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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I thought Scheana looked awful. She also made a side comment to Brock about how uncomfortable she was in that dress. Ariana and Katy also had on dresses that crushed their boobs. Did Scheana forget there was an entire season of the show that was all about her stupid over the top first wedding? She can't admit she and Brock looked like famewhores trying to impose on someone else's engagement party. Shut up, bitch. You had your time. C'mon Lala. You never went to his house and didn't suspect it was because he had a wife living there? Get real. She knew he was cheating from the get but didn't care because as Brock said she was enjoying all the perks. Damn it, I still like James and thought he looked handsome in his suit. He seemed so sad and handled all the questions pretty well. It was made clear that Raquel wanted the break up, not him. Raquel is such a sweetie. I hope she really does pursue her career goals.
  2. The episode showed Jacks mother visiting him and his family so he clearly wasn't worried about her "spilling the beans" about anything. She was unhappy while she was there. That's not on Jack. Does that make him a bad guy? Sometimes spending time with parents can be uncomfortable when you are an adult. It depends on the relationship. After my mother died I didn't like talking to my dad much for reasons I won't get in to. You can still love a parent but seeing them triggers unhappy memories.
  3. Looking so forward to Part 2 when they start ragging on Lala for being the "other woman". Pompous bitch!
  4. Yup. Could also be a reason for his rage issues. Coke is not a good replacement if you're an alcoholic. Weed is not either but better than coke. So why exactly couldn't Lala and Tom/Katie be in the studio? That was never made clear. We know Lala and Katie think they are too good for this cast and will always be devoted to Stassi, Brittney and Jax but that's not reason not to earn your check and show up in person. Raquel went a little too far revealing their sex life. James was embarrassed. Nobody's business. But now that it's out there... anybody thinking what I'm thinking that maybe James is gay and not ready to deal with it?
  5. The boyfriend said when ever he had the cat it would always escape and go back to the cousins house. The cousin didn't want the cat.
  6. I just don't get all the St. Jack hate. There have been many episodes showing Jack with all his flaws. The series clearly shows that time and time again. Alcoholism, bad decisions, stubbornness. With all that, he was devoted to his wife and kids and they adored him, flaws and all. Milo is a good actor. I can't imagine any one else in the role. On to this episode... I for sure thought when the family arrived back home and walked through the door, somebody would be carrying Cat Benatar in with them. Would have been a nice touch. Rebecca was lovely with Jack. She knew what to say, when to say it and sometimes just a look and a nod was enough. Driving to the funeral with the children in tow was perfect.
  7. I would much rather see Luke than new muscle guy. Where is Luke?
  8. I don't think hot Italian model Andrea is so in to Paige. He's doing that for the show storyline only. I could never really warm up to Paige. I think she's selfish, shallow and spoiled. I hope she doesn't hurt Craig because I like him. Sober Carl is still a doofus. A super tall six foot five big eared doofus. I don't get why the girls were going on about how hot he is. Kyle and Amanda will divorce. They are the type of couple that will drag the miserable relationship on and on for years, though. I just wonder if they will have a kid before they finally split. The bottom line is if Kyle has a drinking problem to the point of his relationship suffering then isn't it time to seek some help? Has his best friend Carl talked to him about it? Tank top muscle guy. Ewwwww. Where the heck did they dig him up from?
  9. I know there is a lot of father love here but I don't think he was around all that much. The parents divorced, they had a brother that died in his early 20's from cancer which devastated them (I don't know if that was before or after the divorce). The father traveled often due to his job. He must have made good money because the house is big and CT is one of the most expensive places in the country to live and property taxes are insane. He was working and living in China and had a chinese girlfriend when the pandemic hit and he had to come back to the US, then China shut down. That is why he is living in that house again and here in the US. How much time did he actually spend with his children? Darcey and Stacey's issues run deep. I'm sure their family life has something to do with the mess they are today.
  10. Yes, this is going to be very interesting to see how this new family dynamic plays out. Meri will bend over backwards to feel wanted and Janelle will just go along to get along.
