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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. I felt a little tearful through the whole episode. I guess that's the problem with a season where I kind of like almost everyone. I loved seeing Caleb's parents, what a cute little boy he was and still is. I just realized Derrick's baby's name, "Tenley," is from reality TV. Tenley was a favorite on The Bachelor a few years ago. Now, I'm hoping reality TV will furnish the little family a half million along with the baby name.
  2. "Just cleaned this place last week and now it's completely trashed!" All across America women are saying, "Story of my dag-gum life." That was fun to watch, particularly Caleb who was heart broken over things like his mouse trap (for the imaginary mouse) being set off. I've tried to hate Caleb for Amber's sake, but I just love him these days. I may stalk him.
  3. He's an interrupter. If I made the rules that would be a hanging offence.
  4. I'm guessing Mountain Dew in his sippy cup from six months on.
  5. That's why I can't watch Scarlett Johansson in anything. Gweneth Paltrow's nasal, whiney voice is why I can't watch her. I used to be able to tolerate Diane Keaton, although she smiles too much in all her roles, but now that she's older her giggly little girl thing really grates. A sixty-something woman shouldn't need her girl friends to egg her on to go out with a man. That's a rom-com cliché I'm heartily sick of in any case. Amy Adamsalways seems smug and smirky to me.
  6. Come on now, Lacy, you can't blame the other women. You entered the show in a five ounce bikini and four pounds of make-up. I understood why the first morning when she was shown bare faced and looked like the raccoon might be her father. Marcus probably hasn't noticed and doesn't care. From his height he looks down at long eyelashes, modestly lowered over triple D implants, and just thinks about how kind she is. I'm happy for them though, they truly seem to be on the same page, reading at about fifth grade level. Poor Robert was in a tough position from the minute Sarah zeroed in on him. Unless he wanted to be more reviled than Kalon and Jesse combined, he couldn't break up with her. Neither could he sleep with her unless he planned to propose the next day. I couldn't help but notice the double standard with Michelle doing the very things she had attacked Jesse for last week. Talking about someone's physical attributes, bragging about positions and crudely talking about what was done in "every corner of the room," while they were alone. I think Cody seems sincere but I expect Michelle will be back next year licking her lips and pontificating for the camera. Loved the "where are they now," ending. I'll be back next year.
  7. Buh-un sounds like baby talk to me, too, but I think it's far more common in the north than the south or mid-west, so it's weirder to some of us. Yep. I was amazed that it took him so long to guess why they might be booing Christine. His first thought was that she might have been talking bad about him behind his back. Poor dumb Cody thinks everybody loves him as much as his daddy does. Caleb is growing on me. His awe over the country singer and Jeff and Jordan was kind of adorable. While Frankie pretends to be excited over everything, Caleb sincerely is. I also think he's put up with Frankie's excessive hugging and touching quite well. You can tell it makes him a little uncomfortable but he tries hard to hide it. I think underneath all the bragging and delusions he's a pretty nice guy.
  8. He has embarrassed me all season but that was the worst. I'm beginning to think he, and maybe his sister, secretly dream of being porn stars. Derrick, I know you're playing brilliantly but when it comes to voting day Caleb may not understand or appreciate a Brainmode game. This has become so boring. Eighteen minutes of people saying, "I really have to win this veto." Followed by a bunch of scripted stuff. Whatever happened to the premise of Big Brother sitting back and just watching people? I would seriously rather watch 18 minutes of Victoria putting on her make-up or someone cooking slop than anymore of these samey diary room speeches.
  9. I think women like Jackie are the reason plastic surgeons don't sign their work. Those bags of saline were designed to be covered in flesh thick enough to hide the sudden change in altitude and any little wrinkles of the bag itself. With a girl like Jackie who has zero body fat, it's probably going to result in a look that's rarely seen in nature no matter how skilled the doctor. I noticed on Sean's season that Jackie had really bright eyes and a very pretty face. I just think she'll improve when she gains a few pounds. Maybe she and Zack will get married and have muscular babies who don't talk until first grade. He seemed a little better now that he's with the woman of his dreams, but that long hesitation before he speaks always makes me want to put a crab down his pants.
  10. I agree Christy let Michelle talk her into making a fool of herself. The best thing to do if you find out a loser you dated is trash talking you is to hold one of those memory-eraser fountain pens in front of your face and blank him out. Then if someone says, "Jessie is talking about you," say "Jeffie? JessIe? Who?" and change the subject. Jesse's invitations are probably all to the sort of event where you come home with steak knives and a time-share by a lake in Chicago. I guess Marcus is there to prove the other extreme. A few months ago Andi was his ideal woman, a brunette, non-traditional woman who loved shooting and sports and had a law degree. Now his perfect woman seems like she probably had to have boyfriend help to get her GED and is terrified of ladders and bats. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Still in high-school determined to take the captain of the football team away from the head cheerleader just to prove she can. Run away Robert, she only dumped Dylan for you because all the women wanted you that day. Odd isn't it? I think maybe Lacy is what happens when a sallow, olive skinned, dark brunette decides to become a blonde.
