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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. I agree the Colonel was one of the creepiest ever. There's something so frightening about a person who can show two entirely different faces to the world.
  2. I hope Andi doesn't really like JJ as much as she said she did. I think he's a walking flutter of red flags. Non-stop talking, all of it about himself, repeated the same stuff over and over, worked too hard and too long at the old-person character, thinks his quirkiness is cuter than it really is, was so bullied in school he had to change schools and now can't wait to gang up on Andrew for having a phone number, broke up with his last girl friend because all they did was compete with each other. He's a pantsapreneur. Andi is cutting all the right men. Opera man sobbed over someone he'd just met and the other guy had hair like Sean Penn in "Dead Man Walking." I think Marcus is dreamy but Andi wasn't responding to his tender kisses at all. Andi's a smacker.
  3. Last night was a repeat of "Something Wicked," about the two popular, West Virginia, high school girls who stabbed their friend Skylar to death because they decided they didn't like her anymore. They planned it for months but then hurried to get it done, "before church camp." One of them was still grinning and tossing her long blonde hair in the court room. Shudder.
  4. Do what Craig did on Bachelor Pad and he'd be the star of the show. I didn't really dislike him until he seemed so stunned that Andi cut him -- I thought that indicated a guy who was used to messing up and then being instantly forgiven as soon as he acted cute and contrite. I think Andi's going to be an interesting Ette. Partly because she does draw out interesting conversation from the men and partly because, as Bugs noticed, she can get mad all out of proportion to the offence. I hope the guys have been warned abut saying, "Okay."
  5. Stop! No, really, Andi, stop. I don't mind the "y'alls" because I know that's how southern people say you plural and Andi's just letting the guys know she's talking to all of them, but I really wish she would stop telling them to stop because I keep thinking she really means it. Craig needed to go just for initiating those hugs. I think men should let the women do that. Andi is growing on me. I like having such an articulate Bachelorette, plus I thought she looked gorgeous on her horse racing date.
  6. I could never understand why they kept trying to sell Emily as a southern belle when she's from West Virginia, which fought on the Union side. Scarlet O'Hara would have shot her. I am intrigued at the idea of Andi looking for a job like Nancy Grace's. CNN and HLN are based in Atlanta so Andi wouldn't even have to leave her home.
  7. Oooo, I just now watched the last few minutes which my recorder had failed to catch. I see we're not only going to have tearful meltdowns from Andi but also from a half dozen men, plus possible jealous fights. Awesome. Just when I was thinking, "The Bachelorette," was never as entertaining as "The Bachelor," because women bring the hissy fits. I wasn't sure the average man would find Andi's type of looks super appealing, not that she isn't great looking, but so many guys like the blonde Emily types. I was wrong again-- they seem bowled over by Andi. Good! More drama.
  8. Oh thanks, Leigh dear. I knew he was unintentionally funny, but I forgot any examples. Now I kind of wish Andi had kept him. Andi looks great. Her flexing thigh muscles as she walked on the beach made me so jealous. Come to think of it that's what the men in all those tight, skimpy suits remind me of, Incredible Hulk's muscles busting out of his clothes, "No rose, make Hulk mad!"
  9. Thanks for getting that all organized for us, Krispadget. For Andi, I like the farmer and the lawyer. For me, Chris Harrison.
  10. This is a hard question for me because I'm a huge fan and think it was one of the best sit-coms of all time. I have about twenty, "favorite" episodes including the three already named. For the moment, I'm thinking of "Barney's New Car." Barney had a chance to use all his skills; excited about buying the car, naïve and too trusting with the woman who sold it to him, swaggering after he bought it, dejected when it broke down and Barney the Super Cop catching the stolen car ring. Plus he gets to duck walk which always cracked me up. Big extra points go to Thelma Lou for her hilarious screaming reaction when the steering column slides up.
  11. "Jenny Kiss'd Me" by Leigh Hunt Jenny kiss'd me when we met, Jumping from the chair she sat in; Time, you thief, who love to get Sweets into your list, put that in! Say I'm weary, say I'm sad, Say that health and wealth have miss'd me, Say I'm growing old, but add, Jenny kiss'd me. It's a favorite of mine. I love how the show makes Sister Monica Jones's random literary references sort of fit, in an odd way.
