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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. "My kids are everything to me! I'd die for them! I'd do anything in the world for my kids!" ... Except clean the house.
  2. I was watching the same period drama, Eolivet. Caleb crossed a line with me when he started talking about teaching Amber a lesson, putting her in her place, and making her come begging to him. Wow! Stalking is bad enough but those are some classic words of an abuser and I hated hearing it. What's her "place," exactly Caleb? Somewhere below you, the imaginary king of the house? You're a laughing stock in the house and a low life, ignorant hillbilly with stupid tattoos. You aren't ever in beast mode, you're in moron mode every waking minute, may you rot in a Kentucky coal mine when you get home. Zach isn't much better. All his "humor," is based on hurting others, particularly women who won't punch him. What is funny about eating good food I front of hungry people? Whether or not he's gay he clearly hates women and enjoys hurting them.
  3. I really hope Manny, his son and "rattle-tooth," (good one Giant Misfit) don't ever get those kids back, as I remember it from years ago the young parents' house was actually worse than Manny's because there were no toys, just black filthy stuff. I was thinking about the Hoarders in general last night and wondering why the therapists always use the same motivational mantra, "Don't you want your family to be able to visit?" In many cases it seems clear to me that the answer is, "NO! I don't want family members to visit! Coming around criticizing me for not being a perfect housekeeper and blaming me because things got a little out of hand and trying to take away my good stuff! " As one of them said, her daughter only visited once in awhile but her tings kept her company every day. I think they get so angry because they see everyone involved as thieves out to leave them with nothing, stripped bare and exposed. After watching every single show at least once, these days I sadly see Dr Zasio and Matt and all the rest as wasting their time. I guess they keep themselves motivated by thinking of their few successes. Probably their most valuable help has been to the family members that have been set free, either physically or emotionally, through the psychologist's support.
  4. Hee. My favorites are Honeysuckle Weeks and Benedict Cumberbatch.
  5. Josh just repeats the last sentence of the person he's talking to. Honestly, there wasn't much to choose between Nick's eyelid fluttering impression of a nervous teenage girl and Josh's over-caffeinated, jittery echo talk. I can't call Nick a stalker either. Most romantic comedies have a scene of the guy "going after," the girl and it's supposed to demonstrate true love through bold action or something. We've all been conditioned to think that stuff is romantic since Heathcliff spied on Cathy through her husband's windows.
  6. I agree, I think it's always been boring. I'd rather they give them mounds of desserts and endless hot pizza so we could watch them all get fat. I felt so sorry for, never heard of Hansel and Gretel, Nicole, trying to laugh off her fruit loop dingus insult and then having it turn to sobs in spite of herself. Poor kid. That said, I think her voice gets higher and more nasal every week. She woke up my dog last night.
  7. The whole episode felt so sad. I kept waiting for the turning point when everything would be funny and it never happened. I see no reason for a big fussy wedding after the deed has already been done and with Alan's heart so delicate. It just seems like a device to bring the extended families in and we have enough characters to keep track of already. Judith is binge drinking while pregnant, Calamity Jane is passed around like a sack of smelly potatoes, it's just a matter of time until they lose track of who's watching her, and Laurence is wandering somewhere in drunk-town. I'm worried. Gillian! Do you think you might have found a less gruesome way to murder someone? Aren't there poisons all over a farm?
  8. This is where we are in Ohio (WOSU) right now. I was sorry to see the season start with a new dog, because the big dog from previous episodes looked just like my old dog and now I imagine they're both wagging around some sort of heavenly version of Portwenn. All else was well though, since Large and Son and Pauline and neck brace lady were all there. Then I was very nervous to think Doc might start an affair with the mean Dr. Edith. I was never so happy to see a pregnant woman in the doorway as when Louisa showed up.
  9. I've always hated hearing the houseguests say they want to win HoH so they can see their loved ones, but Frankie wanting to win so he can see his dead grandfather was downright creepy. Because pictures of people and actual people aren't the same thing you doofus hamsters and if you can't remember what your kids or your grandfather looks like, without visual aids, for a few weeks, something's wrong. At least Zach said he was looking forward to pictures of his family and redeemed himself a little from Wednesday's show when he reminded Caleb that he had "gave'n" Amber his blankets. Watching Nicole's father talk about how hard-to-get his daughter was, then immediately cut to Nicole and Hayden under the covers seeming ready to do the deed was so gross to me. I know people do it on the show and that their families might be watching, but I don't want to watch them watch, okay? Derrick seems to be the only one there who is trying to win. They keep wanting to vote out people like Victoria who are no threat at all and keeping the big threats like Caleb the challenge beast and Donny the most popular player ever.