  11. I'm guessing the dreamy doctor was drunk and somehow let the detective's son die. Now he wants the doctor's wife and son as replacements -- or something? The preponderance of peignoir negligee sets is starting to seem like a running joke. It would be fun to see them topped off with nurse Matron's chiffon cap.
  12. You nailed it, Beadgirl. My mother was an extremely happy, well-read, busy, creative homemaker, back in the day, and my father was not a patronizing jerk. He actually painted watercolors while she landscaped the yard and the neighbors didn't ostracize them! I'll be watching part two tonight, though. It's Sunday, it must be Masterpiece. I can't help myself.
  13. I thought Christine's Tim looked like Roy Orbison. Maybe he can sing. Maybe he can find someone who respects his feelings enough not to make him look like a sucker on national TV. Then again, if Christine was my daughter I would have been all, "She's just affectionate with everyone, people are taking it the wrong way, it doesn't mean anything, yada yada." They can yell at her after she gets home. I think Donny's biggest "mistake," was not being in the HOH room when Devin declared everyone there an alliance. I think BB Advice #1 should be: Be everywhere during the first few weeks. If Donny has watched BB all these years he must have noticed that the winners are not usually the nicest people. I'm always surprised when people get this far in the game and then expect to get to stay based on "I didn't do nuthin' to them." Donny has cast quite a few votes to evict by now and most of those people didn't do nothin' to him.
  14. Victoria seems to have an unreasonable fear of hurting herself and it's ruining her competitions. This is why girls should play sports! Of course, she should have gone straight for the $5000, but her brain is afraid of hurting itself, too, and I don't know what might have helped with that. I've developed a soft spot for her, she's just that pathetic. Donny's best skills are wasted cleaning kid's toilets. With his slow talking, sincerity he could sell sun-lamps in the Sahara. I hope his parents will watch him on, "Bold and Beautiful," even though it's not, "Gunsmoke." At least they sounded like Jeff had talked them into watching a few episodes of, "Big Brother." It looked like Derrick's wife has lost her baby weight while he's been gone. Cute! The baby girl, too! I have to hand it the Detonators for pretty much keeping their alliance together this far. Now it will be fun to watch them blow themselves up.
  15. Well alright then, Bugs. I probably dreamed it like I did Chris Bukowski's long legs.
  16. Caleb mentioned, "Rainman," so I think he was going for Autistic or Savant. I only wish. If Donny had any of Rainman's skills he would have aced that counting comp. I like Donny a lot, but I thought his reading the Team America assignment to make up a trick, instantly followed by, "I know! Let's save me!" was a little cringe worthy. The team America thing has already saved Donny and sent Nicole out once, after Derrick changed the plan to vote out Donny, in order to keep his $5000 checks coming. They've all three had enough advantage with that deal. Plus, no Donny, we didn't vote that we wanted you three to be together, we voted on individuals and you guys happened to be the top three. That said, Frankie's "show," was the worst. It's sad that what he considers his great talent is so bad. You're no Nathan Lane, Frankie. You're not even Wil Heuser. Not even close.
  17. I saw something somewhere (sorry that's as accurate as my brain gets these days) the show is deciding between Nick and Farmer Chris for the next bachelor. Could they be considering a double bachelor season? I've disliked Chris since the episode where he had just said something critical about one of the other guys (Nick?) and then he stretched back with his arms behind his head and lifted his upper lip in a self-satisfied, tooth sucking snarl. I swear it was ugly and made me think he has a mean side. Now, I want him to be TB so I can watch for it.
  18. " Marquel probably shamed them all into one drink per evening. Now, I'm quite disturbed thinking about some poor innocent girl spending a month's pay on Lacy's dress, never guessing it contains traces of vomit, bachelor franchise toilet rim germs, Mexican hospital super-germs, and neckline to hem Marcus sweat. I'd like to see it under one of those forensic black lights. JenE4 you started my day out right.
  19. I saw that and wasn't sure what I was looking at. I thought, if that means she has extensions, her own hair must be thinner than Marcus's. I hope Michelle takes charge of Cody's fluffy top knot before next week. With his pink skin and that tuft of blonde hair, he looks like a troll doll.
  20. I didn't remember her until the rose ceremony when I thought, "Oh yeah, I recognize that bitch face." I never knew if it was a fair representation of her attitude or she just had an unfortunate resting face. Now there's a third option -- chronic hangover.
