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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. I don't think she used to have lashes like that, I'm afraid it's a new style. The wholesome single mother on Juan Pablo's season had points for lashes and I see ads for something called Miss Manga mascara that seems to clump lashes together on purpose. I guess it's one of those things I'll just have to get used to -- probably on the day it goes out of style. I have always liked Clare. I think she's one of those rare reality TV people who can't help being herself, even in front of the cameras, so we get what we came for, a fly on the wall look at a person "looking for love.". I think she really did want to go skinny dipping with Juan Pablo and he really did lead her on. Putz. 
  2. The racists got a few boos last year. Not enough. She looked a lot like Wil's YouTube parody of her last night. I did love her joke at the end, "How's my hair?" I have a dream that Donny, Nicole and Derrick will turn on the others and take them down. Christine first.
  3. Seriously! There's a reason why bearing false witness is a commandment. I hated watching that lynch mob in action. Last week Derrick (ruler of all evictions) wanted to send Donny home over Nicole, but kept him for Team America reasons and now the TA thing has targeted Zack. That's two people who ought to sue the show. Oh Frankie, so thrilled that he won veto and it was Kathy Griffin who put it around his neck. He is the fame whore to end all fame whores. He'll end up an old man telling bored youngsters about the people they never heard of that he knew.
  4. I agree that Chris looks exactly like Squidward in the face, but I think girls find him handsome the way guys find Lacey beautiful. From the neck down he is one fine broad shouldered, long legged man. If only those legs actually worked. His ineptitude at sports, his funny run, and his ability to mess up his knee while walking on sand, makes me think something around the knee wasn't hitting just right. I had his same injury a few years ago; ruptured ACL, MCL and meniscus. I broke two bones at the same time but it was the torn ligaments that caused enough horrific, pain to keep me in a nursing home for three weeks. So, I think he really needed to go home with his "care giver." Looking at droopy Marcus and sunken eyed Lacy slumped together in the mornings, I fear there might be Vampires in Paradise. I can barely wait for next Monday! I think I head Graham accuse AshLee of being incredibly tacky. Tacky how, I want to know? Tacky as in green sequined bikinis or tacky as in lewd notes in his t-shirt pocket? Poor AshLee, her "dance" moves indicated a sort of lack of social finesse that makes me cringe, laugh and pity her all at the same time.
  5. I'm strangely happy for them, too. I remember Chris's hometown date and his family is one big, rowdy, Polish group of happy dancers. They seemed like so much fun, it's possible they will embrace Elyse and she will finally feel secure enough to settle down. Please let us see the big tacky wedding, CBS! I felt sorry for Danielle and I'm going to feel sorry for AshLee next week but both of them went on the show with one particular guy in mind and that's taking a huge chance. They should have learned in middle school that the boys you like don't always like you back. Jackie better not get too comfy, Marc-Hell might have a list of faults for her to work on next week.
  6. The thing that would make me steer clear of Elyse was her "apology." Dylan says something like, you keep talking about our deep connection but I saw you making out in the ocean with another guy. Elyse says, "I'm sorry." No explanation really, and I admit she had reasons and excuses if she had wanted to work them, but it was just "I'm sorry," almost immediately followed by an angry, "I said, I was sorry!" I never like it when people think those are magic words that erase the past and if you want to talk about it a little more then you're just unforgiving and mean.
  7. How appropriate that Rachel would return on the episode with the undead theme. It would take a glitter covered stake through the heart to kill a fame whore of her caliber. I hate the Team America idea so much. I honestly think they would have evicted Donny over Nicole if Derrick hadn't wanted to keep the team together. He thought Donny was a bigger threat but hopes to win more money for himself. Nicole should sue. The best part for me was Julie's question about the big thing that happened last week. Frankie gets all coy and flutters his eyes in anticipation of being spot lighted for his big reveal, and then Victoria actually says the biggest moment of the week -- the one we must all be discussing over the water coolers is ... she got emotional. Right Veronica, we could speak of nothing else.
  8. Heh! I wondered about that, too, but whatever his methods, I think Derrick is playing an awesome game. Nicole and Donny on the block. It's going to be a sad Thursday night.
