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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Omg and they are wearing full on cheap wigs. No extensions. Their hair must be damaged beyond extensions at this point. Bleached, brittle, and fried beyond help.
  2. Oh, yeah, he signed up alright. Tre needs to stop with that stupid talk. Did she think everyone would welcome him with lollipops and roses? She knows how this show works. I think it's much more daunting than he ever thought and maybe wants out of the show now because right out of the gate first episode it was let's dig in and find fault with Louie time. I think he didn't realize how deep and far these people will go to find all the old skeletons, or maybe he thought he was smarter than that and could hide his past. If he's changed then good for him but that doesn't matter in a crowd like this.
  3. She is such an attention whore and that drunk act is stupid. How many times did she mention she was drunk? What is the deal with Louie? He was on his way to the beach then all of a sudden changed his mind? What was edited out of the episode? I get a sinking feeling he is a "Dear John" type. Giving Tre all the love, attention and sex then as soon as they are married he turns in to a monster. I also think he isn't going to be so sweet to Tre's girls once they are all under the same roof day after day. That's alot for anyone to handle, then add his poor son to the mix and you have a houseful of dysfunction right there. He's already showing signs of control by not wanting to show up to events. Maybe he's just shy. HA! RIGHT! **** I wouldn't be surprised if Tre decided to quit the show after this season in order to keep the relationship from going south. She will do anything to keep the Louie trainwreck from being scrutinized. I hate Frank Catania. Not one single redeeming quality with that gavone. He's disgusting. Gorga and the other Joe are not far behind but Catania is still the worst. Cheating on pregnant Delores. Getting disbarred because he's a dishonest thief. I don't get why the women on the show like him so much. I feel a certain way about Jackie making a story line about her eating disorder. I just don't think that should a discussion to be seen on TV and for her kids to see. That's some serious shit, handle it privately off the screen. Have she and boring Evan nothing else going on? She's another attention whore.
  4. Georgie. I'm going to need you to step up now and get a job. I have defended you repeatedly, rooted for you when nobody else would and stood by your side. LOL. Now Florian has his green card and says he is going to work with his cousin making furniture. If he actually does that, it's gonna make you look like a lazy slug. Prove us wrong. The reason Stacey and Florian married already is because he needed to stay in the country, his 90 days was expiring. It was a necessity at the time. So now she thinks she deserves the big wedding. The logic of these twins is non-existant.
  5. If there is money to made for the network, they will find a way. They might slap a new name on it and package it differently. Reminds me of all the Real Housewives shows that started out with married housewives, now 80% of them are divorced and single yet the shows continue on. They did something similar with 19 Kids and Counting. Most of the kids grew up, they ditched the parents due to all the molestation charges brought against the older son, named it Counting On and a whole new show was born. Anything for a buck.
  6. I remember from the first couple of seasons when she had all the kids to take care of every day. As mentioned above, she was making tater tot casseroles and frozen fish stick taco's. Viewers would comment on how disgusting and unhealthy her meals were. Money was tight back then and she had like 10 kids to care for so maybe that was the best she could do then. Apparently something changed to warrant her doing a cooking show but I never saw any love of cooking coming from her.
  7. I stand corrected. Does that make it any better, though?
  8. Omg, Yes! There was so much background random screaming I had to mute the TV. They act like it's college spring break in Daytona Beach! I agree with Luke. $200,000 on a wedding. WTF? Kyle said on WWHL that Amanda's parents had him sign an agreement that if they split up Kyle had to pay the parents back for the cost of wedding! That shows how much faith her parents have in these two. He's already stressed about the $4.1 million he borrowed to put in to his business and no wonder the guy is about to blow. I feel kind of sorry for him because he is so unhappy but hey, he got himself in to this mess. It's no wonder he drinks himself in to a stupor every weekend. That and he wants to drown out Amanda's nagging voice. I was really disappointed in her for doing that. Danielle's boyfriend doesn't fit in. The other guys are so good looking (albeit obnoxious) and compared to them he is a pale, pasty dude with a dad bod and no personality. I don't see them lasting.
  9. Why not? What about Truely and Savannah? Besides, they live in Utah now.
  10. Ok, then. Will Kody have to pay child support for Truely and Savannah? I hope Christine really sticks it to him!
  11. B-O-R-I-N-G Although, it would be fun if there was alot of focus on Christine's happy new life. Wouldn't that just piss off Robyn and Kody!
  12. Is Kody going to have to pay child support for the minor kids that are still at home? I know Truly and Ysabel are under age. Is there any other younger ones in the Christine/Kody clan. I'm dying to know if this trainwreck is going to get another season.