  21. He does make an excellent therapist, but I'm afraid this group has proved too stressful for him. I noticed he was losing his hair in big patches. Poor Clare. She may end up joining the religious order by that name if her man-skills don't improve. Zach, the human sand dune, was never that into her. This show makes a good case for my theory that it's best to let the men do the initial choosing, simply because how the woman looks means so darn much to most visually powered dudes. I think Clare's hour glass figure is the bomb, but Zach was most attracted to wiry, little Jackie, a totally opposite type. If only Clare had talked to me instead of the raccoon, I would have steered her toward Cody who absolutely loved what he saw. They're so well suited! Both want a whirlwind courtship, both have a sunny disposition most of the time, she's a hair dresser, he's a physical trainer, they could open a spa... I had dreams. Michelle Money looked so gorgeous during the photo shoot and she looked so completely wrong with Cody. I'm so bored with her though. She spent so much time whining about not having anyone and now gets equal time saying, "I'm freaking out," over Cody's attentions. Not only does she get far too many talking heads, we always have to wait while she licks her lips before saying anything. Jesse's a hound dog but I don't see why he gets all the scorn and the two drunken idiots who crawled in bed with him get off Scot free. In the end, I think he chose Christy because he can call her "the blonde." He can't remember either of their names. Lacey and Marcus continue to make me feel smothered. The last thing I would want if I was sick and nauseated would be a big sweaty man all over me. Sarah sure turned into a sparkly princess after Robert kissed her. I though for a minute we had a whole new happy, confident, beautiful girl, but then she was back into her judgey ways by the end of the show. All in all I was mighty disappointed that Graham didn't refuse Ashley's rose and she didn't run into the woods screaming that all the other girls weren't even pretty while tripping over a lizard and spraining her ankle.
  22. Thank you for going there. I have tried so hard to like Sarah but I am currently finding her insufferable. She seems like such a high-school crowd follower. When Dylan liked her but all the other girls liked Robert -- she went after Robert. When Kalon was getting shot down by Jackie, she was obviously dying for the chance to do the same thing. She is always ready to cast, "I wasn't brought up that way," judgment or, we're all defending X-person, depending on how the wind blows. I'm wondering how Marquel's love life goes. First date, "You are so beautiful, I love how you dress. Do you like my style? Your shoes are fabulous. I usually don't kiss on the first date." Second date, "Hi. I was up all night compiling a list of your faults. Maybe if you perfect these flaws we could move forward with the relationship." I don't know if he's gay or frightened or what, but he really works hard at pushing the women away. All during Sean's season, I just raved about AshLee's flawless beauty, but the minute she said Clare wasn't even pretty, it jumped out at me that ashlee's forehead was too low. Almost Neanderthal, really.
  23. I hate Zach. After he told Clare that he didn't know if he would turn down a date card because, "It depends on the girl," I really expected her to walk away from him and never look back. Go toward the Cody, Clare! Zach doesn't have your back, he's only there until something better comes along and he doesn't have time to listen to your problems even when there's no ESPN. Run. Away. AshLee is tacky and creepy. Clare let her keep Graham and all AshLee has done in return is trash talk her. Kalon makes me laugh, slime ball though he is. He's like a David Spade character.
  24. I kept thinking of Mad Men's plot, too, and wonder if the detective was presumed killed during the war and the little boy is his. I also had trouble hearing most of the dialogue, it seemed the important bits were whispered under loud music. It was all just so unpleasantly angry-making. I know "things were different then," but a lot of it was just too hard to believe; the treatment of the older woman by her doctor ( did he really believe hormones would help with the sagging?) the chunky woman unclear on how babies are made, the gorgeous redhead desperate for a husband, for that matter, the gorgeous redhead well liked by other women in spite of all her exhibitionistic dancing, the pretty young secretary in hospital having an affair with the creepy,ugly married man. Who are we supposed to root for? The dark haired (married) nurse and the (married) doctor who's after her? After "Call the Midwife," I have nurses on a giant pedestal and don't want that to change. The sets and costumes are beautiful but other than that this is closer to 1950's pulp fiction ("The Bramble Bush") than any period's masterpiece.
  25. I don't think she used to have lashes like that, I'm afraid it's a new style. The wholesome single mother on Juan Pablo's season had points for lashes and I see ads for something called Miss Manga mascara that seems to clump lashes together on purpose. I guess it's one of those things I'll just have to get used to -- probably on the day it goes out of style. I have always liked Clare. I think she's one of those rare reality TV people who can't help being herself, even in front of the cameras, so we get what we came for, a fly on the wall look at a person "looking for love.". I think she really did want to go skinny dipping with Juan Pablo and he really did lead her on. Putz. 
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