs' menus.
  13. Moriah doesn't have the greatest voice, but I'm a fan of 'lyrics' more than anything, and I really appreciated her writing. I don't mind the song at all. (Not enough to buy it, though). But good on her.
  14. I can't help but feel confused with everything Kim is saying. If her firstborn daughter had come to her 3 years ago, with all the grievances and disappointments Kim's discussed, Kim would demand she return home to her husband. She would have accused her of allowing the outside world to corrupt her. Or she would have insisted some 'bad' influence had brainwashed her. All the negative character traits Barry and Kim ascribed to Olivia (when talking about her to the entire family) are NOTHING compared to individual Plath's traits currently on display. And I don't understand why Moriah lied publicly about Kim and the credit card. She could have just said it privately to appease her mom, but she set up her own awkward public situation.
  15. I really didn't think Erika had much to do with the actual online attacking stuff. I do know Kyle mentioned Erika shared a PR person with Nikki Hilton who had been digging for something. But I'm pretty sure it was just Diana re: Jax's bot trolling. I remember Rinna was responsible for the book in the trash photo. They've all done some shady stuff so it's hard to keep up, lol.
  16. I can't help but appreciate that Crystal and Garcelle are at least normal, regular people. I have no issue with Crystal being boring, so long as she calls out, or at least identifies when others are being crazy. Plus, I like her.
  17. Robyn was on my snark radar the minute she was "feeling sorry" for Kody for having to spend intimate time with wives who were out of shape, covered in stretch marks .. I don't know if anyone else remembers this talking head from years ago, but I remember thinking all women should be uplifting and accepting towards each other when it comes to pregnancy, body image etc. Especially if your sister wives struggle with multiple pregnancies. Robyn loved being the young, thin wife. That's when I knew this wasn't about true Faith for her.
  18. This reminded me of some important lessons I was taught while doing a counselling practicum. I asked why a counselor was being 'gentle' with her language, while discussing a horrible, good for nothing father, with his 13 year old son? The counselor explained that the child already knew every nasty trait of his father thanks to personal experience and his mother's constant complaints. But the child is also aware that he is 50%of that man, and concerned that he's equally hated by the family, and destined to be potentially "bad". No child should assume he or she has inherited the worst of their family's genes.e The counselor would spend the time exploring any possible "good" traits in the man while explaining factors that can encourage good outcomes, while some factors can result in anger or violence. Then they'd hypothesize different possible scenarios (or triggers) depending on dad's behaviour. She was trying to teach coping skills by explaining how we respond to stress or happiness, and how to recognize or predict... The counselor wanted him to know everyone has value inside, and it's what they do with it that matters. (I probably have explained this all wrong but it did make an impact on me.) I hope Robyn's kids don't view themselves as 50% unloved or unwanted or unlikeable because their mother feels that way about bio dad.
  19. How do you think Robyn really behaved and spoke after Christine left, and the cameras were gone? The reason I asked is because Kody was up front about no longer wanting an intimate relationship with Christine. BUT then he acted like she was the love of his life who left him. He acted like they never had a discussion that the marriage was over, and he was butthurt beyond compare. All his wailing and gnashing of teeth was a huge surprise to me, coming from someone who didn't consider himself in a real marriage with Christine. And then he further punished Christine through her children which then seeped into his and Janelle's relationship. He further blamed Christine for any and every following relationship break down. I know Robyn is smug in being THE ONE, Kody's 'soulmate', but frankly, the way he perseverated about Christine, made me think Christine had been more important to him, than he cares to admit. And I think he wasn't as finished with their marriage as Christine was.
  20. I agree, and I also did not understand why Ashley was complaining either. But having said that, I don't know how Wendy and Nneka still got into a fight? It was understood that Ashley gave the wrong information. But Nneka bringing up the sister's phonecall should have had Wendy respond with, "Let me call her to understand what you're talking about." To suddenly accuse Nneka, the lawyer, of being jealous, and trying to ingratiate herself to Wendy, is laughable. Wendy has got to stop making that her go-to clap back.
  21. I have to admit, I love Moriah's song "Circus". As for Kim, as soon as I heard her new man tell her he'd like to financially contribute towards her upkeep, I knew she found what she was looking for. To be fair, I find Barry's personality unattractive. He always speaks/ mansplains as though he thinks the world is ignorant and uneducated. Meanwhile, his kids struggle to even appear somewhat enlightened.
  22. This episode reminded me of that reunion where Candice brought up the issues of harmful stereotypes when it comes to the show. She didn't want the viewing public to regard them as angry, black women. This was all said after her fight with Monique. It worries me that in order to stay relevant on the show, while getting maximum exposure, they are willing to resort to this kind of fighting. Even worse, they continue to start fights over "perceived disrespect". Whatever nonsense Ashley was trying to start between the women simply was not enough to rise to this level. And Wendy's preoccupation with people "cloud chasing" her is so narcissistic, it floors me. Then again you can see where she inherited that personality from. Both Nneka and Wendy come across as irrational, screaming harpies, while Eddie comes across as a cuckolded liar. I just feel that Wendy has lost my interest because she cannot diffuse the simplest of disagreements, which makes me question her doctorate of philosophy. And finally, all the talk about voodoo or altars, etc make them look illogical and unreasonable. Lots of people pray to their home altars and if that's what makes you happy, you do you. But don't start throwing the word witch/witchcraft around when you haven't even seen it.
  23. It looks like most people have covered my complaints already, but being me I have to repeat them lol. My first complaint is any man, (especially gag inducing Kyle) feeling the need to pee outdoors at every opportunity. I've known a couple of people like this, in my lifetime, and it's still irritates me. I have no idea if that mentality starts as a toddler, but I do not care to see anyone urinating outdoors when there's a toilet available. Second complaint is Amanda's "married" headspace. The woman has always been an idiot, but now she's just a condescending troll married to an exhibitionist urinator. Danielle has lost her mind completely. She told everybody within listening distance that she and Alex "just had sex 20 minutes ago". I kept thinking, did they keep it off camera cuz all I saw was the two of them fully dressed, kissing on the bed? If that's having sex the girl has a lot to learn, And hopefully she'll never want children. Cuz she ain't going to get them if that is "sex".
  24. I wonder if many men would enjoy all that sex talk? Plus, Lauren being so open about what she expects, or enjoys, is making Orion doubt himself or he might have gotten scared off. I have never discussed any of my relations to someone who I'm in a relationship with. I often find it intimidates some people because they mentally start comparing their own history (and women do it too) He might feel he can never live up to her expectations. Maybe he's using her sexual activity two months ago, as an excuse to remain distant physically.
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