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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. There is something dark and controlling about him. We saw the tip of the iceberg in this episode. The way he responds to situations is just weird. Complaining about the bed, the freezer door, the shower caddy Stephanie wanted to use. Wtf? Stephanie is awesome and way to cool for him. Kristine is adorable. Grandmama's boy better hang on to her. Lukewarm was not expecting Pastor Cal's smackdown! Not buying his sudden 180. The other two- the ones with no chemistry (can't remember their names) are boring.
  2. Not impressed with that chick at all. How much do we bet that Buddy and "girlfriend" move in with Whitney for a while? This episode really showcased just how messed up Whitney is. She needs therapy. She's all over the place with her thoughts and emotions. The first place she needs to start is to admit she's in love with Buddy and he doesn't feel the same.
  3. Ariana sure has changed from the girl a season or two ago that hated her vagina, thought it was ugly and didn't like sex to a girl that has no problem climbing in to the back seat of Tom's car with Lala so Lala could go down on her, while Tom is driving! Who is the real Ariana? The car riding comments to Marina Del Ray were very funny! Jax seems very serious and pensive this season. I'm not used to this Jax. All three guys (Jax, FI and Schwartz) were on WWHL. They all looked incredibly handsome and somewhat grown up. Jax's hate for James is real, though.
  4. Marge did not say anything to provoke Jen's comments. Jen also said the necklace was ugly. What an immature thing to say about a gift that was just given to someone else. Then Dolores said something to Jen like "Don't say that, that wasn't nice". Jen is a straight up bitch.
  5. I wouldn't call any of them the "hot wife", lol.
  6. The exterior is so bland. They should add some drive by and curb appeal. Plant some trees and beautiful colorful flowers, put some nice outdoor furniture and hanging plants on that big porch. Paint the house and front door with welcoming colors and put some shutters up around the windows. It's not welcoming at all. I guess there's only so much you can do in the winter there but come spring and all through the summer it should be a show stopper. As for the interior, I'm not an antiques person, either, but what did Meri and Bonnie really do? Remove some clutter? That's about all I can see from the pictures.
  7. And the show. Let's not forget Janelle left the family before the show started, then came back and Meri would have been long gone if Sam was for real, she's only staying for the TLC paycheck and still has one foot out the door headed to Parowan full time.
  8. Shamari's kids having a meltdown until she started singing to them over the phone and they calmed down right away. So adorable. I liked all the girls singing to one of Kandi's songs and having a great time for 5 minutes.
  9. Sooooo.... Janelle said she was on vacation in California and some randoms walk up to her out of nowhere and they just happen to be from little ole' Parawon and just happen to know that Meri closed on the house. I call Bullshittttttt on that whole fake story. Robyn- what exactly is her dill? She was hurt that Meri did tell her about the closing? What is she whining about? I can't stand her sad, solemn demeanor this season. Oh, we just love you Meri, we want you to be a part of the family Meri, we want to help you Meri. Shut up, Robyn! Meri also told Kody about the closing and asked him to tell the others and he forgot to tell them? You can see the comtempt on his face every time he is in the same room as Meri. He doesn't even get up off his ass to hug her goodbye while the other's do. He just walks out of the room. He hates her! Janelle- How many times can she say "This is really cool" with that fake smile plastered on her face? Stop trying, Janelle. Meri doesn't like you and never will. I liked Mariah this episode. The only one to tell it like it is with the catfishing and Meri not owning up to any part of the mess. I want to see what kind of profits the Inn is going to make. Meri said she is going to hire someone to cook and clean so her mother won't have to. Where is the money going to come from for that salary? She is going to have to rent those 4 rooms out every night of the year to pay a salary, to pay for maintenance and landscapers, buy groceries for breakfast, keep the towels and linens up to par and replace as necessary, pay the mortgage and utilities on that house and her own, and pay herself a salary with what ever is left over. I give her 2 years.
  10. Sure, it's possible. If so, how would anybody know that because there was no indication on the show what so ever that it was his mom's house.
  11. I'm talking about Tito, Brittney's ex, not Matt.
  12. Controlling Marcellino is going to flip his shit when he finds out about Britney's prison girlfriend! No way that's Tito's house. You don't spend 11 yrs in prison and come home and buy a house like that. He's probably living with his parents or something. Unless he squirreled away a big ole stash of cash in some Swiss bank account before being incarcerated. Ha! I don't think meth heads work like that. I hope to god Sara isn't pregnant. Bringing another innocent child in to this world with two idiot parents like that has no chance of a good life. There is something mentally wrong with Lizzie. She's stuck at 14. If her daughter dislikes Scott so much why doesn't she take Lizzie in to live with her? Is she homeless and jobless, too?
  13. I think the dark liner, light lipstick thing went out of style a few years ago... I could give a rat's ass who Jennifer's brother marries or if she was mail order, blind date, family introduction or what ever. Same goes for Melissa's half sister saga. Melissa said many times that her dad screwed around on her mom regularly and would disappear for days so it shouldn't be a surprise. Delores' ex has no job so he is now rubbing down Tre and helping her with her work outs. The thought of that man's hands on me is vomit inducing! Tre is a very bad actress so her fake concern for Danielle is not working for me. She could care less about Danielle but you gotta do what you gotta do to earn that paycheck.
  14. Sounds to me like the Jeanette and Greg didn't know what they were doing by putting Jazz on the blockers at such a young age. I wonder if they feel any guilt about that.
  15. Yes! Perfect casting! Not sure I believe the MIL story, since K & W are estranged from his family I'm not sure the MIL would ever get close enough to them to witness a beatdown. Mama's looking for hush money. Sounds like Big K's family is as low down and dirty as he is.
  16. I'm sure Big Kev has already taken care of that by ordering, demanding, threatening the entire family to keep their mouths shut............
  17. I'm curious what real life jobs do Heather, Todd and Tal have? Or are they all living off Whitney's show?
  18. I don't see the resemblance. All I can say about the new relationship is that I hope she is using some method of birth control this time.
  19. Grandpa cracks me up. He is the only one that has no problem being blunt with Princess Jazz. Asking her in the hotel room if she was getting tired of being in the limelight, doing interviews, etc. Of course she said no. I don't know why they had to drag gramps and grams to NY anyway. Let them be. Stay in Florida and do what the retired folks there do. Play golf, go to early bird dinner at 5pm, walk on the beach and have your heart surgery. That is not something you should put off when you are closing in on 80 years old.
  20. Last episode Whit looked like she lost a lot of weight. This episode she looks huge again. Oh, and Buddy, FUCK off.
  21. She definitely wasn't herself this episode or last. I hope Jax isn't getting Brittney in to something she will regret.
  22. Gee, Meri. The opening episode of the new season and I already hate you more than ever.
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