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Everything posted by VanSensei

  1. Or another Ryan Jenkins. The guy from about 6 or 7 years ago who used his status on a reality show to brutally murder his wife and then hide to Canada and off himself. I hope Mark doesn't do anything rash after filming ends, but he seems like someone one would be naturally dubious of.
  2. So going on forums drunk DOES have its advantages! Hahahaha. I must do it more, ESPECIALLY with this crapbag pedo.
  3. Yeah Mark is amazingly gross. I don't know what compels the fucker to want teen girls from Asia each time, but its weird There are grandparents with less of an age difference between Mark and her Fucking shit, dude. Why.
  4. As the product of an immigrant and a half, I can confirm it's usually because they're not comfortable speaking it and try to be careful with what they say.
  5. Why the fuck is Cradle Robber X (aka Mark) on this show? A 55-year old guy trying to shag a 19-year old girl he met...somewhere is gross. No, no, no, eww. Loren seems very stuck-up and quick to whine if something doesn't go her way. She sounds like the type of girl who had a bat mitzvah that cost more than a brand new sports car and no less. Eww. They won't last long. The only one I could see succeeding is the Mormon couple. They seem to have their heads in the right places instead of "Come with me and you'll be in a wooooorld of quickie immigration"
  6. Mormons have a special place in my Catholic heart because they can all sing if BYU is any indicator and their university is pretty much free. At that point though, even the most devout would probably tell her to shut up. I can't stand people who police everything like that.
  7. They seem to be the most normal - oxymoron on a TLC show, yes - but they don't sound full of shit like a lot of the couples that do this. Haven't seen the episode yet, but I like what I hear
  8. I agree. I'm sure CW could go fuck off, be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and in his mid-morning deuce, make more money than any of us will in a lifetime. That being said, he's not marriage material. At all. There are puppets of Genghis Khan voiced by fucking Gilbert Gottfried that are more marriage material than CW.
  9. In San Francisco, $500k gets you a 200 sq ft condemned studio/scene of a homicide if that.
  10. What is with people on this show and randomly moving to expensive-ass places in the world or places in which they don't speak the language, especially with a family in tow? I don't get it.
  11. YES!!! Fuck CW with a rake. If she had married someone like Eric, the complete opposite of the travesty of a marriage happening now wouldn't happen. I secretly hope that like, 10 years down the road, they've hooked up.
  12. I agree, especially because Australia is going through the same thing as a lot of the world (especially England) in that living there comfortably is getting very difficult. It is EXPENSIVE to live there these days.
  13. Here's the problem with the show: The people on this show should've never been married to each other in the first place.
  14. Maria might be the sanest person on this entire show and one of the most down-to-earth people I think I've ever seen on a reality show. it's so refreshing, sometimes.
  15. Christian didn't sound like someone the American public wanted to Wu-Tang shadowbox like usual. I'm impressed. Josh and Meghan - fuck off outta here, they're not arranged. If they're an "arranged", then Taco Bell is an accurate example of Mexican cuisine. In what way are they an arranged couple? Same with Ragini and Veeral. who became the oracle. voice of all wisdom and music to the human ears Christian was during the show. (/sarcasm) I want a season 2 for the sole reason that none of the people, so far, are the complete scumbags that MAFS S2 had, which might as well be called "Downstate New York's Own Escaped Felons Get Married".
  16. Yes, and it's terrible. Either they need to revamp this process completely, or cancel the show outright. If S3 becomes the stain on the American television that this one was, then it won't be long before someone is hurt physically, or worse.
  17. ugh, fuck this season with a rake. such a trainwreck. i'm gonna have a fleeting glimmer of internal hope that season 3 isn't like this, but thats being generous.
  18. a) i knew that the election could end in a tie, but it never happened before (iirc, the closest was bush/gore) so it was interesting to see and i wanna see what happens next b) minnesota going red isn't that unrealistic if you take minneapolis out of the picture.
  19. I hate it when people move to Europe on HHI and demand American features - a big house, 5+ bathrooms and 2,000 sq. ft, probably a Big Mac with fries and a complimentary eagle - when they have to realize that they won't get that over there. They have American features in American homes because they have had nearly half the bloody continent to themselves for 300 years to expand upon it. Europe is not like that.
  20. Sean and Davina were a match that should've just never happened. At all.
  21. I wasn't surprised at all. I knew this was coming. For two of them, it was fairly obvious. It wasn't as obvious as S1, where there were two couples very clearly in love and one that was done, though. Hope S3 is a little better and a little shorter.
  22. It would be even better if they were in Boston and their 4+ ft of snow every 3 days that winter, hahahaha.
  23. Jaclyn and Ryan - together. I think they're a couple with their head on their shoulders. They'll go far. Sean and Davina - the relationship between the Axis and the Allies in World War II was healthier than whatever the fuck this is. I don't see a marriage, I see a greatly-exacerbated Tinder fling. They're done and I hope they move on. Jessica and Ryan D - They've...made progress? I think? Anything can seem like "progress" if you try hard enough. They're not fighting as much, but it's still a toxic relationship.
  24. I agree with you on all except one: You can't get annulled by the Church if you never got married in it. You can annul a civil marriage if it was never consummated, though.
  25. You know, this is going to sound completely pessimistic, but I give Ragini and Veeral maybe 4-5 years. They're so different in culture, in what their outcomes are and what they want out of each other that it will eventually come crashing down. Now, they can fake it like a lot of people can - faking it under a guise of false happiness is easy. Like many things in the grand annals of human history, however, it'll all come crashing down and culminate in something bad.
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