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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Well, that's a far fetched scenario, and highly doubtful.
  2. How does she manage to get so much time off from work? I know her barrista job is only part time but still you have to be reliable and can't be taking long vacations when ever you feel like it. I don't think she really even has that job any longer.
  3. Oh, Lordy, I haven't laughed so hard in weeks! Thank you thank you! (and ew, gross)!
  4. This is child abuse. Why is Nicole's mother letting this happen? How can she? My blood is boiling right now. Take that child away and give her food and a decent place to live until Nicole gets herself together. I don't even think Nicole would care that much if mom took over. She is completely 100% obsessed with getting Azan a visa. It's all that matters to her 24/7.
  5. She said his ass is too big to be quiet during sex. WTF? Someone please explain that to me.
  6. I heard the Rachael Ray show does this, too. Not the racial composition but the level of attractiveness. The want a certain "look" and they also tell the audience what colors to wear that will look best on camera.
  7. Right?? I get why his problems might be too much for her to handle especially because she's looking at what the future holds for him but then damn, don't lie to the man with the constant I love you's and we will have babies when it's right and holding his face in her hands reassuring him it's all gonna be ok. Bitch!
  8. But then they would have no storyline.... Reagan needs to stop treating Jeff like a little boy. I can't stand the way she talks to him. However, I'm starting to believe he does have a brain injury. I can't put my finger on it but he's just not right. Tamica and Barry and sex in the bathroom. Yeah, ok. Jon coming out of the pool, Barry's hard as a rock ass in the shower. Ok, producers, we get it. Their bodies are to die for.
  9. That former White House chef made a salad by opening a bunch of cans and chopping some stuff. Wow, I'll have to try that.
  10. He has spoken very poorly of Craig in the past. To his face and behind his back. He did the same regarding Austen last season when he had the hots for Chelsea and she was not interested in him, she liked Austen. Shep is a jealous person.
  11. Yea, like her night in shining armour Austen or big mouth Naomi or save the world Craig. These people suck.
  12. I'm not trusting that guy that came out of nowhere to help Charley get her car started. Something's up with that.
  13. What happened to that little "moment" Remy and Nova had in her kitchen at the end of last season? We gonna forget all about that? Just like we forgot about RA robbing that convenience store and never getting caught? (Yes, I'm still holding a grudge about that). He would if Vi wanted him to. Vi not wanting any help with anything and insisting on not having Hollywood's big settlement change things is getting on my nerves. Let the man set you up with a new stove or an entire space where you can really bake the damn pies! He's going to be afraid to offer to help her with anything because she gets all self righteous about every little thing.
  14. Today she was shilling Amopei. When will it stop? Why does she lower herself to do cheap advertising crap? Did Big Kev come up with this idea?
  15. Aside from Ashley looking emaciated (ew), are Shep and Ash friends now? He just said he couldn't stand her in this episode. Sheps caption tells a lot. #itsjusttv. Is any of the crap we see true? Is he implying it's all an act? Makes you wonder.
  16. Sadly, I think Kathryn still holds out hope that Thomas can really change and become a faithful, loving man and if he sees the "new Kathryn" he will get back together with her and they will live happily ever after as a family. She hasn't faced reality yet where he's concerned.
  17. Money and connections talk. Thomas probably knew the judge and he also probably has the best lawyer in town. Unfortunately.
  18. Yes, one episode showed them inside the house, walking up stairs to some bedrooms. It was the ep where Kody went with Meri.
  19. Yes, it was nice to know she had special little people apparatus to help wipe her ass. Could she not have thought of something else to say?
  20. It was Dorinda's idea in the first place to do something nice for B and try to find the nutcracker. Who paid for it? I'm sure Dorinda, not Michael. Really, Bethenny? You thank Michael for tracking one down and bringing it over, and you give Dorinda a big, heartfelt thank you for her thoughtful gesture and buying you the damn nutcracker. Lame excuse for her bad manners.
  21. Bethenny has such a hard, vicious edge to her. How do you manage to be the biggest asshole at your own party? Oh, I know. You don't thank a friend that went out of her way to surprise you with a gift you so desperately wanted. You call out another friend for talking about her new business by saying she is doing an infomercial. You talk about a friend that you are supposed to be trying to make amends with as soon as she walks out the door by saying "she looks so sad". Merry Christmas to you, too, B.
  22. Carole has always been thin but anybody else notice how much weight she has lost this season? It's why her face looks so sunken in and old and her pants are always practically falling off. What's going on with her?
  23. Including her own mother. How can you show your daughter that being her natural self is beautiful when you're walking around with all that fake hair? Shut up and stop with the waterworks, Tamica.
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