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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Telling her dad she's worried about having an ugly vagina. I can't with this kid.
  2. Denial. Denial. Denial. This is sad. She's going to stand by her man no matter what and continues to claim everything is great in "Hunterville". She made a public apology for being on pain killers which caused her to slur an act weird. She blames the pain killers on her fractured shoulder but still no explanation of how she got the injury and why she's hiding it under her clothes. What about the two weeks before the injury when she had to sit all the time and could barely walk. No apologies or excuses for that. We see you Wendy. Stop with the lies. Because she won't face reality and tell the truth there is most likely be more strange behavior to come. Oh, and if all that's not enough, it's reported that the show has been renewed for 2 more years. Wow, I can not imagine any other daytime talk show host getting away with this.
  3. I never would have thought Danielle would have 9 friends! Marty. Damn fool.
  4. I don't know which is worse, Terra's vocal fry or Debra's barely audible whispery voice.
  5. Agree 100% with all of this. Lala and Katie are both bitches. Sorry, but Lala's "man Rand" is ugly and fat. Is that not pc to say? Too bad. She's attracted to his wallet and what his money can buy for her. James is right about this. Jax googling how to start a business. Then deciding it was too much work. The guy is useless and lazy. How dare he talk about James cheating and lying and then say no woman will put up with that. Look in the mirror, dude. You are a 40 year old loser who has done nothing but cheat and lie your whole life! Sandoval seems unhappy this season. I don't think his relationship with Arianna is where he wants it to be. Schwartz is regressing. Listening to him is painful, he's so child like and immature. He's also getting older and his boyish good looks are not what they used to be. Too much partying is catching up but as long as Katie has a ring on it now she doesn't seem to care anymore about what he's going to do with his life. I don't know where Stassi fits in anymore. I listen to her podcasts. Her gushing over Beau is irritating. He's on her podcasts, too and he's not that interesting. Stassi is definitely the boss in that relationship.
  6. Simone is such a bitch. Why is she constantly yelling? Poor Cecil.
  7. What kind of awful parents do Nonno and Nonna have to have been to raise two neanderthals like Tre and Joe? Delores STFU. About everything.
  8. Is the guy sitting next to Robin every day their son Jay? You know, the publisher. He publishes books. He produces that Dr's show. Yes, that son. Did you know he was a publisher? Now he has time to sit next to mommy every day?
  9. 100% agree with all of this. Which is why I can't get behind the James hate. Sure, he is annoying AF but they have all been assholes in the past. Every one of the guys have lied their asses off to their girlfriends and every one of the girls have put up with all of their guys shit. They are true hypocrites and I hope Andy Cohen reminds them of the awful things they did/said while they are on their gang up of James.
  10. What is DV? That montage was not a good idea. Showing us how Wendy used to be so fun, sharp and quick proves how far she has fallen (no pun intended). Her looks have changed, too. She's aging rapidly. Somebody upthread mentioned multiple sclerosis as a possibility. I do believe something much more serious is going on with Wendy's health than she is letting on. I also think she passed out and fell again. The question is Why. There has got to be a reason why this woman can barely walk anymore and is hiding her entire arm from view. Wendy needs to realize that people are smart and she can't hide the truth about her health forever.
  11. A rediculous business venture. Also, it's easy to make. Cheez Whiz and beer, heat and stir. I kid you not. I make it and pour it over sauteed chicken breasts on a bed of broccoli and bake in the oven. I know, I know, it sounds like trailer trash food but it's really good!
  12. They know they have TLC money to fall back on. Unless TLC cancels the show at some point, then they are screwed. But yeah, you don't worry your kids by telling them that.
  13. No way in hell Laura was ever a chief stew because if she was she would know that is no way to talk to your boss. Ever. Unless you are getting ready to quit and walk off immediately. So far the Mafia guests are nice people. How can they all be primary's, though?
  14. Sling inside the sweater! Whyyyyyy would she do that? Is there something she doesn't want anyone to see? She gave no reason for wearing it that way nor did she give an explanation of exactly what happened to fracture her shoulder. What in the ever loving fuk is going on with her? First, she can't stand and walk any more. She needs to sit in a chair as much as possible. Now the shoulder injury. I'm confused because she hardly walks, and she definitely doesn't move fast because she's always afraid of falling down. So knowing all this, how does one injure their shoulder when they hardly move at all? Something just ain't right, folks.
  15. She said she IS wearing makeup. Which makes it more confusing as to what her point is.
  16. I agree with you and think Nene see's it, too. She was too quiet and calm when finding out she wasn't invited to the bachelorette weekend. As if she really didn't give a crap that she wasn't invited. Not like her normal raging, loud mouth self. Nene, Cynthia and Marlo are all in their 50's. Different phases of life for sure.
  17. Unless it's all for the show and Heather knows this. Otherwise shame on Whitney. What a crappy friend she is. I hope Heather has moved on and found somebody else anyway. I'm not looking forward to seeing rehabilitated Buddy this season, I never liked him. I thought he would be gone for good and on to his new life. Apparently he can't stay away from his old life which is not a good choice for his sobriety.
  18. Whoa! She looks great. Who knew she had such a good butt! WTH is James talking about?
  19. Remember when Jerry O'Connell guest hosted for her? He was a bit crazy but he was a breath of fresh air and a lot (not all) of people liked him, he got good reviews, too. Wendy was threatened by that. I don't think she will ever have a guest host again, she's too insecure.
  20. She only knew Jon for a few months, though, before discovering the real Jon. Early enough to break free from his spell.
  21. Oh, Greg honey. You are not funny, your words of wisdom are lame and you are not a HW. Please for your own sake, just sit down and take the chemo treatments you so desperately need.
  22. A beer cheese business. Leave it to the two entrepreneurs, Brit and Jax.
  23. It's all about James' fuckery. Yawn. Really, who sat down at the big table and decided this is the way they were going to go this season? Katie should have given Lisa notice and then told her why. Let Lisa decide how she is going to handle James. You don't give your boss an ultimatum. Then again, this is VPR and Katie really doesn't work there anyway. What happened to Katie wanting Schwartz to stop drinking so much? He seems worse than ever.
  24. I find that extremely insulting. I think Rachael Ray show does that, too. Or they put all the pretty people in the front rows or something equally obnoxious.
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