  13. Reminds me of batshit crazy Larissa who left her 2 kids in Brazil, one with her ex and I think one with her dad so she could come to the US to marry Colt. Now that I know this about Jasmine I think she is just as much of a loser as she claims Gino is. Disgusting trash to make finding a "rich" American your full time job instead of taking care of your children. These women make me sick. I'm surprised Xemina still has her kids. When I first saw Hamza I didn't think much of his looks but he has grown on me. He is one handsome dude! Now there is someone that should seek a modeling career. He's almost too old at this point, though. They like to start them young in the modeling world, like around 18. For that matter, aside from not being pretty enough, Xemina is too old, too. Also, I call bullshit on her being 24.
  14. PT could have been really great tonight. So much to snark on but Tim's dry sense of humor and Veronica's common sense were missing. Why is Ron so red faced? Where are Brandon and Julia? Damn. Mom and Dad have stolen the spotlight.
  15. Exactly. That was a loooong segment. I guess Whitney and Justin have solved their "we don't have enough sex" storyline. Jenny has a mighty bad temper. Jen can afford to pay a moving company $10,000? The business of scamming must be very lucrative. Very inderwhelming finale.
  16. Kind of like Armando of Kenny and Armando. He doesn't have a single trace of a spanish accent yet he is Mexican all the way. Amazes me. Some people just have the gift of learning another language easily. Mahog didn't need the filters. Ben could have benefited from some. So the whole Jazmine freak out was fake. She had no intention of leaving him. That's why Gino stayed so calm. Now we find out mommy must approve of Gino or the whole relationship is off! Kimbaaaly jumping around clapping her hands like a seal because Usman told her tonight is going to be yammie time. Then saying "I won"! She keeps saying that and it bugs the crap out of me. It's not a contest, old lady.
  17. Meri would get out if she met someone else. Guaranteed.
  18. Wrong, Kody. You are not going to control the narrative. We WILL talk about Christine! I'm beginning to wonder if there is not something mentally wrong with Meri and Janelle to want to stay in this marriage. Well, we know that Meri lives her own life off camera away from the family so there's really only Janelle. Do Robyn and Kody talk about anything that is going on with the family or are they just in their own little world? When Kody said he never even bothered to ask Christine about the "rumors" of her being so unhappy, wanting to leave and hating polygamy told us all we needed to know about this jerk. He's been hearing about it for years, but never asked! No communication. No conversation. And yes, you lying peice of crap, you DID tell Christine that there would be no intimacy in the marriage, you said it on CAMERA! I wonder if these truth bombs have changed Robyns interpretation of what she thinks about Kody. I also wanted more detail on why Kody treated Ysabel so poorly. Not going with her to surgery and being such an asshole about it and how that added to Christine's decision to leave. We know it did. Even if nobody wants to admit it.
  19. Before all the "work" was done. They were so pretty. https://www.instagram.com/p/BigFZvwltrI/
  20. Was Alyssa telling her mother that she hoped her husband was or looked like a cowboy? Did I hear that correctly? If she said that then she is living in the wrong part of the country for that.
  21. Yes, she does. I think the problem here is that these two have very different ideas of how they want to live their lives. Noi wants structure because she never had it growing up. She needs 3 kids, (no exceptions) and a husband that works a 9 to 5, brings home the exact amount of money every two weeks and earns plenty of it so she can stay home with the kids. Steve wants a more free lifestyle doing consulting work which affords him to move around when he wants. He probably can make enough money consulting and there are women out there that would be fine with this more adventurous life. Just not Noi. Another failure of a match.
  22. Let's not forget: I tried. I really tried hard. I wanted this to work. I kept yelling at my TV for Chris to stop her and tell her that she NEVER tried. Maybe he did but they edited that part out. Anyway, Pastor Cal didn't want to hear any of her bullshit. That was the fastest goodbye on MAFS history yet!
  23. I enjoyed Emily blowing up at Noella. I would have done the same. After listening to a narcissist always having to make every conversation about them, always having to command an audience and not listening or caring about anybody else in the room is exhausting and sometimes you just can't take it anymore and the only way they will listen is if you lose your shit on them. I speak from experience. Hello, SIL! So, GO Emily!! The rest of her shit stirring I'm not here for. Stop trying to make a Shannon/Gina/Heather triangle where there isn't one.
  24. Hmmmm... maybe Jackie is befriending Jennifer this season because she understands what it's like to be cheated on but still decide to stay in the marriage trying to make it work.
  25. Ugh...Andy gushes over Sarah Jessica Parker. I know they are besties IRL but damn, dial it down a bit.
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