  10. I wonder where they came up with that number? Nineteen women and you're Mr. Sincere, but 21 and you're a shameless, dirty hound dog. I was saying all that in front of Hubs and he just had this dreamy look on his face like, "Oh to be young and handsome in the 21st Century..." Remember the guys at Ashley's, "Roast," making fun of how small her breasts were? Hah! JP junior has fixed that for her.
  11. It's too bad you can't prove a negative because I wouldn't blame Andrew for suing the show. I've read two Google news linked recaps that seem to still think Andrew's a racist. The name mix-up being the final "proof." Heck, I once introduced my own son as Michael (nothing like his name) just because the last person I had introduced him to was Michael, and the name was in the front of my mind. This was at work, they never let me forget it. My case against Marquel: He says he didn't try to kiss Andi because he didn't know the other guys were doing it. Hello, it's not spin-the-bottle it's a man so into a woman he feels moved to kiss her. I never thought he seemed that interested in Andi, his time with her was always spent showing the cameras how cute he was. He should admit that JJ is an unreliable witness because JJ himself said he was a little bit drunk and wasn't positive about what he heard. Those rose ceremonies take hours. Andrew, a big talker, probably leaned forward to make remarks a dozen times. He might have said he had a backache or a hundred other things. If JJ was carrying this information about Andrew around, why wouldn't he have brought it up when everyone was dissing Andrew for having the waitress's phone number? That would have been the natural moment to say, "Yeah, and you know what else he did?" Marquel didn't seem capable of answering the straight questions Chris Harrison asked him but just went around the bush and back again. He had no business asking Andrew to apologize for something he said he didn't do. To many people that would have amounted to an admission of guilt. He didn't seem to realize that a national reputation as a racist was a worse thing to come away with than a national reputation as a nice guy who was mildly insulted on TV. Lastly -- JJ is his best friend. I rest my case.
  12. I loved it, too! I kept saying it reminded me of, "East of Eden," and then the website mentioned that.
  13. Derrick has been one of my favorites, just because he seems a few grains smarter than the rest. Now, I read from the sainted feed watchers that he's one of those, "I deserve to win because I have a child," people. I wish BB would just leave all the parents home with their children.
  14. I remember Kaysar well. He was a cool guy as was Jee with his Buddhist beliefs. To me they demonstrate how a religious person can be edited with respect, in contrast to how they edit someone like Jocasta. Jee's ceremony in memory of his father or Kaysar on his prayer rug could have been made to look silly but the show was very respectful. With America being 73% Christian the show has to cast some of them but it seems suspicious to me that they keep casting the sort of obnoxious Christian I've never met in my life.
  15. That would be like leaving them with a book about Aristotle along with a modern medical encyclopedia to prove how stupid he was. The two creation stories in the first few pages of the Bible are from the oral history of the Jewish people and not meant to be held against scientific knowledge arrived at thousands of years later. Since the Bible is not something Christians are required to carry with them, and most don't, I see only one reason to put them in the BB house every year. It's the same reason that every season has a shouting fundamentalist like Jacosta -- the producer hates Christians. He doesn't want to pass up an opportunity to depict them as silly and judgmental. Every year, in the hands of the house guests, he can be sure that the words of the Bible will be taken out of context and laughed at and, of course it's always used as some sort of Magic 8-Ball where it's opened randomly to find "answers." Just for a change, I'd like to see him fill the house with copies of the Koran and see how that goes. Also, Caleb, you idiot "Christian" representative, being on the block is not something to be proud of so it isn't necessary to shout out God for all the credit.
  16. Every time Devin uses his daughter for sympathy, I get a little nauseated. Not only is she too young to watch him on TV or know what a superhero is, I doubt if she'll recognize him the next time she sees him. I hate jerky baby daddies who think they're doing something noble just by being "in her life," when all that means is showing up to collect a present on Father's Day. So I'll be rooting for Devin to go home over Caleb, but just barely. Other than those two, I kind of like everyone this year and that's a first.