  9. Hmmm, I missed that. The way the editors mix-up the timeline, I'm wondering if maybe Marquel's drinking lecture might have come earlier than it appeared and Michelle had time to re-set her cap in Ben's direction. Then, going by Paradise-time, she would have been madly in love with Ben by the time she heard he was in love with Letter Lady. Proving I think about this show far too much: I'm wondering if Marquel and Sarah couldn't be a match made in Paradise? They both sort of stand apart from the crowd and make superior, "I wasn't raised that way," statements. I can see Sarah in her one-piece and Marquel in his plaids enjoying time together. They might even find each other hilarious.
  10. I went searching for a picture of Elise in her controversial swim suit and discovered her in a soft porn video called "Yule Log Hotties." It's some girls sitting around in their holiday underwear, eating marshmallows with their backs arched. Oddly enough it's porn, but it's completely work safe -- with different music it could be The Bachelor Christmas Special. So I guess she's not teaching anymore.
  11. When Marquel and Marcus were reading Ben's mail and getting all judgmental and gossipy, I was saddened to think how much JJ must have wished he were there. I kept hoping he would get so fed up with Elise's refusal to take the hint, that he would tell her the unvarnished truth. Something like, "When I first saw you in your bottomless bikini I was very intrigued, so much so that I thought you were beautiful, smart and kind. That night, in the ocean, I'm sure you felt my connection. But after listening to your non-stop, inane prattle for an entire week, I started to feel myself losing my mind and, at the end, when you began to list all the traits of a Pisces, I realized that if you didn't go away, I was going to take you out in the ocean and sit on you at the bottom of the sea." I swear I saw most of that pass over his face.
  12. I'm glad they had Nicole do the DR call back to Rachel with her, "Nobody comes between me and my HoH win." That way I was able to contrast Nicoles's HoH win with Rachel's wins and notice that there was no excessive gloating and after her loss, no hysterical sobbing and hiding in the bushes. Nicole is becoming one of my all time BB favorites. She doesn't just talk about what she's going to do in the diary room, she actually does it and she does it without being mean about it. I love this season. Watching people like Amanda and Aardvark get power and then bully everyone was just not fun for me. Another thing I like this year is they are spending less time in bed. Most of them actually sit-up for part of the day. (I'm thinking of you, Amanda's warty gigolo.)
  13. I hope Edith has had enough of taking Mary's hand me downs. Sir Anthony liked Mary first and was coming around acting like an overgrown, love sick nerd, always asking Mary to go for a ride in his snazzy motor car. One day, after another cold brush off, Edith invited herself for the ride. I cringed for Edith at the time but they had fun together and Sir Anthony warmed to her enough to plan a proposal. However, he was easily discouraged by Mary lying to him, saying Edith had been making fun of him. Then, years later, he jilted Edith after getting discouragement from Robert. IMO, Mary and Robert were very much to blame for theses two disasters, but in both cases, if Anthony had really loved Edith, he wouldn't have let the opinions of her family get in the way. Compare with the love of a certain chauffeur for a daughter of the house. I'll never forget Mary, in one of the first episodes of DA, showing Edith how she could take any man away from her if she wanted to. Mary and her parents have always acted as though it was a forgone conclusion that Mary had a hundred times more "advantages," then Edith. No, I want Edith to win over Mary one time. I would love to see a handsome, eligible young man come to the house, Mary be quite smitten -- and the man go right past her to Edith. After all, it's not unheard of for some men to prefer blondes with a bit of curve over brunette stick figures. I'm not saying that Mary's cool demeanor and porcelain skin isn't appealing, just that the show's insistence that it's the ideal of every single gentleman and butler in England is a bit much.
  14. Plus no one answered her as she called a last cheery goodbye on the way out the door. Last year was the record for most racist pigs, but this year may be the record for the most self-centered narcissists. I think Victoria would be happy to spend the rest of her life, alone, in front of a mirror. She thinks she's drop dead gorgeous and doesn't even care whether anyone else does or not. Christine is pleased as punch to be the only girl on the boys team, no doubt thinking it's because she's such a naked-time, sexy person. Caleb appears to be keeping his head covered for the next three months because his hair isn't prefect, and Zach and Frankie are head over heels in love with themselves and each other. Cody is a little more subtle about it but he wouldn't be giving stripper dances as gifts if he didn't know he was the cuteness.
