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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. If she is, I'm sure it's only because of her stalkerish "fans" that buy that stuff.
  2. GZ's wife looks just like Katie! They could be sisters.
  3. Danielle is so disgusting. In every way. There must be something wrong with Marty that actually wants to marry her.
  4. Did SJP get a nose job? It looked smaller and straighter to me. She didn't look so horsey faced.
  5. Many chefs use both these words. Rachel Ray uses "verdant" often. So, as far as being intelligent I beg to differ. Sunny uses them because she has heard the words many times before.
  6. Greg is a saint. The shit he has to put up with.
  7. Thais is what infuriates me about this show. They need to stop with the 20 somethings who really just want to be on TV and focus on people in their mid to late 30's who have really been out there living life and haven't had success with a lasting relationship for whatever reason and as you said are seriously ready to settle down. Do they think the viewers don't want to see "older" people? I just don't get it.
  8. My take on those two is different. He was really getting on her nerves at dinner. She was making some crazy faces. I think that she thinks he's a phony.
  9. Buddy had a job and could afford to buy drugs because Buddy was not paying rent. As much as Whitney sucks, Buddy was not a good friend. Remember when she tried to get him to sign a rental contract and he was so offended? I'm not sure if he ever did sign it. Why she let him live there when he owed her rent money is beyond me. That would break a friendship in my book. I wonder if she ever cared enough to ask him where his money was going. Whitney is so self involved she doesn't even see what's going on in front of her face.
  10. Isn't he 25? Single for so long and set in his ways. lol
  11. Teddi should have just let the champagne glass thing go. Pick your battles, girl. There are going to be plenty of them.
  12. Why does Jazz always say that who ever she has a relationship with will have to handle her because she is a lot ? What is her definition of a lot? Making everything about yourself? Being depressed and moody? doing only what you want to do when you want to do it? Okay, I get it then. Yes, Jazz, you are a lot.
  13. I have never seen a lazy, fat cokehead in my life! Usually they are jumping off the walls and food is of no interest to them. All Buddy did was eat and sleep and slur his words. You can add more drugs and alcohol to the list. How stupid are these enablers? If my roommate (and good friend) was missing for days and his car was parked at the house and he wasn't answering his phone, I would be extremely worried! But no, Shitney thinks he's shacked up with some girl somewhere so no big deal. And Heather, really? No clue at all that something was up with your bonehead boyfriend? C'mon now. OMG please stop with the pregnancy crap. Just. Don't. Care.
  14. If you have the opportunity, watch the episode again. He said he could do it without the expander and her BMI was not an issue for the surgery. That's why Jazz and delusional Jeanette were so happy. I didn't like him at all. Speaking of Jeanette, did she really think getting that letter was a slam dunk? The woman doesn't have a clue.
  15. That was such a bitchy thing to do! She totally blindsided the guy. You could see he was visibly upset, embarrassed and hurt. Childish behavior would turn me off, too, but that wasn't the time to let him know. Grow some balls and have a one on one conversation with your "husband". Makes me not like her at all. And the cat thing. And I am yet to see her sparkling personality and wild nature. Go take a seat, girl.
  16. What's the deal with these girls not getting over Carl? He must be dynamo in the sack.
  17. Momma is as dumb as her daughters. Jax sits there and complains Brit sleeps till 1pm and does nothing but eat all day, then says "but I'm not complaining about her body or anything" and somehow gets Momma to say she feels sorry for him and wants to give him another chance. After he totally dissed her own daughter! WTF? Lala is one mean nasty bitch when she's drunk.
  18. Lauren, stop looking so desperate. Pull yourself together, girl. Loved drunk Lindsey getting all sexed up and Amit telling her he had to go pee, then he never came back! Lindsey is not as irresistible as she thinks she is. Stephen, Stephen. He is a sweet, sensitive guy. I've said it before and I'll say it again, He doesn't belong on this show. He doesn't fit in with these chucklefucks.
  19. $50,000 each person per episode? If yes, then no wonder she can afford 2 homes! If they split that between the 5 of them, it's still in the or close to 6 figures per season. I'd say these grifters are doing just fine for themselves. And here I spin my wheels trying to figure out when and how I can retire. Life just isn't fair sometimes.
  20. Why not use TLC as a source of income. It is a legitimate job, after all. I would really like to know what each wife and Kody are paid per episode or season? Evidently enough to live comfortable in the cul de sac and buy a second home!
  21. Mykelti was dying her hair before she met Tony.We know Maddie dyes hers, too. In a sea of blond sisters and mothers and to some extend father (yuk), I think they are just trying to stand out. They stand out, alright. And not in a good way. Mykelti's apartment was nasty. That ripped up recliner and old dirty looking couch. Just yuk and depressing. Did she and FT live together before marrying? I don't remember hours and hours of Maddies wedding prep footage. I remember cake tasting, wedding dress shopping, and not a whole lot more. This is going wayyyy too far. Show the effing wedding day already!
  22. I thought Wendy said in Hot Topics she was invited to 3 Grammy after parties and one was soooo boring. Then proceeded to do that snooze gesture. So how did she sit at home (empty bladder and all) and watch the Grammy's on TV? WTF Wendy? Does she even catch herself lying? She is slipping more and more each and every day.
  23. I wonder how Eva's boyfriend woh is running for public office feels about her making a fool of herself on this show. These politicians are all about image and Eva doesn't fit the norm. If she stays on, I don't see that relationship lasting.
  24. That's it! I don't think Cyn was upset that he had a "girlfriend" back when she wasn't ready to commit, and maybe that relationship was fizzling out, it's the fact that he lied and said he has been single for 2 1/2 years! Now that she is ready to commit, she wants to know if this guy is on the same page or if he's some asshat player. I totally agree with her on that. NeNe was pissed when she was telling the girls the Will gossip, then Kenya runs off like a bat out of hell to grab Cyn and be the first to tell her. Too bad, NeNe. You have been replaced with Kenya. Don't worry, though, Kenya will be gone next season and you can have Cyn all to yourself again. Unless Eva is there to fill that spot. Todd's speech was lame. Kandi had a wtf look on her face. Ace is the cutest! Sheree was funny when she said nobody told her the party was outside.
  25. I thought about that yesterday! Where is Suzanne? Maybe she told Wendy she didn't want to be on camera at all. If that's it, I don't blame her. Wendy was always criticizing her and embarrassing her. I hope she's still there, though. I think she was a producer or something important behind the scenes.
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