  17. I know. They must keep telling themselves over and over that it's what they signed up for but saying sweet loving things to Nick or Josh while knowing full well she's choosing the other seems -- well-- actressey.
  18. That's the thing -- she was very sweet to Gillian and said all the right soothing things, but I never know with Caroline just how much is natural kindness and how much is a very smart woman who knows how to manipulate people. At least with Gillian, there's never the slightest doubt about what she's really thinking. I think Caroline is using Kate. She needs Kate's money from the sale of Kate's house to buy out John and then contribute monthly to the mortgage on Caroline's house. Now it appears she doesn't really want a baby, but is going to allow Kate to go through the whole pregnancy through a donor father thing, while all the time counting on Kate having another miscarriage. Darn cold, I'm thinking. I love the actress, though. She narrated all forty episodes of "Lark Rise to Candleford," with her beautiful voice.
  19. When Andi was repeatedly telling Chris that she didn't really want to blame Iowa, I kept expecting him to burst into "You Ought to Give Iowa a Try," from "The Music Man."https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV7ZcVFSWWU The people in the movie kind of explain Chris's manner, too. I'm glad he didn't sob into the camera. None of the men I know would cry in public if you tortured them with hot pokers. Fantasy Suite Episode is where the show always explodes my head. I don't think of myself as a prude but having sex with one guy the night before you get engaged to another guy, while your parents and a million other people are sort of watching, is just too much of a stretch for me. I'm not looking forward to the heartbreak ahead. Nick and Josh are both totally in love and completely confident they've won. At least, when it happens, I hope someone has a handkerchief and we don't have to watch Andi turn her lower eyelids inside out with gouging.
  20. Not only will John tell everyone, he'll write it in a novel. Speaking of which, when did, "She has the body of a sixteen year-old boy," become a compliment?
  21. Ghoulina: I'm going with number two and it's too sad because I think Hayden's really sweet with her. He may be competing against some really good looking boyfriends at home because, as Hayden said, she's a super cute girl. Caleb continues in the ninth grade mindset of thinking that getting a girl to like you is only a matter of convincing her of just how much you like her. Ghoulina again: I know. I don't see Donny as some sort of stealth brainiac but he sure is a nice guy and compared to Amber he actually is a genius. Most four year olds that know the straight edge pieces don't go smack in the middle of the puzzle. The facial hair: Caleb's face is already too short and square and he just makes it shorter when he edges it with that black line of beard. Sometimes he reminds me of Charlie Sheen and, for me, that's not a good thing at all.
  22. The most telling thing to me was the little old man who had seen the four killers outside a store. He said he had picked Sarah in the line-up but realized later it was because, just before the curtain opened to show the line-up, they had flashed a big picture of Sarah. I think it might have been a trick to overlay a false memory of that face on top of the real face of the real perpetrator. That would explain Linda saying that she saw the face so close and will never forget it, blah, blah. There really should be an investigation of Canyon, Idaho's courthouse.
  23. I think he's creepy and I love him for it. For me, his spooky voice and gaunt appearance just add to the horror of some of the crimes. Last night was the Idaho woman car-jacked, throat cut, stabbed 17 times, and left for dead by four young people. I felt sorry for her but even sorrier for Sarah who I'm sure didn't do it.
  24. I didn't see anybody's weight listed on the tracker so maybe they took that out? I did find it a little bit interesting. Some of the guys who did the most "fitness activity" actually had the least total steps and I thought the women burning around 1500 calories was interesting. I was always told women burned about 2000 per day. Maybe if they picked some of their clothes off the floor their hearts would burst.
  25. I agree Backformore. I think it would make the show, and the entire process, better if there was sort of an unwritten rule that if someone refuses to do an activity, or argues with the B about something -- she/he doesn't get cut at the very next rose ceremony. That person would be given a week to recover favor. It would add an element of freedom for the cast and it would make better viewing for me if more people felt able to talk back to the star. Eric was a good example. I didn't totally agree with his criticism of Andi's "acting," but it gave us a peek at Andi's angry side and she had a chance to tell us all how exhausting the show was for her. If she hadn't been able to send him off in a huff, Eric might have eventually become one of her favorites. Who doesn't like a person who respects us enough to demand our best?
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