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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Well, lookie at Shawn. He grew a small pair of balls, took some action and is having the car towed! Hope he goes through with it. Destinies face is scary skinny. What drugs is she on? Looks like Meth face to me. Wow, Kristianne is barely recognizable. She looks completely different with 35 extra pounds on her.
  2. Well, he is 75! Still handsome as ever, too. I noticed several season's back that he is mostly sitting behind the desk, sitting at the dinner table, kitchen table, living room chair, etc.... he doesn't walk much at all and that's been going on for quite some time.
  3. They are gold! Their chemistry is so good that for one crazy moment I thought that they were on the road to developing forbidden feelings for each other. So glad the show didn't go there. They are just great friends who get each other.
  4. It must not have worked because here she is marrying a stranger because she can't find love any other way.
  5. Oh, Erik. My mad love for you is dissapating every time you open your mouth. You and your drunk wife. You can't keep up with her partying, buddy. And you shouldn't have to. Hailey-cold as ice. I thought Jake was funny at the apology dinner. He kept rolling his eyes at Chris and his bullshit tour. He wasn't buying it and didn't care at all. Paige- after all that smoke blowing he was doing he goes and tells you he still loves his ex. Nuff said. Get out of there. Run, run , run. I think Clara is sweet. Ryan is going to end up trying to control her. Not sure what to think of him yet.
  6. Poor Anna. I thought her S'mores cookies looked great. They all said the cookie tasted good but too soft in the middle. I like my cookies soft in the middle. She took a chance on something different and did a good job. Of cours Alex's boring cookies were better.
  7. How does Kary rate 2 birthday parties? What is BRAVO trying to do with this chick? We will never like her or accept her, BRAVO. Get a clue! The fact that they are all (minus D'Andra) are kissing her ass so much makes me dislike all of them. Well, I still have mad love for Tiffany. So far. I don't understand the reasoning behind all the ass kissing and emphasis on bullying except production must be telling them this is what they have to do. I agree I'm sick of their stupid games. C'mon, Dallas! Grow the fuck up!
  8. I was wondering the same thing! WTH, show? I guess Trent didn't finish the Pavilion on time! He kept refusing outside help and production probably didn't want to air Amber bitching about it so they forgot all about it. It was a weirdly edited episode. Cookie challenge did not fit in and of course they had to set some time aside to lecture Jonah. All in all, very boring.
  9. Stassi is not doing any favors with her IG stories. All about her. Ohhhhh, when will I feel attractive again? When will I be hot and skinny again? Ohhh my big pregnancy lips are fading! Ohhh I haven't had botox in so long, I can move my forehead! The horror! And the best for last, direct quote: " I used to get turned on when he made me cocktails, now I get turned on when he makes a bottle." Seriously, she got turned on when he made her cocktails? We know Beau's place. And he has plenty of time to make bottles, bathe, feed and change diapers now. She doesn't know how lucky she is, she's a spoiled bitch living in that nice house having the luxury of staying home with her baby 24/7. She has not changed one single bit. I'm sure daddy will pay that mortgage if need be and Beau will have no problem with it at all. She is the worst.
  10. This was basically a bullshit recap. Nothing new to speak of. I love that Janelle, who is always in her own world is the one to call for a family meeting. What a farce. Production driven, much? Kody hates wives #1, 2 and 3. He isn't quite there yet with the coveted #4 but his lack of patience is growing exponentially. What a shitheel Caleb turned out to be.
  11. ITA, she has had men interested in her but once they get to know her all bets are off. It's the self centered, bossy, narcissist in her that drives men away.
  12. I never thought he was a douche. He did nothing wrong at all. Except be associated with Chase. How dare he continue to be friends with Chase after the breakup! He wanted to work to make their business a success and Twit fought him every step of the way.
  13. It is tiresome. Bonnie is always pissed off at someone or something. I think we can see how important the Christy role was because Christy was the one that would always come back at Bonnie with the funny one liners and sort of put her in her place. We don't see that anymore and I miss it. Allison and Anna had great chemistry.
  14. Mine only has the Australia episodes from 2019. Uggggh. All the USA eps are current.
  15. I am sooooo pissed! My DVR for some reason didn't pick up this episode and it's not on Demand! Lifetime is not repeating it anytime soon, either! How may couples have I missed?
  16. I hope the Southern Charm editing monkey's are reading our comments. I enjoyed this so much more than the actual crap footage they make an hour long show with. They were all actually likeable and funny and for some reason looked more attractive, too. Craig and Austen making fun of how old Shep is and how they can't get over him actually meeting a great girl that will put up with him so there's still hope for them, too! The girls including Kathryn all laughing over all of Kathryns fake hair. Patricia explaing how she met Michael. Pringle waking Shep up at 3pm with hangover smoothies and them talking about how their hangover's last for days now that they are in their 40's. All good stuff.
  17. Luke friend zoned Hannah. She never had a clue. She's dense and it's not a good look. Paige is over Perry. Carl had a brother in prison? If his mom could find love again then there is hope for all the over 60 women in the world whose husbands walked out on them for someone else after a gazillion years of marriage.
  18. This one fell flat for me. Allison Janney's wig this season is awful. I saw her in a recent interview and she has short grey hair. It's cute on her.
  19. These two have a strange dynamic. Heather must be very insecure to care so much about having Jenn for a friend. I don't get it.
  20. Ryan seems more disturbed about the fact that Clara is a slob than the fact that she's not religious.
  21. I may not have love it when I was younger but I'm an old lady now and having a man that is away working 3 days a week and then home with me for many days after that sounds like heaven. It sounds to me like VA doesn't want a man breathing down her neck every minute of the day so what's her problem?
  22. Ok but in this case she didn't need a reduction. She clearly got implants which made hers higher.
  23. Yeah, they don't get higher without implants! Speaking of boobs, Meredith's are perfection in that dress. That's how you do it, Whitney. I wasn't expecting the gang up on Lisa but I'm here for it! Andy calling Mary out on her wigs and her owning it right away. Good for her and Andy is such a shady queen!
  24. Exactly! Where are the experts? They should have been contacted immediately. I'm not sure I believe this pregnancy story. Chris is a drama queen that will do/say anything for attention. Does Paige ever change the tone of her voice? That soft whisper is driving me crazy!
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