  12. After LJ stood up Tasha I was rooting for him to go home. I understood not wanting to make Tony paranoid but he could have managed to hear her out. I also thought tony played it wrong by not going to Trish before he lined everyone up against LJ. She's going to be so angry at him. Tasha was second in the physical challenge last week and first in the mental challenge this week. I hope they continue to underestimate her.
  13. I think the girl is either a friend of the family or a distant relative. She's made several bold attempts to gain Victors interest, so I'm glad she finally saw how much he loves Agnes. I'm so relieved he's not going to war. Don't go George! Poor George is already shell-shocked from having that drunken brute for a father, I just can't imagine someone so fragile in the trenches. I hate seeing Lady Mae lie to Harry. Will Miss Martle soon have a handsome Belgian lover with whom to share her fortune? She's really coming into her own and I hope once Agnes moves in she will uncover the furniture and really enjoy her house. I hate to say it but I sort of want Rose to go back to America. The real Mr. Selfridge had a long torrid affair with a burlesque queen, spending so much money on emeralds and gambling debts for her, that he bankrupted himself and the store. I think that would make for some very good TV.
  14. This is my new favorite thread. They are all adorable but Swiffer is a dog I would seriously love to take a nap with. I get sleepy just looking at him.
  15. I'm so happy for Miss Mardle! For the house and fortune, sure, but mainly for that little wave at the top of her hair do that lifts her face and keeps her from looking so forlorn all the time! I'm liking this season so much better than the first one. Mr. Selfridge is starting to seem like a real person and not a blustering rich man in a Three Stooges comedy. Rose is getting on my last nerve, though, either cook or get out of the kitchen, and quit talking in that sad die-away voice.
  16. I feel guilty that I can't stand him. His smile seems so smarmy and twee, but I'm sure that's just the actor's mouth and he can't help it. I simply can't suspend disbelief enough to think that the beautiful Jenny is really into him. I wanted Doris's little baby so much. Some of the baby "actor's" are smaller than others and she looked like she was about one day old and was so. precious.
  17. Yes, it's my understanding that a great part of what the British boarding school system is all about is assuring that the youth speak with the proper posh accent. If Harry Jr. had persisted on speaking like an American he would probably have been politely beaten up. I lived in England for three years as an American military wife and even I barely made it home with my hillbilly twang intact.
  18. She would have been really cute in Trixie's pixie cut though. I wish they would feature her a little more. I liked the episode where the old twins who were married to the same man kept asking for "the little one."
  19. All the senile (dementia or Alzheimer's or whatever) people I've known, like my father before he died, have seemed kind of mean. I guess it's that total lack of a gating system in the old brain. I'm already scared about what I might say. If all I talk about is Plato and Aristotle I'll be fine but I expect it will be something disgusting like what I'd like to do to the good looking young intern at the hospital. (shudder) Kill me now. )
  20. I love the way he loves her! The time he talked about falling in love with her after seeing her come home, exhausted, one morning...so sweet. He's just so supportive of Chummy, even to pretending to like radish roses. What a guy!
  21. I think Chummy had her baby tucked into it's own crib. That was Chummy's red sofa where the bingo lady was giving birth. I recognized the doilies she was using as puddle pads. Chummy's baby must be the best baby ever for her to have so much extra time while carrying for him, cooking meals from scratch, washing diapers, etc. I was sleep deprived and exhausted the entire first year. These midwives all seem to have super human energy. I had no idea that CF wasn't diagnosed until the 1950's. I kept thinking, it seems like that, but the doctor said he tested for all the obvious things. How sad for the women of those days who thought they just weren't good enough mothers when their children died of rare diseases.
  22. Well, it was fun to see everyone again, but I kind of thought last night's theme of ,"Men Are Beasts!" was a bit heavy handed. Only my dear Mr. Crabb remained sweet and worried. It was fitting to see that Mr. Groves learned to be careful what you wish for, but his red headed babies were adorable. Miss Markel going away? I hope she comes back soon and finds some happiness. I absolutely hated seeing the fabulous Lady Mae humiliated. I'm rooting for a good poisoning there. I liked the women's 1909 hairstyles better. Kitty and Frank, hmmm. I like them but I like Kitty and George better.
  23. I'm not too sure. I really liked her fluffy fifties do. Would flirtatious Trixie really wear something so serious? I hope that bad experience with the actor didn't damage her boy crazy side.
  24. I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to this season starting tonight. It never sounds like it's going to be very exciting and then by the time it's over I'm all crying and strung out from the emotion.
  25. I like her, too. I love the way she takes all her set backs with humor.
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