  15. As far as I can tell through my TV, I think Michelle has a pretty bad case of dark pigment splotches on her face. I noticed it on past seasons and this time while she was on the beach with Marquel. I had it once and it took about two years of total sun avoidance before it went away. So I think she wears heavy make-up at night to cover it. That in itself could make her look older than she is. Still gorgeous though!
  16. I laughed at them gliding by, too. Nicole was particularly funny with her legs sort of frog jumping through the air. I was impressed with Nicole's quick recognition that Christine was lying to her. I'm starting to think that little fruit loop dingus might just be the most game-smart of the bunch. I would love to see her win this thing.
  17. All these years I've resisted sticking so much as a toe in the twitter river -- until just now after MarkHB made it so easy for me. Just as I suspected, people sound so dreadfully inane. Marcus sounds about 16, and to think I was going to marry him just a few short weeks ago. I never did find the kerfuffle, but I couldn't go on.
  18. Was it Marcus who took one look at Lacy and decided she was smart and kind? Hubs and I laughed and laughed, we're going to describe all the women with gigantic clown boobs as "kind," from now on.
  19. Sara expects all these shallow guys to see past her unflattering one piece, etc, and yet she chose the most conventionally handsome, sought after guy there. Marquel was in the little brother zone for me on Andi's season but now that he's left the cute tickle fights and cookies stuff behind, I'm starting to get it. Just watching him stroll down the beach with Michelle Money was making me swoon. Somewhere Nikki is seething because Clare is getting such a good edit. I've always liked her.
  20. I thought Alan looked happy, too, but I thought Celia's remark (since Kate had gone home an hour ago) was just meant to show how casual Celia had become about the whole gay thing, so much so that her confusion about the time was her first thought. Still, if we all heard it differently it shows the scene wasn't done exactly right. I agree it was too much PDA. I hadn't caught that they were all in the hotel. Cool.
  21. I kind of worried about Robbie's girl, too, she must have had to find another ride home. I started to feel defensive for the poor woman when they were calling her a "light weight." It's the first time I've heard a woman compared so negatively for not being as much of a bitch as her rival. I love the Jillian character but Robbie knows she cheated on him with John, aborted his baby without telling him and had sex with her son's gormless pal. If Robbie prefers that sort of challenge he'll be over the moon when he finds out she killed his brother. I hope his cheery girlfriend found someone else at the wedding. Really. I wonder if this is more of an English thing. When I lived there, I was on the butt end of a couple of those, "Let's make fun of her while she sits here!" routines, the perps all seem to think they're terribly clever. You have the choice of being rude back or pretending you don't get it. I was much younger and nicer then. Now, I'd just pour my pint of ale over their messy heads. Loved the boy band singing like Amurkan cowboys. Love all of these flawed, complicated characters. Bring on the next season!
  22. I knew that was wrong somehow! Thanks Jen, "grown-ass," is so much funnier and much more fitting for Chris.
  23. Was that Marcus and Clare doing the From Here to Eternity thing on the beach? Nice. They are two very pretty people if nothing else. Clare's a good pick because she brings the drama, also Kalon (no baggage, please), Chris B. (he's a full grown man) and Brooks. We know Brooks isn't really in love unless he thinks about her every minute they're apart. Good casting, I'm thinking, I'll be watching as they get a second chance at on camera heartbreak.
  24. I didn't trust those little angels either. It's not natural for fourteen year old girls to be that perfect. I'm getting more suspicious, too. I know I'm more diligent about keeping my doors locked in the daytime ever since the show about some loser who knew he was going to jail for child molestation, so he randomly killed a woman who happened to be home because, "Murderers have an easier time in prison than child molesters." Up until then I had thought I was fairly safe because; I wasn't young and beautiful, I didn't have any life insurance, I wasn't rich, I wasn't having an affair, I wasn't involved with a wild crowd, and I wasn't a sex worker.
  25. I see the similarities between Doc and Edith, too, but I have to believe that he is not really heartless, just socially inept, while she is actually a calculating, mean spirited piece of work. I hope somehow they manage to sick Mrs. Tishell (neck-brace lady) on Edith.
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