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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Hey, Candiass, how about getting a J-O-B before your wishes of a 7 bed home? She will always take mama's handouts because she's too lazy to make it on her own.
  2. This is interesting. How do you know this? Do you have inside scoop?
  3. Gizelle, keep your adorable daughter's off this messy show. First Candiass and her mama issues, now Ashley and her daddy issues. So not interested. Robyn- is she really serious about Juan wanting another baby (girl only, please) or is she just saying that because babies are the major storyline of this season and she wants in on the action?
  4. Well, being the reality show whore that I am I watched the Blac Chyna/Rob Kardashian show on E! when she was pregnant. It was a mess, they were a mess, the show didn't last long and the K's were having none of her so I remember all that from the show. The baby does have K dna so maybe they are trying to make nice with Blac but I doubt the K's like her they just put up with her because of Rob.
  5. I thought Black Chyna and the K's hated each other. Because of BC using Rob to have his baby so the baby could forever be a K and therefore built in child support. I don't get that "friendship" at all.
  6. Whitney is definitely his mother's son. Patricia is in her late 70's and look at her face. Fabulous! You know she has the best plastic surgeons/botox/filler people on speed dial and evidently has given Whitney their #'s. He inherited her good hair gene, too. Good work, you two! I do think Whit has an eating disorder, though. He is still covering himself up from head to toe all the time and barely eats. He makes comments about not eating carbs, and pretty much said in one episode that he hardly eats at all.
  7. Different recollections! lol, Whitney. Either you fucked or you didn't. I kind of think maybe Whit and Kat both agreed to make a fake storyline because, well, there is no storyline with this boring bunch. Craig's college buddies were pretty much saying that Craig has always been a lazy sloth and they know him very well so I'm not sure there is any hope for him. I wonder what he would be doing if he didn't luck in to this six figure part time job. I also noticed this episode that he is aging rapidly. He is such a good looking guy but his face is looking old and the lines around his eyes and forehead are very prominent. He's only 30. That should not be happening yet. Not that I'm a fan of Austen but he's the same age as Craig and his skin/face is baby smooth.
  8. How can a woman be so beautiful yet so unsexy at the same time? Jamie had me laughing when he was in Red's place and said "nothing matches" with a look of horror on his face. I'm the same way about decorating. I can't stand seeing a bunch of cheap mismatched junk all over the place. Greg telling Deonna that if her doggie Sandy can like him so quickly then she should be able to, too. He's adorable and has a nice personality. Real Estate ain't cheap in Charlotte. Greg is doing very well for himself. Amber is just a sad sack pain in the ass, not that Matt is any prize, either. I'm shocked they are having sex because there is not one ounce of chemistry between them. A very strange couple.
  9. So did Kathryn know that Whitney was going to deny hooking up with her before she walked in to the restaurant with the camera's in tow? How embarrassing for her. Whitney is a strange bird. He is also a total snob. Have to agree with Craig on that. Speaking of Craig, what is going on with him? It has to be drugs, right?
  10. Oh, brain bleach!! Please! Oversized boobs, cankles, lymphodema, tatoo's covering scars and her wig flying off....I just can't get it out of my mind!
  11. I don't trust Sumit. He quit his job immediately after Jenny arrived. Meal ticket Jenny is going to provide now. Who does that? A user and a scammer, that's who. He's hiding her from his parents and is afraid to face them with the truth. No balls what so ever. I don't see any redeeming qualities in poor, sweet, stressed out Sumit.
  12. Awwww Queen Kyle is so sweet, isn't she? She brought a gift for LVP. You know, just in case she showed up. I predict next season Kyle will dump Teddi and become besties with Erika. After all, Erika did proclaim her Queen of the group, the glue that holds them all together, the leader of the pack, the hostess with the mostest! Erika must secure her role on the show. Grandpa is running out of dough.
  13. He better have some money to spend on her or it won't last long anyway.
  14. Except she complains about every job he has. Too much travel, wrong state, blah blah. Shut it, Pao. Ungrateful wench.
  15. Arrests and domestic violence aside, I will forever dislike Larissa because she left her children behind in Brazil and doesn't seem to give a shit about them. She never loved Coltee, and she is no better than him. She's all about herself and what she thought he could do for her. After the divorce did she go back to Brazil to be with her children? No. She immediately found a new boyfriend instead. She is a disgusting POS.
  16. Yet, Andreiii pays no attention to his dads advice or experience. So much for solid parenting. I would like to know the backstory on Andreiiii's childhood. Something went wrong somewhere.
  17. There wasn't enough filling, either. I can't believe GZ was raving about them. I guess they are told to do that for the show. I agree with @Spunkygal they should have been put on their side.
  18. She has one every where she goes. In case the tears start to flow. Which is all the time. I think she should market and patent those little "tear squares". At least that would give her lazy crying ass something to do. Who ever decided that this show needed to take a turn and make it 75% about Candyass needs to be fired. Monique is the most stunning pregnant woman I have ever seen. She's all baby bump and not an ounce of fat anywhere. She's probably one of those women that gives birth, then is back to a size 2 within a week.
  19. So Michael lives in Michigan, Sarah lives in NY and Megan lives in TX. How does that work? Is Megan still hanging in a motel room in Michigan for an undetermined amount of time? Does she have a job? I'm so confused.
  20. If her friends are felons then she needs to be isolated from them. Get new friends. One's that have no prison records.
  21. Bethenny's description of her relationship with Dennis didn't sound good to me. His constantly pulling her in, then pushing her away. Disappearing for days with not even a phone call. Making a date to be with B and Brynn on Mother's day, then not showing up, sleeping all day, leaving B and Brynn alone that day. Only wanting her when she started dating someone else, then it was time for rings and marriage proposals. And he was such a great guy because why? Sounds like he did nothing but fuck with Bethenny's head. As if she wasn't fucked up enough already. I've heard all I want to hear about Dennis.
  22. Maggie said they were at the drugstore in Greenpointe. Maggie, Liza, and Kelsey all live in hipsterville Williamsburg. Different neighborhoods for sure so maybe that was a writer's mistake. If that's the case, one would think Debra Mazar should have pointed it out to the writer's, after all she lives in Brooklyn in real life.
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