  11. I think Kody expected Christine to fall in line with Meri. Hang on for dear life and settle for what ever crumbs he feels like throwing her way. Surprise Kody! Not happening!
  12. All the yelling and crying in the world isn't going to make Jen innocent. Everybody sure has backed down from their suspicions, though. It's much more important to find out why Mere and Mar weren't on that damn bus! Meredith has a sick relationship with her son. Were they having their girls pole dance party in the basement of the house? That would have bored me to death. It amazes me how they can spew such accusations and hate for each other then go have a blast like nothing ever happened and all feelings are erased. How does one do that? Jen and Meredith both screwing the same guy! I want much more of that! I also want to see the guy! I'm feeling kind of sorry for Duey. Jennie must be hell behind closed doors.
  13. Christine should not ever question certain things she has said. I hope she doesn't start having regrets. She was being brutally honest and I commend her for it. Unlike Meri and Janelle who are in denial about how Kody feels about them.
  14. Are we supposed to be believing Kody and Janelle are still having sex? I don't for a minute. I think they are good friends and Janelle still somewhat loves the skeezeball but intimacy? Hell, no. Stop lying. Kody and Sobbyn were stupid to think her nanny and husband were following their protocols when they were on their own, living their lives. What dumbasses. Sorry, I think Ari is a little pain in the ass.
  15. Emily said Nicole was on Baywatch but I think it was just drunk talk. It's not the same person. Nicole James is younger than Nicole Eggert.
  16. Terry Dubrow used a different last name when he and Heather confronted her about the lawsuit. Maybe she was married? Why in the world would Emily be standing right next to her at the party and say she used to be on Baywatch? Nicole didn't deny.
  17. Yes, that's her. I watched the "Never Before Seen" footage and and Emily made a drunken comment at Heather's book party that Nicole was on Baywatch. That cut didn't make it to the actual show. I think that pic was an old one before she lost weight even though it was posted recently. It's her. Emily said it on the show. See my other post.
  18. Miranda telling Carrie and Charlotte that she is going to divorce Steve. Charlotte's reaction really pissed me off making it all about herself. Well, let me tell you what happened to ME today! WTF Charlotte. I'm not interested at all about what is happening with her kids. I was surprised Che said "I love you" to Miranda. Not expecting that at all. I'm curious as to where this relationship is going to end up. The only characters I like in this mess are Steve and Seema.
  19. Heather sure was chill but who wants to see that boring segment of her with her realtor looking at photo's of a possible Casa Dubrow in Cabo? Boring. I finally realized that Nicole is Nicole Eggert from Baywatch! If anybody here is old enough to remember that show with Pam Anderson, Nicole has an entirely different face now. After that show was cancelled she got really fat and went on Celebrity Fit Club to lose the weight but didn't have much success. I loved that show because it showed loser has been celebs that let themselves go to hell and wanted to get back in shape. I wonder how she finally lost so much weight. Wow, the work she has had done! I don't get why Shannon had to jump in the pool with her clothes on including long jeans and a big flowy shirt. Wtf she wasn't even wearing shorts and a tank top. Fully freakin' clothed. Was that supposed to be spontaneous and fun? Noella is an asshole.
  20. I can't remember Deja ever showing any respect for Randall or Beth. She appreciates nothing. I never liked the kid.
  21. Well, then he's a perfect match for Darcy. p.s. I don't think he's ugly at all. Maybe if he was happy, smiling and occasional laughing he would look more attractive. What a bunch of boring people.
  22. Uggh we just couldn't get through this episode without a Randall speech. He was practically apologizing to Deja for being upset with what she did! All of the men got on my nerves this episode. A bunch of whiners!
  23. That is what Gregg wants to know. Jeanette is not exactly going to be an empty nester. Sander will still be living at home.
  24. That's good to know! It's sure is a different world from when I was a child of the 70's and there was only one kind of pot. Of course it doesn't do me any good since I live in a state where it's still and probably always will be illegal. 😏
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